Newspaper Page Text
Mr. and Mr*. B. K. Briesenick re
turned on the Maiiory steamer yes
Mrs. Julius May is bank from a pleas
ant visit to New York . ;
Mrt.TiK.mas Fuller left on Sunday
oigtu for Asheville, where she will
speniggAeverai months.
Mistßowcdb Gnfßo It quit* lI J , to
the rfgret i.f friends.
Mr*. 11. K, dußgnon, Mrs J C.
Stflss Hod children returned Sunday
from & visit lo Brooklyn,
Mis' Msrie DeVoa left ou Siturday
night for Atlanta, accompanied V# her
mother, Mrs. \V. H. UiVyr'f and ber
many friends hotpu.Tor her a speedy
ntHuru to her usual good health.
Mr. J. O. Stiles returned on Sunday
from a visit to his old home in Msl
Aire. John Alock and ohillren.of
Savannah, are visiting r datives in the
Mr. 'Thomas Fuller has recovered
from his reoent illness.
Miss Mads McDonald relumed Mon
day morning to her school at Freder
ioa, having oome over to attend the
services at the Presbyterian church
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrr. J, E. dußigaoo and
daughter, Mlsb Josephine, will return
to the oity Friday from a pleasant
visit to Fiat Kick, N. C.
;fashion notes.
Gold is to play a large part in wo
man’s wardrobe this year. TLere is
gold on bats and gold on gowns and
wraps—a touch of gold to lighten som
bre colors and to brighten tbs rich,
glowing colors.
• —■ ■ :0> . ,
Hals this season era picturesque and
ornamented with brooming matorial.
The Pope English walking sbspe and
the jaunty French turbin jjre to be
WSMV * •
Catarrh has become such a common
disease that a person entirely free from
this disgusting: complaint is seldom
with. It is customary toapeak of Catarrh
i m nothing more serious than a bad cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose ami
throat. Jt is, in fact, a complicated and
very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it
very soon Incomes so.
The blood is quickly contaminated by
the foul secretions, und the poison
through the gener*al circulation is carried
to all parts of the system.
Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis
factory and disappointing* because they
do not reach the seat of the trouble. S.
S. S. does. It cleanses the blcd of the
poison and eliminates from the system nil
catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor
oughly and permanently the worst cases.
Mr. V, IT. McAllister, of J;n*odr>Vnrß. Kr.,
writes: “Having Pecu n terrible sutfetei from
Catarrh, and being now
sound and well, the ques*
tion often nut to we is, f |HL
• What cured you?’ In an- W
swer 1 feci it my duty to / JSftl
state that Swift’s specific fvng.vw ; . rjfcS
is the medicine. lam QffyM pst WJJ
such a true lcHt ver in the yfij m$ 7
efficacy of Shift’s Specific PMMsY “J
that 1 can honestly and A*
conscientiously re com- Vy
mend it to any one suiTcr-j- L
ing from Oatmrh. Have */|M7
recommended it to many, p-v.; Vl&..
and am happy i 'Wv that ?;r%t!v
those whom i have (indue*
ed to use It can-bear tacoul in the statement that
it wilt cure any case of Catarrh if taken accord
tag to directions.'’ .>
j®>. * s the only f WffOTil
■a ftilile blow! puutiet
’Sfck It now ti.auiltl't'greate '
nil Wool medicines
W VP 1 and tonic-.
If you liave Catarrh ihy '} wait until it
becomes dcv;>-seated . t ut be
gin at once the tuagßr- ■. n ;l scud
for our book on blood akin diseases
anil write our physicians about your case.
extens vely Wirr. Graceful bata
trimmed with soft rosettes, tips or
simple bows, ere amarg the new im
portations for girlish face*. They
com-i in tbe new shade of “coque”
green or biscuit color and in round
shapes. Eirvuite and Gainsborough
“picture” effect*.
A pretty fa. c; is to have the srcck
match tbe hat.
<4 oft (rush cellars oi panne or lifccr
tyjsilk, four-ti.-iiaud, of trffet* end
huge “cbokey” l ows under Ihe oblu of,
plaid ribbon, mateting a p r sjfcle bow
In the sailor hat, are y fry gaiart,
Tbe broad gray fell hat.Jts to ba worn
for iirad-jr, rite Soon - ,
-. ' Bk ins i . -i. e
i'.robA; 1/ * “'Sk in
A smart Mid ■ i, g cjol
day* |Sj rlnou shirt/-
waists are
of blue taffeta and torchon inserting,
Uni-hod with a mill > down the front of
narrow Uoe, Fastened with pearl but
tons and worn with a gold ribbon bait
this practical blouse may do service
fer the autumn luncheon or any less
• dressy” ocoasicn when tbe informal
combination of a wafit and akirt is
Kevlar monthly meeting of the
literary and social department of A1 io-
Donell Epwortb League, will be held
Wednesday evening at the residence
of Mrs. Emily Harvey on *C” S reet.
Those wbaoomoare requested to bring
a free will offering to he
used in advancing tbs league’s inter
rets. A nice program, baa been ar
ranged, and all are promised a pleas
ant and profitable time, v
If they are weak and you feel nerv
ous and easily “fluatrated,” ean’t sleep,
and rise in the morning uprefresbed,
your blood is poof. Strong nerves de
pend upon rich, nourishing bloody
Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the nerves
strong by enriching and vital zluic the
blood. It give#swee., re f rehingive|i,
and completely curesimavous t.uublef.
Begin taking it today.
Nausea, indigestion are cured by
llood’g Pit A*
If you sre troubled with Kidney or
Bladder troubles,, such as Dropsy,
Bright's Dieesse, Catarrh, Gravel of
the Bladder, Albumen in Uriue, and
unhealthy deposits, or too frequent
discharge of the urine, p-.tu in the
back andsblsdder, dropsical swelling
of the feet and leg*, elo .eto., we
guarantee that by using Smith’s Sure
Kidney Cure, a oompleto onre will be
effected, Prtoe 50 cents. For sale by
all druggists.
Don't lie deceivedor humbugged bypeopl
who claim thodWcvery of some hitherto uu, in swamps. or on some
mountain or trait ie tor the cure of kidney and
bladder trouble., Any doctor or druggist Mill
toll you i hat such claims or fraudulent. Foley's
Kidney Cure simply contains remedies that are
recognized by the most skilful physician, as
best for these eoiuplaluts.So don't lie credulous
or foolish. TV. J. Putts.
Ki ns Ki na.-Quinine in a UsteJMS form,
without affecting lumedteinai value. coiSWiNeil
with mu tanilld and iron *JO't the thing for
children, l’teassnt til tag*. Ssc a bottle. For
sale by TV. 3. Butts, the dr^pist.
o -a. J i* r **. Ti JSi.
Bears the Il
of •
•• t ! c nr of
the n. h "o
anJ bfi.n.
ers, the the tyresd
winners in eyery sphere of life, sesm
ing to oboose for its victims those only
who can least be epared. Smito's Sure
'Kidney Care is the only tuuranUetf
[remedy for Bight’s Disease. Your
money back if >t failatooure. Frioe
iCO cents. For sale by Ail druggists.
Tn>: ERcxs'.vrK times-cali. ic, 1900
I 1
;, ?a £££&&% Ml I '<•?& . mi
W —iSSr • m
jggSj A £
lam so nervouß and wretched.” “ I feel as if I should
uy. How familiar these expressions are ! Little things
annoy you and make you irritable. You can’t sleep, you are
unlit for ordinary duties, and are subject to dizziness.
That bearing-down sensation helps to make you feel
You have backache and pains low down in the side, pain
m top of head, later on at the base of the brain.
Such a condition points unerringly to serious uterine
trouble. -1- -.w-***- .. ’
If you had written to Mrs. Pinkham when you first ex
perienced impaired vitality, you would have been spared
these hours or awful suffering.
Happiness will be gone out of your life forever, my sister,
unless you act promptly. Procure Lydia E. JPiukliam’s
"V egelabl© Compound at once. It is absolutely sure to
help you. Then write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., if
there is anything about your case you do not understand.
You peed not be afraid to tell her the things you could
not explain to the doctor—your letter is seen only by women
and is absolutely confidential. Mrs. Pinkham’s vast experi
ence with such troubles enables her to tell you just what is
best for you, and she will charge you nothing f6r her advice.
Mrs. Valentine Tells of Happy Results Accomplished by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
" Mrs. PtWKBAM It is with pleasure that . 1
I imM my testimony to your list. Imping It may Induce nSEßlsi||ljß^
others to avail themselves of the benefit of your val
uable remedy. Before taking Lydia E. Pink- OBT tSUh
ham’s Vegetable Conipoiind, I felt very bad, W
was terribly nervous and tired, had sick headaches, WS
no appetite, gnawing pain in stomach, pain ip my '-Wjf 'mr jS\f
back and right side, and so weak I couM scarcely %JL nt tv
stand. I was not able to do anything. Had sharp- IgL ff
liains all through my liody. Before 1 had taken half ■ 'JI
a bottle of your medicine, I found myself improv
ing I continual its use until I had taken four -
bottle*, and felt so well that I did not need to '■
take any more. lam like anew person, ’and your 7 j 17’/J W
medicine aliall always have my praise.”—Mrs. W, -St I,
P. VaJJENTine, 560 Ferry Avenue, Camden. N, J. IHP-SWP.VAU.NTINC.
SCfinn REWARD £: ’
, ■ . ... .. we * K-i*Mtry.pelifowa;' <• have
_ Kft iil deposited with the Naoonat Cfty Par-., oi Cyna, AjJS . ~000.
■ BID&IBI Which wu he paid to any prruon !ro ran lha? the above
U mM Hi n-.*t grnuiae. or , r ,-
writer's special permission,— T,ydia H. Mkotcimf Cos.
Our Oreatest Specialist
For 90 years Dr. J Newton Hath
away ttas so successfully 'tested chronic
diseases that ho is acltnt vledged today
to stand at the head of his * rofession in
this line. Hi. exclusive method of
treatment for Varicocele an a .Stricture
without the aid 01 huife or cautery
cures in SO per cent, of all cases. In
the treatment of- loss of vital fureas
nervous disorders, kidney ami urinarv
complaints, paralysit, blood poisoning,
rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecuK
iar to women, he is equally sgccesefill*
Dr. Hatbawav’-e practice rs more than
double that of aay other specialist.
Cases pronounced hopeless by othet
physicians, readiiy yield to bis treat
mout. Write him today fully about
your case Ua makes no charife for
consultation or advice, either at hie of
fice or bymail.
■’ *5 Bryan Street. Savannah, Oa
It Happened. la t Drug Store.
* “One day last winter a lady came to my drug
store and asked for a brand id cough medicine
that I did nut have lu stock,''say* Mr. C. 11
Uramfin, the popular druggist'of Ontario, K.v.
-She was disappointed and wanted to know
what ecmgh priparativo J could recommend, I
said ft* her'that t couTd freely recommend
CliambcrlsinN I'viugh RCiiicdv and that sho
ct 1 ItOttle t f the remedy and after
SflpFfi' l‘dr trial if she did not Dud it worth
impolicy to tiring back the liottlc and I would
refund ilio price paid, tn the course of a day
or two the lady came back In company with n
friend In t Cod eta cough iwateinn and advised
her to buy a lioie of rh.e*h*J'n's Cough
Remedy. ] consider ibay yfrr good tocoiun
ujendatlon for thoremi fJP 'fn, remedy owe#
Ua great populamj and evtouslre sale In a
largo luansuce to the personal ta-ooamendn
thww of people who havo'bia-u cured by it. use.
I t Is for wile at Pr. ltUhop's drug store.
M<,th 9tefeo‘ f°*Tf' l thug Pr, Moffetr.
■ l ' o *?‘' rs will cure fbelr
Rainy Day Hats.
Th*’ very ijest of the m ~sr favored are
show u in our asrorttnent,
Tiinssd aid l f Dtrissd Felt Hals
tr, a variety of shapes, tyle. and colors.
'Vhe have bought anti mide them up to sell
to tho-e nho doeiresotn mug servicealde. yet
pretty; goodi im. i w priced.
T.ioy arorljHii an;’, priced right.
Aimn’s d'.ot. Kiae, a iwiwlier It rures palnfui,
snmriiug, r.ervotis feet and iasitiMiue
inetantli takes the ■ i :ng cut el corns mud bun
ion®. i| a ih© comffrf dic(yvery of the
fio. Allen if fc<K>i-£a?e muiot or navt
fthoo fc©i cap. irl a certain cure for awcut
idk, callous anti bt, tired, aching f<set. Try it
-Vy •Udru*giais am! -hoe storea.
Ur niaii for a.>c in Mtani)V, itaeknco Free.
Address Allen 8. Ulmstead, Le Key, N. Y.
Haxdsom, Va,, Dec. 91.
I have been suffering from female -weak
ness for four years, and have taken many /
medicines, but Wine of Cardui and B’ack-
Draught have done more far roa than auy-> f y
thing elae. ■/s'T^’rj— §
WieTon) "
It is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are
Sick. There js danger in it Most of the so-ralted cures for ‘-female
weakness" do nothing more.thaa'deaden the pain temporarifv, and when
the effectwears away the patient is weaker sad sicker than before. It is.
never wise to take dunces. You have onty one life, and that is dear and
precious. If you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness in die femi
nine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of Cardui; It helps do
away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and
modifies Use pains of childbirth; recovery i$ rapid'ind future neahts is
assured. The Wine is purely veg.
etabto, being made of herbswhose 5 Ws* ABVIWM KM*T*S*T; .
medicirui properties act directly f For rrw m •** BP ii
upon the organs of womanhood.
It is a long-tried *Y<’av, and has > *ama>tu>.. cisutinoa**, T.aii.
Behind ffcdt ‘ —— — 1
tKure.Why take a chance ciedicSs when you can get a sure medicine
Druggists sell Large Bottles for $l.OO.
R EPAN S Minis
**+ ,
A Good '
>•, , Ufa
lor mankind
hr iv. mm*. II DrßjßrtM, C ncm, l aM rM
rknmJ Stores mm 4 fearbets *■
Tlrty bsstsh para, indurr tlrcp, lifa.
rmßtii So matter what'a the matter, mf wifi s
ff°4 TANARUS MM P I M, S, y .| MM.
*• -r ******* * WMMMalMfcm.
AND,] buil-de:r©
Of Stone< Brick and Frame Building
Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and Artificial Stone.
Coney & Parker
Coal and Wood, Brick,
Lime, Cement, Plaster, UaTf, Shingles and Laths.
Phone ]8 525 Bay sl.
■ sail mourn!..
; v 9
VO-vt t \ '• Wb':n th 1 * liquid* Come from our
' - "took. We carry sui-h b fine ilue of
C.f\ •/&? ines and Liquors
-V s '‘‘- " ' ? ' that it in impoMible to Owl a brand
’ip- V 'iwK which is nof pleaslßg in tome point,
~ Sjf The* poods re fully matu-cih
-jJ- -5| v - uvo Stine rich body und
- Excelient for family or any
h- v- Dovoai
lV - 206' Bay Sir /