The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    : - Typhoid Ferer Experience
Is not desired in your own per
son. A Doctor’s Observation
Is Valuable to All.
Bead That one say* about
: Johnson's Chill & Ferer Tnnin
“Last Fall we had a good deal of
Typho-Malaria, or perhaps Ty
phoid Fever Borne patients died;
some recovered after six or eight
weeks. After trying regular rem
edies two weeks, I gave Johnson’s
► Chill and Fever Tonic. In no ln-
W stance had It been given more
a a 514 hours, when fever cooled
KVn and did not return. Patients
grained good health rapidly”
J. F. KiWCakLOB, M. b.,
m Conway, Ark.
symptom, and
Savannah, Oa.
Bole Manufacturer.
One Popular Week!
Commencing /
m. ocim m
rv?|tinee Wednesday and
' -^Saturday.
Leaders in Modern Repertoire.
Specialties will be introduced
"between the ac s by
Tbe greatest aef bat'c comedian on
the Amer can stage
Charles D. Perubhi
The Great Child Artist.
Prices only 10,20, )oe.
" 18 YOLK fortuke "
Lamm Throw away Cosmetics.
American Women throw
/ aw ay seventy-!! c million
- —-{JaF 'v#L’, doil ar-. annually for fac
pow lera,lotions, etc., mo
which arc- made of poi# mons mbrMmces an
. the skiu. To seCuie a Natfthk’, Ros
Healthy Complexion, get a
r Restores original eontonr, permanently "re-
P>mpie3, freckles, and all
cempluxional impel fections.
Absolutely harmless Reulf guaranteed!
~particulars. Price *3.00 by mfcj
GJovck $2. aud $2.50 * -i
YIRGIN RUBBER CO., No Vest 14th St N. Y
Contractor and Builder,
ll.* Soutl; S onewa , Str ct.
Brunswick, - Georgia.
cure VOURstp •
eA iold by DrcnNis,
or s**nt-fn p’air. >rrt>r^
jsot?{e f*s2 v . 5^ 01
Circular cD*rocuo^*
! Pleasant to the taste.
Effective, reliable.
Eliminates uric acid. The best
remedy for Rheumatism and
and seases of the Stomach, Liver
Mtad Kidneys.
$1 a Bottle, at druga : &ti.
W 9. J. H. MCLEAN WECmC.NE fo.,
Mr. Julius Mays New Ssloon Colum
bia to Be Opened.
Mr. Julius May's handsome new sa
loon, The Columbia, corner of Glou
cester and Bsy streets, will be formal
ly opened tonighr.
Mr. Henry ilirech is to mans?* tbe
new place.
An orchestra from Savannah bag
been engaged to furnish music and a
good time is in store for all those who
is a;gorgeously bound
Work of art has just been issued a! an
outlay Of over SIOO,OOO, for which the
publishers desire a Manager in this
county, also a good solicitor; good
pay Jo the rigljt oarUtftfitfearlv 100
full-page engraving*, sumptuous pa
per, illuminated oovers and bindings;
over 200 golden lilies in the Morocco
bindings; nearly 50 golden roses in
tbe cloth bindings. Bells at sight;
presses running day and night, so
great is the sale, Christian men aod
women making fortunes taking orders.
Rapid promotion*. One Christian wo
man made olear SSOO in four weeks,
taking orders among her oburoh ac
quaintances and friends. Write us.
It may lead to a permaneut position
'o manage our business and look after
our large corresp-nderce, which you
can attend to right at your bom-. Ad
drees J. A. Knight, Secretary, Corco
ran building opposite United States
Treasury, Waeihingtou, O. C.
Seals, Stencils,
Badges, Cbcok Protectors,
Numbering Machines,
Steel and Brass Dies,
Steel Log Siamps, etc.
Will U, Fain, Agent.
312 Newcastle street.
The progressive nations of the world are the
great food conauming nations. Good food wel
digested g tea strength. If you cannot digest
all you eat, you need Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure, It
digests what you oat. Yon
6elf. It contains all of the digestffms combined
with the best known tonics and recohstrnotives
it will e\cn dsacsts all classes *f food* In j*Lot
tie. No other preparation will do tlxftU It in
stantly relieves and cures all stomoch ti oubleb
W J Butts
Pure W hiekey,j Harpt-i’a, Petfetr
AVhifk.y, Every buttle
Sold by'r. Xew-.
mao, 3runtMiviA, Ga.
& It Heals tho Luogi.
When suffering from a racking cough L<k(*
dose of Foley* • Iloney and Far. The soreness
will be relit ved'and a warn-, grateful fec-litig
aud healing \ t the parts affected will bo expe
rienced. Take eo substitute. W. J. Butts.
It is well to km&-<hat Dt Witt’s Witch Haze
Salve will bea) aud stop the j .ain 'at
ouce. It will dure ezeoma and skin disease,-'
;m<l ugly wotmds and sores, it in* a certain
cure for piles. Counterfeits may b j offered ypu'
See that you get the original I>eWitt‘s Wlttb
Hazel Salve. W,J. Butts.
Second hand household
furniture bought and sojd,
also pianos, organs, trunks,
mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W,
Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrencevllle, Va, writea:
*1 am m-ing Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure in my prac
tice among several ernes of ind gestion and find
it an admirable remedy.” Many hundreds o
physicians depend upon the use of Kodo! Dvs
• pepKta Cure in ■tomacb troubles. It digests
what you eat and allows you to eat ail the good
food you need, providing you do not overload
your stomach. Gives instant relief and a per
manent cute. W j. Butts.
For Diabetes use
F-eli in of ultty pet v.dc the houn l *1 lq„
tiw Onu Minute Co’igb rurc, lb- mij harir
-1, rerrtdj that pr'ditrei immediate letult*
It is infallible for eoufrhv.eolda, croup and a*
throat and !.mn troubiei. It will prevent eon
enmpuon w J. Butt..
Artesihu weiln lo t!-iv itsS6oet.
Rice and capacity ’ guarantied wi,
aiao guararteo to cnuple'e wells in u
days, Call on or address A. 11. Rnk r
Ilf* Gloucaster street.
I After He Comes
he has a hard enough time. Every
thing that the expectant mother
can do to help her child she should
do. One of tbe greatest blessings
she can give him is he Ith, but to
do this, she must have health her-
Z self. She should use every means
to improve her pliysical condition,
jj She should, by all means, supply
J herself with
| Motlier’s
p e . r
tf liniment which
M v \ gives strength
w'V. y-aX | and vigor to the
Ht \\Vl J muscles. Com- '
men sense will '
fig ' show you
' stronger the ;
muscles are, !
V nTi which bear the <
B|r strain, the less
•* * pain there will be. i
iving in Fort Wiiytie, '
“Mother's Friend did '
me. Praise (loiJU.ftir ;
it.” *
3 from Mtuci,- Cal. j
Mend is u pissing to
ytjd undergo nature's '
tier's friend at tho i
re. SI per bottle. ’
tfantr., Go. _ j
ti* IMnsi ~ttel book,-" Before 3
kihy is Porn/* )
Tin Bridge Korn Sickness to Health
a of pure drugs, and ate obUfchuitlo hero
at all liui-s aud any hour. IdiaUifyr atpelt of
Drugs and Medcines
should be fresh and pure ts of more importance
than its s zo. Ail orch*i = can lie lilted and m,a
way that will give health to tho i atiojH'anCi
satisfaction to the doctor.
B Itftuift trr
Civ,! s?j3 criminal cases attended to
•icsinesp ef.-lc’iy !<uCdentiJ. En
quires t!OEuvfc,Li. with s'fscreov.
T\/f fw n o -9“ r
Lr J, Laavy tSc Go
Anctionesrg Gem mission
Mercliaotf and frenw
al Collecting Agents
t? Solicited aa-d.
Prompt Übdc’ - <l.
Special' /-J to• ition J'*jggit*
of K**nw
-a —m
JOio yleQ
Selling, Renting, Repairing,
Messenger Service
We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford,
Eagle. Elk, Dixie,
Best of Wheels for the
Least IVlonev.
Wall Paper
—AT T ■ k
50*2 frltvak %t.
l aOPBIKI 08.
QtVARIS &* Lt\.,i.ASi
Cfnl:i Pf3diißa
—Ydg.tflnlcj etc,
h\u ooitfectionsr*.
Service By Publication.
STATE OP GEORGIA--County of Glynn.
John Rogers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, May
vs. > Term, 1900.
Susie Rogers. ) LIBKL FOR DIVORCE.
To the Defendant, Susie Rogers:
You are hereby c-unmandod to be and appear
at tbe December Term, next, of Glynn Superior
Court, to t)0 liolden at the court house in
ltiunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the
First Monday in December, 1900. and by Ten
(10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then
and there to answer the complaint of the plain
tiff in the above stated case in bis Libel for
Witness tbe Honorable Joseph W. Bennett,
Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County,
this the 10th day of J uly, 1900.
11. F. duBIGNON.
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn t ounty, Ga.
GEORGIA —Glynn County.
Mrs. Mary c. Ueppard vs. Jefferson Levy,
The. National Hank of Brunswick and the May
or ami Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par
Mon of realty in Glynn Superior court, Do
eem!>er Term thereof, 1900.
To ihe : efend rnt, Jefferson Levy:
You are hereby notified that the petitioner in
the above stated case will apply for a parti
tion of that real property iu the state
of Georgia, counsel Glynn and city of Brnns
v iek, described as follows: T. c Northeastern
portion of what is known as and called the
•‘Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells Tract!*’
hav ng the following course* and distances, lo
wH: Commencing at the centre of the South
urn tine of Union strtt and running thence
Saidhwardly LClOfoet; thence running Kast
wanlty 810 feet; thence running Northwardly
WHO feet; thence running Westwavdly 'B.V> feet,
except three certain smidl traclw heretofore
sold by the owners,*u<*h application for par
tjthin of said land will be trade at tho next
term of said, court to bo lipid in tbe first Mou
dko in Decembtfr ncNt,
This tioffcc given in pursuance of au order
fft’.ipted September '2S. 1900, by Hon. Paul K
Sen brook, judge of said court
Honorable Joseph W, Butmot being dtequallll©d
in SB Hi case.
Witness the Honorable Paul E. Seabrook,
jiidgoof said cdurt presiding, this October 1,
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn County, ’la.
SPA H Ivs ijh T W ITTY,
- • tp-
State of Georgia—County of Glynn.
M rs, Ella Markham Libel for divorce: in tho
Superior court of Glynn
county. May term, 1900,
__ „ Order to poi-fcct service
Martin B. Markham granted at said term.
To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham.
. *ou aro hereby required, in person or by at
torney, tp be and appear, at thq December
Term, 1900. of Glynn Superior court, to be Hold
en in and fox said county, at the court, house,in
Brunswick, Gtynii countv, CGorgin, on the first
Mondav iu Decemlier, 1900, ami you will he
there by ten (10) o'clock, of tlie forenoon of said
day, then and there to answer tbe complaint of
tbe plaintiff Mrg. .Ella Markham, in the above
staled case, in her libel for'ilivoreo.
minoss the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet,
JudMe of court of. Glyqh county,
tfris the 2ti fell August, 1900.
„ , A. O, TOWNSEND, .
Deputy Chmk of tbe Superior Court, GK*tn
Countv. Georgia.
Attorney Tor Plaintiff.
Mi*. Clyde Freeman, Lil*el"fnr IDivnivo. lie
-'■Hwn,. . turnoble to December
vs. 'Term, 1900, of sujjerior
O. J. Freeman, ty, Georgia.
To the said defendant, O. J. Freeman :
You are hereby required* personally or by
attorney, to be and appear at the next term of
the Superior Court of said, county, convening
on tho flr#t Monday in December, 1900, then and
there to answer tho plaintiff, Clyde Freeman,
upon the merit# of her potttiou for divorce filed
against, you; as In default of such apoefranee
the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper
tain. Witness the Hon Joseph W. Bonnet,
dudge of said Superior Court* this TM day of
Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glyun Cos., Ga.
D. W. KRA.USS, PHIPs. Atty.
State of Georgia—County of Glynn.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale
contained In the deed to secure debt from
Amanda A. Davis to the Brunswick Title
Guarantee and Loan Company, made, executed
ami delivered on the 21th day of February, 1892,
and which said deed to secure, debt Is duly re
corded oil pages 441, 442 ana 44 5 of Vol rof the
general records of GJynn|countv, Georgia, ref
erent <: thereto being had, the Brunswick Title
Guarantee and Loan company will expose and
offer for sub- to the highest and best bidder for
cash, before the court house door of Glynn
county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale,
on the 111 st Tuesday" in November,
1900, all of that certain tract, lot
ox parcel of land, with the buildings
am! improvements thereon situate lying and
being in the Old Town of the City of Bruns
wick, Gjynn county, Georgia, known amide
.‘cubed as the n mhOhslcrn 30\90 feet of Old
Town lot number twelve (1?\ bounded on tho
noi th by the eastern one-half of old town Jot
number eleven (11) ID feet; eat oy Oglethorpe
ntroet 30 feet; south by the remaining eastern
portion of mid lot number 12 90 feot, and west
by (he nortnwestern portion of said Old Town
lot number 12 < feet, aid Old Town lot num •
her 12 being Identified upon tho map of said
city made by George It. Baldwin a. I). ISH7, to
which refmcricc is hereby had for tbe purpo e e
of liquidatingjhe.infletneducfig due said com
pany by tbe said grantor, namely, ff. 00 .00 prin
cipal debt, besides interest unto the first Tues
day in November, 1900. amounting to s*l7.3:j,
and tbe fnither&um o£*9Co as cost# of adv r
Using t.iiis sme.
ByC. P. GOODYEAR, President.
Attests W. K. Kay. Sec * Treas.
Tho public Is hcrebv notified (hat. a bill will
bo offer el at the next at.-ion of the lektslvtuvc
amending the charter of the city of Brunswick
K. K. HOl'fUKi,
Brunswick, Ga„ Hept. 27, IDOJ.
Administrators Notice,
AM person® h;iving claims against estate of
.1 G. Camplfell will present them to the under
fiignort, and all owing said estate will olease
pay their accounts to J. J. SPKARB,
Adm’r. Ftate J. G. Ciunopi>ell.
Blootlworth & Jones
New Liverv Stables
New Biig^jes
Fine Horses
i’rompt attention given ah
orders. Duyage a
ialty. Y"
Phone 24-S? - Jk St
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi
nary of said county, I will sell at public outcry
on the first Tuesday in November, 1900. at tbe
court house iu said countv, within the legal
hours of Bale, the follow ing described lands, the
property of the estate of Bridget Minehan, de
ceased, situate in the City ot Braunswick, iu
said state and county, to wit: Lois numbers
twelve hundred and thirty-seven (1237). twelve
hundred and thirty eight (1238), twelve nuudred
and thirty-nine (1239), twelve hundred and
forty (1240), six hundred and forty-two (342),
and six hundred and forty-three (643), respec
tively, each of said lots being in that portion of
said city commonly called “New Town,’’ ami
designated upon the map of the plau of said
city as made by Geo. R. Baldwin, serveyor, A.
U. 18S7, and of the addition thereto,by the num
bers above described, and to which map and to
the order of said.court of ordinary aforesaid,
reference is made for all purposes of desoiip
Also, theunoxpired leasehold interest in
and to the following lots or parcels of land sit
uate in the city of Brunswoek. and in that part
thereof commonly called “Town Commons, ’ to
wlt: That portiou of lot number seventy-live
(75) fronting forty v4O) feet on Amherst street
and ninety (90) feet on J street, the leasehold
therein expiring upon March 21, 1967; lot num
ber one hundred and thirty-five (135), bounded
east by Albany street, south by L street,
l>> Wolfe street aud north by lot number one
bundled and thirty four, and having a front
upon Albany and Wolfe streets respectively of
ninety (99) feet and a depth between said streets
of hand ted and ei.hty (130) feet.
Also, that portion oi lot number one hundred
and thirty-four. (I.JU younded east by Albany
street, south by loti and
thin* -five (135)* yjk* .J'7 ~J Tit root, aud
u *rt;, pv U,; * * . Im thirty
T!wu Com 'being
made v ttti u V?=y v r ‘ v Tu~Woi wliat is coni
nionly called ,f# of the Town
Commons oCsaid city'UT file in the office of the
mayor and council thereof. Terms of sale cash.
-This October 8, lfiOe. ROSKNDO TOURAB,
Administrator non etc. Bridget M ino
lian, deceased.
State of Gcoi gia—County of Glynn.
Mrs. Lizzie Long Libel for divorce; In the
Superior court of Glynn
vs. county. May term, 1900.
mi . , Order to perfect service,
Thomas A. Long, granted at said term.
_ To the Defendant,Thomas A. Long.
You aro hereby required, in person or by at
torney, p be and appear, at the Decomber
term, 1900,0f tbe Glynn Superior court, to be
liolden in and for said county, at the court
house in Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, on
the first Monday in December, 1900, and you
will be there by ton (10) o’clock of the forenoon
of said day, then and there to answer the com
plaint of the plaintiff'. Mi's. Lizzie Long, in the
above stated case, in her libel for divorce.
Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet,
Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county,
this the 24th day of August, 191*0.
. ‘ , . A. O. TOWNSEND,
Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn
Countv. Gootjrtn.
ERNEST llAtt'lf-
Attorney for Plaintiff,
GEOBci -Glynn County
> U rbanus Dart, of G!ynn county, in said State
has applied to the Ordinary of said county of
Glynn for exemption of personalty and setting
apart and valuation of homestead, and i wifi
pass upon the s ime at 10 o’clock a. m. uponAhu
15th day of October, 1900, at tho court hHrffcin
said cotinty of Glynn. This SeptcinbcrH?ffob,
Judge City Court of Brunswick and nro liac
vice Ordinary Glynn County, Georgia,
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
W'horeas, Elia J. Jennings, administratrix of
George W. Calvin estate, represents to the
court in her petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that she has fully administered George
W. Calvin’s estate. This i.s, therefore, to cite
all pel-sous com*® neil, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any.they can. why ,*aicl ad
ministratrix should not be .discharged from
administration, and receive, letters of dismis
sion on the first Monduy December, 1900.
HOUaOE Dart, Ordinary.
Mrs. Mary Mahoney having made appfica
uon for twelve rnmiths’ suppon.out of the
estate of fimothy Muhoney, und app’ttisers
duly appointed to set apart the same having
<Uwi their retinu, all person?* eoncernetl are
ttereby required to show cause before the court
of ordinary .of said couniy on the lint Monday
in November, iwri.why aald appiieftSion should
not be granted. This <tl* day 01 A gent’ er.liajo.
- HOBACK DAfW&rdinary.
Lorena Turner, wife of Aif red Tinner, has
applied for '•sormrtjon of personality an J sett
ing'apart and valuation of homestead out of
li pi-openy;tmi I will pass upon the bam- at
10 o clock a rn.. on the 22. id flay of Oclober.l9oo,
at my office. This September i'.hh, 1900.
II 011 A Cl 4 ’ DART,
Ordinary Glynn Comity, ba.
Georgia—Glynn County.
Mrs. Fannie A. Smith has applied for exemp
tion of portion all v and the petting apart and
\ aloation pf horouHtead out of the estate of II-
C, Hinilh. aecea ed, late of said county and
state, and I will pass upon the iume at . ten
o’clock a. m ,on the 22ml day of October, 1900,
at my office in the court house of said countv
and state.
Ordinary Glynn County, Ga.
State of Georgia—County of Glynn.
Mrs. Edna Wylie Libel for divorce; in the
Superior court of Glynn
- vb. county, May term, 1900,
order to perfect seryice,
Jaraea y> jlle. granted at said term.
To the tv fondant, James Wylie.
You as* hereby required, in person or by at
torney, to be and appear at the December
term, 1000, of Glynn Superior com 1.1 ’el ld
cn In and for aaid county, at the <• - ho i*e,
in Brunswick. Glynn eounty, Ge- .on the
first Monday ih December, 1900. tud \ u w 4 ij
be there b / ten' (tOj o’clock of the forenoon of
said day, then and the'© to am we i the com
plaint of the plaintiff. Mrs. Edna Wylie, i.i the
al*ove stated ease, in her Itkgt/nr tivorce.
Witness the Hono ab.o TRtej h W. Bonnet.
Judge of the Superior cojart 4 GR-un c mniv
this the 24!b d.y of Migiin,
f Deputy Wrk !
county. Georgia K'
♦ JINK.s'U D Ap. r A
Attorney for P/aiatifl^,
—0: /
John M Steftle ~n for rf- !
Jaiue ffudler. formerly <n oval of
Janie *ted< / d/h'.Hßtea
Notice i bench. *jvm t’ at m, the t;tn iiu, ;
October, I 00, the urv signed IJleo in tb office
of tiiu c of the uppidor court of Glynn
county hU it fdicvt ou i > of the dia
bildi' rt k -f: #uon him under ti n verdict and
judgment mMk) ed tu mud court May v t, moo
in tin-am* of Mh funner wifi, Jame Steele,
agafust him fo* - nh oi e.and tlitt ‘aid Hyphen
tion will be hen , and at the term m -aid f. , -t j Mi .
uimilngon the tlr-t, Monday in Deceuio, r next.
This October R p/hi.
GEORGIA, Glynn County.
Will be sold before tho courthouse door in
on t ! ie fll 8t Tuesday iu Noyember,
1900. the same being the 6th day thereof, within
tho legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property to-wit: One roilei
topde9k, six(G) oak mantels, throe (3) large
tombstones, five (5) small tombstones, one Mos
ier iron safe. Levied on as the property of the
defendant, Reed E. LaMance, to satisfy an exe
cution issued from tho City court of Bruns
wick, county of Glynn, at the March term, 1899,
in favor of Swlngler <& Falconer for three hun
dred aud eighty-one dollars and four cents
($881.04) principal, with interest thereon from
December 14,1896, at 6 par cent, per annum
until pni 1 and all costs. made aud re
turned to mo by E. F. Tayxor, deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property to-wit: That cer
tain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being in the city of Brunswick, county of
Glynn, .state of Georgia, and known and de
scribed on map of said city made in
the year 1837 as tbe southwest one-ajfeth (1-6) of
Old Town lot uutnber 64. Levied on as the
property of the estate of J. J. Door’ under and
by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read,
tax collector, for state and county taxes due for
the year 1899. Amount of tax $25.00 with inter
est and all costs. Levy made and returned to
me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Also at tho same time and place,
the following described property towit: Those
certain lots, tracts or parcels of land situate,
lying and being in the city of Brunswick, coun
ty ofGlynn, state of Georgia, and known aud
described on Simmons* map of said city, made
in the year 1891. as Habersham park lots num
bers 70,77,9 L anil 92, between Lee and Gordon
streets. Levied on ns the property of Mrs. F.
E. Habersham under and by virtue of an exe
cution issued by If. J. Read, tax collector, for
state and county taxes due for the year 1899.
Amount of taxes SSO with interest and all cost.
Levy made and returned to me by R. S Pylea
deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and place, tb*
following described property tow it: That cer
tain lot or tract of land situate, lying and be
ing in the 27th district G. M.. county of Glynu,
state of Georgia, and known as a part of Colo
nel’s island, containiug two hundred (200) acres
more or less. Bounded on the north'by lands
of the South Brunswick Railway Cos., on the
west by Fancy Bluff creek, on the south and
east by lands of the Brunswick Dock Cos, Lev
ied on as the property of said Brunswick Dock
Cos. under ana by virtue of an execution issued
by 11. J. Read,tax collector,for state aud county
taxes due for tho year 1899. Amount of tax one
hundred and twenty-live dollars ($125.) with
interest and all costs. Levy made aud return
ed to me by It, 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Sheriff Glynn County,Ga.
GEORG I A—Glynn County,
To whom it may concern: H. J. Read having
iu proper form applied to mo for permanent
letters of administration on the estate ot
George McArthur, late of said county, this is to
cite all and singular, the creditors and next of
kin or George McArthur to bo and appear at
my office within the time allowed by law and
show cause, if any they can, why t ennauent
administration should not be granted to 11. J
Read on George McArthur’s estate. Witness
my hand official signature t his 12th day 'Of Oc
tober, 19C0. HORACE DART,
Ollice City Clerk, Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 1,1900.
in accordance with Section A of the amended
ebar'er ol the City of Brunswick, apuroved
November 13, 188!!, 1 will ,011 the llret Monday in
October, l!*oo, at 10 a. m., open the books for tbe
registration of tbo qu!illfl,ct (to be qnalllied to
register all State, Comity and City Taxet, must
tie paid) voters of tbo city of lirunswick, Ga ,
and keep tbe same open until the drat Monday
in November, limp, L 0. HOCb’l , Work.'
GFORGIA—GIynn County.
To whom it niav eoncern: A. C. Shannon
ha ving in proper form applied to me for per
manent letters'of administration upon the es
tate of D, F. Sleeper, of said county, deceased,
thisit. to cite tno creditors and next of kin of
said deceased to ho appear at my office
within the time required lw law ami show
causo, if any, why permanent letters should not
toe granted lo the applicant as nrnyed for.
w itnc.s my official tlgnature tills litli of Octo
ber, lUOO. HORACK DA RT, Ordinary.
| ITliig is to notify all persona concerm’d that
there will beintrodii ceil at tbs next tession of
the general assembly of Goorgia, a bill to W
entitled. An Act to Prohibit Alt Persons from
Setting Fire to ami Burning Woods Within the
Limits of Glynn County in Said State: to Pre
seribo a Penalty Therefor, and for Ollier Pur
poses, Tain October ir,, woo.
For tho purpose of collecting the State and
Couniy Tax for Wo\ I will be at tlie followinK
.district precincts on dates named, to-wit:
23 List. Oet. 27. Nov. 11l and Doc. 3.
27 List, Odfctt;. Nov so and Dec. I.
133# Dist. <m . 23. Not .21 and Dee li.
11 3 Hist (ict. 24, Nov. 22 and Pec 7
20 Dm*. Oct. 29, 30. 81, Nov. 23,24, 20. and Dec.
*. 1(l i 11. IL.I. Ukad,
T. <2. Giynn Cos,
; Good Positions
if* ifet?? B/active .Vide
Young Men
r Lr^i^xßu^riess^ilrse
! f
I SendAr CataJ/yu&
wMPL[.7?/0/Pow/y./t %£
most fatal of all dis
cm CY’Q W3MEY GUHt Is 8
iULI I O Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
M -~ recognized by emi-
Itvtn px /sicians a" the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and 5 J.OO. O
W, J. Batts. U.i i uttißt .
KARTt <rs
btßutiflf* the itnlr.
iluxur tint "row th,
*to Bettor.' Ora 7
n Youthful Color.
J’uft end htilin^