The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 WHY | go away from home to have your EYES treated and fitted with Glasses when you can have the same JM&p '*£' here just as accurately and got Is* Sane Money | and get just as strong guarantee We 51 refer you to any one who has Twins lit -5i them with prescription lenses. If your S Eyes trouble you in any way stall, call 51 on me and I will examine them FREE and 51 tell you what you need. We have glasses 51 from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy a the expensive ones unless you want to. § Examination ood Mion Fl.- 1 KENNON MOTT, | Jeweler and Graduate Optician. US Newcantlo .Street, Inspector of Wetchee for Southern Hallway. Time by Wire flail, from Wauhlnglou 2 CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLIBHED 1889. CHUE HALL. Propriet6f “ Youfcan get the best the market affords by eating hei*® 215 GRANT ST. t-fP M. MOFFETT’S A Allap Irritation, Aids Digestion, SI I tt IHIN/I JEsssss Pl* / -*■_ (Teething Powders) JLJL TEETHINA Relieve the Bow> Ejkfc Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, ""$Sv y Or m U 86ctato to C. J. MOFFETT, M. 0.. ST. LOUiS.r Skirts and Waists. „ : j • tssmsms: 1 he new shades in Flannel • KStUBIKte t. ■ W ▼ • • 1 *"■ l ■"*' *'“'*■* **"“ Waists are in. Lavender, Old Rose, Blue, Red and Black. $2.50 to $3.50. Skirts in all grades, either walking or regular lengths. LEv Y ’ s TEL BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 16, 1900. WANT BYRD TO HOLD IT Simulation About Bis Appointment. WAS FOR IFF YEARS But Order Reads for Two Weeks Military Viess the Matter. Jui' now tbe military boy* oi B'unr w’ok and, in fact, ail df*r tbe *ist are wondering wjietftrr or not Aijo tant usneral Pat! G. Byrd wjii retain fcrts reoeutly iaened commission for oyer two weeks. There is something of tbe myster ious conceded witb tbe appointment, and a bfstory of it„is intercting. It will be remembertd that Gen. Byrd bad many opponents. Ad of tbem were knocked out by bis being appointed. The order appointing him read for “two weeks” but wben Gover nor Cand'er issued bis eotnmisslon it read for “three years.” Of couree Gen. Byrd’s friends bere, and they are many, *re deiigh’ed ‘.at bis Ap pointment. They tbiirH Wfri now ha hirlt, hi* good ftdiij.will cause bim to serve the entire , three years. Seme of tli’ newejjiaper m“n are writing that a secret coiupaot e* ats between Giv Candler and and by wbic| |be clever AdjuUlfl (Lne-s! A £ gw* -A, is to resign ehorrly and gu'to South Am*fo*, where his brother has a fAfm, O'r. Byrd adntttt be' l going to South America, but be will - only be sway one mculh on tbe trip. Of oourse be could secure leers of ab trouacffloiai duties (or this pe riod, end thwapyaould be no need for ***' lit 111 to tHflftt. In support of thir theory Gen. Byrd states that he has bsen working for tins offi :e for tire iyeare and would bavt* worktd ten >hr- or a lifetime more, if neeesssry, Bit' to hare secured It. Tuerefore, it seems tbat be would not allow a sentiment notion to guide him in resigning so loon is bo got the office in tfi grasp. The concensus of opinion in this' ■section is that the new Adjutant Gen eral will “hold what he’s got," and if bs does not there will be mauy warm supporters of bim down this way who will be sadly disappointed. Gen. Byrd is accredited by Uioee who know best, with haring made an ex ceptionallj tine record as acting Adju tant General during seine eighteen months of the late lamented G ;nerai Kell’s term, and tbia record now stand* him in good stead. He was a loyal friend to Got. Candler and it ie not thought that the distinguished chief executire would hare oommis sioned him for three years if be bad 001 Intended for bim to bold it tbat length of time. The sentiment of tbe Brunswick end Byrd’s support is decidedly farorable to bis bolding on to tbe of floe and not gire it up until bis three year commission expiree, and this is wbat be will probably do. There are a lot of men in who want the office, betas it is not to go to an old Veteran, tbe Governor oouid not bare done better than appoint bis deroted friend, PJbU G. Byrd. SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES A Days Doings as Gathered hy The Times-Call Reporters MATTERS PERSONAL AND GENERAL BRIEF STATEMENTS OF THE MANY THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE BUSY ROUND OF LIFE- Mr, 8. P. Watson, of Atlanta, was in the rily yarlerdsy. Mr. E. H. Crawley, of Waycroaa, was lc tbe city yesterday, Mr. C. B. Coatee, ot Macon, is regis tered at the Oglethorpe. Mr. J. A. Foiler, of St. Simon, sp-nt yesterday in the city, 'Mjr. K - S'- King, of Atlanta, was aoittsgfciiie amrai* at tbo Oglethorpe yesterd* , *■ ; ”~%2 Mr. W, C, St, Glair, representing Gentry’* dog and pony ehow, Was in the city Yesterday. Hor.ce Cadone a negro well known in Brunswick, died Sunday and was buried yeeteriay. Svit rbeum, witb its burning, sting ing, a inging sensaMoo, is due to poor blood, and is cured by Hood’* Sarsa parilla, tbe great blood purifier. TO CUBA A COLD Ilf ONE DAY Take Laxative Biomo Quinine Telitete. At drusglaUrefund tire money it it cure. K. W. krttti(tn*iure la on each bo*. Sic. Grand Millinery opening next Tues day And Wednesday, October 23 end 24, at Mis* KsteSiateiV -ft**...- i TT— SSSB Ftmllne fo*f*> and 4*mtstie suitings at Winter’s. >- ■ f. ■ tl.-a. and Millinery opening next J ue*#. dsy %*d flVudnei-day, Gatober 23 an A 34, at. Mlfse Kate Sister’*. Talk about fun, but yiu will sure JMt year sides laughing at the old 1 mSatds Friday, Oat., R Urmea-p Artn.ry. Admission iiScts. Grand Mllltnery opening next Tues day and Wednesday, October 23 and 24, at Miss Kate Stater’e. A good time for all at the opening of JUHVie May's Columbia, luu'ght. Money loaned on personal property -ad roal estate. Ap* ply to J. W. Wattcioh. A Savannah oreij-aatra will tut-oisK music-at the epeming of Stf. May’s new saloon, the Corarabla, to nigh*. JSfCond hand household furniture bought and sold; also piano?, organs,-tnnUtS, mirrors, carpets,.'etc- J. W: Watkins. Mil III! Large Oval Cans MACKEREL with Tomato Sauce, per can 20C. G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLER. PHONE 15*. w- m GENUINE > OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy: ( “As Ever Unexcelled.’’ 10 Cents. W J BUTTS, The .Druggist. “On the Corner.” BROWN DRUG COMPANY’S^ stock of Drugs and Druggists -fiindries is complete and we sell at the lowest prices possible for pure drugs. OUR DRUGGISTS' are competent men and men of moral and temperate habits. All we want to prove to you the above assertion is a fair trial, BROWN DRUG CO. LEADING DRUGGISTS. FRESfIJ LOTwt^—^ NUSKALLY’S GANDIES. w- u . Mf^rr(SfL Summer _ x Bargains TN £Km£ rwnltun A clearance sale to make room for new goods. I I’arlor t-ult, !’* pieces, vrurth 1 Oak Refr'g-raror, worth S2O, nnwfln. 1 Oik B>cd Kuom Hone, 8 piece.*, worth $25, now $lB liijPi: JjPj Bed Loung-s, worth flfl, now sl2. Qp' Centre Tablet so cents to SC. £oe Cream Frreiers worth $2.50 at $1.98. By-'. HI A large assortment of Sideboards, JCupboards BP and Chairs. JK’ **) Prices Below the Market, jfcpi S. McSARVEY. pit LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF -KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. *=—— N °T MADE BY A-.TRUST’ I- Trager & Cos„ Independent Distillery Exclusively in Braunswick by k F=fASV- t=CDt_jbiL_A©, J 206*Bav Street.