Newspaper Page Text
'Will Hand Over Gash
to Sesl Bcclaimer, _
• .*• '
t nyfttl ' Uctimy School-
Should be Repre
sented. v
•til! -{firyr:'" , :.?*§
■Senior i
J>ott Si.'-WUI you Kindly print
this r.otlce iu your valuable paper.
fiie Educational Department of the
£uu > ilit (-0 to held at Valdosta, com
mincing October 20 am! ending Nov-
Vnsttr 3rd-) will be one of its chief
s.UraeUor.fc . ThU Is anew department
tud the Wlregra.'js counties ero re
ef ending nobly to.the call.
Beside* the premiums that Tfl he
given by ihe■Agriout-'dral Society and
the Awerfvku Book Company to boya
pnd girle In the oratorical contest and
tßsay*, the' Plant System notified me
today they Will giye- cash premiums to
the best dec aimer, open to students In
any school In Georgia, Florida and
Alabama, situated on the lino through
which their road runs.
ADy information I will gladly give.
Yours tiuly,
W. B BuaßOßOffl,
Superintendent Department Education,
Georgia State Fair,
It seeme a little strange that Glynn
county, the metropolis of th's district,
should hive no representative in this
content, and the Giicss-Cai-i, B forced
to admit fbat it does not speak very
, veil for Ihe educational Rdvtu tageg
wo taye here. *
We ofTar One Uundred Dollars Re
"'-—t-w j >^j * cft'seof <A:arrfa that car,-
t i ■ < air |
Vw*i ■
a; u bn.;eve mfbebtL Jr
in ii; Unht<MiliM^aeu<>ne,wn'j ImW :
c.Mly -;bie to csrry out any cb’-gatirfi*
htsde by ti.eir firm. /
\Ve*t <5. Tmsa, wholesale druggists',
Toldoi 0.
Walding Kmnan, who! fa e
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hr! Pa UtUrih Cure is taken Inter
ally, aoMng difectly upon the Wood
and mucous surfaces of tbs system.
Testimonials srnt free. Price 76c, per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s
Family PHU are the best .
•‘Pap” GoldsmithJ** het $5,000 to
next the United States, and
from the Oglethorpe hotel
To the park with his coat turned wrong
side out beating a base drffm II McKinley
is elected. At 306 Glocuster street, cor.
Grant, you will had the only first class
family Liquor Store in Brunsw ek.
Pure Whiskey, Harper’s. Perfect
W'bifkey, Harper’s. Every bottle
guaranteed Harper’s. Sold by T. New
man, Brunswick, Ga,
Most exquisite line of Hat? ever
shown in Brunswick will be seen at
Miss Kate Slater’s next Tuesday and
Wednesday, October 23 and 24.
v '
- > f'i M
*• * " :>?■. J. ' ’•*■.. , -
Another shipment ot the latest novelties in the Millinery Lin*
comprising some ot the handsomest
<v Pattern JHats,
as ready-to-wear headgears ever shown in Brunswick just re
cJflKn yesterday’s Mallory steamer.
Racket Store,
308 Newcastle Street.
‘•The Old Reliable,” Mr. B. F.
Lebep, hes conneeieu himself with
Mr. F. Joseph DcertHngvr, who has
purchased the bakery and confection
ery oi Mr. J. M. Hoodehpyle, corner
Monk and Newcastle streets, and Is
now prepared to fum+eli his old friends,
and the public generally, with every
thing fresh :n his Hue.
Pain Killer as an internal rerpedy'
has no equal. la cases cf rummer
complaints, diarriw,;*, and stntrry, yt
cures quickly. Used *e an ointment
j.if* action is like magic, when applied
; to bid sores,burps-, scalds, aifd sprains;
j For the .sick hadacha and toothache*
iden’t fail tc try if. r n short, it is
! paia-K’Her. Avofd Mibstjfutse. T< ere
us. hut use Paiu-K )l.r, Pisrfy Davis’.
Strict 25„ at.d gd-.
rj iKni’f. .
M'lst 1 egqi;te ■■Us?' of Uitsever
shown in Krotiawlftk *Oll pc wen >t
M':Kste S. ; u r Sr , a;Csx*. sud
Wednesday, (r/tfiber 28 ayd- Sit; V ' .f" j
Th& Sm&Si
v-'>* />-• JSrtjpSfc*
That K -wfi’exe op me people feel
all ti'.e ■
They are likely to be despondent
and It- is hot unusual to find them
borrowing trouble as it they hhtJn’i'
enoilgh already. •
The fact is their kidneys are wtak,
either naluraliy dr because.of
exposure, worry or other iuf!uencSc , . <>! "
J f • V;
“1 mi tkankful to -.ay,” writes.J, L. 6*h
bH. of Sycamore. 111., •' K-od’e sir.apv
rifts has cured me. for many >%'sr* l
troubled wit# 'mckaebK-'At times fw-su. so
bad I had to be K.ipcd from the <diair.
1 am now well aud stronft am! £rv from
What this ureat medlctue did tor him u hu
done for others. ; .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keepsrb#-
promise. Begin treatment with
Hood’s today.
Hecker’s Self-Raising Buckwheat and pan cake
Flour, Pearl Flakes and plain Buckwheat, Graham
Flour, New Evaporated Peaches ; also Heinz’s Fine
Preserves in five-pound crocks
;.: , • ' . - - • ' j Vv ,'
.Phone 159. 219 Newcastle St,
Wtrk i>l tt iawiftiV
desirg a.. in tfclrf
cottuty ; . also. 4 ; feed follcitor; -good
pay to tho right party. N-urlj lhO
fhH-pagi* engraving-', Kip!a ; ia pi
per, iHumrcatgi cover* and biddings;
qvi-r 200 gatUefl TiUee in tbe Morocco
Wndttigs; cearly 50 golden rpaef in
ih'tf ctetb binding#. Sells at sight;
presses rueuing day and sight, so
gfreat Is the sab, Christian men and
women making flWhnfes taking order#.'
fttpiti proiao'iurr*. One Christian wo
,uisn made ctggr fafiO io foer-weeks,
taking orders among her church ae
quslntances and fried*. Write us,
it may le*d to a permanact position
tojnauage oar bt*i Pass ad look after
latiYlargo correspaadence, whioh you
can attend to right at your horns. Ad
dress .7. A. Knight, Secretary, Corco-
raa buildin-f;, opp w’v T dsad tit*w
Treasury, $Y;t h eg .tu •>. o.
SsaJh, strhctis,
Badge-i, Check Pr-.t,ectorr,. . .
Numberiug Machine*,
Btet lsnd Bra;a Dies,
S’.eet Leg l amps, etc.
tVn.i B,, Agent.
312 Kewcastls etrest.
• ' 4 1-ave t,vrjr llouey a* 4 Tar
ccroii'h BiuJivine aad thick in the
world,” sayr- 1.t.;,- 8.-:.4cr,.t aewedoakvv.f Erie
Pa, Tat-. so euljStUute, ,v J BnU.
Torturing akw eruptions, hums and
sores, are shotted at once aod prompt
ly healed by applying DeWitl’a Witch
Raael Salye, the best knevro cure for
piles. Beware of woitbiess counter
feits , W. J. Butts,
It la well tc know th( lh-Witt's "itch Hate
tSiiT® will fjt Ixirh* and stop n,e j&in ct
i,o*c. It will lute emoins and thin disuse,
and xowuda aid sore. It is & c, rtaio
cure lot piles. Counterfeits may be offered you
Se; that yon get tho origins! lk-Wtu’s Witch
JHtsrel ssl .r. W, 2, Kotu.
Moat exquisite Hue of Hats ever
shown in Brunswirk w ill be seen at
Mlse .Kite S lay and
Wendnesday, October 23 and 24.
jfc , - 'fohsg;
i i m I
j 6'.JSiHESS{ k - V ’
’ COLtEGE . N.
•, • 'faßLu
iHsmJioi i : m
l. S. PLUMB*
Practical and Scientific
in the shop ou Oglethorpe streat, •
hot we o Mansfieltl aud n„we.
A trial wn 1 convince you that hu know*
his business.gaPF.