Newspaper Page Text
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BY .
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•FlSr ar.wats
JU>'klr,)> afAt:r desiri) 1 igooda for
MV patmueondthe goncml trade
Jpt'O'A yon wlUfuw! it hat. of arw
for tulaj:
;lraiMEiicr aM Wiener Vrint
SHRF/ip IS 2HS AiiilpGilii'.
iRv imm Cwaiar,
fcpsree ieMOriL
Staple. Eifaia Mi Clnli Haase
¥>\ Ctee.
1 assure you' satisfaction in
|||gjfsx.Y' everyth!ag
'>/' Phone 11,
812 Ne wcastle Street.
Cor. Monk and Grant Ste
L. J, Leavy 5c Cos
Auctioneers, Commission
Merchants and Gener
al Colleottifg Agents
Consignments Solicited and
Prompt Returns Rendered.
Special Attention Paid to
Collection of Rents
fw unnattirtl
d's- tmr," s.lnnnmmaUuhii,
I'tUsti nt< or uhi itt'i.nn
of tuiivoua Tiu-T and i ;ne*,
INuo.h’ss, and n -t as'riu
*nlj .v BrntrslMS,
or rout ill plain ruppo,
hy),i’vpri, j - r. • M
II no. t- tr! .f.-
rent on roou.w*
ill rCiIKU, or riICMAS.
Livorv. boardtn# and akt stable*
Finest turnout* 1 n"he cliy.
Tol. 97. Newcastle St.
{legislation Bdore Next!
- ■ - ""• . ■ • J
S|fOn|f'’ IVffj b •- ; /kß4® '-
; Tjt 'hi Cliila. Labur y '
' r t ‘ •‘iiUl • >
tfsx%irbbC- -- ' - _ , {
■ Tib •-'• . .:.• ■•:< .T- -J,v -;}j e ,
-M •>&:*. G i:w s,< ,!)
a>r. • rmi >**. -. .<!
tit'- ,Sto*fc
;-Yl, IVll'idi. FiVUoit, Att*J A'isN
.dreir.Sj'isSiUo/'of FirtVnv.:
.: [.-! i; -•■: iftjjil ’0 |
take I. to. :* IS and >r.!l,;>,.i ttfO ‘ i:U4fWSI it.
of the r.e tutMultkai at
Hi* :liag mvclftw O' 'll') -’ it-... ti jMS
ia'.iv* b.vk-?*. ■ •••'• “j-
It wa l(fc. opinion ot. Abe f/sei l..vti
eommfttoo that tie ChilJ Labor Kill
ehottlil be the .para-mount it- ne-befaro
the avemMy, It was also thstkidf.
vtded opinion ot tbe" board that the
bill would past, it Laving nvolo many,
friemlß Uio past^-tar.
l wa-r tbo unaotoioui oplelon of the
membn.-K of ibis rt.nncil th:4 Uu. mile;,
onoe of tli i fti'gabuatioui mid their
1 '• '• - in,
tbu intef,.>{ of a bli! creaUhg the tt&gp
of ccmmtSßioooi' of labir.
Uis argued that tins bill wouul ba
favorably considered for iha reason
that labor and oftpiUl both demand tbo
crealiou of line imp lrtnot 1 uroau of iu
Ftnsr ani> Kum.xfosr
Jn the Arid of medicine (e Hood’s
Sareapaiilia. Itpos*#*es actual anti
unequal merit by which it cure* all
diseares oud or promoted by impure
or impoverished blood, if you have
rbeumatram. dyspepsia, ecrofult or
catarrh, you may take Hood’* Bam
pariila and be cured. If yoii are run
down and feel weak and tirPd, you may
be mre it will do yon good.
Tbo favorite family oatturtic is
Hood’s PJlfi. t ' / ;
A Night of'Terror, ,
“Avfhii anxiety was ‘t*H for Iha widow of few-
PraveUeH bitriihanaof Stachlrs,Me.. \vticii (he
dovtora said lia eooMroi live tUlTuoniToir,
M'ritv* UK S. H. L'licoill, wile aHvnde.l
Unit ftarfii] n|j.;Ut, “All tbtiujtfit *h imbsh
mow (bo towoTheommi % but sho iov
lr. King's New tilMovery, xnymftyt luut iltora
limn onoe aau j liar Ufo sod inul enred-hev ot
cOaSunlptioA, Ailer ihroesrasUd’iia:, iiio TO-Unl
eosily nl! nljAit, sntl il- foil her live boim-lirttlV
' " 1 >i4HPfcae'lndielm l9*uar
antMiKttorat) Ts.roai, ciiesi emitlingli.a
••aw*. Atntyipk- wui ;tg ‘ttw truttes jv,< *t
lf JrugVtosvs. '
Th* her nxli bl'fif pTeanaing ihe
liver U the pee of Ibe iiln-jua lif'!.i
pill* Known as DeWitt-s Lluie Kiriy-
Itiaere. Kiev to take Never gripe.
XV, J. Butt*
fVi il ritovi or D, ath.
flitiv 1. 1.141 one .(iii, 11 obnnee to Vl i 0 your
Ifu and tea! i tbrougli an opeia’uui, waii the
•who i*i .-i>.'t * b.'foio sin. t. js Bunt, of
t-lme Uiilj>o, l\ is., by her .loeior after vaii'dr
1 eying ly omv her.if a frightful ea-'bof sKnnaali
iron:,l* midyell.xv jatlmllee. He didn't count
<ui the mai velotu power of Kleet rie hiuesetn
core -loaiach and J !v.;r troubles, but sin*
beard ~.f It, loo’s .ci *ll homes, waa wholly,
cured, aveldoi. surgeon's kaile, now weighs
mere and fools bettor than evw. 11*? positive
lygostanteed tneure Stotnaeh,J.iver and Kiy
nry Ironhles and never disappoint*, Price Site
*1 all drug flora*.
Rl-ua Ki na.-vfiiiuine m a isMßles* form,
wirkoul ail eciiny U medicinal value, eonibined
withuefaniUd and Iron. Just the thing for
children. Pleasant lo taka. ~'c a bottle For
sale by W. J. runs the drugviat.
Balt the World is is Datkutsg
at to the cause of their ill hcalib. If they would
start to treat their kidneys wua Koley’a Kid
ney c 0: . ! lie vna rlress of body and lnitiil, back
disappear. V. J. PnUs.
the brTxxwick mtis'i\ Wr : mW^i
M3 mm,
The shin is the seat of nn almost ecd-
Isss variety of disease*. Tbev are k-newa
by various name.*,, but are all due to the
t.wo cai.’ke, acjd* and other poisons ip
the hlooil .that {rritatqarid interfere WviUj
tlie Jrrdper r.rtion ta the ski;!.
Vo;hare # amooth, soft skin, free ftvml
ii .bru'j'dtoor , ihe ; le,-d riiu-t be kept pur#
art ! healthy. Tte rmmy pfeparalioi r ‘
ci fee* powders £jfd'lotion's generdtiy
• : ■ of rUecsses cover up
f- ji • •■;■:•" V c cret rer.'bvc pf
ui -v::* tbe '•- •* KotCues and the ii
iJlc tlivid t ?Ar bz:
• |oVr;r V-. ui'-c ■ ‘uoc'. .- :u?v4 hi-r
?.yi :tW'ja *’.#• &&(■*}&.
h. •; •> - •- ■ vci - • K : :. uhC .4 - .f;n vf
il. B; i i n.p'\-&.r : iiyh&timr cnx for
tint ot *V‘u It is
Hit: TVK4 j/Tifjtf' *rA
bxdy ' -Y- v e --hfAtu.
h*l4 lllbfyk : A \2xiQ9i*i>
■&ts /iß|
X* -^5-v?ew,.-nc6>l,X!<l'
.jSdri .writlsrc
C>. fliiiriiJ IOf Wi jvr f-si t
'cArvi ihe bo*jij
l'f-yort’h’nefEsSrTlia, Teftcr. Amc. Bait-
Kuev)!!', X’-v j.c'.f airf-i i>
v4*arvlyv .sand #*riimr fec& on T&ttfb
and aa^faw Wpfe. ' So cfcarge st hap
ever f-- iJihi f ?rwr*’.
SWifl Atl s\lTAt 6JU
ouj^ ri6s-an'’Trii-'iii:. ...
?/>?, jm t, H4 ,4y
.largest -sthlnf aoy*adWtt<i 1c %j. tijk
!!SV4hl yfrld-... Xotiif tjiofbrt.i’
.Mtjdiera efevoc 'ibouglit of mt sy
tti nr eleu for "liigce'-lon or briiout
nase. poclote were icatea c<l VbJ’Yt
‘•eldp^ibC'HJrtJ - ’u! ^rW^s'
piostr..t.oc, t-te tTffi
'Wt'd AuguM.F'iowSr td fclaaa out tho.
and >9i ttf uadl;
gtwtad food, rugiiiatti tb*- acfi>|fcoftlse
sticopjase £H aotfae of "iXjji cpr
votit ami organic syatom, and thet la
all they took wliCn feeling dull
with, hofeciactie abii
'oaly ersd a few do'ee*
gwtit BTcjwtrY'tu .iyaid/foTlja,'’ to . aa|
you eatlefls*Tthe.r& ‘‘"'■a-'' '
tbe matter .with 'loil'sr
.at Sutta drigvtore or ilrag v
Shstild be in. evi*s ''wisw
etna cbevl;.. Jt afford* cifcrtaln *4%!-
jßvery lady alioult) atseuii th gractl
Millinery epeufog at Mins Ka, f o dls
tor’s next 'Tuesday ami VVedru-isijiiy,
Oytobf r S3 ao<l ii. *
'Pliere is a fascination about big prolHa t,v*
ItuslncM loan, Bnv She>ot)*er.:vnttvo and u>-
Uon tvoilot prerei* to have the hMU faX taint.
f lrtwieet,;ia'3 the larger per t'oni.Jtt-.,fty in
invert monts. Tlim* la up hiisislw rim who
Would not consider It a sound i'lOj’YfPiv.trj in-
Vi-st In *ti enterprise In which a ti-01-ife to
was hiipi.*wii.irtand whisk
chaece* iuahitndredof n rich Ihestii
tiallea ot.vurm offrcted'i.y Ur. IHcrvo’s Golden
Mhdfaal Hisovcry show that ninety-eight per
ceut.'ol coals.of -weak he alrkdutely
eulod. Almost If nut nfl form* of physical
went,ness ntay be traiasd J^^r rati a, Siarv s-
Itonsap* the streoglltgdH|lit'nly U jiwt a*
utueh htArveJ when the'MHHrit cannot extract i
iw.triiiou from the,' sswhen
UteYeia rfl food. "IVoiik Inug*.” hrotiehtal :.f
- call for nourishment
-iioldcii • Metier 1 lJlseuyery" supplioa that
nourleliirfaai.lii itamosi remden.-c i and asaln
ilnhleliiVwi. It males ’'weak, inner" strong, by
J fr* nethen’i: Che -togi.wh an *, organ* *>f Jig- *-
ibitt wluek,'X.. .t and disiribote the foe 1 ;;nd
by in.ireaxing the supply ol pit
' Ohms Near Dyng
-5 “Kiw ttyes'day- amt"ulehte l angered aWfUvf
h u iUt'iffk (vf moiAiim
Frilugiit V>i\ M , K.
k uf the? (U VricV eMirt Cwitrr*
vit'e* Xoira. “I thgiu I ImuM nrljr
aad tr;uj a -1 -/.th imt a>l to
tw>ynVtnnM*, \ -put foi and gentle of Chamvior
lan CoHc* (ra. finvl Dinri.LocH f%o;tttVy anci
&imp aa*t did t wak-j for c;|ht h-our*. pa
.T W ikfmfj |;i ft*\v mtfpfr agv> t felt o grwiAed
'bit the wo? k I <i*\4 u guiujt' to the otTice i*
tv write to Uio of remr jy
llutm tAS gr.iieiiii t Lank $ and any
b10."9 jou mxl tUt*. i|'le>hOi<i irn'klioiivi* you
, in.vke ’■* Thiff 1 rodißvly i* 'forat l>r- Bi#h
l o|'i(Jrir dtoro.'
f Tbe oditoroi thß FarJviUe, Ky„
oua, writes hm n posUfiipt to a Lusiaoas !<uterr
1, 1 w3' i vuredof kifiaoy tionbil y takingKoUtj ’
ICWnoyCtire;* ’iako W.J. Bojts
Bears the 1K ad Yi Rw Aiviays Res,’?!
JUco, tlioj skive elector, rcpnlrs
kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy
and sells scooud hand stoves, 414 Bay
itreet. ,
When you cannot* sleep for coughing, it |a
hardly necessary that anyone should tell you
that you need a tew donee of i’htiiuborlain*
Cough remedy to allay tho Irritation of tha
throat an.l make a'eop potsUde It Is good
Try it. For sale at l>r. Bishop's drug stone.
• • v
Trl - ree,
1* Tfr biOJitJ piir, ? Are you suie
. r, >••->• t;-si
-> - r hjf.*?, K i- O<3 1
*g§Jf r
(i !•. i. ?. i nfß’- v, li, is i Bets' 1 '!;.-, j
*>! . wll purif joar o^v.i
• j.., 4...-. i
' •Vf'.', •' >. f- ' >jt! -L.?■■■£.' ]
' :
v <■-, 0? /-h.-xh; ?x-j
\ J
. - ,/▼
~,0 * teWS'i vj
■ ar>; . rrlt* off *b'--Tblrf.
iiS 6.. !%}.'- t** J“’nJC'i*. hrr.o rir
tPii* .iiSi
■ V S ': —"
‘•A ifts.';'Abv,VN't;r
t-*ltartiari(u>i'!sru tulle rriwiy >• ia>.,rt
*’,* V di Wdfvrin rate at Oue <J"o; a W&H f*r
wu tmmrUoa. - J*?f o*t•••sri l<wii 5; lur,ve ver
assll,teje.fh’MijUvcrJrts.. ..: M n ,- 0
XVAKTKLt—To buy ,a , g>>od 'bMu?..
ArUires* A, <
t ?OH S'Al.Ev—a full bleed, regir.
.trr;(l j#r*ey tifiii, St veryinw rate,
vl. B. Pev’ - oft, 505 E street.
.'' ""XX'X" " ■' - ;,t and. \
FOR SALE - Ton-a ere tract of farwj
It the fonr-mite croasiog, Apply to
I. E. Liiftln, at R. V, IjougiSsh
Alornbicft, opium, iabdaniuii.cocaalnc
bab’t; tcysclf osttud, wi'liiitoria'yoa ol
"bartnfeas, i.rrmftnen', hinue cure. Jlary
&fß*U#a,bax 1212, Chicago.
flh-SBAXIi WAN i Kir.—A refined
yeung widow, having deeires
Mod.hiMbstmt, wtmwi <t) might asi*t
in fmsfneef.’ Addfeas E,, hix 83, Ht.
Louie, My,
niSSOI.r P!OJf.-firm of JDeva
-ri!i <v Levada*, composed of I*. Deva
rle kw3 S. is dissolved hy
mutual con*fot. 1% Devins will con
tinue the groeeri business at tbe old
5 WAN V Eli.—Colored übs,b, soberaiid
trustworthy, to prepare for traveling.
SSO a month and all expenses to begin.
Please entbi-e elf->ddreened envelope.
WANTED.—Chriatian man or vs.
mao willing to qualify for permanent,
position of trust, here or in home
county, land, yearly. Enclose setf
sddresstd stamped envelope to Secre
tary, cate of Timks-Oau .
WAX TED.—Reliable colored man
to prepare for traveling poaitioo. S3O
monthly and expenses. Prombtioto.
Permanent references leqniruiJ. Eo
olose self-addressed envelope for re
ply. Secretary Card, 356 Dearborn,
•KELP ,E.-01des-
Übiielttd Dicroaotile fiotise, extending
business in this fvotiOD, wants to ar
rrnge with oapible man, of correct
habits, to n:fti,ftg,a branch. Salary,
SISOO yearly. Extra commissions.
Must furnisfi S3OO and satisfactory
references, “Opportunity,** Drawer
?4, New Ilaveo, Cone. li-m
A BONA FIDE aAlfAK^—sl.s'
’.VEEKI.Y-—Msn and women'to ap
point agents and represent, ns—some
to travel, others for locsl work. sl2
weekly salary and expenses. Old es
tablished house, pleasant, panne coat
position; rapid advancement and io*>
orohefl uf wag;es. YVrite at once. Ad
dress Butler <k A’dgajr, Dept. E, New
Haven, Conn. 11-13
FOK SALE,—Hillery Island, sit
uated on Turtle river, oontsioiDg 32J.j
acres of high land, suitable for truck
ing or poultry rnieing: about 13 acres
cleared, good fishing and oyster beds
around the Island. Also, Island View,
contatagNiO sore#, more or leas, situ*,
ated on Gibson and Pervises creeks,
six acres of which is under new wire
fence; 75 to TOO pear trees, acd im
provements on same. For further; in
formation, apply to F, Jos. Doerflw
k-'G 316- L'hioo street.
is unusual with “ Five-Cent cigar
sinokers,” but-it has been the every
day experience of httndreds of thou- <
sands of men v/ho have smoked
dufinfe the last' thirty, years., because-i
they are just .as good now-*-in
better than when they wen x.Oilttadc. ‘
Tkce hcr-trsi miUioa Old Virginia CLe-oots s.-rtolid tliia
VCif. Ask your ovra dcilur. Price. 3. for 5 cents. a .
S Vv ‘S^Wf
1 * N / 200 Bay Street.
• ' " ’ * "V * ' ' "’ ' ’' >5
By Advertisers Who Use These Columns.
{watitj ssi {iti-ltj of Circulatisn d?ei
faanlilj ul QuHty to Mnrtisin
And We Give Both
donußenctawa-y FOR ;i>
have not pa
*td t promy ,! i you * x get tlivm at home for the
v A meating i l u ' GO’l D€' ; i(les you ■■■)'■:<: tae . >st
bo*, who r, : - f :Ul<l drrt >'^ e
a:-~.?HONE IS 31,
’ortaot and everybody
'at should pal up. Uill receive prompt attention.
_ 5 eL, an talking the matter
AST NIGHT. peopi
h „,,, giving you our estimates,
.tholic oburch last held i
I' 'yck and Miss Nors mendet' ,,n r Older that IS OUT fault,
non the holy bond* Speak*.
m 209, 2U9 1-2 and:2ll F Street.