Newspaper Page Text
jfcTvh* b t : - : P' * r'- s
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lisjr>dwsJi ' 1 sso*'
I ■as w- n miat/r
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• '.Mil .-
I lfej :; .
’Sts -.. , 5- ' * prrbotifr.
life AT,WATS
ggjpfog ftfter <le!ral,l ■ good* fr.i
the n< -mini ir .i
w witl B*kl a list of a fuw
S|,oii4fip for;
: .Fraaklfirtcr ana Wiener Want
~ jaMasG in aansuinpGi'ira?.
M|-. gasp osYaiar.
; taf!t Urn ana p Hoast*
1 aSfi’iro you Sf.tTflfaction In
SgM5-.r everything
Phooe 11,
312 Ko wcastle Street.
Cor. Monk and UrautSt*
L. and. Leavy 6e Cos
Auctioneers, Commission
Merchants and Gener
al ColleetiiTg Agents
Consignments Solicited and
Prompt Returns Rendered,
Special Atteution Paid t->
Collection of Rents
l .*• U'.g 4* for unnatural
irntati ue or ulrrmtlou*
cl ui n nu Tm tuoimusi,
Lunlo**, ond n *t utria
iwiit 01 onwnou.
01l b.v Ontditl,
or pout it, jtinitt „rttpiw,
liy oxproa*, im'p.i.t h*
ft .00, botlloi, f.
ClrcylAr nut oil , ■ij. i
Livery, boardand aalu stable#
finest turnouts in*the city.
Tol. 97. Newcastle St.
I Orfiei'ilin’! lirtArA Mflvf
U. 2151 iUUII DvllJl 4/ :V. . •
aMir tonnn&Mir h’ lioufito
*J* Ah L ’’; .i ■ .'- •* * ‘ ... . .
■**vi Ii l* '- ifl 1/ ■• I * 1..* h t Sf:. i’ : ■' J
pr ;^. :i . v \',S< •:,-• n/;-> i. ' M. '
! . . ■ • i ■ Iki- * ,t k. r
; ■. ifo •. .T-. - ' * - LMM y
L 4 T ► *.P‘\ _J■, - , fj; K-X"'' ''i **•;>' ■
*v ; !, ■l. , ••• s’;,:.;, ••: I,al ..
J* 1‘ O '■ >l|: ■ r ?i S.Ia.U \.
.aJ* i' . +££& , *'•' I
fe'?. if .’ I? .- '£.•.' J ';f;.v ■*'• >. .( - ‘ J- -;5
?L. J ■* Yf T7! , r 'i*
■v S-- . , r . v
ir ii.'T, Ulwetv 1 <’c
iJK; . f,wt! Js\ J rii il; ..'
T . v . of?T , > Tuoi v>' H Mil! .V c*'- :
• ! 'a Meßlr ..'l ,-:. a
“ TTii. *-vas '"(lilcT io : f'd.
lake l-tO.'.t'f* tl) ■■ <lrftstiSi -r
of tiia to Kf ' iuUi^feiijnt 7
tin •■.. . :t;. *. : iu n *l '-a-o K-jHs.-
lati.To t. „iioK. < ' , . '
It v- '.im ht>i;. o|4ui(> of -itii' i'jtti'..-v it
; commutdl timt tb emu Bill
I ahoniri jb the par unonnt is ue'fitf-iro
-■ . •: •■ '
. tded oi'inloo ol tho “ boarj that ■ t?a©
blilwouii pan. It having made inaav
frikiida the pst j j'. ar.
it war ,lne nnanlmoaa ojileWn fit th*
in am bora of U> cimutrii tbaAtfeu inllu
on.’o of thi orgauiisatifjn* and thoif
f ***tmmmo* •': 1 o"l '■•N'.'it .: ii:
the Inter at of a Mil ori atin / the afkty
Of eomamfi onet or lab>r. •
It i* argued that thig bill would ba
favorubly contidert-il for the reason
that labor nod capita! both demand the
creation of Due Impirtaut Nrftio of in*
format 'on.
in Ilio Atld of ntrdloina ir Hood’s
&araparilia. It pogresres aotuai anti
'uorquhl merit by which it cureg ait
tlie*,e oaitf>d or promoted by.ini pure
or irupoveriabed blood. If jou nave
rbfumatmm. dyspepnia, scrofeJU or
catarrh, you may take Iloori’* Barr
-parilJa and be cured. If you are run
dovyn and feel weak and tirSd, you may
, be tore it, will do you good.
Tho favorita family osUwrtio m
Hood's PJlla, ; ■ ■; •.
'• , V
A Night of'Terror.
“AwfiiUiixtety w,i* fell for (ho Widow of tho
brarwiien liaruhsuuof Mtichlrs, Ate., wires (be
doctor# saiU kilo couM ro; livo
"'fill's iit% i>. M. tilieW'tl, who !tiun<le.i t)wr
that fearful ulgbv “AH. Ihtniirhs sir* most
noun ili„ timu rneamon!, but #B# begged for
Or. King * New fiineovory, fiiyiug Jt limb more
Hum oore saved btt life sort l.,ut minwHu’r-of
romiuniption. After three nilldo**fig r*tai
r.mllf sfl. iii;.rht. and UklTimtbtir u>a eeni|!sy*iy
cuved inu " ’I uio tf)*fvvl„ii. mo.jirtne is miar
antood to earn an 'throni. Clwst .nut lilnc "trig.
can*. Only Mi- *ntl y. eu, Trfed irdW.ui fvc #t,
#ll drnptituvfs.
The 'besr ruii'bWlWf'H'leanalnit thr
liver is the nee uf the fstnotia lit*!.*
pUh> known as IMV id* rjltlc hjtrly'.
HUere. Klsy to take. Never gripe,
\V. J. Hums.
He 1:1 Sl.-t i >‘r B* atb.
“Tiuioi. but oi< email to ;r.e jvm-
Ifo ,uul that 1# tiu ' Uirl, #u ,>pi*;e:Mu, v. #> the
awful iuii*j>Sot yet Hi foiu Mr*. t...|| Bum, or
lluie Tti.’n*:., Wis, In her dooior .ittor v*uiiy
ti'.viuy iy ouf bet.,! a fruitful cawSefetoatath
tr<ml4e amlj-oHow jsfliuiU'.e. lie didn't count
on the MUvelotu power uf KltSlrlo tintl..
cure Stonlftcb ond 1 Ivar troubles, but .lit
beard of It, took teveiv bottle*, vtm wholly
cured, avoided eurgeon'* knife, now Weigh*
more and feel* liettet than ever. It'., positive
ly iruftiitnieed to euro “:oma( b. Liver anil Kij,-
uey tmvhle* mid uever disappoint*, Price .".tie
itt all drus stole*.
Kt-na Kl i\a.—vfnlnino ut it ustule*# form,
without Jileettny it meriicinitl value, eombined
wilh ugrtanlltctand Iron. Just the thing for
Children. Pleasant to take. flic* bottle. For
sale toy W. J. Butts, the drugnM.
Half the World is in Darku
# to Hie cause of thetv ill health. If they would
-tat t to treat tlm r kidney* with Foley's Kid
*l body and
; ache, hi
difii>|ietir \t..). lintts.
thk mn>- ■M'nrrnntff
Th's skin it* the sest of an almost etid
variet y of They are known
by va: fous nanifis, but are all <sue to the
fame, cause, atjd other^.poisons io
that irritate, and wiUi
tlviyr6; f-r action of the ski:*. •'
Toa amonth, : y\ n% f x ~~ fro?ri&
., rue many pfoparabonsof
• . a opd s goner^ity
■ ■ lurtb*'-. elajMi of yUeeftSeg cover up
.. . *
>- 1 •■•.•'/ ■ •■•; t lilQtcb.-o and tbe ted,
(T-’ 'Vf{/■/*:*&€?€> 'fe'j&Ht
■-, k• y: 4’n. rc ir- &., .t ■■ ccr• .* re:i i:\ 1 on. •'•_
r ■ *• ' ; .*• - '. 't- rt s’ . r , }Uj i, *'•
•!. ; ’ r*tg aus \ -Tie. ;■#'-* sdnV M >, vf v -
■• 'V'HV- ' y try n .
‘ •Ji,. .. -- A' : ' iKT . \; ft n-snrd ■h c • t
r * bc(U--. cored her
'i < WT,
.f-.A <f t.h i>rwtfi<k'Biyiwß'r%dtj, svn* ay -i cf
■>.: ,t tfd'krte -vSiWr.; *2 r*>£>.• w•: % •:< ?<f V b ' }
(S K. 9, ii a.- :. ttlva. uirf.-iS*-... cuv<for
'tbc V ~••••* 16. . lit *V I }l,-ob>9. Ii
ttfe hU bl&uil p'irrfierr., ,and tiw
only !!'■' tqjarr.’.i4n?orljp vejeta&ln..
Kid l.w&ri -.•.•■‘T'J.t o-mpi .i.ioeo.
C. > -S. < <?T •r • > "-• oi,! at.ri
ykji arinto irr.d fctdjtbj-: *H(I
Cca-.d.iibh ptii;
'chirr. . foT'tisedpipuri’ -d Tofri t'-ioljo ’jv
1 Ayoivl TeU<sr t
*k.o i roilgh,
m.i t inuriji beflttt on BJocri.
evr f-u' iltla ."-.d,'■.•.
swir Att-rigjTiU OA.
rVON*- ; A,N' VFii fit).
4.g'.Wt';fttt*'r stTl! Una ,*bs
largest aictl ir ely*
Hired world. - Tdnf aiotfc*f-*e*^cied ; -
modiSla ssf.vor' ibnUKbt of -ijiWjr ’ #*
i.binr else for Mlikerttoo or biliou*-
■wst*. ■ ■ Jpdjfikg'WJfa. feroS.
loliipns fcesrd’ a#*i
i >,-tc
ied August Flower to claau ovst
,yaiej!i an l -feiv frmew|Rloti ‘6! until*
g4Mw foodrt-eguia‘. the
too* ked organic dnS'" tbjtt I*'
oil they todk'Widen feeling duii
wdth hoedaObe and,--ngUdr arbW* iv, l&6iiS
on‘y r;e*d a few doe (A tireem g,fei*
gust Fiqwet, tn fiA'a,' to taak
Vbe nailer t with .
at Both* drrjffttore or TS|pw l>jg C
Should'be in, every 'J3?n*ehol<l r,tWe
oioo cbet,. Jt ciftatu ?•
Every twj stouk! a!.tem) the
MUtintiry ppriiiog ah, Mlsy KVe i>H
torV ne*f Tuesday and Wedn-oaday,
Oytobi r is |d ji. '
There is a faisinittllfn, ftltottl, b|g profli# to#
Imidncss uitut, !nt tiie eotbjei vntivo „nd can
t- <radar prefers to *tau< tho #r e, r oust.
"f liiti’tpeytnl the largei purceat3p:s#£aty in
'hiftluveifmenw. There la no butMtfjk Ptm who
would aokeuhtdiler It * in
vest In an ettutrprlsn lr, which attMtit# hi
Wait impossible and wkidli olfdivd^ietyae.tabt
chances in s hundred of rich prujjd. Tbs sta
ttHiie* of cures effected by Or, HstwaW tAcrtden
Badfsat Oiecovcry allow that ninety-eight per
cent, o etuifis.of "wenk !ongs' , i;in It*ahaatntely
#fed, AlmosUf not ifl fomie of pbvsicnl
weitkntsn tusy bo trneed tstarvn
tloussps tua ttlrengntJSMfcbody t* just a
tuticit Starved Whsn tlwVHpb ettnuot oktrsot
netritKlU from !b. f --i ‘ff' lo 'eive* *ss When
them is iio food. "Wcuk long*," bronchial nf
f4ei ii*s, t dbstinftta ooiih*, call (or nwrishneat
'Ufoldot- Medico! JJhteotery” itippltia that
tHoirieb' Its most eondencoi! and nssl-
Usbletidiyt. It mates “ w oat ludsh" strong,by.
aWt-agtheititu.' fhe ..teMftt’h.nßd orgies of dlgea
tianv'ltichatigo,.*.andaistrfltsle the ftidl nd
%1 mi re# .1 ngt b e sit ppiy of pu io | .
vJSibs N*nr Dy ng.
? “For.ttgreo ilayv snd'sight* I suffered.
jin jiit.frk tf rlnolera hioiljih
Pwmijrft-V>\ ny cncnanU'iV’ wyn M, K.
, ui the tU-vvici ervtrtw pftot^r*
Vit%\ Inyr, “J thcHlff-tU I tio.:ld <li
an 1 tf -1 jpfn dltfcroiu but all {n
U> pu!7H,*e. 1 Hftt fc>r \otUo of ChAmiier
lain CoHc, C Ik>J*t*?4 ftipl Oiuri-hOtfg t{;hody au<t
tUr.%‘ pf lutrctj mo cHtituly. jl woat to
Alqcp *upt l net Awakit M ets*C IwmrW Oa
q fo\v four> f feU so
vf.ftt ihtißr*t work l <l<\a u tile ir
U'u Htctotho ojamifAt'tnrera of ihi* rpsnciy
an<U>ffoi‘ tlmm tdj- ,no?ui tuanki aiul i iy
,‘iwt you anil tlit* nfJßibd you
iuAk*,’ * This rolled;, i* for nsle m ir. BisH
o$ 9 i drOkf
? TijecaUoroith Foravi'i©, Miw- lUn
writes tut a potcci ipt to a loiter r
*tlwatured or K,ifioi*y noublehy mkiesr Folly's
Klvlnl>Jr^v^ro,■ , take n<tUinir*Ue. W.J.Bnn*
Bears tbs Ri'.k'N
Hice, thes stove dtclor. repnirs
kinds or cook stoves nm! ranges, buy
and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay
When you cannot' sleep for coughing, it j*
biirdly necessary that nuy one ahonld toll you
that you need s tow dose* of Chanrborlain’
tough remedy to allay the Irritation or ths
throat ami make sleep possible. It is good
Try it. For sale st Ur. Bishop’s drug store.
Li V -yY iiQ-ti f &re fqn (
hO>!? ( oC-**ojfir r ; * -
’ •'r-.M ? (L att :
and ' 4* ' ' - ; i
- ''’ l ’'•.-rrj. i: jri <, Sat *• isa, ‘fi* lg |
■ ’ '' 6 ii $* nii}K
” = * SvJ BL r and [
i*' ■ ’ J-a??/ t
■’ • > fl < 'j 'n’V.'TJ V • :v|
,r; • ; 1
-.. v a ii ;. -,■**■*% Hi ; fE ' IPs I;.
:j" 'iuVr 4* Y*t ’
ii ! pill.
' '|f 'CA,4h4^'A&VdVKCF. : T .
tr ,(;r;,v Cl iuTi invert
<• n£tfi uM’fonn t(i i Clue '.‘tk for
'.ean.h lnrui>n. ■ Sflf *dvyri|i>.etiti !*.,<•<!•
/#,hum tne jeov. i.u.n iu
f' A-... ; '•>
WAXTRII—To Iv.v 'be.
Addles* A, ii.!* otShe. ■ ••'•'•.'. -. :
... • _
( ,FOk si!.E.,-y fU blood, rfis*
.tfrt:d-Jr*.e/ hulj, at very-low rate.
■•>■ i; ■ 11.-I 1 .-- fiot'i, 60S R,atrect.
.1- olt S A Lb. i’.jc-acr h *rot oriitKl
,ill the fvnr-mile crosloir. Apply to
1,. E. Liifife, at ft. V. laougiaa’i
Aloriihlne, opium, iaudanum.eocoaloe
habit; Biyitot# eutud will inthroryon of
■harmle**, nertahtten*. home cure. Mary
f?*ls.r 1 ■ *v*irs, box 1212, Chicago,
i'diiAX 1> Wt N t KI). —A retlned
yeung widow, lisviog deairea
kind.whom ,o* might assist
io liuSlnes#.' Add Teas R., f> >x 83, St.
I)IHd(fI,I* ? TION.—The firm rf I>e7a
ris A composed of P. Deva
ri? awd'S. I/eigdae, is dissolved by
iiuitosi eunaent. I , Devari* will <joo
ficiia the grocery buginees at the Old
T WAS t'Kl>.—Uaiored man, sober and
trustworthy, to prepare for traveliuif.
3fii> a month and all expense* to begin,
riease emio*e *elf-addreeßed eorelope.
d5S Bearboro.
WaXTKl),—Christian man or wo
man wiiiing toqualifr for permanent
position of trust, here or in home
county. *9OO. yearly. Enclose gelf
sddresstd stamped envelope to Becre
tary. care of TiMKe-Car.i..
WANTED.— nolinble colored man
to prkjMfe for traveling position, SSO.
monthly and expenses, l^romatiou,
IVrmanent re/ereuce* lefiuipwfl. Es
- eelf-nddraised envelope for re
ply. Secretary Card, 3KQ Dearborn,
HEiiT W ANTI . Old es
tablished nuronuHle house, ex'eodtng
huiiness in this ft’otion, wants to ar
rrngs with o#p|t'l* uian, of correct
habits, tu teabag, branch. Salary,
9! Mf) yearly, Extra commissions.
iJust furnish S3OO and satisfactory
reiereoces, “Opportunity." Drawer
<4. New Ilsvpn, Cone. H-18
a itoN a Tide salary
WEEKLY,—Men and women' to ap
point ageors and represent us—-some
to travel, others for local work. sl2
weekly salary and expenses Old es
tablished bouse, pleasant, permanent
position; rapid advancement and in
or Pitre of wages, Write at once. Ad
dress Butler A A’dgcr, Dept, E, New
flaveo, Oouu. 11-13
FOR SALK,— Hjllery Island, sit
uated on 'Turtle river, containing 32'.,
acre* of high land, suitable for truck
ing or poultry raising; about l> acres
cleared; good tiabiog and oyster beds
around Die Island. Also, Island View,
oontaiogNiO acre*, more or less, situ
ated on Hibson aud Pervises creeks,
six acres of which is under new wire
fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and im
provements on same. For further ipj
formation, apply to F, Jos. DoerflHi
ger, i)ULl r n,iou street.
Satisfaction !
is unusual with “Five-Cent cigar \
but it has been the every- j
day experience of hundreds o£ thou- <
sands cfmen who Lave smoked
OttVirgiriia Ckeroots;
during the last thirty years, because a
they are just .as good now—fa,fact-,
better than when theyvere Srstttiadc.
Tfcfie tstisOfed nstlGoß 0!i Vitgioa Ckefooti fesoSccl tS&
jcit.' Ask your owa ae2cr. Price. 3. for 5 cents. a
’ : l *■' U * rUi! ' ; ■' • ••* '! ■■ •'•raatf
• 11 . 206 Bay Street.
T , „
• j*S • ~ - ' “ ' ■-■
£ 35V^TiSERS
AND THAT I3 w-i—i a-
By Advertisers Who Use These Columns.
Jmtitj sii Jwiiy of Circulation gives
Quatitj ad Quality Io Advertisers
And We Give Both
Guarantee to give satisfaction in
for ,v.
When you can get them at home for the
same price and besides you save the cost
of freight ami dray age.
and a message will receive prompt attention.
We don't mind calling an talking the matter
over with you and giving you-our estimates,
and if wedail to get your order that is our fault,
not yours.
* 209, 209 1-2 andl2ll F Street. -