Newspaper Page Text
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Bill 11 111
A large and Enthusiastic Meeting Was
Help '
■II I hil : ill :m - .4 . n
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T!n:r Sec *ns wd.- N% Boult ■ jvi a,’ :n
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I* tr
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X S,
fiOppy, i. Fcnnys:,'
IK Wiiibf.. Win# a .1 W 5. flf’jSb
uingtift Ab->;nt—W*U: c:. Oh.ri;
an.-u;. f)o*>t 'v
t f pon EfiOtiort Ch’ifj.t? S." WyKy m
fH !e<i to rtic cli;<ir, ; n.i I). Wvtw ;
VYiuo aa appointed' sip. ida^y.
After a discussion .* to'my* and;
mc&ne it was reselvoj thai a letter .*3-.
IkltioK tubeeiiuUoUw i>j wtßteuiycd
forwarded by thoim mben to aucl* per
aon a? they wight ju<J£e favorable to
the objects of the The
t'eerctwv was ordered,' to have one
•ut.u>and cojita .of such lottOr pOuted
and djitribu’oJ to the member*
association*”’:>r cfreol>ittbfi 1 v ■ .
It was resolved that an earnest.: el
fort be Uta.o to rates at ouee the ueecs
eary fundi towards towards carry ii\>s
out of tie purposes of the aeooeiattun,
aud it (vua ordered that a uuo iot be
Iteld iu December lies*, the day tf the
month to be fixed by call of the ebspir
matt, for-j-ermipeut, r.
zstion. 0,
It was resolved that at that onmiutf
nuetiog members arc expected tobaye
codec ed sijoh eub.mrl pilot s m may
bayo* been made to them, ami mh
amounts he then placed to the credit of
the'.n in oaa 0/ tire bucks of
the etty,
A committee of two consisting of \V.
11. Turrhughs ami Charles S, Wylly
was htspolnted to draft rules and I4
laws for the government fef the atsoo'a~
tion t> be pres ntf.U for eftlc at eoullc
naation iit the I>coembor meeting.
The cheii mau submitted the charter
of the asJepiatlon as granted by the
lion. J. W. Ueanot, Judge of Superior
court, Glynn county, and culled
Uon o Us provision®; as to the el, >e
tun of honorary members; It was
ordered that I>. Watson Winn b *te
iiubsted to toe ti e owners of the laud
New Cream Che-iing Candy,
t Lemon and Uonrlsouud Drops.
L’uie Lemon Stick Candy.:
Fancv Now Dates, 10c pound.
New Layer Figs, 15c pouud,
Catawba Grapes, dOo basket.
California Tokay Grapes 15e
Fresh Celery and Tomatoes,.
’PHOISK 253-8 .
f (Next door to Fleming & Walt)
n ere m *
■ s *
r-:* : '
' -
Awviirn Kt> i.f it'ki Mi'.
ritg followin'^ls iirt nf rfi l;'.
miming in l p--' dle> -4 Jlfpm'-
*. Ar ,•
vv;e!r, 0.4 fbr ilu,, w<k
eodtng'Oot. SO, i!*oo. '4' /
A— Mirstt*! ,At*#y, Z A AoK.of.
B—Xohn Bu 1 Mrs, <vddj.Bsua#
(J), A, J.
C.i-F. <f. fTreathsai, VV*i;li?;ru <;;• c*t
!JS Aist Adit jdr.f. rdt-,
Gtirry. I*. J, Gudy.
D—Mslacbi i)jvh U,, ,
F Mrs* Uibei'a Floyd
U —John Gardiubr.
II Adams Hunter, G uo A. f-Isr
: ris, Mitt Crfford nigluaiith i . .Miss
Hills. .
J loksbu. ,
•K-4tti'w itita Kit.ght?-
L feisi Bel T-
M-MiSarah Mill*.
1* Willie Darad ss.
, t.. (taia, ,
K -Fred K- iuir r. Mis.-, Xau4 Rob
ertror. ~
B—Tb.oina* Shesby, M*. Julia
j SlaCit, Guy Bmith, W.JI. fimitb Mrs.
Irene Btrphsr,, Mr.., Ejuma Jiproeb
* T—C, 'A. Tnl:n#g>, O. F. Tail ir*,
W - Mrs. 6arab W l am . * ■% Wil
'tiams, KiM C rzie .Wn t-, Henry
Firms -Walcott & Wrigh’, lumber
loajpany. 4
Far chtfing for any of the abuse
wail, wilt please nay adyerliatd.
■Parties- to whom cariiara deliver
mail through mistake, or In doubt ns
to the proper party, should not open
them through curiosity. It is a crime,
The postmark will often aid you to
tell if it is fnttuufed for you, without
open log k. And when letters are Uft
at vour hou*>e, which are r,u! yours,
ycu sb- n,td reurn them to the t tile ■’
.promptly. : w
F. Mo O. Pkown, p M.
Our Greatest Spectelfk
, .For 20 yeats Dr. J, Newton Bath
awr.y baa so sacceesfuUr Tea ted chronic
diseases that bo in acknowledged today
to stand at the head of b ,i; roFession in
thi*. line. Hi* exclusive ‘method of
Ucutttient for Varicocele ano Stricture
without the aid of knife or cautery
cW $u 80 per cent, of all eases. v lu
the treatment of loss of vital forces
nervous disorders, kidney arid urinary
complaints paralysis, biood poisouing,
rheumatioin, c diseases pecul
iar to women, hfiTPSquaily sewesefup
Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than
double that of any other specialist.
’Vases pronounced hopeless by other
physicians, readily yield hi his treat -
ment. Write him today fully about
your case. Xta makes no charge for
consultation or advice, either at his of.
Uce or by mail.
J. newton Hathaway, m. and.
SABryan Street, Savannah, Ga
Ken lings of safety pervade the bouse
hold that uses Ona MinuteOaugh Cure,
the only harmless remedy that pro*
duoes immediW* results. It is it f a|li
bio for oougbs, ot-lds, croup, aiffl all
threat and lur.g troubles. It vri.l pre
vent oousuuiption, W, J. Butte.
Votv Ifmt Set lhe Ht m r
. -OW' M
■H ’TM
j - ;
\kli ; - '• 3•" 1 |
It*,,';-..':Vt-c ygfttsA
i uv.. (
; |. s v| j-fM'-
It iiiMimiiy-tliß mty .4 "
| and is ntortpjiuiS ■ J:.- x '
i by-ifaiutnws, divA
ttat K --"
I Hf Utltband saye, 'TliTi’t Ftlvt bhjos f -Y'on •will
I be ’•jgUkftfUrfyou bakt*-tho &;c W’m yij*ltciiie ”
I ,lo^ B r fr. n d -T nofc *¥££ grow 5 worse day bv :
I day, until t*u at once sWtmUtzi "a tragic g inmate
j oomplamt im established, V *
Her doctor has made &
Ir- iaitT } : : then comeff the morbid,
Im- ■* ;••• ovt-r,sM,mg blues. Si s-hyaflS have l>c,n told
I s2* wa! it' troabk wa, ; bat pn>lbl.y. sbe withheld aorni;
■i r * n \ % avho,' thdfflifore; 'fermsahie to
j accurately locate her jast tjpitSlT iline sSj4 f~- * '■•
I . Ciuhham Jjaij rilev. and Umlrfndfl Women trim
| ? n *' } h . l f tr<: ’#l 0 > ia4 Row otaln their grateful
I V v 1 *£ T cat assiskspee sho has
I re **dor©d thorn, i avraits every eiok
j woumn m the land,- 7 v . v
[r^— T WJllil<rea Lmer."' ••, ;
r*fKAMj—l feel it my duty to write
“ nd ’J 6 ’ 1 ?’ o< '• W-rt* 1 hfcVe rueeired from -.mur
w<nn#rf. i rtmuihe . tsikiDu- LvUia fi. Pi ok.
s Compottad, L\v nd a miHttry my*
- 1 *'J-‘SMi e >* T . T ” noooml me. 1 entered terrible
j -<*3 fSr . ur>u|y wotfidery ftn-hamw.' Mdiwstyorlhl ai'pear
\ J awaefljtes jn two wohs, tenanttain not for three
®£\ I or four montlig. 1 wflsr, cnilguot
- N, *"rp pwirt wmrKafit through ray
m, / heart that vwttld nlineisf enase nfe'JgWnU.
~ ‘•My.nwthttNnoxedme to try Cy4ln K. rtnkham's
J y ‘'getubteOmnpougd. I bad no faith r It. but to
yjSafwJtWva ,U:, T e The fir-'-t bottle helped one so
IttlgSßa'draSEaKa Its BP. lam now,’well ami
| |MSPW.StfMI) tut sets I weiffh did of ntv Hfe’V-IKUS
[ ' * ;
uUUUxin: - lii
4 > c&g U£i tetlwyeft. b not •••• rur..;,W.t4oii ohuki.n K Uie I
I '* r writ., I ifwsla, pra)te|if Ft' Di* ft pnssjf* atßoicme Cos. I
dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It,artificially digests tbMiv>d and aids
Nature in strengthening and rycon
rtrucsting the exhausted digestive-or
gans. 1t,,15 t-lvo latest discovered digest
ant and tonte. No other preparation
Can approach it in etVeiency- It iu
siantly reiievo and jicrttMiaVriWy curs*
Dyspepsia, liKHtrrw ion. ITenrlbura
Futfulpnce. Sour .Slot iuotr, Nausea
Sick Headche.<!f3Stni!gia,Cntn){>‘'<,#nd
other reunite of imperfect dices tioa.
PreoarcU by g. C- OeWitt A Cos.. C^tioo©.
w. .i. in rrs.
most fatal of all etc
ruLLI 0 Guaranteed Remaj]
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. &
,W. J. Butte. theDrufigt.
B" 1
Wr--“T rn to Ur.tovc Gray
hw to n Twnnrui ee!.,r. ,
PtcV.nt, >t.. i rtiUuiV.'
<, "t
Wall Paper
-——At- the—#
502 BtonklSfc
il Tcftai isn
Civil and criminal cases true tided to
business strictly confident; at. Fa
tiuires cooducted with secrecy.
L- vl. LEAVY
IVJ rt * a* v
3. j. olkwine:
-CJ icyles
Selling, HcnUng, Repairing,
Messenger Service
We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Craw lord,
Eagle, Elk, Dixie.
Best of Wheels for the
Least Money-
Money to Lend
on Improved Real Estate.
Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or
V. R Twitty, Aitorrey, of the
iis’S KATBf -SI . Kl!
'~. i * • fTtl pit' 4 -t ‘
* “* K ~ ' \ . v •■■>. -y.
ul is: i|>n':C. c •• .
, fijQY’iav r ■ ■; I o f ■■ ' y-e-*4- ;■ ,^4
■C U lili. ifty VV: or iu i i'>\.-w S, ••--*--75?
- ' . p| J
:" . - M M f r\:
- ' • I 1 14 *. Uo -44. VLX . -
: ,
| '. • *'***/£■’ v -_,‘ .4
X'tLji , '' 1 I*\ t J -T ”* ,TT •:
- r ;: : b .J?.:*-- :., V - TV; ;
A - r ' . • ' ‘
- %i*
i . . OcrOBKK 2JIJ AND 24TH.
our Presence Is Requested,
504 Gloucester Street, ;
R'IEA*N-S nwm
• v '-\ T-'
Boctors find "
A Good
Prescription. _
for mankind
5* *r ’4h. •’ r-5-f rt. nracm,
JJtv<r-stnri. O ntral Store* an<i Barbers
THory Wa tsS pji, indue* i!f-p and LH*,
Om gW*a trAal\ K rrutier th* nuttr. m vif ♦
*• p (nat. TANARUS ••!. ,o* ar. llwau4 MO
"‘fit m W ufi H u; aaitm —, —<, 4 m-c
tew c.' w>r a*., r-raW
*•*. J, J. LISSNER,
I* —*—Tf.HfUKsS.VbW-
Groceries,iißbacco, Flour, Bacon and,
.. . Provisions,- -.•■■■• ' <
216 Buy hh -ct, *iranswiek, Georgia.
.■.g—--.-.—j _ .. L —. — - - —■ ■ ■ _
\V li, BOWEN. ,J. N. BRADT,
Of Stone, Brick andVrame Building
Manufacturer* of Cement, Tile and’Artificial Store.