Newspaper Page Text
Hurry! Hurry i Hurry!
—L ■ :
Humanie Shoes at......_ ...,;. ~53.00
Men’s Vicr Krd Bals at.,................. . 2.50
Men's Tau Vici Bals at 2.25
Men’s Calf Bals at 2.25
Ladies Ultra Boots at 2,75
E&i3ies~iCii Lace Boots at 2.25
Ladies’ Kid Button Boots at. 22?
Ladies’Patent Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75
To Ply Between Bruns
wick and Macon,
Aim is. ours
Craft Will be Ready lor
Work in a Few
Ttie Moou Nev a* y: 1 Bnne ii. i '
a?o the News stated that the Me?srs ;
Oarojt Bro>\, of Lula vilie, On., had
wriltei, 9 letter to the wftoieeaie ruer-j
ofcants of Macon, desiring to know if
they put a teoat u o the Oeaulaee r.ver,
would the .\I. ■ jii wholeiaie merchants
patronize it.
Messrs. Garbat Bros, were Informed
that the mercaau's would most at
eurediy patron.ze the boil, and wuu and
be glad to do so a. any tune.
A News reporter was info.mei tbi
morning by a proranmi ouizvn that
be bed talked wi.h parties wbojpav .
been down in that act)on of the coun
try, and that th?y had stated that there
was now under the courts of conntrui
tion a boat, anil that u w,h being buili
by Uarbut Broa. 'iub par'iea (lid not
know, or wouid not saj , o wba jiu.-
pose the boat wa I Hit g bail-, bUi i. (
natural to inf-r that it i t eirgbut*t
for the Q.utu ge river, tnd tl a it
would ply between Mi'ion at and poi.ur
below here. I'. Is not gen isLy tnuw.i,
ba* !' in a bard,l J la< t, nia’ owing
jO the d,Cerent waterw-y bt low here,
Mioon’- territory tor sell ng goods is
rery I mitetJ. Her territory does not
1 ar
not exceed over fifty miles in either
direction, > nd unless a bust tine is es
tablished, and lower freight ratfk are
had, there ie no hope of widening that
Messrs. Oarbut Bros, said sometime
ago that the boat would run from
Brunswick to Macon.
Sapho tonight.
Constipstlou Is the rock thHtsgwr-o)ijjb
many lives; it pouon, the very iife
blood .• Kv au anty can be es abllskwl
tbrutigh the use of Prickly Ah Bit
ter*. L ts mildly cathartic, and
h!re• g 1 hens the stomseb, liver and
k;dn< ye. W. J. Butte.
Fresh maecaroyns. lady finders, cream
and laccy cakes at City Bakery. ,
Suffcrc-ra from tins harribVe malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
from tire parents, but may Ire front some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often run*
through several generations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood for
years, or until you reach middle life, theft*
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap
pearance — or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perroa*
nentiy all the poisonous virus must be
.•Hmiuated from the blood—every vestage :
if it driven out. Thi S. S 8. does, and
3 the only medicine that can reach deep
jeated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When ail the poison bas been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns
Cancer begins of ten in a small way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: !
A small pillu le raine on roy law about aa tnch
below the earontbe left sldeol my face. Itgave j
l ie no pain or lticonven
emer and I should have row,'
forgotten about It had it
not begun loinflaitieand KjL MM
itch ; it would bleed a Kpsa ft®
scab overshot Km
continued for aorae time, <PSS* TT
t/hen my jaw began to asfSisLJa*
swell, becoming very
painful. The Cancer be- ujf v pplo, \ jE&
<,an to eat and spread, hg/idjh
mtll it rtit large aaa /A3p
tybdoltai. wheu i heard
and it eta tetnarkable
ahat ft wonderful effect
it had front the v<-ry beginning; the tore began to
■leal and after taking a few bottle* disappeared
!,,it -ly. This wat two year* ago ; thete are atilt
no Mgna of the Cancer, and tny general heatlh
■ontluucs good.—Mag. R. Sanaa, La Plata, Mo.
S <#'''> aEJta is the greatest of all
vjk/w blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
B LB pureljwvegetable. Send
**StP '3CW for our free book on
Cancer, containing valuable and interest
ing information about this disease, and
wnteour physicisnsubcut your cose. We
moke no charge for medical advice.
■ ft / n
'^ v
■'y, ■ ->
y.y //jy
■A Man of Hot ut ' was
the matinee by the,
company afternoon to a
large auf|jmc. , '-Ai. nighr, “The Briiice
of Ksgfft” was giiten to * fair hbu. e.
Toe l’.obets H<i||bhi amused wftj%
their speoiaiTfiS. Tonight, ‘‘SapUb’,”
the play made famnhtt bv Olga Ntb/i
ersole’s interpretation, IstJto bilT.
- - -W
skre. offer One Hundred Rolfitrs Re-j
ward for any ease of Catarrh that cayf|
not i>e cured by ITsli’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J . CHKXKY & 00.. Toledo,O.
We, the uodersigoed, have known
• K, J. dbehey for the last fifteen' j ear* .
M|ti believe nitn perfeatlj bon rabfe
in all btUifneaatraoe-oiion*. ao : d finan
cially afeie td cirry but any obligations
made byftjpsg£3fcu'.
Waft & ftani* .wbdesale druggists,
WaTdt!:( Kirit art .t.Msrvio. wbedyfate
dyngiisis, Toledo, O.'
liallV (’.’start fr Cure is taken inter
ally,, acting directly upon this blood
end mucous sur sees of the system,
'Testi mama!- tv free, Price 750,per
bottle. Said by all druggists. Hall’s
Family Pill* are th- best.
All kinds of fresh assort' and cakes to
day at the corner Monk
and NeweostWlSfeet.
Our Greatest Specialist
For 20 years Dr. J - Newton Hath
away has so successfully ’rested chronic
diseases that he is acknc'wledged today
to atand at the head of b I,'rofcßsion in
this line. Hi- exclusive method of
treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture
without the aid of knife or cautery
cures in 90 per cent, of all cases In
the treatment of loss of vital forces
nervous disorders, kidney and urinary
complaints, raralyaia, blood poisoning,
rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul
iar to women, he is equally successful-
Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more 'ban
double that of any other specialist.
Oasts pronounced hopeless by other
physicians, readily yield to his treat
meat. Write him today fully about
your caße He makes no charge for
consultation or advice, either at his of
fice or bv mail.
26 Bryan Street, Havunnah, Ga
Fe!irgsot safety pervade the house
hold that, use* One Minute O iugb Cure,
the oniy harmless remedy ibat pro
duties immediate reiulta. ItTs iufali -
bls for coughs, odd*, croup, and all
throat atid lot g (roubles. It wl 1 pre
vent oonmmp'ioo. W, J. Hutta.
4\ .Fy/ , ‘ SYSTEM
To. Savannah, Ga., for the Elks’
Grand Carnival and Street Fair/ No-
Liiibsr 6:hAT I7ihi One fare for the
round trip. Tickets aoldNovetaf
her 6'h-, 7tb, 9tb. Mbh, U'b and Kt'b,
sso ‘final limit to 18th. A splendid
fpWgram of attrscUgna has been ar
ranged. Plant SyWlm ticket ;H|gents
jay I give full psrtatwlar*.
pL; B. W. WitKN'H,'
Ur.' Tassenger Traffic -Manager.
... Savannah, Ga.
4* •
Dr. W, wie, Lawrenceville, i
Y., writes: “1 Kodol Dya-
CUre in my pli'^net among se
sjjwy]|liea of indigesaiotf, and find it
an ' a'dmirabla.jremedy.” Many him
cired* of physicians depend upon the
use of Kodpl Dyspepsia Cure in pioln troub'ea.: wba;. yeiPeat.
and. allows ' eat 1 the goo& food
j ii need, prattfidiayfNlfc u do not
load your s otnacb. Givee irsts rt*- I
lief end ft peamanent eu'-W, vv.",T,
Tee Plant System w-P aei! round
trip tickets f r toe annual fair, Way
orosa Fair As ucianor., at one fare
from Tboraa-vtlle, Aibinv, Snannah,
Brunswick, lac-eonvii!.-, Lake Coy,
M jjnpiee)) i and intermedia'.- points,
A spi-od and p'ogrmn of at'raotions
has been nrranaed and visitors will*
be well enterta ntd.
B. W. WfiKNN,
Pis-enger Traffic Manager,
Savannah, Ga.
J. W, Watkins will loan
you money on personal prop
erty and real estate.
Don’t miss seeing Sapho
“Tfce Old Reliable,” Mr. B. K.
Leben, has connected bimeelf with
Mr. F. Joseph Dnerfl nger, who has
purchased the bakery and confection
ery of Jlr. J.jjM. Hoodecpvle, coroer
Monk and Newcastle streets, and is
now prepered to furmsb liis (.it) friends,
aod the public gen* rally with every
thing fresh in bis line,
F. Joseph Doe kfunokb. .
Things you won’t find
elsewhere, Dunlap and Stet
son Hats, Manhattan Shirts.
,;* . . •>
.Men’safftM' and iuveSfc| vSat 7Pc and |l.oo
Men’s Summer UndervXaral%;.vst.
Men’s Winter Underwear at Cost.
Large Line of Guyei Hats #2.2?
Men’s Stiff Hats, latest styles 1.7$
Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes at f 1,20
A large line of half hose and E. & W , Collars accost.
Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete.
Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at ; (?5 C
€ome and See Us,
GilvestoD, Oct. 21. Ti is cite will
'(.OD li-placed iu -,*!. hands of a cam
mlasTofi.' Bota the cityjadcoun'y.are
bankrupt., X/ii g übleto meet
their eakpensi-e " .
- Y)3S, August* Flower still has ihe
largest sale'of any medlelna In the civ
ilized wftrlfi. Ytfur mother* andgraad
i.mothers never thought of using any*
thing else forindigesilon or bilious
ness. Doctors-were scarce aud they
editions tipard of epsndiciUs. nervous
proe’.ry.tioti, heart fatlurj, etc,. .They
used August Plowar to clean out the
system and stop fermentation of updl* j
gested food, regulate#ae actioa of the j
liver, gtimiilsts the action of the ner
vous nod organ'c system, and that
. nil they took when iesliug dull ana Visa j
with headache add other aphis JSpuj
oWy need rfew doses of Green's auW
i'lfi'l Flower, In liquid form, to Taakdl
yon fiatleatd miffing sWloue j
the ©lt tier with ywu Saniutja' bottles |
at Butts drugstore or Brawn JimzQ :
Phould he ir. every ..onsehoid inode
Cite Star T t .i.ffords . e-tain relief
Kstivannab, Ga./ibke’ Grand Sarnie j
val sod Street Fa ; r, Nov. 5-17, 1900. i
One fare for the round trip, plus 25 1
“cants admission to the Carnival. For
military companies anil tries bands
in uniform, SI.CQ for the round trip
per capita, 20 or more on one ticket.
Tickets on sale Nov 5,7, 9, 12, 14, 16,
with final limit Nov. 18, iuolueive.
Havana, Oct 34, — Major Howard,
chief surgeon of the military division of
Cuba is Buffering from yellow foyer.
Do not gelaca/raii il yourneart trou
ble you, Most likely you suffer from
indigestion. Kodoi Djnpspata cure
digests what you eay, and gives the
worn out stomach perfect rest. It is
the only preparation Known that com
pletely digeets all classes of
that is why it cunfes the worat cates of
indigestion and stomStfh trouble after
everything else has failed. It may be
taken In ad conditions, and cannot
help but <lo you good. W*J. Butts.
i •
New Q.orgia syrup aud buck*hat,
at L E. -Robarte’, corner Egrnont and
Albtouarls streets.
New Georgia syrup and buckwheat,
at L. 35. Robarta’, corner Kgrooni and
Aibvmarie streetr.
ing from female
ru bl and
ttre so
iits and 'ho
delicate organism .of woman, What
the sufferer ought to do ia to give
' a fair trial to
Female Regulator
vajpcji i9 the true cure provided
bjßßk: ure for all female troubles. It
is'fhe formula of a physician of the
highest standing, -who devoted his
whole life to the study of the dis
tinct ailments peculiar to. our moth
ers, wives and daughters. It is mado
of soothing, healing, strengthening
herbs and vegetables, which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses, Leu
corrhoea. Falling of the Womb, Nerv
ousness, Headache and Backache.
In fairui- to herself and to Brad*
Teld’s I-emaie Regulator, every
suffering woman ought to give it a
trial. A large $t bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good. Sold by
druggists. - , ~
O Send for * nicely llluctiated free book on -ho iubject.
The Bradfleld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
most fatal of all dis
■ ULI I o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as ‘he best for
Kidney ana -Ladder troubles.
PRICE 60c. acd SI.OO.
W J. Hiih*. ti,, Jirugiet.
Money to Lend
on Improved Real E'tate.
Apply to TV. Merchant, Secretary, or
F E Twitty, Attorney of the