The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 28, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 62. BRYAN'S BHJ RECEPTION I IN GREATER NEW YORK Largest Meeting Ever Held in the Metropolis FIVE SPEECHES WERE HADE MUCH ENTHUSIASM SHOWN , Bib Less Than Three Hundred gif Thousand Heard Democrat mm cy's Great Leader. York, Oct. 27 The nugnift iiSp reception accorded Cos Bryan ten pßy# ago, alibougb a stupendous un dertaking, was not only duplicated, a? waa anticipated, but eclipsed. The *ecmkakiy>lß democratic leader ad dressed live meetings, speaking to co lees than three hundred thousand per sons, His efforts wers crowned with success. Asa resume ot hie observe tione, he stated that he was well satis fied with his reception here, and felt caritld.eDt that the democrats would carry ifie State ot New York. promptly as per echcd mle ajAviS and he waa at once driven to the Hoffmqo, where ne was made hap py by meeting his devot.d wife. As soon as the airplay of fireworks was staricd Bryan left for Madison eqnafe where he beheld the beginning of the pyro.hecnlcs which at a given moment j began to ascend from ail quarters of the great metropolis in blazing gt.rbea j heavenward, as if they had a l been 1 t. uvhed eff by tho insgic hand oi some unknown spirit Lorn the bowels of the j earth. At the end of each avenue, street | and cross reals, the tsblcau presented i i impressed one as if volcanic-craters 1 bad rent tbe cartb, and were emitting al! ; the subterranean fir; pent up in tbe ter-; rcßtial glebe. At 745 Bryan crccrted by a platoon f j mounted police went to the Broadway j Athletic Club building where he spoke to a larae aid enthusiastic crowd of Italian voters who now and then punc tuated bis remarks with vehement ex clamation} of V.ya! Bryan. Coroner Auatoiuo Zucca presided. The hall was handsomely decorated with flags and bunting, the tii color of Italy Wending its broad snipe of gr. on while and red. with the red, wnite ana blue of Old Glory in graceful festoons. From thence the idolized tribune of the democratic party repaired amid vociferous acclaim from the crowd which congested the streets of the u‘y to Cooper Union, where a vast a -my of German-American democratic vot ers gave him a rousing welcome Vice Chairman Stone t-e (. on roi’.ee, presided. The phlegmatic tem perament of the Ante; lean Tt- tons was cast to the wind, ar.d t n'.im “Hocks der president” woro yelled as msrU.aof tke epeakers trenchant words. The next move of the “Man of. tke Hour,’’ was to direct his carriage to Madison Square, where he was to make his effort of the evening. This meet' Ing proved his piece de resistance and he waded into same with his accus tomed vfgor, stunning the republicans in his usual eloquent style. Take it all in all, this day will l\Vegh the annals of political spectacular ilia pi ay as unprecedented. The management of affairs at tht; .Gar den was under W. -It. liearst, of‘the Journal, and thesuperb way in which the proceedings were handled, stamp him as a great organizer. AFTER LOU BET. Plan to Kill the President of Fiance Bv Anarchists. " in ii ..St 1 Lyon*, Oct. 27.—Nouvellstc de Lyon says a plot to assassinate President Lou bet has been discovered, It appears that a working electrician named Ceurturi burglariously entered the electric , company’s premises at N n?e, stealing 25(K)f. He was tracked t-> Orange, near I.y ons, where he was acres ed. Document were found on him wh ch revealed tin anarchist conspiracy, to aea.<4^liate President Lyube' -on Ms coming visit to * | Lyons to unveil the monument erected to the memory of PfcsiUun Carnot, f. j, t * Couluri is said to have committed the burglary in order to secure I fuuds 10 out the project, He has ornfvSi eu to tie police, who are sow tracking | the accomplices and. warding tike in areluatsein order to prevent any at t tempt to c rry out the rcheme, ■ A DEMONS I RATION. SLataokin, Pa., Oct. 27.—A commit ffee, reprtseo’ir.g 4,000 employees of | the Uuion Coal' Company, wailed on Superittibclent IViliiaijt Ryanhardt 'crisy, and were aVfcred, that ten per cen*. wou'd bs guaranteed, aud al grievances arbitrated. Work will be resumed next Moodsy. The miners made a large demonstration tonight in honor of 'he ending of the strike. THEIR FIRST MEETING. Y'okohoma. Oct. 27.—1 tls officially stated that ihe first meeting of the | plenipoteniarians of the foreign pov - 1 era to open peace negotiations In Chi-! I nese matter, was held at Pekin or last i 1 Friday. BIG CONSOLIDATION, j Chicago, Oc 27.—The gre-.t beef I I necking Intcre-is of the Armours of: • •**’'■ ' * K U'SH (#l'v II ).< orVr,; ■d into one. 'ilr Jsrge plant wjlll ’ I) 1 located hcr*% olz(,U u Uilrty-' I five millions. BRUNSWICK, GA. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1900. 11l IK in pi Smell to Figure aid Award in Result- ENJOYABLE FISH TRIP And the Names of Islands, Cities, Etc., Pi Ay an Import ant Part. One day my cousin (a oity m Maine) safd to me, “Lety go Gibing for (a oapa in Massaehueatti. ” “That will be flop,” 1 answered, lay ing down her new (city that. I had been atim ir! ng, j&ii djpuet trng a^ottae.of *•*- • , ■ v ' “But 1 am %Uoii'4ai'.go without.-a (island n eaYyl||^tkftd,'’> said mf eousiu, “Let’s Sslfci (two oapjyi. in Virginia)i(ftT(|nsw®M#^‘ Bo l ran across iwt'wGwact for thy* two who were to aflqcmpany us, white, my cousin fixed up & lunch,Van f, ’■ -> ■ sisting of Pacific ocean) a large piece of in Europe)? and an (town in New Jersey) for-each of us, joke, m put in a 'srgL t It was a beautiful dSwftTa cap*’ iu NewJarscy), en<| a fine time. I fed tuy pet (i*l|nds fiß. the coast of Africa), aniTwefttafj^. To save time we thought, we would go through the barnyard and aoroes I eaw a large (cape in Suu li America) sticking oat from behind the tafci and refined to go Btlttr die so we went t, dottier wa/T As we. were passing through the woods, all of a sudden' my cousin cried out, “ a cape in North Carolina)! Thai. ii abig river in Washington) I” J picked np a piece of broken (a country in Asia) to throw at it, wb Is my cousin eagei ly snatched a (city in Ireland), thinking it was a stone. One qf tbe boys had seen enough to throw a (city in Arkansas) at its bead, killing it instantly. While on our way home at the corner of (a lown in Mass) and a (city in Eng land) streets we saw a sign which read (a city in Arizona) Mutupal Life and I remarked to my cousins that their new policy tbe celebrated L E. A. con tract was tbe nearest thing to (a town in Island) as It provided both for old age and death, and asked him ’f ha bad ever examined it, and have you? if not, call or write J. B. Anrams, genera; ap/ nt and get a specimen copy as your age. A will b j paid the flr-t T> ri.jß hsDdli.g in this Advertisement coricc ly filled out and $1 will be paid for the secoi and answer Write your u-iw ■ pi" ily on en velope and leave at my office J, B. Al ratns. TV 11 Jim Carter wben lo send f r y >ur clothing to be dean oil aid pressed. I fifili Ijlffl 1 A M Pretty Cereiony Yes May. , MANY m PRESENT President of the Senate Howell Made a Neat and Appropriate Speech. Atlanta, Oct. 27. GovernorGcfrd(er was oftlci&Hy. inducted into office this morning, in the ball of tbe house ot representatives, In the presence of the members of the bouse and senate and' a large number of oltizens in the gt|p iry. promptly atppW*' The aerials filed into thele jfislUklve bfll at that tyri*, and the’rs fftprf Of the ofiminittee appointed to ar- the inauguration ,■ was read. provided that tbe oagf- taka plaoe in the Wall of if’ a . sir - tfle laglslature, ih the pre4p<a of both bodies and the public, Thftn the form al report of the join? Wbjoh, passed upon the election li auirfts, was wad. aiffionnced: * §: ’> "Hit exjß*ltency, the govarnor-slect, state bon.- officials, aha’distlo-i geishid fjgiznif.- hoiftd cfilceriT ard tß4'distyjguished citizens bs adfiltte'd,”,safd President "r’i K Howell. vAt, ;.<£ . A' ' ' The govornor then c*ui in, and wae presented t,o the * aisambly by Mr. Howell in h v r Ary speech. As iPpvernor Csndler arose, 1 waagreat jCtl with great apjflauee.* > When he was dune, there was more applause. Then the oath of ; fiiae was adminis tered by Chief Jmticy Simmons. After mis was dono, the great seal of Geor gia was committed by the govorntA to the secretary of state. And lien the governor and the state bouse officers retired and after them the sena'e, anil the ceremony was over. WANT SIOO,OOO FUND. Columbia, B. C., Oct. 27.-At, Flor ence last night tbe South Carolina synod decided to inaugurate an en dowment of SIOO,OOO for tbe Presbyte rian seminary of Columbia. If was decided not remove the seminary to Atlanta or elsewhere. LA YM AN A S MODER ATOR. Florence, S. C., Oct 2(1 —Ti e Pres byterian bj o and i.f 'his S' i" 1 Has choren a layman, \V P. Stevenson, as moder ator. Thriksjxv ,m M ellng is to be CnaTle.totT <^ DEWEY’S BROTHER 1 ' DEAD, M >nfpel er r Vi., 0t.27 Edward ! D wey, brother of ,iil Dwey, died e.t. Ins hums in this ci• v today. He had heeti ill several months with kidney trouble. BIG DEMONSTRATION IN BRUNSWICK LAST NIGHT Fireworks, and Speeches in Honor of Bryan GROVER CLEVELAND May Take Ex-Postmaster Wilson’s Plaoe, Norfolk, Oct. 27.—Grover Cleveland will probably succeed the late William L. Wilson as president of the Wash- Tflgtonand Lee University. CHARGED WITH MURDER. Douglas, Ga., Oot. 27.—John Wright baa been arrested, charged with the fnuyder of Hiram Sears, in the lower oounty, about a month "KILLED HIS ASSAILANT; Athens, Ga., Oct,. 27.—At Elkmont, Dine miles from here, a negro named Holt assaulted a young white man and was placed under bond. Later, when released, he again assaulted the young fellow, who killed him. BIG ORANGE CROP. Siu Eranofisoo, Oot. 20.—The orange crop of tbe State pf California will, it *ir . v ' • / * . .... is estimated, amount to not less than •A . Mv • . M,OOO and possibly 25,000 cars. Orange county has nearly 1,000 acres of newly hearing trees this year, and other sec tions of the State show a much larger acreage. The crop is in fine condition. BOY SENTENCED. Atlunla, Oct. 27—Paul Rainwater, 15 years old, of good family, who kill- j ed his playmate, Prank Slappy, onj February, 15, was yesterday sentenced, to one year. Judge Candler says he' will ask the prison comm'ssion to send him to Mllledjgevijle, a.s Atlanta has no reformatory tp keep him away from hardened criminals. — — DE A TIT 'IN SAVANNA 11. BdVaonsh. Ocr. 27.—Mr. Moses 8. Gackenhaimer, one of Savannah’s most prominent business men, dird last night. Ths deceased was not quite 28 years of age. Ha was born in Savannah, on December 29, 1872. ll@ was the youngest son of the iate Simon Guckenbeimer, who died on February 27, last, just eight months ngo today, Deceased was a member of tbe firm of 8. Gackenbeimer’s Sons. He was un married. SOUND MONEY PARADE, otitcago, Oct. 27.—The sound parsde arranged for .eday by the Commercial, McKinley Club, No. 1, is a . ery larg. affair. R lent tWft 100,000 men ' areln line of whom the work gmen's j j eight *V ’ h * Repuh’. ;tn . j Legy- Rough Rider* 20 <>:•<), io <i ' 'WKjKjjr -'is! and mrcfeMlonri ne>- v i 'ifvd to have a”d .<j 50,000 iii 60, ■. ■ ’o 'ha numbers. Tbt parade be;. • - inuvlng at 10 o’clock this morning, I and continued late. The lir u r msrch travn,es the principal thor cugbfart*. . PRICE FIVE CENTS. COL. COCHRAIS FINE SPEECH PLEASED All 10 HEARD II The Meeting Was Held Under the Auspices of theißryan and Stevenson Club. Brunswlok formed a link in the great chain of democratic rallies that last night encircled these United States. The bonfire and fireworks rekindled a spirit of real democratic enthusiasm. In view of the difficulty of getting up any kind of a public meet ing on Satur day night, the rally at the city hall was a decided success, President Johnson, of the Bryan and? Stevenson Club,‘called the moet’ng to order, and Introduced the speaker of the evening, Hon. A. E. Cochran,of Way cross, tbe democratic elector for ihe UtU district, Mr, Cochran Is a forceful speaker, well posted on the record of the Me- Klnley-Hariha combination, and he scared them in scathing terms. j He dwelt upon the subject of trusts j the increage yn tha standing army, im i pcrialism, and the treatment of Porto I Kico,“Cuba and the Philippines, He exposed the fallacious claims of the republicans that they are the friends of tbe laboring man and demonstrated clearly yjat the republican party is the ! protector of trusts and monopolies, and the foe of all free institutions. He paid a deserved tribute to our able and worthy congressman, the Hon, W. G. Brantley. The voters oi Brunswick and Glynn county must not the duty they owe to the paity, to the city and to Mr. Brantley. This county should give him the largest majority of any in the district. That appropriation for the ! public building must be Increased to ; one hundred thousand dollars. Besides j there are maDy measures for the good jof the city that, our established con igress.v an can inaugurate and succees !fully carry through, i Mr. Cochran had an intereg'.eJ audU I t-nce and Bruusw c , '-.ill be ; icaied to hear him again TO RETURN TO PEKIN, j Rome, Oct. 27, —“II Mesiageroßo mano” nt a syi Aal cable dated 'rum Pekip saying Ural the Chinese om< I uuror Kvnß idu had agreed to return |to bis c’eierted capital. Commander In -Diet of tbe allies has promised him a mixed escort of nA lets ban five thousuud men.