The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 mm will BE MAJOR Has a Majority ol Votes Ejection is Certain (KIT im jlll VOTE JViid Four of These Have Made Binding Promises'-^ Captain F ark A. Dune, oi the firoawick Ififi, n:tD, will Loelecied to tie tuariy cat B<d by the resignation of Kajcr R. IS. J art. lit Lasrctlvid the ei.duieercebtand yrr mil tfc < f ft ur cut of the seven com tr itt !rm and i flit c r. who do the vU'n*. Ct fa a liven It fnu of Odcrifv’e ferment military men and the ap lolr ltc( 1 1 i 1 gtcgetrial iatUf.c- Hcn. lie la the senior cap'ain in ihe re&ioxct iEd dtcervts tit's bibb cun mitt It n. Juit who will te circled as cautatn if tic B'.fl men la not known at piClint, lul a ntmter of the company ate !n favor of Mr J. C. S'ilce, bur <r mt bo wtuid a oept the captaincy no ot;e but hull e f knows The RiiU n rn, r uder the able manage ment of Mr. Burn, have nourished t ard arc at present in an excellent i condition.. . j Fietb Hove t atur, just in. Jlarper’e. j Every Exertion a Task | Every Care a Burden There is failure of the strength to do and the power to endure; there is weakness •• all over" that is persistent and constant. The vital functions srs Impaired, food does not nourish, and the whole system is run down. A medicine that strengthens the stomach, perfects digestion, invigor ates and tones is needed. What Rood's Sarsaparilla did for Sirs. L. E. Garland. Shady. Turn.. It lias done for others, bbe too;; it whorl she was all If:a duv.'ti with out appetite, losing: flenJi, a:wl unable to do Lor work. It restored her appetite, increased her weight, aad made her well and strong. This Is her own unsolicited statement. UMoqsS'® Promises to cure and Ise. The earlier treatment the better— begin it today, T* -i-i*?** FREBBYI BRIAN CUURCU. At the Fmby'.o. itt? cburoli today the usual cervices wbl ba conducted by the pea or at 11 a. nr., anl 7 HO o. m. The tubj-ct for ihe morning e r mon will b% 1 Judgment at tbe House of Old.” For |be evening tec won, ‘Vuigmect for them that Obey not the Oodtel.” A cirdul luv ta too ie ex'cr.did to the membership acd general pubic to all ihe tor vie 8. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: A Moos’* r D-vit Fish Destroying its riotlm,ia a type of Consmnp tion. The power of this murderous malady ia j felt on organ, ami r euros and rmwoles and i brain. There]! no health tilt it's overcome ! Bat r. King'. New I,its Tills are n safe and [ curtain euro. Beat in the world for Stomach I Liter, Kidney, and Bowels. Only 25 cent, at all drugglstii. THE RACKET STORE. ,b ’i* * ■i.ii. ! h..i.ii.ii. i . .. ... . .... ' Another shipment of the latest novelties in the Millinery Line comprising some ot the handsomest Pattern Hats, as well as ready-to-wear headgears ever shown in Brunswick just re ceived on yesterday’s Mallory steamer. Your Inspection Solicited. M. ELKAN. * .. Racket Store, - '§oß Newcastle Street. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALI, OCTOBER 28, ipuo. The Sports Ar%/E>epirg xhe'r Money In Tbeir Sockets. A well known sporting m n told a re; orter yeaterdsy that betting on the ooming presidential e'eutiou iesLw. 1U said tbat so fir only a f ew had j r*ised enough ctursge to place money [ard thoee who bod done so wre ready to pill down. ' You s?e.” b said, ‘‘Most Brur.awlrk an* are for Bryan, but they think (bat MrK rley is going to win, and rithr iban hat against their fsvon'e they hold tbeir money,” Tbiskeems lo *xpre s the ailuation ex totly and i' looks now as If very li - tie monry will change hinds. - CURES BLOOD AND SKIN '1 ROUBLES. * , ■ rwj wa S Trial Treatment Frje. I< yi ur blond pur. ? Are you sure of uf D • cuts or roraichos hesl slow. Ijf Do< your skin rch nr burn? Have you Funpleif Bmp-ion ? Ach ing bore. or bact ? Exo-iia? Oid Sorn? Hoib? Sonilui ? Rhettma ti.n ? Foul Breati t Odarrl? Are Ju pi I ? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Bum) will purify jour blood, e*ry eore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deop-seafed*, like Hirer., cancer, eating sores, Rsiwlul dwellings, Binod Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Corea when ail else fails. Thoroughly listed for thirty year.. Drugstore*, ikp-' bottle. Trial treatment ■Veo by writing BLOpI) HARM CO,, Atlanta, Ga. Describe . trouble-free medical advice g:veo. Over 3,000 vol untary teetinUmitls of cures by B. B. B. In oases of catarrh, Hood s Harsaparißa heals the tissues, build# up the syetasj, exptla impurities from the cure*. ■ f r “ FREE SILVERWARE ! When making cash ptirehases at the following places ask for Silverware Stamps: A. O. Jeffers, Groceries. M. Elkan, Dry Goods and Millinery. I. N. Bishop, Druggist. Miller & Son, Furniture. Kennon Mott, Jeweler and Optician. Fleming & Stationery, etc. Mrs. M. IsaEc,*Dry Goods, j. K. Cornelius, Groceries. 13 A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work uf art has just bean terui-d at an omlsy cf over SIOO,OOO, for w itch the publishers desire a M inager to this county, also a gcod solicitor; gcod p*y to the right party. Nearly 100 full-page engraving*, sumptum* pa per, illuminated covers acd bindings; over 200 gnldca lilies in the Mo-oeoo binding.; nearly 60 golden roses in the cloth bindings. Hells at sight; preee9 running day and night, ao great is the sale, Christian men and women making fortunes takiog orders. liapM praruo'ionv. One Christian wo man made clear S6OO io four weeks, taking orders among her chnrch ac quaintances and friend*. Write ue. It may lead tA-A permanent position •r-i- * to mtoege our jmdJook after our large cprrssjpsaidencs, which yon #au attend ta tight at your hom. Ad dress J. A, Ivu'gbt, Secretary, Gorco rau builiir g, oppiaiie Uuired Stares Trea6u<F; Wnfbirg'on, D. C. Rubber Stamps, Heala, Stencil*, KdCges, Chirk Protectors, Numb-rioa Michius*, n'r* I snd Brass Di-e, Htei 1 Lrg y an-p., sic. Will B. Fair, A gem. S!i Nowcast), strret. "f h*iv slways vßsil Folry's Iloncv and Tar cough medli-lua and ildnk i; lh- i, ia the world/' ssyr.Cha- iu-odir.. aevrsde'drr ©r i'.r.e I'a. Take on auljstltuta. w.! Sail. Tcrt'iring skin eruptions, burns at and sores, are eaothed at cnce ard prnmp - ly healed by applylng DeWitt’s A\rirch Hnpl Satyr, the beat known cum for piles. B-ware of woitbiess ciuoter feits. W. J. Butts. It is writ to know that DeWltt’s Wilrb trnrr salve Will heal a bum, and stop Ihe , aln t once. It will cure eieema and skin disesres and ugly wounds ami sores. It ia a certain cure for plica Counterfeits may be offered you See turn you get the original DcWitt’s Witch Gutel Salve. W, J. Putts. The editor of the Fordville, Ky., Miscellan eous, writes aa a postscript to a business letter: *1 was cured of kidney trouble by taking Foley's Kidney Cure," Take nothing else. W.J. Btuta | GQODpoSITIONS Secured if Byacioe.wuJiiwdif j. i .3t:\eovrje7ehca! i DUCISESS i yjuwantftrf-dti’/ n COLLEGE jj {NSTIJtJCIiOIiS E. S, PLUMB, 1 Practical and Scier Horseshoer. - - WILL rSF.UI.N- NOvJ : in the shop on Oglethorpe betwe-n Man'field and A trial wi lconylnceyou tbat he kno!H bis business. Bears the The Kind You Hava BoitaM