The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 28, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 rte Brunswick Tiiofes. Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 1 80'i. The Brunswick Times Call, CONSOLIDATED laoO, to Published EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ABTHTTB H. LEAVY * - - - - Editor XOLAITD A. MULLINS, Business Manager .wrrrat 1 in Oglethorpe Block, 211? Street oinoE I nuraoNi no si. .TO SUBSORIBEBS: Subscribers are requested to BOtily the office when they fall to get aoy issue ot the Times- Can. Attention to this matter will he appre ciated by the publishers. Iho Times-Call will be Delivered by esrrier or mail, per year. *5.00; per week 15 easts. Correspondence on live subject* solicited. Real name of WTiter should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper shonld be reported to the business office. Address all soismnnications to THK TIMED-CALL, i.runswick, Gu. NOTICE. Here2fte. - a'l legal advertUe mentH must be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been pnt to a great deal of trouble and delay lr. collecting in tbe | as*, and in future must take advantage of the Geargia law on tbit subjecS Oot. 10, 1900, Democratic Ticket. For President, William Jennings Bryan. For Vies President. Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors of tbe President and Vice President of the United States; For Electors State at Large, - Augustus DuPont Fulton Colville, For Elector First Congressional Dist, W. W. Sheppard. For Elector Second Congressional Dial G. W. Fulwood. *)j£3 For Elector Third Congressional Dist. W. C. Nottingham. For Elector Fourth Congressional Dist B. F. McLaughlin, For Elector Fifth Congressional Dist, Edgar Latham. For Elector Sixth Congressional Dist. J. M. Strickland. For Elector Seventh Congressional Dist J. P. Jackoway. For Elector Eighth '‘orgreesional Dist A. U. McCurry. ForjKleotor Ninth Congressional Dist. J. J. Kimey. For Elcctbr Tenth Congressional Fist. T. E. Marsengale. ll'h Congressional Dist, A. E. Cochran. For Representative lu Fifiy-Seventh Congress, U. S., From Eleventh Congicssi. ual District, William G. Brantley. FLORIDA’S PARAMOUNT ISSUE Judge J armings, the democratic cau-j didate for governor of Florida is op posed by a republican, but this race it attracting very little at'entlon in the land of flowers. Capital removal is th* paramount is sue there and a red hot csmpalgo Is be ing fought by the cities bidding for tho capital. The quostiou will be leftto the voters and the oeming election willJeetUo the matter * Tallahassee, the present capita’ is in the fight too and the oti-r .ram a! torose are about as strong as those for removal Out It looks now I‘ke the lat ter will win. Jacksonville is m iking a strong flghi and tbe Times Call hopes th's pro gressive city will be victorious, JOKE ON THE PALMIST. Professor PerGa, a palmist, has been coining money iu Cincinnati for a long time, but bis financial prospects are rather blue at present and a “dreadful newspaper” is the cause of all h’s trouble. The professor made the afscttajpgHir he could correceiy read an Impression and here he made the victim of a cruel job. . ' The Post took an-impression of a Chimpanzee’s paw at the Zoo and ac companied It with a slip of paper with the fol’owltfg wri.tcn ,on it in a ladies hand writing, “How long will I live, what am I best adapted to; when will I be married'.-' 1 The following answers were re turned by Perrin: “You will Hyo to be fifty; you are best adapted for a decorator; you will be married at twenty five. ’ These faots were published in the Pest and it Is said there is not a sign of a palmist in Cincinnati now. SUNDAY THOUGHTS. (Bishop Stephen Elliott.) We cannot flee away, my beloved readers, from trouble, from temptation, from sorrow, from sin. They must be met and overcome. There is a rest promised to the children of God, but it is not to be found In this world. God has promised and prepared for those who love Him mansions ia which beauty will never’fade, sorrow never dim the eye, love never bhangs; but they await the children who have part in the res urrection of Christ. This is a mistake which mau is tver making, dreaming that he can find rest by flying away from the present. Whenevor sad or sorrowful, his feeling is that of tlj.e Psalmist; * Oh, that 1 had wings like a doyo, for then would I ily away and be at rest.” He forgots that the trouble, or the trial, or the sorrow, or the sore temptation to sin or Jolly, not in tho mere accidemai ofouinstauees, but in the nature of things. Ho supposes tl at if he could change this condition of things; or get rid of thut evil, he shonld beat rest. But he ever finds that the world is the same wherever he goos, be cause ho himself Is the Sami! When he has shifted all the scenes of life and played his part in many different ones, he learns at the last that perfect rest is nowhere but iu himself: that peace is not tho product of earthly combination but Is the gift of C hrist, But what a long chase man has ere ho finds this out; how he toils away the best years of his life in looking for rest in change;' how ho chafes against the fetters which he supposes are keeping him from res and peace. Oh, that I might be rich Oh, that 1 might have fame and honor! Oh, that I might win the obi ct of my dcaire! Oh. trouble might tie taken out of my Jife, -or this skeleton removed from are the’ have been so often i PM i i c . i.lly i.i.i.u. ■ ~ .. . ■ an. • ' ' _ A ':,j(pP : m\ Sold b> all -: -daw THE BRUNSWICK TRESrOALtL..OCTOBER 28, 1900. ijStnfßtore. The fond mother dreams great dreams of baby’s future as she holds the sleeping little one in her arms. But the dreams will never come true unless she has given him a strong body and a healthy mind. Children die in hosts, or live to ■Guggle through life feeble of body and dull of mind because the mother wu unfit physically and mentally for moth -hood. 'Women who use Dr. Pierce’s FaegSHte Prescription endow their chil dren with Rtrmfg bodies and bright minds. It is every mother’s duty to give her child the advantages of a healthy body and tnind. A weak or sickly woman cannot do this. * Favorite Prescription” makes weak women strong and sick women well, Mf. Orrhi miles, of Downing,Uunn Cos. t Wls., writes: I hare been Intending to write to yon ever since my bsfiy was born in rrsurd to whet your ‘ Favorite I'rescrljAlon 1 ha: Cone for me. I caanot praise it raongh, for I have not two e> wellfor Are yearn as I now am. !t. :• >y I he/, a baby boy, weight it pounds. am! f--.-only ifclc a meet time, aud tnce 1 got r.p heve not bod “tt? sick dsy I have not hail nnv womb trouble Since 1-got up. I was not only surprised niyself ottr >,n of my friends here see stupnstsi lo set 90 well** Dr. Picrcc’a Pellet* cure biitouauets* even after they havo Tr>UiiU no'rest- in „ anything.* J Ksod bas done for them. This is the co idition which sin has forced i uj#ntheifii!rld. Wlat use (a flying? Who has put you where yon arc? Who has you will tWolfcum- 1 stances which are your trial *i|H,cjup tatlon? Wjjip b#s planted tbe'skefaton i in your house? Is it not God’r Hemews*a her, H^^hasDrSjj^^ifc-^. ■ ■ t them (MnovUlSnik for the Christian to pray as St. Paul Jid that tbe tliorslft tho flesh, wftjkiever it might be, might be removed; but tty away as Jonah did, fro* the croAL Which had been laid U(>pnhim. In the one case he would receive the answer; “My grace is sufficient t(? help thee,” in the other he might flnfl that It was as if “a man did floe from a li:n, and a met him, or wont Into a house and leaned his hand on tbe wall and a ser pent bit him ” A Card. Tbe tiianuiadtorers otßanuei Salve have au thorizod tlio nnUeraigued to guarantee it for burns, cots, some, ulcers, tetter, eczema anl all skin diseases. You have your fiipeey beok it doesn’t do all it claims. W. J?sfdtts. Fresh maccaroons, lady fingers, cream puffs and fancy cakes at City Bakery. J. W, Watkins will loan i you money on personal prop! erty and real estate. Fc diogsot safety pervade tbebonse bold that uses One Minute nigh Cum, the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate results. It is infalli ble for coughs, oolds, croup, and all 1 throat and lung troubles. It will pre- | vent consumption. W, J, Butts WANTED. Artesiau wella to drive at $250 each KUe and capacity . guaranteed wili also guarantee to complete weils in 15 days. Cal! on or address A. H. Baker 905 Gloucester street. HAVE^^ BARGAIN DAYS, V A* Monday and Tuesday. October 29 and 30. V H HELLER & BROS., 314 Newcastle St., Between (• McGarvey sand Thomas Keaney. PRINTEJiS BOOM BRYAN. New York, Oct. 27. Ai open air mass mee’.lrjg wag held tonight by (he Allied Printing Trades in behalf ot Bryan for he presidency Ladle-’ dresses cleaned and pressed at Jim Camr’e. 506 Monk St. GEORGIA EMBALMEBS.. Atlanta, Oc>, 27. —Toe Georgia state Board ol Ertbal lers is in session h j re. examining applicants for the st-te license This is a special mert iog for the accommodation of thos who tailed to appear at the Savannah meeting. If yon have ch thing to be dy-d send It to Jim Caritr. Prickly Ash Bitters cares disease of the kidneys, cleanses aud streegthena the hvtr, stomach and towels. W. J Buts. Brunswick made Candies. You’ll find all kinds at Lloyd e, Phene 255-2 Have you a suns* of fui.ncssln tbs region of your stomach after eating? If so you will be beneateu by using Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets.!They; a!ao;cure belching end eonrstomsch. They regulate the bowels too. price Sic. S .Id by liishop’e Drug Store.. Me. Julius May lost a pccket book at JheUioJjre la-t nigh’. A- libjra! re ward wil b pa'd for the return of the same. ’"i? ‘j. Call job office is now in full blast again and lh6e who deelre To save money shwuid let it bfd on thair work. Bjst workmen and bet equipped, k & -ir Second hand household iMdliUire bought Hw gold; alsd pianos, trunks, mfrrors, cdfimn. etc. J W: WatkinfT New Georgia syrup and buekwbsat, at L. E. Rubarts’, corner Egmoot and TUbtmarle street.. Complete is THE LINE OF ft i 11 ii which I now have on exhibition. ~* =s =--n>=- CALL AND EXAMINE Til. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle Sn g 900 DropsJ "".TrrYr CASTOR^ AVfegctable Preparationfor As - tttcFoodandßegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of I\p:V!NIS/( HILDKKN Promotes Digestion.Cheerfub ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morplune nor>fiaeraL Not Nahc otic . Ahwee aSOUnSiMULLPtTCHSn fantptan Saul- v Mx Jtavift - § Jhue W i* 1 itikmSmdr- I fisg&U ) Apwrfecl Remedy forConstipa- Tidn, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .(.onvulsio ns,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alb monihs oiu )3 Dust s- Cin is EXAir COPY OF WRAPPER. H. U. MILLER & SON. Mon steamer will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods oC A. A.VANTINE & CO Also a lot % of muslin and Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, etc- WINE OF CAR PUT A THE LINK THAT BINDS. Jackson, Tkk*. , Nov. 28. I wa subject to miscarriage for three years, •nd ruffered consUntly with buck ache. I wrote to you for advice, and after using three bottles of Wine of Cardui, according to your directions, I am strong and well, and the mother of a fins Mrs. B N. JO WEBS. WueTo'ntk' There is no use talking—* baby in the house is the link that binds husband and wife together. Nothing Is sadder than fruitless wedlock. The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When a wife Is barren, there is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known as ” female troubles”. Wine of Cardui is the remedy. It puts the organs of generation in a strong and healthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During tiie period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother Is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, and when the little one makes its advent tt is lusty and strong, well-fitted to grow to ma- 5 ‘"l render I '"f ***** a Tl?* , r“lt “S2ZJ". mother, too, pisses through the * direction*, adirtM, dying AYirinoinfc trial uithJifflA ml D*p\ Th* rnATTJUfOOQA inn v, unjittie pain and no dread } udicisk toacuAtuno RH, Tt-nn. Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder- ————■ — ful medicine for women. Large Bottles for SI.OO at Druggists. WINE OF CARDUI GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Ham Always Bought ' Bears the M t Signature y/\f y kjr us* For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THK CCNTAUH COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.