The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 28, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR STOCK MUST GO--EVERYTHING AT COST Shoes. I Men’s Yici Kid Bals at 2.50 jflßf JfTlpii Men’s Tan Vici Bals at 2.25 if Ladies Ultra Boots at ITT 2.75 ’ill I Kid Lace Boots at ....... r\*v 2.25 Ladies’Kid Button Boots at T.T 22? Ladies’Paten| Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75 A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND M I CHILDREN’S SHOES AT COST. j ?ALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. ■ - " Aa ■ . ' wx' CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE, Advertisements in this column will be insert *d at the nnitorm rate ol One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however stall, lose than 50 cent*. Cash In advance. FOB KENT.—Furnished rooms at 405 G street, near center of the city. Excellent winter rooms. bouse, at 407 G Good location, modern improvements. Apply on premises. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocosine habit; myself cuted. will inform you ol harmless, permanent home cure, Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. DISSOLUTION.—The firm of DevT ris & Levadas, composed of P. Deva ris and S. Levadas, is dissolved by mutual consent. P. Devaris will con tinue the grocery business at the old stand. LOST.—Near the intersection of Newcastle and Gloucester streets, one gold broocbe with amethyst setting. The tinder will be rewarded on return ing the same to cliloe of theTiWKs- Cali.. Hustling young man can make (CO per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. "Write quiok for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4th & Locus Streets. Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED. —Christian man or wo man willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here or in home ■county. (900 yearly. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope to Secre tary, care of Timbs-Caix. HELP WANTED—MALE,-Old es tablished mercantile house, extending ■business in this section, wants to ar range with capable man, of Merest habits, to manage branch. Salary, SISOO yearly. Extra commissions. Must furnish (800 and satisfactory references, “Opportunity. - ’ Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 11-18 WANTED.—Colored lady to prepare for traveling. Salary and experses, to begin. Deferences. Send self addressed envelope for reply. Presi dent Mcßrady, 3EG Dearborn, Chicago. ""RESPONSIBLE WOMEN can add easily to their income by earning a commission, and also an opportunity to share in cur distribution of $17,600 in cash, by taking subst/iptious for the Delineator. No ou’fit required. Costs only a postal card to enable vou start. Address Butterick Publishing Cos., Dept. D, 17 West 13th st., New York. References: Any banker ex press agent | WSk K2KS2 Hurry! cottage on Norwich street, cor. Albemarle. Apply next door, or to ’Phone 102. WANTED.— Reliable colored man to prepare tor traveling position. SSO monthly and expenses; promotion; permanent; refsrencea required. En closed self-addressed envelope for re pty. Secretary Card, 35G Dearborn. Chicago. ’ — ' A BONA FIDE BALAKY~SI2 WEEKLY.—Men and women to ap point agents and represent us—some to travel, others for local work. |l2 ; weekly salary and expenses. Old es tablished house, pleasant, permancat position; rapid advancement and in>- orease of wages. Write ai once, Ad dress Butler & Aldger, Dept. E, New Haven, Conn, 11-13 A FOR SALK,—Hiliery Island, sit- on Turtle river, containing wires of high land, suitable for truck ing or poultry raising; about 15 acres cleared; good fishing and oyeter beds around the Island. Also, Island View, oontaing 50 acres, more or less, situ ated on Gibson and Pervises oreeks, six acres of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and Im provements on same. For further in formation, apply to K, Jos. Doerflin ger, 31G Union street. WHY rH BACKACHE? I have suffered several years with backache, and after taking one bottle of Smith’s Sor.i Kidney Cure, I hare been cured. Since then, I have rot been troubled with my buck. Too much- cun not be said in its praise. Capt. Wm. Forreet, Memphis, Tenn Price 50 cents. For sale by all drug gists. It Happened in a Drug Store. •‘One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for u brand <f cough medicine that I did not have in stock,” gays Mr. C. ft. Grandin, the popular druggist of Ontario, N.V. “She was disappointed and wanted to know wtmt cough preparation I could recommend, I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that She could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend In reed of a cough medicine- and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy.” The tWlm-dy owes its great popularity and extensive sale In a 1 large mea- re to the personal recommenda- I tlons of people who have W-an cured by its use. jlt is for sale at I>r. Bishor.’u ’gatore. j It is exasperating to one who knows Foley’s Honey and Tar, and knows what it will do, to have a dealer recommend something as ; “just the same,” or “just as good” for colds, coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J. liuttß. THE BRUNSWICK LIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 28. IJ JO SOCIETY N EWS. COKniN-JETKR J The M aeon ,X airgraph of Friday -. “Tbe marriage oT Miss Dttie.v JcMr, to Mr. R. C. soc a^ event In Wacou y< ed at the First Baptfgjr, church at o’clock and was performed by Rev. J. L. Whito, tbe pustor. .There were three- couple* and four usfcer* oomprlsiug the following ng I people: Misses Evelyn Jeter, maid of boooT,Margaret Corbin and May Mura-, ford. Mr. Sam Corbin, best man, Elton Adams and Ed McKenzie,Messrs, Will Butler, George Rowell, Vassar Pddrfqk and Harry Frapklln, ushers. The church was prettily decorated with palms and ferns and the party en tered in tbefollowlng order: The ush ers, Mr. Will McKenzie with Mits Mumford, Mr. Addrna with Miss Cor bin, aud the bride with Miss Evelyn Jeter. Tbe groom, with bis best man, entered from tbe rear and mot the bride lofore the aliar, where they weio made man and wife in tbe simple Bap’ist ceremony. The bride was handsomely gowned in a light blue traveling costume and her msids in pink organdy, each carry ing a bouuquet of pink roses. Mrs. Everett played the wedding march. Immediately af er the ceremony the oride and groom repaired to the home ot tht bride and left on the 11.20 train for Jacksonville. Mrs. Corbin is the daughter of Mr. William Jeter of this city and a young lady of rare beau’y and re finement. Mr. Corbin is ouo of the promising young business men of Ma con. Tbe couple will make their home here. Miss Lollie Morgan is quite ill to tbe regret of friends. Hurry! J-* Wednesday, Oct; JTfet, will be All nallow’a Eve, or as it is more com monly known, Hallowe’en. Tbe cus tom of keeping Hallowe'en is a sur vival Uf different superstitions and peiigious ritbs. We trace ita origin I >' to mythology ; there it appears as a Pagsn festival and later as a Christian day of prayer and vigil before the feast of All Saints’, which falls on the first of November, and is celebrated in the Catholic eburob as a dty commemo rating acts .of the early Christians, who were martyred for the sake of Christianity, The use of apples and other fruits for the purpose of testing the future—a rite observed by the young people—is probably a revival of the custom of the early Romans of making offerings to Potnpona,. the goddess of fruit and sseds, on that day when tbe stores laid by in the rummer were opened op for winter use. Less religions eqntiment towards the day is now observed than formerly existed. It is generally made an occasion for unique and interesting entertain ments. Young ladies desiring to know the future, resort to all manner of tests to discover the names or see the faoos of their prespeolive husbands. One way of making a matrimonial forecast is to (ill a shallow tub with water and in it place several crab apples, each named for some eligible friend. Then the young lady proceeds to snap at the apples with her teotb, the one sbe se cures of ocurifc|jjcoming tbe cho-cn one, as iudeeorie should after this cat and rat performance. Robert Burns inbwpoern on Hallowe’en, describes the process of descendidg into a cellar at the ghostly hour of midnight alone with a lighted candle and a mirror. After gszlng steadily at the mirror a > few minutes the future husband’s faos appears In it over the maiden’s shoul- Gent’s Furnishings. ■'^ ISjjfold 1 Sjjfold and Silver Shirts at 7jjc and #I.OO n ISujSfinSF'TJ irderwear at Cost. Men’s Winter Underwear at Cost. Large Line of Gnyei Hats #2.2? Men’s Stiff Hats, latest styles 1.7? Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes at $1,20 A large line of half hose and E. & W , Collars at'cost. Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete. Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at : Csc I Come and See Us, FOUR IN ONE T 0 Prickly ash Bitters Cuw. th KIDNEYS. li uvea, fha STOMACH (lid the BOWELS., k *oun mcoicincs ton one dollar. der; at least if it doesn’t it ought to, after snob bravery. Generally tbe young men hear of tbe rites the priest esses are performing, and descending uppn tbe temple, invade its sanctity. Asa matter of course the eyeningends in a danoe or some other less religious amusement, but this helps rather than binders the fates, who have presided over thß eveniug to carry out the good work which they have foretold. Mrs. G. A. H. Jennings and Miss Leola Calvin have returned from a visit to rslatives in Montezuma. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barker and chil dren will arrive this'afternoon from Brooklyn. Miss Frances Bailey entertained Uer little friends at a paity on Wednesday afternoon. Continued on Kigth l*a •*. Cams Near Dying. ‘■For three days and nightu I aulTered agony untold from nn attack of cholera morbus brought ou by eating cucumbers,” says M. K. , Lowtbcr, clerk of the district court, Center vine, lowa. “I thought I should surely die and tried a dozen different medicines, but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chamber lain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and throe doses relieved me entirely. I went to sleep aud did not awake for eight hours. On uwakenirg a few hours ago I felt ho gratified that the first work I do on going to tbe office is to write to tho manufacturers of this remedy and offer them my grateful, thanks and say ‘God ble the splepijhd medicine you •nuke.’ ” in at Dr. Kish op’s drug wWH y *%> — LOW RATES-YMfUTIiK PLANT SYSTEM Dr.S#vs,unfit', Ga., for tbe Elks’ anil Street Fair, No vemns? sth to 17th. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Novem ber sth, 7tb, 9th, lzth, 14th and lGtb, with final limit to 18th. A splendid program of attractions bus been ar ranged. I’lant System ticket agents Sill givf^^^^urticulars. WIIKN.N, "s Manager, . _ Savannah, Ga, Hurry! W. J, Butts, Special Agent. NEW RAILROAD, It ia now tbe town talk that we are to have anew railroad in tbe near fu ture. This will mean a great deal for Brunswick and her people. In the meantime, we are receiving goods by the old water route, direct from New York, which we offer to the public at the most reasonable prices. Our line is now almost compelete, but if you should want anything not to be bad in, our town, let m know and we will get It in our next order. We are here to please the trade. Prescriptions re ceive our personal attention. Satis faction always guaranteed at Smith’s pharmacy, dealers in drugs and drug gist sundries. For sprains, Bweilings and lameness there nothing so ood as Chamberlain’s Pain Halm. Try it. For sale at Dr. Bishop’s drug store. Jim Carter will send for your ;old clothes and make them new, and charge you comparatively nothing. It Heals ths Largs. When stiffcrifig from n racking cough take dose of Foley’s Honey and Tar. Tho soreness will be relieved and a warm, grateful feeling and healffig of the parts affected will bo expe rienced. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. O.A .JTOXUTA. Bear, the _/) Tlra Kind You Havo Always Bought T’ (ZsAtfM&c Constipatiou is tbs rook that wreck many lives; it poieons the very life blood . Regularity can be established through the use of Prickly Ash Bit ters. It is mildly cathartic, and stro'.gthens the stomach, liver and kidneys. W. J. Butts. To Stop a Ojld. After exposure os when you feel a cold com ing on take u doe of Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fs* 11b to stop a cold if taken in time. W •J. Butts. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and buchu: LOW KATES. To Georgia State Fair'at Valdos'.u, October 2th to November 4th, via riant System. One faro from points In Georgia, Florida and Ala bama, plus 50 cents additional for admlsaion. .Military rate 1 cent per mile each direction, Xl or more on one ticket. M. VV. WItk.VN, Passenger Traffic Manager 5