The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 FINE BOAT JUST BOUGHT Mr. Wright to Put New Boat od Darien Route THE Kip NUMBER 2 Craft is Now on the Way From New York—Will Be Here Boon Mr. J. B. Wright, owioer of the tug Hesaie, baa just purchased a now boat to take the Darien run. The purcbaae waa made aome day* ago, and the new steamer ia now on the way from New York, and will probably arrive here witbin the next ten daye or soouer. The increasing business of ibis ppu> lsr route caused the purchase of the new boat, whioh is much 'arger than the Hessie, but bat It on the ssmo lines. Just what Mr. Wright will do with his swift steamer, which has dooe such excellent work, Is not known, but be will not keep it on the Darien line, as one boat is enough to do the work. :\Um I. LotsofHwasshAppenea 12 year* ago but we are golngTto->4i£n you about one, Ifc*a about a barrel of "" ■ ' - "” X ' L '~" v Old I. P. RIP! II that was distilled that year. We csu prove that it was. Hero ia the history: JJiatllled in ISdB, took a sea trip to GOr many In 1802. Roturnod to Freedom In 18M, and lias been growing older in the word every day since. Yon know now that it is good was good to start with—but tt la wonderful how good it ia today. Just a whiff, and the bonquet will make you smack your lips in an ticipation. Just a taste and you will thank your lucky stars that you reud this advertisement. Ha 12.00 a quart botllo and is worth every cent of the money. L GOLDSMITH 300 GLOUCESTER ST. Second hand household furniture bought and sojd, also pianos, organs,' trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. When yo'i cannot sleep for coughing, it la hardly necessary th *4 tiny one #Uould tell you that you nood a few dosoa of Chamberlain’ Cough remedy to allay Ibo Irritation of th# throat and make sleep possible. It is good Try it. For sale at l>r. Hi shop’s drug store. MHft . Ml! A swoot of some kind Is as ooctusary to your system as your daily broad. Why not have tbo purest, cleanest and beat? I have lbs most up-to date and clean candy plant you ever saw, and am making daily Core Stick Candy, Marshmallows, Creams, Strong Hoarbouud Drops, Cure Rock Candy and a Hundred other kinds. LLOYD’S, ’PHONE and (Next door to Fleming & Waff) SEEKING LQ&:TICKS. Fourth Litt of Industries Deeirou, of R ■moving. Treasurer W.l!ims, if she M ore Organ Uo , of Chicago. Id., is casting about tor a ljcaliun to esiab'.iab a factory. W. J. Tbetapson, of Alban}, Wis., is looking for a location to establish a linen factory. About 150 Hands wll be employed. The Erie Mill Cos., whose plant at Blaine waa burned last week, is look ing for anew location. J. K, Reynold, of Mayfield, Ky., is looking for a location, to *30,000 pant* fac ory. The Saucony 8"floe Cos, or Suritiieu, Pa., is looking for anew location . The Marinette Iron Works Mfg, Cos., of Marinette, Wis.,. has ingrown the oapacity of its pres-ot plant. Is look ing for Relocation elsewhere. The Fulton Bedstead C0.,0f Fulton, N. Y., is looking for anew looatioo. The Niptnuok Paper B x Cos ,of Spenoer, Maas., whose plant waa de stroyed by fire rec n’ looking for anew looation. The plant of the Dayton, O, Blank Book aud Printing Cos ~ was damaged by Bre. Loss $7,000, Wiichell Bona’ shoe factory Cbliago, wae destroyed by an explosion, The building was a total loss. There is a fascination about big profits toe business man. But the conservative aud cau tious trader prelers to have the lessor per cent, of interest and the larger per cent, of safety in hie Investments. There is no Intel ness man who would not consider it a sound proposition to In vest in an enterprise in which absolute loss was impossible and which offered ninety-eight chances in a hundred of a rich profit. The sta tistics of cures effected by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Jlglllcal Discovery show that ninety-eight per eouLofytrwcwf *aigak lungs” can ho absolutely cored. Almosttf n<# sll forms of physical weakness may ho Starva tion saps the strength. The much starved wiieu the stomach cannot extract nutrition from the food it receives aa when there la uo food. “Weak lungs,” bronchial af fections. obstinate coughs, call for nourishment “Golden Medical Discovery” supplies that nourishment in iumoat condensed ami assim ilable fom. It make# “weak lungs” strong, by strengthening the stomach and organs of diges tion which digest and distribute the food and by increasing the snpply of pui-e blood. Pure rendered ebiokee—fat. Thomas Kenny. Tbo Plant System will sell round trip tioketa for the annual fair, Way orose Fair Association, at oue fare from Tbomasville, Albany, Savannah, Bruoewiok, Jacksonville, Lake City, Monoicelln and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions has been arranged and visitors will be wsll entertained. • B. W, Wrens, Passenger Trsfflc Msnager, Savannah, Ua. WARNING! Tenderness, soiling in the small of the back, it a serious symptom. The kidneys arts,*aXl'ering. Take Smith’# Sure Kidney dire at auoe. It it a re liable kidney remedy and system reg ulator, and will our* the trouble be foro it develops Its dangerous stage. Price 50 cents. For sals by ail drug guts. Kl-na Ki ns.—viuinlße'tß s tastslon. form, without affecting Its medietas) value, combined With ast'tsnlUd sad lmn. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to take. e * bottle lor sale by W. J. Lulls the drugflst. Get yuur apples, oranges, etc., at G. W. Hirper’s. Stops the Couah and works off the Cold. Laxative llromo.Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cape, No Pay. Price S5 cents Pure rendered cbioken—fat. Thomas Kaany. New Georgia syrup tuAbuokwheat, at 1.. K. UggpKV, oarf Mbmiont and Albemarle streets.,JP 6 OAiaiSpHtlA. Beer, the Huts Always fought STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stove* and ranges, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay itreut - , - Fresh cakes just in : Orange aug ers, chooolato inafy others, at liarne^^oP^^ Ur'HF BRUNS'A I(K TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 28,1900 New England Women Have an Abiding Faith in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. After years of struggle to attain and merit public confidence, with a firm and steadfast belief that home day others would recognise in us the truth, (food faith, and honesty of purpose which we know we posses*, what a genu ine satisfaction it is to succeed, and to realise the uplifting infhienoe of the merited confidence of a vast army of our fellow beings. Thus stands the Pinkham name in New England, and all over America, and nowhere is the faith in Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound greater than ia New England, its home. Merit, and merit alone, can gain this. ORGANIC INFLAMMATION. “ DkAit Mrs. Pinkham : —-1 wae troubled very badly with inflamma tion of the bladder, was sick in bed with It. I had two doctor*, but they did me no good. A friend gave me Lydia B. loukharn’s Vegetable Com pound, and it helped me. 1 have now taken three bottles of it, and I am entirely cured. It is a Uod-send to any woman, and I would recommend,it to any one suffering a* I waa. I think, if moat of the women wouldJMk* more of your medicine isafilPdtM''' going to the doctors, they wftgmw' better off. The Compound haff* cured my husband of kidney tTonbie.” Mss. Mabel Box 160, Mechanic Falla, Maine. ’—yearns mgymriotL “ For two years I suffered nervous prostration, the result or” female weakness. I had leuoorrhpea very badly, and at time of menstrtS tlon would bo obliged to go. to bed. Also suffered with headaches, pain across back, and in lower part of abdomen. I was so discouraged. I had read of Lydia B. Pinkham’s Com* rnind, and concluded to give it a trial. wrote to Mrs. Pinkham, and received a very nice letter in return. I began at once the use of her Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier, and am now feeling splendid. I have no more pain at monthly periods, can do my own work, and have gained ten pounds. I would not bo without your Vegetable Compound. It is a splendid medicine. I am very thankful for what tthas done for me. —Mrs. J. W. J., 76 Carolina Are., Jamaica Plain, Mass. If Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will cure those women—why not you—you cannot teU until yon try it If you are ijl. and renllv Want to get well, commence its uaeykt once, anil do not let any drug clerk persuade you that he has something of ms own which is better, for that is absurd. Ask him to produce the evidence we do. KIDNEY DISEASES are*the most fatal of all dis eases. Hi! EV’Q KIDNEY CUHE Is a TULL Id Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. W. J. Butte, the Drugist. Wall Paper AT THE . PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H.KXTLE >r*s- PROPRIETOR. Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATI. AN TIC INVESTMENT 00. PAINFUL PERIODS. “ I cannot help but feel that it is ray duty to do something in regard to recommending your wonderful medl c'ine. I must say it f is the grandest ff on earth, Hi w __ ■ j and have advised lfjT Sfjk great many suf j\- j. r/ 9 ferlng with female I\ T / J troubles to take it. iif Al" S' J a Iddl people I wish Kg* I could go on the platform and leo r it. *‘,My trouble wse painful menstrua* ation. The suffering I endured pen cannot describe. 1 was treated by one of our most prominent physicians here for five months, and found myself getting worse instead of better. At '•'ffesend of the fifth month he told me li Khl. done all he could for me, and that Ih*2N>ctt*r go to the hospital. •f My-.:. advised me to try your Variable Compound, asTt IhfTffd br of backache. 1 did so, and took ft” faithfully, and am now cured of my trouble,' aijd In perfect health, many thanks to your medicine, I cannot praise it enough, and would recom mend it to all who suffer from any female weakness.” — Mrs. 11. S. Bald, 461 Orchard St., New Haven, Conn. SSOOO \r ■ ▼ vw v v City Bftnk of vMoh will l>s fMtiil to anj iter ?< n wl*>can find thf v-ptinDmliil letters •re uo; geiuA {•, or ?i In for** obtaining lUC writer's nju vial iw; Lydia XLTfXKuXki ;.*?• >tnyv. Cos. Rainy Day Hats. Tbo very best of the most favored shapes are I ihown iu our ###ortment. Trimmed aid I'nirimmed Pslt Hats In v.riety of shapes, styles end color*. Wh have bought and nis ip them np to sell to tho.e who desire something service.!)!*, ytt pretty; low prlceil. These are right and priced right. MISS KATE SLATER, 504 GLODCKSTKR ST„ B. J. ULEWINE -LJ ic yles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service i We tell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. **AJ.> UOWN ‘ “ j EAI> .. No. 87 No. 89. Tim© lab 1 ;© No. 88. No.iO !! *• • Kffective Oct 1,1903. T* ’ ...1 I assenger Mixed Passenger Mixed .1...* _ ~ _ ~ Daily. Daily, SCO am.... 545 pm... lv Brunswick xx 6 00um.... 10 A ' c::::::!# VIA WAYCROSB & MONTGOMERY. .111. —■■ *■ ■■ .1. ■■■— 11.1. ■ —■■■—l ' ' 'l-^ —.j 7 16pm ...1 720 am... ar Bt-Lcuts lv 865 pm VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. !8 00 am.. 545 pmTT Ly Brunswick Ar 6 uopm ib uo am' ..... .. 12 10 am .. 12 10 am . Ar .Savann k Lv 5 29aia 4 19pm.. 6 28am.. Ar Charle ttti Lv .... 11 15pm 8 2:iam.. 7 25pm.. Ar Richmond Lv 906 am .......... 7 01am.. 11 20 pm. Ar Washington Lyi 480 am ’ 823 am 108 am.. Ar Baimrore Lv >. 256 m ......... 10 ill am Bso am.. Ar Philadelphia Lv j 12 20 am 1 15pm.. 7 00am. Ar New York Lv j > ?Y&4|pf .......... BETWEEN BKUNtiWIcH AND SAVANNAH VIA JEBUP. 806 am . 110 30 pm ar Jeaup lv 6 OOjpm.. 656 pm.. .. '■ ■ 1015 am.. 12 10 am ar Savannah ![v 325 pm .. 500 pm | Direct connection made at Waveroaa t wlth Pullman Sleeping Cara for all points. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. GOING | RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thors. Sat 1 Ar Port Tampa a SO am Thur. Sun. and Tuva. Ar Key West S 01 pm Tues. Frl. Sun I Lv Ki v West 10 OOp. m. Wed. Sat. and M0n..... Lv Key West 0 00 pm Tiles. Pri. Sunday I Ar Key West 8 00 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon- Ar llama* 5 00am Wed. Sat Mon 1 Lv Havana 5 00pm Wed. Sat. and Mon- ... W.B. DENHAM General 8 Savan • dcrS' _ ’ . /C 4 HIEAN’S Muons Doctors find A Good ..• /• / • . # jigjae ‘-mw \ Prescription! for mankind r" J •: < s2r2*’ JlrYuSs • P!" WK TANARUS semple. s>4 cm* tmA. J. J. LISSNER, | WfIOLBSALE : Groceries, Tobacco, iFlour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BR£N A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W 11, BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, .and Of Stonei Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement, Tile.'and Artificial Stone. , o*o. W. COATES, Division Pass. Agent. Brunswick. Da. B. W. WRENS Pass. Trslfic Mgr savannah. G a