The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 28, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 dp > ttH }l* >^n •'(* r I fl a\ ■M Wl J iWjjnrr • i ~- ■ nQI —.. -...*-— <-*. „• yw.- —~-X-r'f.yi.-iiyVT'~.i.-.r.i4^t- .-■ WHY .. > t! go away from home to'have your EY/ES • treated and fitted with Glasses when ] you can have the same work done here just as accurately and good? Besides, Save Money Here at Home, j and get just as strong guarantee. We refer you to any one who has had us fit them with prescription lenses. If your Eyes trouble you in any way stall, caU , on me and I will examine them FREE and tell you what you need. We have glasses j i from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy | the expensive ones unless you want to. | Examination mu Mlali Fl.-*— . I ; KENNON MOTT, 1 Jew eler and Graduate Optician. ■ 215 Newcatle Street, * • Inspector ol Watcbea tor Southern Hallway. Time by Wire <ljly from Washington Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Hhller, Hair, Shingles>nd Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. We’ve Got Shoes On The Brain? - Because that’s part of our business- We think Shoes, dream Shoes, and in fact do most everything but eat Shoes- That’s why we have the best Shoe business in the city. Our fall lines are ahead of all for mer efforts. Burt & Packards Korrect Shape $4 00 Burtwelt's $3 50 Are TWO propoSitHf huid to teat. A Full Line Drew fine-foot v wear for ladies. SCHOOL SHOES for your and girls, tli@ kind that wear. L L V Y ’ S.' THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 28, 1900, AT THE GRAND. The Pernchi-Beldenl Company Close* Its Engagement, Yesterday at matinee the Perucbi- Beldeni Cemyaoy entertained a good house in farcical sketobe*. At night a fair house witnessed a creditable performance of “Rip Van Winkle,” this play being substituted for the bill which had been previously announced, viz: “The Fatal Card.” to the disappointment of many. It seems that it only dawned upon the management of the company at the last moment that the play was copy righted, and toproduoe same m&da it liable to prosecution. James Q. Morton in tbs title role, was very good. Ella Beldeni as Gret. olfea.aUo dfd well. The balance of the cast was mediocre. The apecial scenery, thunder and electric lightning effects mutt have al*o been in dread of injunction for they shone by their total absence. That wonderful team of pretty .and graceful daooera, the two Piokerts, ably supported by that “cutest of the aa* cote” little artiste, Baby Blanche, un der the able leadership of their dad, earned tbs merited applause of the lisnifo at,'the termination of their spe- It, is well to kpow that l>eWitt’s WH$Sb Uazsl Salve will heal a burlb, ftntfwdip the pain at dPgLjJt will cat* eczema and.Akin dlMp©* endtrg**.' wounds and‘low|, egrtaio cure for piles. Counter feittwraft* offered you. Bee that you T|et®i}S|ft>riginal DeWitfs Witoh Haas! BtffSe. W, *i Butts. , .tfr . ■■ Half the World is ia OaAjgess m as to tho cause of their ill they waultf 'atari to treat their kidney* wrtj, Kt4£ aey Cun:, the weaßUiefti of lioikyj§'lutnd, : t>aei ache, •.buii lachr *d rheumatic ijiatoa would disappear. 'V. J. tttafta CASTORIA For infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwaft Right Bears tho Bipsatur# of (Sut&xTa&JUmf STEEL WOIfKS DOWN, Joliet, lift Qelbbef’27 —lt is an neunced lfcat praedtcaily al! thu 111- noU Steel Company 5 * works hero w|i clcae tonight foFan iodeflaTta laarWsJ Over 2,(Hit) man are effect*#. Toe tfflt it clais of the company rotate to dieeuse the eituaUou. ’ A Wife Says: “We have four children, With the first •tree I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to J 4 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother's F'ienrf before our last child came, which ann is a strong, fat and i# ‘ healthy boy, ebrng V* will my housework up £ towithin'wo hours ■- of birth, and sut fered but a few liard vL \ pains. This hni- j i , Y~ ment is the grand- /fj '\zF f / A f / est remedy everW Mother’s f \x Friend ’ ™ will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Friend equips the patient Hv'th a slro-ij body and elect intellect, which in turn art ir oar he tnui . to expire* ft ] relieves morning sickness and nerveu ne . j It puts all tV- organ concerned in pc met j condition for. thermal that the | labor is short and practically painless. U.iu | ger of rising or hard brcccts is aftopether 1 Avoi: .1, iou roc every i& uicr ly a jyLuw r iw days* s<!i Mother’* LrirnJ fur *t c bottle ; TM Bred field Hcgui. tor Cos., Atlanta, Oa i Send for oiir frae lustr-.wi book. ' <§o©iety. Miss Lilia Burroughs has re'.urned from a summer trip haying visited Asheville, VVeyneeville, Knoxville and several other cities. The little son of Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Dudley, of St. Sitnon, is quitd ill. Dr. Fox, of • Darien, is taking the place of Dr. C. 11. Meld rim on St. BN man during the absence of the latter on a vacation, Mrs. J. B. Wright and Miss May Wright of St. Simon, are speeding several days in Brunswick. Mr*. George P, Smith and Miss Sara Louise Smith, of Brooklyn, will arrive on Monday to visit.Dr, J. A. Butts and family, > Quite a large amount ol fancy work has been. seat to the Valdosta fair v r •; - .<• > w ‘ from Brunswick. This city stands second to nooo in the production ol flue needlework, and It is hoped it will secure several prizes. The committee Miss Helen O’Conor, Mrs, G. W. Blan ton and Mr*. A. D. Gate have worked very hard to make a good display and many ladies kindly Contributed. With so many returning from sum mer trips full of the energy a*d gcol Will resulting from good health and nigh spirits and .with several of Bruns wick popular “visiting ladles” proms Tied for the promises to H MBBjMjil laguthsr osnf fluhfc has already ft*Tvidua'. entertain ments hot' relative |t>Jhe clubs are al ready being disouMhd^; Misa Mellie Grandee, of Asheville, is the guest of her uucle end sunt Mr. ■fjdlffrs. E. F.aConey, for the winter, itid w(U attend the high school. • Khttg, Mils King, Mrs. 'JybjskfttHfrt Mr*, h. fe. §*s4Mklrn, will return on Csrd--ttsveYisnreceived by Dutjgtr nsjje friendr iu the city froth Mrs. Bernard 7,illajutbi of Atlanta, to the wedding of.,their daughter, Miss Lens L’Jieotha:,to Mr. mtn of this city."' The wedding will oc ur on Wednesday, Nov. l-ifb, and will be a seoial e.vwit of much Import ance. an extensive weed Dg tour the coopts will come to Bruns wick wiser* they will resid". M ss Louis? Hopkins and Mr. James Hopkins haversturned to Darien frtrn s visit to Mrs. R, R. Hopkins. TRY ONE Large Fat Mackerel 12 l-2e j Medium Fat Mackerel 10c j And for Anything j o goad we have it. ii.W. Ilarim THE HI’STLEB. PHO.\E i;>. GENUINE > OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy, •is Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTTS i The Druggist. “On tli© Corner.” —_— • v * . Brown Drug: Cos. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for everything in the drug line. Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete. We carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG 00. Druggists to the People. FRESH LOT<S=^ NUNNALLY’S CANDIES. Summer Bargains in ggppfej Furniture A clearance sale to make room for new goods. - I Parlor Suit, 6 pieces, wort h $ lojlbow $29. 1 Oak Refrigerate, |2t), now sls. 1 o*k Bed Room Solve, 8 pieces, worth $25, now $lB 'V&ilzjlff tied Lounges, worth fid, now |li, ifT' 'tir - Y.- Jab Centre Tables 59 oenta to $6. TTiUBItT lee Cream Freezers worth $2 .50 at $1.98. assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards ||L Prices Below the Market, few C. McGARVEY. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T,‘.BEAT CREAM OF 'KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A TFDJST’ I- Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers. ’ tiy in \auriswick by N/ . CDL-JC£L 208 Bay Street*