The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XL NUMBER 69. THE REPUBLICANS CARRY MANY DOUBTFULSTATES Bryan Is Again Defeated by the Ohioan and Money Power. 1111 till Bill flu Victory Is Dot a - Dumb oil W IN 111 U The Eloquent Nebraskan, ca’s Brainiest Statesman De feated by Trusts and Moqpy, * McKinley is again victorious . He was yesterday re-ejected presi *ident ol the United States, for the sec '-Q&d tipa-detecting William Jennings S5 *’ ’* . .iLdato, Fol ■og is the result by statef: NEW YORK. New York, Noy. 6.—McKinley and Booseyett hate carried this state by majorities ranging anywhere from 75,- 000 to 175,000, The vote wa3 the heav iest polled in the state’s history, Bry . an has gained considerably outside of New York, Odell is elected over Stanobilsld by a much majority than McKinley over . MARYLAND. Baltimore, Nov. 6.—The electoral votes of this state are claimed by both parties with chances favoring the re publicans. INDIANA. Indianapolis, Noy. 6,—The returns are coming in very slowly and at 10 o’clock it la impossible to tell who has carried the state, although the repub licans are claiming it by a good ma jority, KENTUCKY, Louisville, Nov. C,— At this hour, 1 o’olock. it is impossible to tell who will get this state. Bryan for presi dent and Beckham for governor, seem to be ahead, but it will take the oflloial count alone to determine the exact figures. BRYAS GETS COLORADO. Denver, Nov. C.—Returns received up to 13 o’clock indicate Bryan will carry state by 35,000. OHIO. Columbus, Noy. 6.—Republican State Chairman Chas. Dick has gigin out the followiog statement; “Returns receiv ed up to this hour claim that Ohio has given McKinley a plurality of from 75,- 000 to 80,WO and the election of 17 and possibly 18 out ol the 21 congressmen, makings gain of 2 and possibly three BMtobefs of congress.” DBLEWARB, TOO. Wilmington, Nov. 6.—While only scattered returns have been received the democrats carried Delaware by small maiorith. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Noy. 6.—Up to 9 p. m. the returns from this city and state at large indicate that California has gone republican by 10,000 or 15.000. The republicans will eleot 5 congressmen, The seeond and fifth districts are run ning very close. UTAH. Salt Lake, Nov. 6.—The fight is close in this state. Result will not bs known before tomorrow. Bryan seems to have carri^jj^hyjgj£. COLORADO. Denver, Nov. 6.—Eleven hreoinct* sre alt from giVsJ^J&inlyy. 391, Bryao, 287 NEBRASKA. Omaha, Nov. 6. Returns of today’s eleotion are ooming in very slow, and wno will get the electoral vote of this state can only be decided by the ofll oiai count. The democrats are claim ing it for Bryan by from 10,000 ty 20,- 000, while the republicans olsim it by 7,000 to 12,000. KANSAS. Topeka, Nov. 6.—The populists are claiming this state for Bryan by 10, OOoAvhile republicansjare claiming it by 20,000. MICHIGAN. Detroit—Reports are very meagre in this state. Indications point to tbs election of Bliss, rcpublioau, for gov ernor, by 40,000. TENNESSEE. Nashville, Nov. 6.—Bryan will oarry Tennesse by a reduced majority. In 1896 be won the state by 19,403, but it will only be a little over half the number. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Not. 6. Returns from nearly the entire state etaow that Mc- Kinley has aarriei Massachusetts by considerably reduoed plurality from ■ 1800, RHODE ISLANO. Providence, Nov, e.—This state to day oast its heaviest vote on record. Indications are McKinley will have heavy plurality, QUAY BIDE WINS. Philadelphia, Nov. 7,—A bitter con test between the Quay wand anti Quay forces in the fifth senatorial district made up of six wards in the upper sec tion of city resulted in a victory foi BRUNSWICK, GA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1900. M’KINLEY 265 BRYAN 182. From the reports which reached tnis office last night, the Times Cali, ha, carefully figured the result in the electoral college as follows; for McKinley. ConnaoWhut 6 iowa is Maine ; 6 Massachusetts 15 Mioblgan . 14 Minnesota... S New Jereey.......... 1 10 New Hampshire...... . 4 North Dakota.... 3 Oregon ' 4 Pennsylvania.... 32 Rhode 1a1and..... 4 Verm0nt........ vl. 4 Wieoonein ..3 12 New York .\... —......... 88 Indian*;. : : $ Washington..,,,... "4 Ohio. 1.. x_. • • • ■ 23 South Dakota 4 West Virginia...i..., ?...." ;sjj Califrcnia S 9 Illinois .-.-i. ....... .. 24 Maryland . ..7... ~ J ,* , ; ‘ * • •..,205 WILLIAM mmU OF OHIO. Re-Elected President ol the United Stales, Wm. 11. Borlebackphe Quay candidate by about three thousand. 176,000 IN TEXAS. Houston, Nov. 6.—Returns are com ing in slow, but this state will go for Biyan by at least 175,000. Democrats eleot everything. MICHIGAN. Detroit. Nov. 6.—McKinley has car ried Michigan beyond a doubt, Ills majority is estimated at 65,000 The News says that if McKinley’s ratio of majorities continues his total majority will reach 90,000. VERMONT. Montpelier, Nov, 6.—Seventy-five FOR BRYAN. A1abama..;....,,. ji Arkansas, g Florida 4 Georgia. 13 Idaho... ........ 3 .. . . 8 Misn.sippi,. 9 Missouri ,1 17 Montana 5 3 Nebraska i 8 *•'*, 3 w** 11 South (.WKftfne...- 9 Tennessee .......12 btsb • Kentucky r l3 !i ‘ ! ” . f ■* ' 10 ;r 3 ~ ’v ' \ 182 cities and towns in this state give Mc- Kinley 1 1 977, Bryao' 3 200 It is esti mated that the republicans will carry lie ilate by 35 000. ojUpONSIN. La Cro se, Noy o,— McKinley car ried Wisconsin by an Increased majority A solid i epubi i-a.i delegation t con gre-s elected. MISSISSIPPI. ~- t .lackmo 11. Noy. (i— Returns, from In- I J ~ j terior counties are comlngTh slowly, j but reports so far are to the effect that J the election was q iiet, It will give ( Bryan a good majority. FLORIDA. Jacksonv.lle, Nov. o.—The election MARSTON BURIED UNDER AN AVALANCHE OF VOTES He Did Not Carry a Single County In the District was quiet In this state. Twenty pre cincts out of 667 give Bryan 359, Mc- Kinley 155. Same precincts In 1896 gave Bryan 524, McKinley 569. ' :*i/- GEORGIA. Atlanta, Nov. 6.—Esery democratic candidate was elected in this state by good majorities. It is estimated that Bryan’s majority will be between 45,- 000 lid 55,060. .. yg ■ r ’ ILLINOIS. Chicago', Nv 6.—McKinley and Rooseyelttoili get the electoral vote of this state, 0 is estimated that they will carry the state by 75,000. ALABAMA. Birmingham, Nov. 6.—A very small vote was oast in this State. Bryan gets a about 60,000 majority. MOTANA. Butte. Nov. 6.—Returns from Silver Bow aounty, which casts abont one. fourth of entire State vote, indioatee Bryan carries State by 20,000. MISSOURI. St. Louis, Noy. 6.—The election was hotly contested in this state today, Bryan will carry the state by 15,000. WASHINGTON. Seattle, Nov. 6> —It is impossible to tell who will get the four electoral votes of this State. McKinley has car ried this city by a small majority. It Is not known how the vote stands out side of this oity. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis, Nov. o.—Minneso’a will go for McKinley by from 30,000 to 50,- 000, IOWA. . lies Moines, Nov. o.—The first ten precincts returned iAthia State gives McKinley 1,731; Bryan, 780. pubiican gain of 208. If same ratio is kept up, republicans will oarry State by 10,000. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Conoord, N. H., Nov, 6.—McKinley carried this State by cot less than 20,- 000, LOUISIANA. New Orleans, Nov. o.—The election was very quiet in this State today. State went for Bryan with the usual majority. The vote was light. NORTHCAROLINA. Raleigh, Nov. 6.—The eleotion in North Carolina was very quiet. Re turns at present indicate that Bryan’s majority will not be less Pan 30,000 Seven demoor; l*o r. p.',reasmen are elected with two in .oubt—the eighth and ninth. It is that the republican” Democratic " CoijjS PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1 INI lIH Brantley Did Hot Know He lei An Opponent ALL MAKE IT UNANIMOUS Reports Received by The Times Call Last Night Indicate a Good Race. Congressman Brantley carried the seyenth congressional distriot by at least five thousand votes His opponent W. H, Marston, of Irwin, did not car ry a single county in the district anti in sumo I,l* —>n Following are the majorities: GOOD IN BROOKS. Quitman, Ga„ Brantley's majority in this county will be 500, 700 IN LAUKBNS, Dublin, Nov, 6.—This preoinot gives Brantley 500 majority. The balance of the county will increase it to 700. IN MONTGOMERY, Mt. Vernon, Noy. 6:—Tho vote in this county shows that Brantley haa carried it three to one. TBBFAIR COUNTY. Mcßae, Nov. B.—This precinct giyes Brantley 238 majority. Balance of the oount( will increase it. 0 ECHOLS. News from Echols county places Mr. Brantloy’s majority in that county at 100. MARSTON’S HOME BY GOO. Fitzgerald, Nov. 6.—Mr. Brantley carried Irwin, his opponent's home county by 500; -t JOHNSON News from Johnson county says Mr Brantley gels 100 majority. 300 IN LOWNDES, Valdosta, Nov. <s.—Mr. Brantley’s majority in this county is 300. He ran ahead ol the ticket 50. PIERCE, Blackahear, Nov. 6.—This county gives Brantley a majority of 100. WARE BY 250, Waycross, Nov. 6.—Brantley’s ma jority In Ware county is 250. ■g[ Continued on Eighth Page.