The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 3

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■HWi u> j M v\ pi® J Yj k '*j*y®|; Syrup fics Actofle&ani/y andfivmpt/y: Cleanses the System and Effectually | ' bilious or costive. the most acceptsb/e form \jre principles of plants ]o act most beneficially. Sits BEHBrmssncis Tb. GENUINE MANfD. BY wUFCmNIA FIG SYRUPCO. W. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. r LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. _ for site by druggists - price SO f prr bon ft, tSmS? Shrewsbery Asparagus Points, 16c per can. coneenlrST Tomoio, made from the red meat of ripe tomatoes'. Contains neither skin, sued or core. 10c can A valuable addition to any soap, sauce orlboulllon. Thos. Keany, Groceries. Phone 11. :>I2 Newcastle .Sireet. at KF.SSLER’fJ Dor. Monk and fhdmmo L <J. Le- 'T^rOo Auctioneers, Corf, diso^on Merchants and C^nor al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Kents BCURE YOURSELF! T'*> for unnatural discha.'gcs.lnd.wu motions, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Painless, and not uatrin* . gunt or poisonous. •old hj torttfrutm, or sent in plain wreppoi by express, prepaid, fat If.oo, on# bottles, |2.75. Circular sent on rwue*> HITCHKLL & THOMAS. Livery, boarding and sale stables. Finest turnouts In the city. Tel. 97. .-Newcastle St THOSE WHO CAN VOTE. Reiistratioi Boons Closed. List Very Small. The city registration books have closed and those who have not bad tbeir names placed on tbe same oan not vote in tbe election for mayor and aldermen next month. There being no contest on, tbe reg istration is indeed light. Especially is this so witb tbe negro voters as less than a hundred went to qualify. The number registered ie .715; of these only 76 are colored, probably tbe smallest in a number of years. CUKES BLOOD AND SKIN TROUBLES. Trial Treatment Free. Is your blood pure? Are you sure of it? Do cuts or soratobes heal slow ly? Does your skin itch or burp? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Aoh- Ing bones or back? Eczema? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrb? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every sore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated oases, like nloers, cancer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly oured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drugstores, I 1 Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta,’Ga. Describe trouble—free medical advice given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonials of cores by B. B. B. BTOFPED FOR GOOD. Mayor Atkinson says be will not al low the vaudeville performances in tbe aore to begin again daring ble admin istration, The closing was oaused by tbe Mozely oase and at the request of a number of Brunswick’s best colored people. Have you a sense of fullncaalon the region your stomach after eating? If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. .They also euro belehtug and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. price 25c. Sold by Bishop’s Drug Store. J. W. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. The Quakers Are j Hcrnest People. The Quaker Herb Ton ‘Jprb--- io i nob only a blood /T purifier, but a Blood in a k er for l'ale, Weak fA mul Debilitated people who have nob strength ■ -JfcaS&S.' nor blood. It acta as a tooic, 16 regulates di gaation, cures dyspepsia T '\\r and lends strength and wi ■! tone to tho nervous sys f'-’tn. It is c siedloine for weak women. I it is a purely vegetable medicine, and •’in be taken by the must delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all ; tines sc,- of the Blood, Stomach and | -orves aooti saocuit-b to Its wondeifal effect on the human ay stem. Thoua t anda of people in Georgia reoomiDdnd jil. Price $1,09. QUAKER I'AIN BALM is”the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all lof his quick t ;rea with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, l ain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can he relieved by it. Price 25c anil 50c. * QUAKER WHITK WONDBR SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, eczema eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, | Cincinnati. Polhill’s Drug Store THE BRUNSWICK fIMES-CALLjavEMBER 7, 1930. Cancer ill _,, . , ... the blood ia polluted ana the system thoroughly con by this deadly virulent poison. Then a sore or ulcer appears on some part of the body; it may be small and harmless looking at first, but as the can cerous cells form and are deposited by the blood near the sore, it increases in size and severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the sore is removed by the surgeon's knife or flesh destroying plasters, another comes and ia worse. The real disease is in the blood, and the treatment must begin there. The poisoned blood must be invigorated and purified, and when this is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal naturally and permanently. Mrs. Sarah M. Keratin*, ■ TirTTf £1 Windsor Avl, Bristol, years 'old, and for "three years had suffered with a HMESk HQ sever* form of Cancer on A?.' YS* my jaw. which the doctors Iff® said was Incurable, and tyS that I could not live more ft MgfL-.s \c-4L than six months, laccept- /hST , cam ed their statement as true. tjußatf iSB?. tod had given tip ail hope Ui VBhsißeA-i&yr of ever living well again. JLaawß3BW!Eslßßt>t when rtiv druggist, kno lngotmyc>n(fltlotLrcom ffifflipaisgggsjji mended S. 8. S. Alter tak- JWyi'JjpE™'- * ing a few bottles the tore s.r began to heal, to tbe surprise of the physicians, and in a short time made a complete cure. I have Slued in flesh, my appetite is splendid, sleep is resiling—in fact, am enjoying perfect health.” structive poison and removes every vestige kajl? jWJ of it from the system, makes new, rich blood, strengthens the body and builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or have in herited any blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any Information or advice wanted ; we make no charge for this ser vice. * Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention, and will be held ia strictest confidence. <_>-<, .THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, GA. A Night Of Terror. “Awful anxiety was fiOMurHh* widow of ths bravo.Genlßumhatn, of MaelitrS, Me,, when thfe doctors said slio could not live till morning, writes Mrs. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought she must soon die but she begged for Dr. King's flew Discovery, had more than once saved her life and had cured her of consumption. After three small doses she rested easily all sight, and its further use completely cured her.” TlifS marvelous medicine is guar anteed to euro all Throat, Chest and Lung Dis eases. Only Mo and SI 00. Trial bottles free *t all drug stores. ' ' The best method of |oleanging tbe livsr is tbe Ufle of the famous little pills known as DeWitVs Little Early Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe. W. J. Butts, ‘ Cold Steel or Death. “There is but one small chance to save your ife and that ia through an operation,” waa the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. It. Hunt, of Lime Hidge, Wis* by her doctor after vainly trying to cure he* of a frightful ease of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Bilious to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of It, took seven l>£le*, waa wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s kulfpr now weighs more and feels better than dfer It’s positive ly guaranteed toenre Stomach, Liver and Kip. ney troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c at all drug stores. Ssnvanuata, Ga.,;Elka’ Grand Carni val and Street Fair, Nov. 6-17,1900. Ooa fare for tbe round trip, piua 25 oenta admission to tbe Carnival. For military companies ; and brass banda in uniform, $1,60 for the round trip per capita, 20 or more on ope ticket. Tioketa on sale Nov. 5,7, 9*, 12,14, 16, with final limit JNov. 18, inclusive. THE SICK ARE MADE WELL, And flie Weak are Restored to Full Vltfor and Strength at the Hands of the Oroat* st Healer of Modern Times. a„ Yn.. J? ave you *?y P* l ? or or weakness? Are TOU Does your blood show that It contains Lui Sick? VuHUew? Aro you nervous? IJo you luck map and activity of izdndanrLhodv? ar '" L ~Zrnims> ~ ' 1 7 rm eas *J7 tired? ifavo you lost ambition*/ Js there any w unnatural drain upon the Mi. system? 1b every or pan per forming ILh proper fuuc- Ajrtkh* S in Other Words s VHmSyf W Are You a Perfectly & M i Strong, Active, Vljror -7 If} 18 * H#ny, Happy ILaC&iPa l Man or Woman ? , If not, you should not do mfij' ’ .hr • lay one day Ixjfore yon con- H, ut u Fpeclullst. one to y- hom the human body is an —Zf y.Yffiyx book and who under* etunds every r>haw,of weak and (Unease and to \jjr*dK? T ft honllitO proper treatment ■* m * imvia u 9 Thu Loading Spociaiist. spsctoUetofujiii coon try. Hisprnc ~ th o bus btsjri f.r vears larger th a tof *ll other sp c clal l*t com hi n ©a. I lie cum of oil sarteof dl-enbed conditions have been tho marvel of two mail leal profession find the people generally. lijg fnmo line spread Into every town and every hamlet. 0 i:o*eafllirtedwi?hal!m/morof liißeiife-ttiavesouirht bla service* In order Hud theytuight ho made whole by t he ad ft-mistering of li|*rwotid< yfulsyntcm of treat p.ent Wreck* of humanity have cojuO to him for eofwattatiojt and medicine?, who a lev/ month* lafer have returned to him in mbst vigorous LoAlthto >jtve si. .. him their thanks, UIBC3SCB \)T, Hathaway treat* ul] disease* Curnd. tlionij peculiar to men and those _ . , peculiar to women, ns w<il us Catarrh. Rhoumatlsnu, Kidney Complaint*, Eczema, and all forms of lingering nod Chronic disorders. V iflnro rln Dr. I bit haway’* Hiiccess In the vanooneio nnd treatment of Varicocele and Stricture. .Pttfctur© aid of knife or cautery Is phenomenal. The patient 1 treated by this method at his own home w ithout pain or lors of time from business. This is positively the only treatment which cures with out an operation. Dr. Hathaway colls the particular atten tion of sufferers from Varicocele oral Stricture to pages 27,2s,£<,and 31 of his new book which will be c VAfV fljftcA * <<nt frr! on application. try tfs.o Every rase taken by Dr. Hathaway Specially Is specially treated according to its Y-pahil nature,all order Ids general personal rwwu Funervislon, and all remedies used by him are prepared from the purest and best drugs In bis own laboratories under lllfc personal oversight, and all from special prescriptions of his own. a . Dr. Hathaway makes no ebargs for consul* low tat ion or advice, either at bin ofiQce or by Fees, hiail, and when a case is taken the on© low , fee covers all cost of medicines and profes sional services. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Cos., Iff Dry an Street, .Savannah, Ga. MJRSTIOIf THIS PAPER WHK!f WJtrTINO. mil rams. Mr. John Wiggins is out again af'er several days illness. A large number of country folks were in town yesterday to hear the election -returns. Juslic Lambright's court will con vene on nest Monday. Jndgo Beanet and Stenographer Gale are in Waycross, whero the Ware superior court is now In session. Represoniative Symons came down from Atlanta yesterday to cast his vote. Kings Daughters will meet at Mrs. Bishops this bfternoon. Up to last night u ght 125 of the new members of the Board of Trade had paid their annual dues and It is expect ed that by Thursday night 35 or 40 more will have paid. . ' Board of Trade An nual Meeting Friday, Nov. 9th, i a. m„ City Hall, DtD A GOOD BUSINESS. Tbe ladles of the McKendreo Metho dist church who served meals yester day in the building formerly occupied by the Bee Hiye, report that they real ized quite a heat sum . Uae Clark’s Magio Tonic for dan druff; sure cure. TO THE LADIES. Mrs, L. L, Reese.of the Hecker-Jones Jewell Company will arrive in the city [his morning for the purpose of show lng the ladies of Brunswick the excel lent goods of this company. Mr*. Reese will be at J. K, Cornelius’ groev ery 118 A street, opposite the Ogle thorpe hotel ail of today and all the ladles are Invited to call and eat flap jack cakes made from Heekers prepara tions. Many of your friends, or people whom you know of, have oontraoted consumption, pneumonia, or other fa tal diseases, by negleot of a simple cold or cough. Foley’s Honey and Tar, a safe, aure and pleasant cough medicine, would have saved them. It ia guaranteed. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, Augustj.Flower still has the largest sale|of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers andgrand mothers never thought of using any thing else |for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctorsjwero scarce and they seldom heard of apendlcHia, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used Auguat Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate tho tctloii of the, liver, stimulate the.actlon of the ner vous and organic system, and that, is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other ’aches. You | otjly need a few doses of Green's au- Cuat Flower, In liquid form, to make you sfttlaSed there it, nothing serious the matkMS,. with you Sample bottles at Bb tiHpiugatore or Brown Drug C Should oi'Tu every household naedo oinaobest. It affords certain relief A Frightful Blander r.Will oftcnjcaiuo a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Brulee. Unction's Arnics ;Ralvo, tho best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. CarcaOlu .Sores, FoverjSores, doors, Bolls Felons, Corns, all Skin KrupOons. Best Pile euro on (earth. Only 25 cts, a box. Care guar anteed, Sold by all druggist, ' J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois, writes: “My little boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to tbe doctor, we gave him Foley’s Hooey and Tar. The result was magioal and puz zled tbe dootor, as {t Immediately stop ped tbe raokiog cough, and be quickly reeevered.” Your Eyes £D ff I Examined lt LL { BY Dr. M. HARRIS OF CHICAGO, ILL. Graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Ophthal mology and Ortology, and the Peoria Optical College. Will Be At — A, ROTHOH I L.OS For Two Weeks. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE REAPING iCH ETURNS Regular ETURNS eported By Advertisers Who Dse These Columns. Quantity and Quality of Circulation gives Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both -m.—WE ALSO—I GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SENDIAWAY FOR VW'/VWWV'v/W'/WVWVVW j ‘ -< v*fl(WW>.VAWVYyirt ®a* ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC, When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the coat of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling: an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT 18 A TRIAL. j Times=Call, 206 and 208 Gloucester Siieet- CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTABLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You.can getT market affords by eating here! , Fifth Pjtgc, f . INf'lN / .