The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 5

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Silverware Stamps Are ora witi all protases. AsA Jr Jem. ffe are pin le taie a ray arp ait liii line el £brislmas Jm ait respectfully solicit yoer pat roaap. Hill IMt. IT IS NOT HALF OVER. Pipes Trails Is Hot lose Thai Mel. By Chas. Hoffman, U. S. V. Mariquina, P. 1., Sept. 26. —A isrpe number of American paper* reached our camp today and it is with a great deal of surprise that we hear the trouble in the Phillippines baa stop ped. It is indeed surprising to tboie who are lighting the men of Aguinal do, a* at present they are * active a* at any time since the trouble started. Aguinaldo has made an offer of SBO to ary American soldier who ■jp hi' arm ato a .Jipt no r. am glad to say that to far goes unaccepted. There is fjrfloubt of tbe fact that this leaders! insur gents Das a source for obtimting large turns of money, as they have modern arms, uniforms,eto., and seem to have plenty ail the time. lam certainly tired of thia warfare. Fighting a let of people who know nothing about the ethios of war, Is indeed worse than running up sgainet an army of trained soldier". These people are treacherous elmply beoanae they kn'W no better. They think it is a great bouor to get the bet of au enemy, whether by fair mea.,i or foul, and the/never fail to take advantage of ttoee with whom' they are fighting. , We do not upeot to leave here be fore next year, although tbe war de- ANNOUNCEMENT. As has been our custom for some years past to offer premiums, as a compli ment to our customers during the holidays; we make this year no exception to the rule and hereby make the following announcement: Hg. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY FIRST Second Prize, A Larg# 1 Pair of Vases, 6ae2 *- Valued at sl6. wm We are also going to giye to all customers whose purchases amount to $lO One of the Handsoment Calendars for 1901, Ui|t Has Ever Been seen in this city. These calendars would cusdf§. jr \t store. KENNONRAOtY, The~Jeweler and Graduate Optician. ■ . J&**# wwtXi . m partmeut baa .aid several times that we w£ro iq leave in November, IHOO. Th*ra is no denying the fact that I will be deligh ed when the time lor home going rolls around. We are all tired of bis war. CONVICTING THEM. Mr. Sam. '! (ioodbread, agent oi the Soc.e'y for the Prevention of Oudty to Animal' 1 , is making some of the hesr'lsss bor e owners suffer. All the he bee bed in the City c„urt | n&ve been tried aud found gyilly. A few more costly examples, and the | habit of ill-treating dumb brute, in 1 vhis conofy will sfop. C.ntiDued from Fifth Page. slL-1— elected to the United States see ate, to succeed Butler, populist, by lO.pbp," over J. 3. Carr. STATEMENT ISSUED. New York, Nov. o.—At 12:30 this Httning National Committeemen Man and Bliss held a conference Ttnhe conclusion of wbioh tne following statement was given out: “On the re turns received at republican headquar tors up to this Lour the republican na ttonal committee claim to have elected McKinley and Roosevelt by an electoral vote of 284, with the posalbility of 21 votes in addition making a total of 306 S The States we surely cla'mforMo- Kioley and Roosevelt are: Calfornia Connecticut!, Delaware, Illinoia, lo* ataoa.Mat'y'and, lows, Kansas,Maine. Massachusetts, Michigan, M'nne.ota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rffode Island, South ! Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyo ming, The committeemen then closed their desks and left for their homes. THE BRUNSWICK JTMEB-CALL NOVEMBER 7. I.UO CHEAP ADYEBTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column will lie insert ed at the un.form rate ot One Cent a Word for each insertion. No adfertiscment, however mall, less than 00 corns. Cash in advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoalne hsbft*, myself eutcd. will Inform you ol harmless, permanent home cure. Mary 8, Baldwin,box 1212,Chicago. FOR KENT.-Five-room cottage on Norwich street, cor, Albemarle. Apply next door, or t 'Phone 102. DISSOLUTION.—The firm of lieva ris & Levada-, composed of P. Leva ri* and H. Levada*. Is dissolved by , mutual consent. P. Di-varis will con iu uu the grocery business at the old -rand. Hustling young man can make S6O per month and expenses, Permanent position, Experience unnewsary. Write quick for particulars, Clatk & Go., 4lh <t Locus Streets, Philadel phia, Pa. HELP WANTED—MALE,*-Old es tablished mercantile house, extending businees in this section, wants to ar range with capable man, of correct habits, to manage branch. S lary, SISOO yearly. Extra commissions, dust furnish SBOO and satisfactory references, “Opportunity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 11-18 FOR SALE.—llillery Island, sit uated on Turtle river, containing acree of bigb land, suitable for truck ing or poultry raising; about 15 acres cleared; good fishing and oyster beds around tbe leland. Aleo, Island View, ooutaing 50 acres, more or less, situ ated on Gibson and Pervisee creeks, six acres of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 peer trees, and im provements on same. For further in formation, apply tp F, Jos.Doerflin ger, 316 Union street.. Prickly Ash Bitters cures disease of the kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, Btomach and bowels. W. J. Butts. J. Odeers,of Frostbu'-g, Md., write*: “I bad a very bed attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley’s Kidney Cure wbioh gave me immediate relief, and I was perfectly cured af'sr taking two bottles.” Take no substitute. All kinds of Fancy Cakes I fresh at “The City Bakery,” corner Monk and Newcastle. F. J. Doerflinger. CALL ON L. A. Miller . ——FOB - '* Klin Dried Weather Bills ill not Ms Large Stock Just Received. Corner Asy am} SlanWeld. I‘houe IT7 Only place in town where kiln dried lumber can be bought. PUBLIC SALK Georgia—County ot Glynn. Under a power of sale contained tu tnat cer tain deed to secure ded f rem L, V. Carroll to Mrs M . 1,. Parker, said deed being recorded in Vol. II of mortgage., folio M3, there will be sold before toe door of tbe.curi house of said county, in Brunswick, Georgia, on ihe first Tuesday In llocember proximo, between the legal hours of sale to the highest mid brat bid der, for cash, all of that certain tract, lot or paiee.l of laud.aitoate In sad county anu it te, about s x miles noith of the city otßruuewlck, in the VS'U distiirtU M ,of said countv, d“- aoribed 10 a deed from £, M Turner to aahl Carroll,saflOcrcs .of land, having the follow ing co intSblff stances and to sav : ( .inn,icncing at a pine tree on the pub lic roau le .ding from what is known as the Old Cbapel to me Souder Good hie ad Place, and running thence south 87 degrees we-t. 34 chaine and 43 links to a stake; thence running north 70 degrees west, 7 chains and M links to a pine tree; thenee running north 37 degrees east 31 chains and 43 links to • black gum tree; thence running south 70 degrees east, 7 chains and SO links to the initial point; said tract bounded on tbe non h by lands of estate of H. C, liay. on the east by said public road from Old Cbapel to) said Boude lioodbread Place, on tho south by public road and lands of Busan K. Miller,and on the west h) lands of said estate of said Pay; being the place whereat the said Carroll ope rates a email cnnntry farm, known as Carroll s Farm. Also that certain other tract of lend, in said county and district, containing S acre* of land, adjoining the tract above described, and being particularly described as to courses and distances lo eatd deed to secure debt from said Curt ofi to Mt. Parker. Haul two tracts of land to he sold as I ■' ( property of said L. V. Carroll to satisfy the In - debkdriess named In said deed to secure debt. Ur t Is {too principal with a per cent, interest thereon from March Ist, 19P0, until paid,be sides all costs of this sale as provided for lit said deed to secure debt. Purchaser pays for titles This November Mb. 1900. L. v. <:AKllOLL,Urauy>r, By MBC. M t,. t*A lib Kit. his agent add at torney In tact under the power ot sale afort said. . ' ir(fF~F> RICKLY Ash Bitters I cures the KIDNEYS, the LIVER, the STOMACH and the BOWELS, int N. FOUR MEDICINES 90 N ONE COLLAR. J. Agent. ■X, KTPANS Mum Doctors find A Good Prescription For mankind v . i Tas tw In comm. a. Drootsts, Oraesta, T ilssww Haw, Xm-Suags, dTsi-rJ Smc a m* luS W>|||. Thor assist pair. indues ilesw. m* ssslssg HSa KgWssraWl Ms asusi whxf. Um mmmm. ss • ♦> pa rn**- Tsa ssjspW sad sat Hm sad .sx s., ttzm , P. DEV APIS, Gocerics J Country Product * etc. Mo; i ? ; 1.. V-: i, v We will guarantee our prices to be as low as good goods can possibly be sold lor. It you want anything large or special let us order it for you we can save you money andtrouble T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Georgia. Step* the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets euro a cold .in one day. No Cure, No ray. Price 15 cent®