The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 6

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OPEN DOORS | TO THE VETS Willow Olil Soldiers WMt M Hospitality Is. Tbe reunion of the Georgia division of United Confederate Veteran* ie now just two week* off, and girts promise of unusual interest because of tbe faot that the South Carolina divi sion of Confederate Veterans has been invited to meet witb tbeir Georgia comrades, and from tbe centra! loca tion of Auguata, it is In easy reaob of both states. Tbe arrangements have been about oompleted by tbe various committees and all who go, whether veteran or not, will be assured of a oordial reoeption, and the oitizens of Augusta have determined to make the reunion occasion a most memor able one in every respect. Aside from the pleasure of meeting again and mingling with old com rades and friends, tbe veterans will find pleasure in seeing tbe street shows whioh will be put on by tbe Elks lodge for tbe entertainment of all who may attend the reunion, Mr. E.B. Pilcher, as chairman of the bureau of information, has made every effort possible to secure homes for all who go, and liata of board ing plaoes, prices, eto., will be given out at the general hes/l'vovrtelra in room No. 3, Leonard building. A postal ueut to Mr. E. Pilober will se cure board in adyanoe for anyone who Intends going to tbe reunion. The services of oompetent boys have been seoured who will oonduot til vtaitora to hotela and boarding bouses, if such visitors, upon reaching the city, will go at onoe to tbe headquarters in tbe Leonard building. SNEEZE AND BLOW. That is what you must do when you have catarrh in the head. The way to cure this disease is to purify the blood -with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, This medicine eoothee and heals the inllamed surfaces, rebuilds the delicate tissues, and permanently cmree catarrh by expelling from the blood the eorofulout taints upon whioh it de pends . Be sure to get Hood’s. The non-irritating oathartio—Hood’s Pills. The Great Remedy of tbe day is un questionably Pain-Killer, for the in. stant relief of all burns, scalds, bruises, eto,, and for pains in tbe stomaoh and bowels, as well as in sudden attacks of cholera morbus. No family should pretend to keep house without it always by them. Avoid substitutes. There i# but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’ Price 230, and 50c. More Fat i Bananas V il B ff* ln MWhave another large stock of ro#l fancy BIG i FAT f BANANAS! ■ , U li9 is fl,e 15,11,5 Ikat's really J JeHciou* to eat. Only loc and ■ 0c dozen. j LLOYD’S, * ’PHONE 355 a | -(Next door to;ricming & Waffl OUR WORKING GIRLS. HOW T,O HELP THEM. Life to the most favored is not always full of sunshine, but to the average American girl or woman who is obliged to work for her living, and, perhaps to help others at home, life is often a heavy drag in consequence of illness. Women who work, especially those who are constantly on their feet, are peculiarly liable to the development of organic troubles, and should par ticularly heed the first manifestations, such as backache, pains in the lower limbs and lower part of the. stomach, irregular and painful monthly periods, faintness, weakness, loss of appetite and sleep. The young lady whose portrait wo Hr* Him ilaessta, Bwt Koolieater, Ohio, publish herewith hid all these symp toms, and In addition leuoorrhoea, and was cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. First, ahe wrote ft letter to Mr*. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., describing her tcoutta, received in reply accurate instructions what to do to get well, and now wishes Mrs. Pinkham to use. her name to con vince others that they may he cured as she was. Mrs. Pinkham extend* the -same helping hand, free of charge or obliga tion, to every ailing woman In Amer ica. If you are Bick you are foolish not to write to her, it costa yon noth ing, and she is sure to help you. Don’t wait until it is too late—write to-day. The profit of a gold mine depends, no’.djSSi amount of rock crushed under the -.Jjjwa upon tho amount of gold which .lf|P od from the rook, la a simitar of food which It eaten doc* not dependon .the quantity whioh ft taka-n Into the stomach hut upon tho iHMnnA of nourishment extracted from lVoy the organa of nutrition and digestion when these organsare diseased they fall to ex tract the nourishment in sufficient qasntlties to supply the needs of the severs! organs of .the body and those organs cannot work without nourishment. The result It heart trouble, liver trouble and many ether ailments, Ilr. Fierce’s Holden Medical Discovery, acting on every or aa of thedlgestivo and nutritive system, re oros It to health and vigor. It cures diseases remote from tbe stomaoh through tbs stomach In which they originated, Holden Medical Discovery contains noitbor alcohol.nor nar cotics. Dii not gat soared if your betrt trou ble you, Most likely you-suffer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and gives tbe worn out stomscb perfect rest. It is tbe only preparation known that com pletely digests ail classes of foods; that is why it oures tbe worst cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all conditions, and cannot help but do you good. W. J. Butts. LOW RATES-VIA. ;THE PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, Ga., for the Elks’ Grand Carnival and Street Fair, No vember sth to 17tb. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Novem ber stb, 7tb, nth, 12th, 14tb and 16tb, witb final limit to 18th. A splendid program of attractions has been ar ranged. l’laot System ticket agents will give full particulars, B. W. Wrknn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. ■y For Backache use STUART’S GIN aud BUCHU: Ki-a Rina.—quinine m a tastfiCM t.n-m, without sffeitiug itamtHhcmal value, combined with asctsniUd aud irqu. Just tbs tiling for Children, l’lcasaut Id take. 2.1 c niißff*. • For sale by W. J. Units, the drug*!,*. Cliaaiberlalh's .Stosasch and Liver Tablet* rure Githmsiuss, ooiwUpstlon and Uoftiiaclia Thsy arc easy b takfi sag- flsaaant In effect For sals at Bishop’s Drug Stojcu. For Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. • * ' Jim Oarter will sent for yourjold clothes and make them new, and charge you comparatively nothing. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organsUfctninks, J. W, THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 7, 1900 T&E CITY COURT. It is Hard At Work and U Disposing of Many Casce. The city court wae in session again yesterday, and many cases were tried. Judge Sparks is rushing the work acd it is thought that the session will not last as long us was at first expected. FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. I was troubled with severe female weakness for over six months. I was treated by six very prominent physi cians without any marked benefit. My last doctor wss a skilled specialist, and he told me tbe only hope lay in an op eration, I beard of Smith’s Sure Kid ney Cure, and after using it for one month I find-myself cured, and even tbe dootor who last treated me, now pronounces me wel]. Mrs. J. R, Fe ver, Atlanta, Ga. Price Sq cents. For sale by ail druggists. Dyspepsia is difficult digestion, due to tbe absence of natural digestive fluid*. Hood's Sarsaparilla restores the digestive powers. . > Dr. M. Harris, of Cbioago, will test your eyes free of charge. He will be •t my storefor two weeks, A. Hoobild, No other pills oan equal DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for promptoess, ertainty and effltieocy. W. J. Butts, Don’t be deceived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of eome hitherto un known herb or root In swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the care of kidney end bladder troUMse, Any doctor; or druggist with tell you that such claims or fraudulent, gvdef Kidney Cure simply are recognised by tho i~ I.m for these l “t‘ ) 4 or i— l * j, ■V*'y r ~ I ‘ yj& „ i A For Inf^ppftST Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought iShip„Notice. Neither tbe master, owqers Or con signees of the British bark -Con ductor will be responsible (for any debt* contracted by tbe crew of said bark. Lombard, Master. Violet and Lilac Cream after abat ing is saothing. Can only be bad at Clark’s barber shop. Georgs A. Points, Upper Ssndusky, 0., writes: “I have been using Fo ley’s Roney and Tar for hoarseness, and find it the beet remedy I ever tried. It stopped the oougb iuuuedi tnediately, and relieved all soreness.” After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W: Watkins: Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Watkins. KIDNEYDISEASES are’ rhe most fatal of all dis eases. nun dfttg or money trfpKled. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 5<V. and SI.OO. **> W. J, Butts, thebrugist. To Stop a Oold. After exjioaure or when you feel s cold com ing on wko a done of Poloy's Honey and Tar. It never tall* to atop a cold If takon iu time. W J. Butt*. Violet and Lilac Cream after shav ing is soothing. Can only be had at Clark’s barber shop. Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little body, all her own, will nestie in her besom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the Joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called Mother’s Friend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It is a strengthening,- penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs, it gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An intelligent mother in Butter, Pa., says: * l Were I to need Mother's Krien and again, I would obtain 8 bottles if 1 bad to pay fS per bottle for it.” Get Mother’s Friend at the drug store. Jl per bottle. THE BRADfIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write tor Otar fr*e iilut rated book. u Before Baby U JJoru.” M;, OA JTOmtAk. B*sm the lh9 Yoa *™y Bought TANARUS“ _ . Thci 'Plant System will sell round ’trip tickets for tbe annual fair, Way cross Fair Association, at one fare from Thomaaville, Albany, Savanuah, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Laks City, Monoicello and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions has b*n arranged and visitors will be well entertained. B. W. WitKN.N, Passenger Trsffio Manager, Savannah, Ga. Rainy Day flats. The very bust of the iq favurcJ shape* are shown in our a toruustu. Trimmed aid untrinuasd Felt Fats in variety of shapes, style* and color*. Wh hsve bought and made thorn up to sell to Ihose who .lomire eomething serviceable, yet pretty; good, hot low priced. Those are right and priced right. HISS E&TE SLATES, 50 GLOUCESTER ST.. Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. fe. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. Wall Paper ATgTHE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk’St. W.H. LYTLE FROPBIfiTOB. SHAKE INTO YOURISHOES. AllenN’Foot-Eaw, a'powder. It cure* painful, smarting, nervoua feot and Ingrowing naiU.nct instantly take* Iho atingobt of corns and t.un iona. Ifa the greatest comf yrt discovery of the ago. Alien'* Fout-Raao ni.ii.ea light or new shea# feet eaap. It la a certain cure fnr aweat tng. otulona and bet. Hied, aching feet. Try it today. S.Jd by *ll druggist* and klhw atorea. By mall for *6 matampa, Trial packago Free. Addreea Alien h.Olmstend, Le Roy, fi. {. Shave at tbe only barber shop in town using Rochester aterilizer obarged with Boro Phenol, Your Health I ill j Si iHl *s affected for good or ill by I iiilii lllf iflli evcry substance that finds I Jplfii 3*lll if SR its way into the stomach. EUfi I oil 1 D ABC I iHXBi i (&OHEMIAN & JBgpJPr I ’’Kingot all Bottled Beers- ■ Wm I iS amous * or purity and SB I general excellence. It re* ■ I freshes—nourishes—induces i/.jf 1 health} is incomparably fine/f • iMh. Iv ■ in qualities than any other, \ ; t ■ and in fact the foremost jp M family beer everywhere, M W//t. | I Order from B BrunswicklWine & Liquor Cos. mmMt PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. KKAJD DOWN " ' ; RKAD o. .. Time Table K *. ss. ' Effective Oct 1,1900. ! Jmf Passenger Mixed iPsseenger Tkiied "..T,".... pan T . dsh,. *am.... SBOpm... nr Waycroe* lv tlSPui.... ? 30am... 1, - 145 im... sr Tifton lv 150 pm.... i 15*m lafioara... 10 80pm... nr Jack*'—llls lv 500 pm.... 0 Mltm... . ' ! UOSam... sr Thoua*>um lv 8 ltiK..." • lOQOpm *r Tampa lv 8 oojr VJA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. J J|ftß... 800 ftr Waycroftp It 4 llftm.., 7 WiO pm . 810 am... at Montgomery It 7 4M... • * 8 40am ... 710pm...jr NatJOTille Av 800 am.. v **i k ft If Id’NAH AND CHARLESTON. ............ Bdo am. . 545 pm 7! Lv Brunswick' Ar SOOpm To 00 m !} JJW- 12 10am.. Ar Savannah Lv 020 sin J2 4U> Ar Lharlmtoi Lv Hls pm J22sm . T 26 pm.. Ar Richmond Lv 806 am * 2i am • Hg- Ar Washington Lv *BO am ••■ ■ ——————-.—l.*i * -'i.i* ** * *,*lc.* •■ ***ic y. BETWEEN BRUNBWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JBSUP. -40 am. 8 01 pm., lv Brunswick ar ;6 26 pm.. 835 pm.. ... 1 ..... 8 06am 10 80 pm., ar Jesup lv 600 pm.. 666 pm Direct connection made at Waycrest with Pullman Sleeping Cart lor all point*. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. | RETUBSING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thors. Sat. I Ar Port Tamp* 2 80 am Thur. Sud. and Tui. Ar Key Wcet3 00pm Tue*. Frl.Sun Lv Key West lOOOp. m. Wed. Sat. and M0n..... Lv Key Weet 9 00 pm Tues. Frl. Sunday Ar Key Wet 0 Otfpm Wed. Saw and M0n.,... Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed. Bat Mon | Lv Havana 2 80 pm Wed. Sat. and Mou When the liquids come from' slock. We oarry suufi a flue line of ' TT Arf \ that it is impcuslbla to find a brand PL J which is not pleasing io some point, ft; These eooda are fully matured, have a fine rich body and mellow -S Excellent for family or any use. R-3V- DOUGLAS. W . 20618ay Street. J. J. LISSNER, ~~'W fl * Groceries, Bacon and GRAIN, HAY AND Bm A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J, . N. Bit AD I’ BOWEN & BRADT, •A rvj E)| EB LJ 14 CD £KSO Of Stone, Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of_C©eent*a'll*'and’Artiflclal_Ston©