The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 7

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1 TyjMfi Feyer Experience Is not desired in your own per son. A Doctor’s Observation Is Valuable to All. Read what one says about ■Mnson’s Chili & Feyer Tonic “Last Fall we had a good deal of Typtao-Malarla, or perhaps Ty phoid Fever. Some patients died: some recovered after six or eight weeks. After trying regular rem edies two weeks, i gave Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. In no in stance had it been given more than 24 hours, when rever cooled down and did not return. Patients regained good health rapidly* J. F. Kixchei.ok t m. and., Cojiway, Ark. Take at the first symnVom, and KEEPWELL. CUrardeau, Savannah, Qa. - ' Sole Manufacturer. Opera House, Tuesday, Nov. 6th, tUBTHHmHT. The compile Election Re turns wALbe received over a private vßp. In addition an interesting program will be given cousisting of Singing, Dancing, Boxing, Prices only 15c up stairs; orchestra reserved $ ?c; boxes 50c; seats on the stage sl. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. jam.... :... Hit i CIGARS AND TOBACCO | Ics Crsaa FrssJi Jw:t Dai ilk ll ike B Soda Wats; Sic,, All Kinds of Candy . Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J, Newton Hath- j away has so successfully • rented chronic j diseases that, he is acknowledged today i to stand at the head of h i, rofession in 1 this line His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture i without the aid of knife or cautery; cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. Ir. j the treatment of loss of vital forces j nervous disorders, kidney and uriDary i complaints, raralysis, blood poisoning,! rheumatism, catarrh and disease* pecul- j iar to women, he is equally successful-1 Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than I double that of any other specialist, j Cases prononneed hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. 4 J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 4 25 Bryan Street, Bavannah, Oil STOVES REPAIRED. | Rice, the stove doctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, boy.’ and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay .treat t- YOUR FACE 18 YOUB FORTUNE. Throw watCosmetics. American Women throw aw ay aeventy-fl e million doll art- annually for fac povr lera, lotions, etc., mo which are made of poia 'non* enbatanc •* an atroy the rkm. To teem e a Natural, Roa Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re aovea pimp ea, fiecklea. blackheads, and ail cemplexioxal imperfeet:oa. At—oluttly b.rmleM JtoiulU gurMtMd. Writ* lor prtlcnir*. Price 1.00 lijr mai Glove* JICO and IUO m VIRGIN RUBBER CO„ No Weal 14tL fU Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. SHIPPING REPORT. dorr acted Daily by Capt. Otto Johsnnsssn ’.Port of Brunswick, Nov. (i, 1900. OLBAKKD. Span sh bark Galopre, Santa Cruz, Teaeripe. ScUr. Three Marys, Conover, Phila delphia. £ AILED 6tH. Norwegian bark Btnille, Marie Ton nesen, Gcole. Portuguese bark Maria Emilia,Ruben, Oporto Feelings ot safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the omy harmless remedy that pro duce* immediats reaolts. It is infalli ble for coughs, colds, uroup, and all throat and lurg troubles. It will pre vent consumption W. J. Butts. For Diabetes use STUART’S (t IN and BUCHU. Half the'World is in Darkness os to the couse of their ill health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Core, thei weariness of Ixuiyand mind,hack ache "headache and rheumatic pains would disapi>or. W.’J. Butts. A Card. The manufacturers of Banner Salvo have an thorised the undersigned to guarantee it for barns, cuts, sores, nlceis, totter, eczema and all skin diseases. Yon have your money hack t doesn’t do all it claim,. W. J. Butts. WANTED.—Christian man or wo man willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here or in home county. S9OO yearly, E ’close self addressed stamped envelope to Secre tary, oare of Timks-Call. Shave at Clark’s, the only barber shop in town using Koohester sterilizer charged with Boro Phenol. CPERA HOUSE, SIX NIGHTS, TWO MATINEES, COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 12th. THE MYRKLE and Harder co. li lifts Repin PRICES ONLY 10c. 20c, 30, m [ok Millinery Mind JO} Newcastle Street Wishes to inform the ladies of Brunswick that they will find the largest and lates novelties in Bats, - ißlanti - Caps, - Rihlioiis, AND ALL KINDS OF AMR GOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty. aH££BRUNSWICK TIMDS-CALL 1 NOVEMBER 7, til Of. Miss Gertrude Meyer leajres this morning for Savannah, to visit her sister, Mrs E. Isinberg. The Misses Norris bsve returned from a visit to Virginia. Dr and Mrs. R. E. L. Burford,and lit tle Miss Lila Burford, left last night for Pipyville, Kentucky, Dr. Burford’s old home,, Th y wiil speud a month or two there. Mrs. Wylly has returned to her heme in Dirien, from a plessant visit to Mrs. C. S. Wylly. Miss Lila Stallings is visiting Miss Lily Burford, in Kentucky. Mrs, J. A. Butts Is ill, to (he regret of many friends. M -s Bessie Symmes has returned from a visit to Allan's. Mrs. Wm. Nighienu.le and she, Douglas, have returned from a trip North. • ix,,- a . . Miss Atn'dia D >erll oger nnd sister, Miss Rita Djerilmger., leftAhis morn ing for Savannah,' o spend a week with Mrs, G, H. L'dpold. Mias.Marie DeVoe was reported worse yesterday, but her many friends hope for better news today. Miss Fay Symons is one of the lead ing members of the concert-club in New York, recently ofganized by her instructor Professor Greene. The club has given several recitals, and is doing well. By order of President G. J. Orr the Public Library was closed a little ears tier' than usual last night, on aooouqt of its being eleottoo night.. , DANCES’ SIGNAL, Uo in ember ttrtrt yotar kidneys aot as the oftsspoed ef the human body, Into which all the imparities of ’he system are continually dumped for purifica tion, and when the kidneys fail to properly perform their functions, it is a signal of further complications. The liver becomes clogged, the blood is filled with uric acid poison, the heart becomes involved, and unless the proper remedy la applied, your case will soon be beyond the reach of hu man skill. Smith’s Sure KidDey Cure will cure ycu in less time, and at less expense, than any other medicine in the world, and If j.a guaranteed. I’rioe 50 cents per botile. If yon cannot ob tain it from your druggist* write di rect to the company. For sale by all druggists. An antiseptic after shaving. Clark, i he barber. This is the season when mothers Rre ala.led on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. TV, J. Bulls. Today take Foley’. lleney and Tar It positively prevents pneumonia, or otter serious results from colds. It may be too late tomorrow. SSOO Reward. We will pay the above rewanl for Any case of Liver Complaint, Ily-popi ’a, Hick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costlveness we cannot cure with Llveratlt, the Up to-Date Little Liver Fills, when the directions ate strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction. Z'c boxes contain 100 pills* ioo loses contain 10 pills, tic )>oxes contain 16 pills. Ilewsie of sab stittitea and imitations. Be tby mail. Stamps taken. NBRVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin tor and J ekson Htfl , Cbloago, 111. For sale by Brown Drug Cos. Brunswick. Oa BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FI6S ... MAirUFACTXJBKD BT ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. HTHOTB the A A Mg. Mrs. T. Briddlemsn, of Parsballville Mich., was troubled wi’h salt rbeum for thirteen jears and had tried a number of doctors wilbmitrelief. Af ter two or three applications of Ban ner Salve, her baDds became better, and in a short time she was entirely cured. , ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND ’PainKtßer . There Is no kind of pain [or ache. Internal or exter [nal, that Pain-Killer will I not relieve. |t-OOK OUT FOR IMITATION'S AND SUB STITUTES. the oenuine bottle I BEARS THE NAME. • PERRY DAVIS & SON. Bright’s Disease. High living, intemperance, exposure and many other tilings bring on Bright’s disease., Foley’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright’s dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders if taken in lime. Take nothing else. W. J Butts. Woodworth &Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horsesj Prompt attention given ah orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St 6EORGSA OETFtTIVE AGC’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and orlmlnal cases attended to business Btrlctly confidential, En quires conducted with sooreev, Ls. G. LEfiVY tVTrrtC7:*’ Southern llailpy Cos! Olllde of General Agent, Brunswick* Ga SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Waahlwgtou and New York. Lv Brunswick >. (140 ara 05 pm Ar Savannah 10 30 am 12 50 am Ar Washtngton 7 85 am 8 so pm Ar New York 2 03 pm 0 23 am For Jacksonville. Lv BruiWwiek— 5 (M> am 825 pm l) 05 pm Ar. J&ckaonvUlffj-. 025 am 740 pm 130 am For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick 0 40 am 0 05 pm Ar Macon 1 15 pm 3 00 am Ar Atlanta *. 850 pm 520 am Ar Louisville 7 80 am 7 30 pm Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 10 pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv New York,... 3SO prn 12 15 ain Lv ,Lv Savannah ... S. pm 520 am 500 pm Ar Brunswick .. OSL *in SOBarn 885 pm From Jacksonville. Lv Jacksonville 135 pm Ar Brunswick 825 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Cincinnati 8 30 am 8 00 pm Lv Louisville . ... 745 am 715 pm Lv Atlanta. . 10 45 pm 1215 pm Lv Macon. ... 100 am 280 pm Ar Brunsw ck 7 k am 8 35 pm l Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric add. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. tl a Bottle, at druggists. THE Dt. J. H. McIEAN MEDICINE CO.. •t. u>uta. MO. ; v FOR BALE BY V MUTTS, The-DruggiH'’ KECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hsn,an, Lim*, 0., engineer L. E. & W. railrosd, writes: “I bav been troubled a great deal with back ache. I was inducted to try Foley's K'dt oy Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recommend it to any one, especially my friends strong tlie trammer, who are usually similarly afflicted.” Tell Jim Carter when to send fo your olotbing to be cleaoed and pressed. SCOTT’S EMULSION of cod-liver oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When you lose flesh, it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can’t di gest it? Scott’s emulsion of cod liver oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. We*l! send you a little to try, if you like. fcCOTI & BOWNE, 409 Pearl street, New York Complete IS THE LINE OF I! i lii MS which 1 now have on exhibition, CALI AND EXAMINE. Th. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle Sr. of iAi mm i'o our lady customers than all die well tilled bottle- of crags anil mod C'lies Is the co ner id tbo store wheie Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Articles, Ktc. Are gathered. The coll ction consists of tue. hading brands of Soaps and I’er fuwrs and is in overv way worthy of the interest it creates. The goods are if tue very best quality a L d the assort ment Is splendid. You can be bright sod swe> t ri little coat. ( _ vlAl^^ALriijjß >(r 1 HR. JH TTver Falla lo Gray I lotdK Hair to lt YdUthfui vTou>r JM4I Prevent* mwl hnv [ z • "0 ** •Jf i<orlw Core Wbie v ey | H4fper’. Parfeot Whiskey, Hat;;: —“b w -> Pr v bottle I guaranteed Harper -(JOnteOYfuTlbl. An antisept io after shaving. Clark, Brunswick IK BTREKT. BRUNEWICE, G>A j Service By Pnbhoation. STATE OF GEORGIA-County of Glynn.TZT John Rogers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, may vs. > Term, 1900. iusio Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE, flo the Defendant, Susie Rogers: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to be holden at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, 1900, and by Ten (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated oaae in his Lioel for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup riot* Court of Glynn County, this the 10th day of July, 1900, H. F. duBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn t ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY .FUIH.ICATIOnT* - GEORGI A—Glynn County. Mrs Mary C. Reppard vs. Jeflerson Levy, The National Bank of Brunswick and the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par tiou of realty in Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 1900. To the Defondrnt, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above stated case will apply for a parti tion of that certain real property in the *tate of Georgia, county ot Glynn and city of Bruns wick, described as follows: TANARUS: 0 Northeastern portion of what i know n as and called the “Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells Tract”* having the follow ing courses and distances, to vvit: Commencing at the centre of the South ern liue of Union street and ,running thence Southwardly 1,610 feet; thence running East wardly 810 feet; thence running Northwardly 1810 foet; thence running Westwavdlv 855 feet, except three certain small tracts heretofore sold by the owners; such application for par tition of said land will he made at the next term of said couit to be held on the first Mon dao in December next. This notice given in pursuance of an order granted September 28,1900, by Hon. Paul K. Seabrook,judge of said court presiding.the Honorable Joseph W, Bonnet being disqualified in said case. Witness the Honorable Paul F. Seabrook, judge of said court presiding, this October 1, 1900? H. F. DU BIGNON, Clork Superior Court, Glynn County, GIL SPARKS A TWITTY, Petitioner’* Attorneys. John AI Steelo [Application for re- J anie Hudler, formerly I moval of Janie Steele. J disabilities. Notice is hereby given that on the oth day of October, 1800, the undersigned filed in the oflloe of the clerk of the Superior court of Glynn county his application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon him under tlia verdict and iudgment-rendered in said court May 21, 1900, in tho| suit of his former wife, Janie Steele, iigainst himfor divorce, and that, said applica tion will be heard at the term of said court be ginning on the first Monday in December next. This October 8,1900. JOHN M. STEELE CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it may concern: 11. J. Read having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George McArthur, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of George McArthur to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why i ermauent administration should not be granted to 11. J. Bead on George McArthur’s estate. Witnesn niv bund official signature this 12th day tof Oo toVer, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George W. Calvin estate, represents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered George W. Calvin’s ©state. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they cr.n, why said ad ministratrix should not be discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in December, 1900. HORACE DART. Ordinary. Administrators Notice, All person>4 having claims against estate of J G. Campbell will present them to the umier signeA, and all owing, said estate will olease pay their accounts to J. J. SPEARS, Adm'r. Estate J. G. Campbell. State iff Georgia-—County of Glynn. The co-par nerahiu heretofore existing, under the linn name and style of Taylor,Cook & C<m pany engages m the saw mil) boslneM, iu the manufacture of cypress lumber, and otherwise, at Brunswick, Chi., having .served its purposes, itj* mutually agreed by ail of the undersigned member* of said Arm that, the said partnership be and the gfurie is hereby disrioJvcd by mutual consent. 'Hie business heretofore carried on by the said company w ill hereafter be conducted by the corporation duty evented by the Superior court of Glynn county. <. <>rgia, with its principal olHce iu liri'UKwick, Ga., uow as and called the Taylor-Cook C> i-rcss Company. All debt ors, creditora ami other parties dealing with said co-par: uersliip i= ti ■ p > ami nil poisons otherwise interfiidt ' l v. i’i ta novice. This Oc tober 1, iwo. RespecMulM, O. N. Taylor. T. \i. (look. Will S. Taylor*. and. 11 Mrs. Hattie J. Hess. , A. W. Cook. Mi>,. Rebecca A. C</>k. J. W. Cook. Mrs. I M. Calvin ** sr.avrci? av pumucation. Mr*. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce.'Re turnable to December vh. Term, 1900, of Superior Court of Glynn coun- O. J. Freeman. ly,Geor ia. To the said defendant,O. .J. Freeman: You arc* her by required* personally or by attorney, to *<! appear at the next term of the Sup-rJr lot said county, convening on the llr-t in J>< cember, 1900,then ana there to answer the slain iff, Clyde Freeman, upon theiiicrlu* of he r petition f*.i livorcedlea raiurttyou: as In default of nu ih apnearanco t he Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Hon Joseph W Rennet. •Judge of said Superior Court, ib'* 2‘2d day ok August,MOO. A. U,TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Oo M Ga. D. W. KItAUSS, FIUTs. \tty. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. For the purpose of uollocting he State and County Tax fo ,90 *, 1 will l>e at the following district precincts on dates named, to-wit: 2i> Dint, Oct. 27. Nov. 19 and Dec. 21. 27 Diet. Oct 20. 20 .|.J Dec. 4. im Dial. Oct. 2T, N0v.21 and Dec (J. 14t>9 Dist. Oct. 24, Nov, 22 and Dec 7 20 Dist. OM. 29, 80. BJ, Nov. 221. 24, 20, and Dec. 8,10, li. fi. J. Bead, T. 0. Glynn Cos, Chamber! ainV Cough Retnoiy in Chi • cagfo. Ylisgen Bros., the popular South Hide drug igist, c rner 69th street and Wentworth av uue say: "Weaell a groat deal of Chamberlain'* Cough Rem' dy and find that it given the n ost satisfactory rcaulta, especially among children lor severe olds and croup.” For sale at Hish- Drugstore.