The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 07, 1900, Image 8

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jj’ Wedding Presents In cut glass or silver are the most lasting and appreciated. We have a fine line of W' %' French china that we are of fering at very low prices. * Your inspection solicited. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; >■• 215 Newcastle Street, Inspector ot TV .tehee tor Sonthern KaUwej. TlnKi uy Wire dsuy.troni W.eUtnaton Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Pay Your Election Bets With a Dunlap or Stetson Hat. If the wager is for Shoes Burt and Packard are Standard, fit either Democratic or Republican Heads and Feet. Either Gold or Siever Taken. LEVYS 25 pair Ladies button Shoes nar row toes 1 to I in size, price former ly 53.00, until sold they go for 75 cents i BKUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 7, 1900, LARGE VOTE WAS POLLED Morals Tinoi Out n Laris flamlm. Although the election here yester day waa a very quiet one, a large cum ber ot vote* were polled and the raoe ot Congressman Brantley was an ex cellent one. Tbe polls opened at the mual hour and during the forenoon there waa never a rush, but about 4 o’clock tbe workingmen etarted in and until a few minute? before eloelog there waa a large crowdat tbe eland. All day a number of dam,*fetf beadedby Col, F, K* Twluy v ’worked' for a large, majority 'and ttjey'got it. The also had quite * .gum* berof workers, mostly oolored iu ‘tens. Tbe total vote oaet was 838. Following is the official result In tbia city: For President— Bryan T. ;1. .V.'f. '. .. 933 MoKinlcy, :• 183 Bryan’s dlajorirj4i. 44* For Congress— fpPjff W. G. Brantley •. 085 W. H. Harston 149 Brantley’s majority......-,,. The national popnltet ticket ceired four rotee, as did the problb’i tiou tioket. * No returns wore received fro® tbe county preoincte last pight bays ex peeted that Mr. Brantley’s majority in this oounty will reaeb 700. ■ t:jf IT WAS DOLL. J Notwithstanding tbe fact that yea t ' : y* ' terday was election day in Brunswick tbe oity looked viry dull, tfp to 4 o’olook very few people were oh thei' •treats. After that [time there was a little excitement around the poll*. , TO 1118 STORY. Trioy tbe man arrested pfcarged with tb murderer Conductor Latimer, stinks to bis original etory kod so far he ~b’s not oontrad’eted himself in the ieawt. Griffin ays he wiil prove an alibi, but those who kootv say thia is impassible for him to do as they have '’evidence which will send him to tbe- giliuws. OPEN AO AIN . The l>qaoreßtaklia bluest of B. Ltvi son is gin opened, a set>lemeut be tween the bankrupt and the creditors having been arranged. Mr. Sigmund Lsvison i < again it tbs uld stand and will continue til* business. WHEN LAGRIPPE BEGINS, CURE IT! If yon watt yon will be norry. Poopls take qutnino lor It, and when they are well, the effects of la Grippe and quinine together, often cause more sickness. JOHNSON'S CHILL H FEVER TONIC Cure* in a Day or Night. No bad effects are felt and won don't have to pnt yonrsalf on a steady diet of ltyju you do with quinine. Mr.. W. "W. Caldwell, of Chicago, writes that eight doses taken in one day cured him completely. It win oureyou. 600. per bottle if it cures. Not one cent It It does not core. OIRARDEAU, f Savannah, Qa. - Continued from Page Eight, Wayne safe. Jesup. Nojr. fi.—Wayne county gives Brantley a majority of IK). APPLING BY 500, Baxley, Nov. 6.—This [county give Brantley a majority of 500. SMALL IN COFFEE. Douglas, Oct. 6.—Brantley gets Cof fee county by 50 votes. CLINCH BY 170. Clinch county gives Congressman Brantley a majority of 170. CHARLTON 120. Tradera Hill, Nor. 6.—Th e county wo carried by Congressman Brantley by 120. St Magys, Nov: B.—Four preeincts lit bounty Stive Brantley 50 mi j<*i, precincts yet to be heard from, # •3?" • un&fe Eestman, Rdife; county give* Brantley a tnajortty of 850. I* A number of prom tans gathered at tbe olice ft 00r,,- man Brantley last turns were received n enjoy abHo®*,-* After pafay haW" some of fife first from York things got to bo quiet, verjhpjrt V& whenreporter ' ; * ft scene *flpod v JokfrlJteS*- xrowjHaid those McKinley reports f eut against the grain. Itaiuger Wo lffe \^er"qu H Sfc’wfi at tbe opern house laat night and all were amused beyond expectation. Several prize fights, a cake walk and many other things caused the hours to pass swiftly by. - I ltrnnswlck-mado Candies. You’ll i find all kinds at Lloyd's, Phone 255-2 WANTED.—Colored man who reasd and writes to prepare for traveling. SSO monthly aod expenses, * Send self addressed envelope. IVevdnnt Mo- Brady, 858 Dearborn, Übiotgo. ■-# • • B. J. ULEWINE J tiovies Belling, Heating, Repairing, Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monaseh, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie, Best of Wheels for the Least Money. I Have Them Gerrnau DIU Pickles in bulk.. Sour Cucumber Pickles in bulk Cape Cod Cranberries; I it’s good, wo have it. -N K 15v. P ! [ GENUINE > OLD FASHIONED a ! Molasses Candy. | “is Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. j W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” _ Brown Drug Cos. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for 'everything in the drug line. Our stock of I oilet Articles is complete We carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city.- ; Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. Druggists to the People. nfljf lotwSst NUNNALLTS CANDIES. * - ■“ IE T GS s In tapestry 22x Bb 75c and up wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new ill ud dipt: LOOK THE CTRLD OVER CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4,00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY AiTRUST' 1. Tragar & Cos., Independent Distillers: in BraunswickJlby v j FR -• DOUGL.AS, 206 Bay Street] * .. .. The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jjthe Fur niture business as of state craft, wtfurally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.