Newspaper Page Text
-.Franchise Granted For |an
Electric Railway.
r '■
He Tendered His Resignation as a Member of the
Body—Other Business.
Brunswick, Ga., Not. 8 1900.
Preset—Hon Dean D. AMmon,
mayor, ana Ald-rroen Blood wort e, M
son, Thom , Bries-nick, Abrams and j
I Absent-Aldtrmen Kraut-sand Dari,
t Minuttß of previous t etjular mee it g
•ware read and confirmed.
|ipatjiioNs and communita-'
1 Fr om W. I. Smith, asking that he be
allowed hia time while laid op onac
■count of injuries sustained by being ac
cidentally *hot. Granted.
From fitigh Porter et al., asking the
donailon to the Brunswick Library As
sociation, the brick and stone of the un
-4 finished market structure located on
corner of Mansfield and Newcastle
streets. Granted, provided said brick
and stone are moved within thirty days
from date.
From board of police commissioners
recommending the payment of his Oc
tober salary to Police Officer W. I.
Smith. Received,
From Alderman Urbunus Dart re
signing as an alderman of tbe city of
Brunswick, Ga. Action upon same de
ferred to next meeting.
From G. J. Orr, secretary board of
education, calling attention of council
to the annual election of a member of
the board of education. Received.
From D. H. Devtraux, asking that
execution against him for 1895 be can
celled for various reasous. Referred to
committee on taxes and revenues.
From Aiken Canning Company ask
ing exemption from taxation of G years
on its plant. Granted as per resolution.
Tbe following offered and adopted:
By Alderman Mason-
Resolved, by the mayor and council in
council assembled, that
committee be hereby empowered to pur
chase 500 feet of new fire hose for the
fire department.
By Alderman Mason —
Resolved, by the mayor and aldermen
of the city of Brunswick, in council as
sembled, that the Aiken Canning Cos. be
-exempt from the payment of municipal
taxes for five years from Jan. 1,1901.
By Alderman Mason-
Resolved, by tbe mayor and aldermen
of the city of Brunswick, in cAncil as
sembled, that -the .time for the regular
meetings of this body be and It is here
by changed from the eecond.and fourth
Thursday nights in each month, to every
Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock.
By Alderman Briese iok“
Be it resolved by the mayor and couo
oil of the city of Brunswick, lawfully
assembled, Thai the said mayor and
council oh Brunswick, doth give and
grant unto Mike Brown, of Barnwell,
S. 0., F. D. McEowon of New York,
N. Y„ T. W. Paseatlaigue of Charles
ton, S. C,, and their astoclatee and
their assigns, and likewise any urpor
atlon which they may hereafter .organ
ize; the easement, right,
and authority, to build, conatruot,equip
maintain and operate a street railway
over, upon and through attend sli of
the streets, alleys, sidewalks or greens,
except Hanover Square of the city of
Brunewick; to he operated or propell
ed by electricity or other motive pow
er, or powers as they may desire from
time to time, except no steam engines
shall be operated on the streets, side
walks, alleys or greens as aforesaid.
And to that end they are authorized to
grade and lay their tracks and all
neces-ary switches, and erect place,
plant and maintain all. necessary poles
and wires, and other materials or ap.
pliances needful in the operation of
thecars by electricity or other motive
power as aforesaid either upon above or
beneath the sufaoe of the earth, over
and upon all of the streets, alleys,
sidewalks and greens aforesaid of the
olty of Brunswick. The power and
authority herein above granted to be a
license or Iranchisc and to continue
endure for the full end and term of
fifty (50) years from this date. It is
provided however, that in the use of
tbe sidewalks, the tracks of tbe rail
roads shall only be permitted to cross
the same in a reasonable manner, and
in no event to run lengthwise along the
same. It is provided further, that in
the use of the said sidewalks of the city
under the authority here given, tbe
said Mike Btowd, F. D McEowen, T.
VV. Fassa'riaigue and their associates
nor their assigns, nor other persons ex
ercising the powers here given, shall
obstruct the same by any method, as
unreasonably to interfere with the use
of the same by the public, as a way for
pedestrians. It is provided further
that the franchise hereinabove granted
shall immediately expire, if the said
Mike Brown, T. D. McEowen, T. W.
McEowen, T. W. Passailaigue, their
associates or assigns, or any corpora
tion which they may organize, do not
In good faith, begin work on the street
railway in the streets ol said cltv,with
in four months from the first day of
January, 1901. and have cars in opera
tion on said rSllway within the yesr
Be it further resolved, by tbe said
mayor and council of the city of
Brunswick, as aforesaid, that the may
or and council of the city of Bruns
wick, doth further give and grant unto
the said Mike Browo, F. D. McEowen,
T. W. Passailaigue and their associ
ates and assigns, and likewise any cor
poration which they may hereafter or
galze, the full power and authority to
build, construct, equip, maima n and
operate, or to maintain and operate an
elestric light plant, for the purpose ol
furnishing and supplying to the saljd
City of Brunswick and to the inhabi-
tants thereof, and other people .electric
lights,Electrical powers and tor other
purposes in such q lantlty and of sucth
power as may be desired, and to that
end they are hereby autbo Ized to plant
erect, and maintain all necessary poles
and lay and stretbh all such wires and
materlßls or appliances necessary to
the delivery light and
power by sleetriciiy,' from the electric
plant or plants of said licenses tp the
ea'd pity or tlw inhabitants Uw>*eof,.or
other people, and upftuUnYand
all of,the its ami
greens of said oRy, either under ground
or above ground or both as the said li
censes may desire. '‘This license and
power to extend for the lull ead end
term of fifty (50) years from-UU date;
but it Is provided however, that in so
laying tbe wires and constructing the
poles for the purposes above named,
the licences shall not build any ob
structions over the said highways ol
the aa'd city, which will interfere with
the public la their use of the same as a
highway tor vehicles and pedestrians.
This franchise and license are grant
ed subject to she right and power of the
city government 'O compel the grantees,
their associates, aucc-ssors and assigns,
In like manner as other parties or citi
zens, to pay a usual and propottionate
share of the paving any street,
alley, sidewalk, green or other highway
used by said grantees, their associates,
successors and assigns.
f O n first reading—
An ordinance to grant Mike Brown,
et al., a street ral way franchise.
On second reading—
An ordinance relating to the handling
of fertilizers, etc.
The election of a member of the
board of education for tbe fall term was
declared in order and resulted as fol
lows: Hugh Burford 7 votes. Dr, Hugh
Burford having received the total votes
cast was declared elected.
Adjourned. L. U. Bodet,
It <is well to ,know that IleWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a barn
and stop tbe pain at once. It will care
eczema and skin diseases and ugly
wounds and sores. It is a certain cure
for piles. Counterfeits mar be offered
yoo, Bee that you get the original
DeWitt’s Witch Hasel .Salve. W. J.
Many people Sworry because they believe
they have hoart disease. The chances are that
their hearts are all right but their stomachs
are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Care digests what you eat and prevents the
formation of gaa which makes the stomach
press against the heart. It will eure every
form of indigestion. W. J. Butts.
Kenlnciy anil Mmh
Are Deiocratic-
The Vote in the Electoral College
Will be McKinley 284, -f V
Bryan 163.
Chicago, Noy. B.—Bryan sect tele
gram to the national democratic head
quarter* today that democratic national
ticket had- oarritd Nebraska by 2,000
and state ticket by 4,000. Next legis
lature democratic, this insures demo
drltld senator. „ 4 ,
, &K- • ■
Lbfilfttlle, Nov: B,—Returns are in
frqjtft nettly the entire state. Bryan
,)jas carried It. The flght’rdr governor
l|c!ose but Bookham Wprobahiy elect
ed. j£ .
■ ...
Boise, Nov, coptured Ida
ho by about tfiOO plurality.
Ban Francisco, Nov, 8.-McKinley
captured California by 4,000 plural
ity and sends beside* a full republican
delegation to congress.
Lincoln, Nov. B.—William J. Bryan
today wired Froaldeat McKinley as fol
lows: "At the close of another presi
dential campaign it is my lot to con
gratulate you upon a second victory.”
Washington, Nov. B.—Loubet, presi
dent of France, and Sir Henry Irving
have cabled president-elect McKinley
congratulations upon his great victory.
The Riflemen Will Shortly Have to
Eleot Captin and 2nd Lieutenant.
Tbe Bruniwiok Riflemen will short
ly have to eleot anew oaptain and
second lieutenant for their company,
to euooeed Captain Dunn and Lieu*,
tenant Parnell.
Csptala Dana will, as soon as an
election is called, bs elected major of
the third batallion of tbe First Geor
gia regiment to suooeed Major R. E.
Dart, resigned, and someone will
have to be elected, to fill his plane.
At tbe meeting IWedneaday night,
Seoond Lieutenant Parnell tendered
bis rselgnstion .to the body, and his
•nooessor will probably be named at
tbe next regular meeting of the oom
psny. „
For tbe seoond lieutenancy two of
tbe member* have annonnoed tbeir
oandidaoy, Sergeants Ado Miller and
Harry Miller. Both of these are very
popular members among tbe company,
and no doubt a warm fight for tbs
honor will be waged.
Brunswick Veterans May Go Over the
Central From Savannah.
The following letter ia self-explan
atory :
Savannah, November 6, 1900.
Mr. W. B. Burroughs, Brunswick, Ga.
Dear Sir—The Confederate Veterans
of thla olty will leave Savannah via
Central of Georgia Railway, at 9 p. m.
on Nov. latfa, and expeot to have a
special oar from tbia point through to
Augusta, It a sufficient number will
go forward from SavanDah and vicin
ity ws shall be pleased to furnish a
special train for the aooommodatioa of
the veterans and their friends.
I am endeavoring to arrange in tbe
best po4jt(ble manner for the accom
modation of who will attend, and
expeot to accompany tbe veterans to
Augusta so as to see that every detail
ie arranged for their oomfort and
plegt.tprtyttot only on tbe goiDg trip,
but on the return trip as well. Quite
a desirable schedule can be arranged
from your point so aa to oonneot with
the train above referred to, leaving
here at 9p. m. on Nov. 13th. and ar
riving in Augusta at 6:15 a. m. on the
We are arranging to furnish ample
sleeping oar accommodations from Sa
vannah to Augusta, and will also be
glad to furnish through ooaobes if
there are a sutiloient number who
wish day coaohes instead of sleeping
■ >-*• ’■ ■ ' " ‘ Y , .
cars. „ . > a-. ;
I will very much appreciate it if
you will bring tbe matter of our
schedules to tbe attemion of your
oamp, and advise me, as soon as .possi
ble, whether or not you will use our
In the meantime, if there are any
matters wbioh you would like to have
explained to you, and will advise me,
I shall be glad to esii on yon in person
and give any further information de
The rate, as you understand, is one
cent per mile In eaoh direction, based
on short line mileage from yonr point
to Augusts. Yours truly,
W. G. Breweb,
City Tioket and Passenger Agent.
Won the Raoe in Waycross Yester
Wsyoross, Nov. B.—Buy View, of
Brunswick, was again tbe victor in
tbe running raoe at tbe fair here to
The raoe was a half mile dash, three
heats. In the first heat the Bruns
wick horse did not have any plaoe
but won tfie other two withj ease.
Time 61.
Mr, Swan, who has for several years
been first assistant light house keeper
atSymria, has been appointed keeper
at Little Cumberland. Mr. E. O. El
liott from Jupiter, Fla., goee to New
The olty ciurt was in session again
yesterday, but very little business
was done. The day was spent in try
ing several oyeter cases. It Is thought
that the session will lsst only a few
days longer. j
Official Proceeds of Tloir
Committee Will be Sent to Savan
nah to Get Attorneys 10 Help
Proseonte Certain Cases.
Present—C. If, Ogg, T. Newman* J,
J. Lolt, Davis Dubberly, W. R. Town
Upon motion Chairman Ogg was re
quested to make a trip to Savannah to
confer with competent attorney or at
torneys to assist in prosecution of aDy
person or persons indicted by the grand
jury for redeeming fraudulent bonds.
Bids for furnishing supplies to county
convicts for month of November award
ed to the Downing Cos., same being tße
lowest bidder.
Upon motion W. R. Townsend was
authorized to dispose of hogs at convict
Upon motion Representative Symons
was requested to use his influence to
Secure legislation necessary to create the
office of solicitor of the city court ol
Havlag aa an Important Meeting in
Washington, Nov. B.—The Ameri
can delegates to the International
Maritime Conferenoe of 1889-90, who
were continued by act of Congress a
few years ago as a board to windup
some matters which the Conference
itself did not suooeed in finishing, met
here today. This board consists of
Rear Admiral S. R, Franklin and
Rear Admiral Sampson of the Navy;
S. TANARUS, Kimball, General Superinten
dent of the Life Saving Servic Judge
Goodrich, of the N. Y. Supreme court:
Clement A, Griscom, President of tbe
International Navigation Company,
and Capt. Shaokford, of New. York...
Eugene T. Chamberlain, Chief of the
Bureau of Navigation of the Treasury
Department, aots as secretary Jof the
No agreement was reached by the
late conference as to the lights to be
carried on fishing vessels, which is of
much importance to the fishing inter
ests of Oermany, Holland Great Brit
ain and other nations wbioh bare con
siderable fleets in tbe Gsrman Ocean,
the English Channel, eto. As the na
tions interested did not reach an
agreement England has prepared a
code of her own. If the nations con
cerned adopt the English proposals
the new rules will be promulgated if
Congreta authorizes It to be done.
J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois,
writes : “My little boy was very low
with pneumonia. Unknown to the
dootor, we gave him Foley’s Honey and
Tar. The result was magioal and puz
zled tbe dootor, a* ;t Immediately stop
ped tbe ranking oougb, and bequiokiy
'recovered, 1 '