Newspaper Page Text
' Beckham Also Wins in the
Blue Grass State
nuipH no
r They Say Their Candidate Was
Connted Out hy the
Lonisvlll', Nov. 9.—The democratic
and republican headquarters are prac
tical 17 deaertrd, onlj a clerk or two
being left in each to receive any be
lated return* that may c .me in. Those
' of the party leaders mill in the ci<y
refuse to alter the claim* of demoorat*
placing Beckham’s plurality eloee to
6,000, and the republican* are pinning
faith on the official count, which will
be*in in each oownty today The offi
cial count, the republican* assert, will
bring to the front hundred* of ballot*
not yet reported. The unreported rot*
county, whioh i* practically
conceded to the republicans, and one
miseing preoinot in Metoalf oounty,
claimed by tfc* republican* by 63 plu
rality, are expected by headquarter*’
clerk* today, but they can bat* no af*
feet on the remit as tb* figures now
etand, Brit fly, the demoorat* eay tbeir
candidate for gorernor stands eleated.
The rspablicans say if oandidate
*• Terkes ie beaten, it will be done by
unfair means,
Lexington, Not. 9.—Canvassing the
returns of Tuesday’s election is likely
to cause trouble in various ways, and
already the courts have been invoked
to undo the blunders of the election
ecfilcers. By failure of tbe county clerk
to furnish to the eleotion officers du
plicate forms for certifying to returns,
it happens that in several precinct*
the only official oirtifioate of the vote
ia loeked op in tbe ballot boxes, which
under the law caonct be opened for
six month*. Possibly, tbe whole vote
at the county will be affected. Aman
damus baa been granted direotlng the
opening of one of tbe boxe*
ing. Tbe board of election commit
•ionera meet* to canvass tbe vote to
May Contest tbe Electoral Vote of tbe
State of Kentuoky.
' Louisville, Nov. 9.—Republtoan Lea
lie Comb* said today that there 1* no
qnestion that Yerkre carried tb* State
by a substantial plurality. Why it la
realized that ten vote* to tbe preoinct
meant over 18,000 in tbe State, It can
readily be teen what nnmbar has been
secured by the democratic party with
out affronting public opinion. Tbe
thefts tbts year, in my opinion, are
greater than laat year. I desire to
make no flotlttone contests, but if the
fact* are at we now believe they are,
we will contest tbe electoral vote of
Republicans Have Two Congressmen
And tbe State Senate,
Omtht, Nov. 9.—Tbe almost oomplete
returns give MoKtnley a plurality of
over 0,000. The republican State tioket
is apparently elected by from 1,600 to
2,000 majority. Tbe republicans eleot
congressmen in the First and Second
districts, and tbe fusionists in (be
Third, Fourth and Sixth districts. The
legislature, tbe returns on which are
not yet oompleted, will probably stand
eionists, 16; vaoant, I. Tbe house will
stand republican*, 51; fusionista, 49.
High Galea at Sandy Hook and Al
Along the Coast.
New York, Nov. 9 .—A severe etorm
began lastnfgbt all over tbe state and
oontinned today with tbe wind rising
to a gale. It ie also rauoh colder tban
yesterday and In northern New York
snowstorms are reported. On tbe ooaat
the wlod became so high that tbe ma
rine observer in tbe Sandy Hook tower
was foroed to leave bis post became
tba building swayed so he feared it
would oollapse. An unknown sloop
Sandy Hook dragged an.
ohor and was driven high on tbe beach
today. All telegraphic servios out of
New York is badly crippied by the
— /
Way cross People Deserve Credit For
Their Big Fair.
A number of Brnnswicklans who have
returned from the Waycross fair, say
that it was a great success, and was just
as good as any fair held in Georgia this
year. The people of our sister city are
hustlers, aud when they make up their
minds to accomplish something they
generally get there.
Mr. S etson Fleming, who spent some
time there, [says there Is a larger num
ber of fine borses at Waycross tban
there was at any of the. fairs yet held.
.Judge Bennet Made Messrs. Sweat and
Toomer Pay $fX Each.
It does not pay to fight in conn as
Judge Sweat and Col. W. M.Toomer of
Waycross, will testify. At the Ware
superior court some days ago, these
gentlemen got Into a little aorap in court
and Judge Bennett fined them fifty dol
lars each for their fun.
Pretty Little Summer Re
sort finmefl.
Churohes, Convents, Printing ( ffloe
and Many Residences Were
New Orleans, Nov. 9.—Upward of 76
bouses have been destroyed by fire at
Biloxi, a well known summer resort
and business centra on Mississippi
sound, eighty miles from New Or
leans. The fire broke out shortly after
midnight and a heavy gale blew the
fiames from tbe Louisville & Nash
ville d*pot to the beacb. The small
fire departmeut vitas powerless to stay
the fiamet and houses had to be torn
down id varioue parts of tbe town to
check tbe spread of the
The Catholic ehuroh, convent and
eobooft, newspaper office*, many busi
ness bouse*, and reeidenoea have been
consumed. The fire wa* still burning
fiercely at daybreak. The inhabitant*
were panioetrloken when tb* left re
ports reached here from the stricken
town. It 1* said the lose will exoeed
Tbe fire burned until It had nothing
further to feed on. It wae praotioally
out at 6 a. m. The fire broke out
shortly after midnight in a saloon
where a gang of negroes were playing
dioe, and, after destroying the depot,
swept through to the beach, a distance
of Several squares. Fortunately, no
lives were lost, but many of tb* poorer
people lost all their possession*.
Geoera) Manager Abrams Has Thing*
On tbe Move.
There is real activity at the oyster
canning plant of the Aiken Canning
Company, and General Manager
Abrams says a larger force 1s to be
pot to work Monday.
One large building is almost up and
as sooo as this is finished, work will
begin on two more. In the meantime
the machinery ia being overhauled
and that will b* in position in tima to
oomraence oanoing before all tha oar
penter work is done.
He Acknowledges His Telegram of
Washington,Nov, 9.—Presieent Mo*
Kinley today sont the following tele
gram to William J. Brvan:
“I acknowledge with cordial thank*
your message of congratulation and ex
tend yeu my good wishee.”
Pottevllle, Pa-, Noy. 9,—A terrific
gaa explosion occurred today in Buck
mountain colliery, near Mabony City.
Three of the thirty at work were kill
Lawmakers Have Settled
Down to Business.
A Committee Appointed to Visit
Governor Clurk’e
Atlanta, Nov. 9. The legislative
mill ground Us first grist this morning
by pasting a bill providing for the
inoorporatlon of the little town of
Oglethorpe, in Meoon ooonty.
Two of the booa*i6ommittees sub
mitted tbeir today—the com
mittee on apprrfprittions and the com
mittee on .yules. Tbe former ' met
yeeteittyy afternoon a
number of bills referred to them by
tbe house. They reoommended this
Corning, the passage of the measure
providing for tbe incorporation of tbe
town of Oglethorpe, Ga.; tbe Inoorpo
ratlon of sthe town of Morven; to
amend tbe charter of the elty of
Rome; to authorize tbe trustee* of the
city of Thdmiilon to call for a bond
eleotion, and other bill* of minor im
portaooe. Of these the bill to Incor
porate the town of Oglethorpe was
pot upon its third reading and then
adopted by tbe bouse.
The report of tb* committee on
rule* wae a recommendation that the
rule* oontained in the manual of 1898
aud 1899 be adopted, with oertaio
amendments. Tbea* amendments, in
brief, extend tbe privileges of the floor
to solioitora general, ex-membtrt of
tbe house, district attorneys, and
jodgea of the United States courts,
providing that no motion to suspend
the rules of the bouse or displace the
regular order of business shall be in
order except upon tbe consent of tbe
house or unless tbe motion ha* been
submitted to the committee on roles
and reported by them to the bouse;
that the clerk shall eaoh day keep a
record of those absent without leavo.
This laat clause was evidently brought
about by tbe very large number of
members wbo have been away without
rhe permission of the body.
Mr. George of Morgan, introduced
and had aooeptod a resolution provid
ing that a committee of three be sent
to Indian Spring to investigate the
damage frequently done the state’s
property there by the overflow of the
spring, and to report if it ia possible
to prevent such damage in future.
Tbe house oonourred In a senate res
olution providing that a oommlttee of
two, one from the eenate and one from
tbe bouse, to visit tbe grave of Gov.
Clark and bla family, buried at Bt.
Andrew’* Bay, Fla., and report upon
tbe oondltion of tbe earns. Thte reso-
lution was offered In the eenate in
oonsequenbe of a letter reoeived from
that point wbiob stated that tbe grave
wa* in a very negteoted oondltion and
that the town of St. Andrew would be
The Organization Elected
Officers Yesterday.
glad to give the bodlea a resting plaoe
Id the choicest lot of their new oeme
jgflß,. .
tery If the state of Georgia W6uld pay
the expenses of disinterring them and
removing them thereto. Mr. Tatum
has been naigied by tbe senate a* a
member of the oommlttee. Speaker
Little will name tbe representative
from tbe bouse to morrow.
■X. large number of new bills were
lotroduoed and among them a number
of measures of muoh Importance and
Interest. One, offered by Mr, Hender
son of Forsytb, seek* to repeal tbe law
whioh make* it necessary for immigra
tion agenta to pay a heavy ltoenae for
eolloitiDg emigrants in Geoegia. One
was by Mr. Wright of Floyd, provid
ing for tbe establishment of a reform
atory in every county In tbe state and
one by Mr. Ferry of Gwinnett, pro
viding for tba creation of a state board
of tax assessors, whose duty shall be
tbe assessing of railroad property in
Ooly a Few Case* Were Tried Yei
The oity court was in session again
yesterday, and disposed of tha follow
ing oases:
State vs. Samuel Little, taking oys
ters without a license; verdict of
guilty; fine of NO Or six month* on
State va. Jas. Turner, rough taking
oysters; verdiot of guilty; fine of S6O
or six months on cbalngtDg.
State vs. D. E. Little, larceny; on
Would Like to See a Reorganization of
tbe Demooratio Party.
New York, Nov. 9.-In response to a
query from a correspondent of Tbe
World, ex-President Cleveland, at
Princeton, wrote and eigned the fel
“I have beard notbingabout amove
ment on foot for tbe regenation of tbe
demooratio party, but I hope steps will
be taken In that direction. lam not
willing to make any statement now.”
Hyden, Ky., Nov. 9. —News reached
here today that on election day James
Creech was shot and billed at Wooten
one of tbe most inaccessible and re
mote points In Leslie county. It was in
general fight aud just wbo fired tbe
ratal shot Is not known,
Washington, Nov. 9.—Seoretary of
State Hay today receiyed a dispatch
from Governor All do, of Porto Rico,
announcing that the election there
passed off with entire order. Fifty
eight were cast, nearly
g'.l republican®
The Board Will Now Got Down to
Business in Earnest—Great
Results Are Expeotod.
The first meeting of the newly or
ganized Brunswick Board of Trade
wae beld yesterday at tbe city hall.
The meeting wae composed of repre
sentative business men, and the nom
ber present was aa encouraging indi
cation of tbe interest that i* to be
taken In tbe re-organizd institution."
Vtoe-Preeident M. Ka/aer, of the old
Board of Trade, wa* obalrman of the
meetWrTrarr'Secretary? C. D. Ogg,
aoted in that oapaoity. ’
Tba meeting was opened by Mr.
Kaleer stating the basinets whioh
those present were oailed upon to
traneaot, and Seoretary Ogg read the
roll of old and new members.
A committee was then appointed to
nominate a board of offioers and d(-
rsotors, and while thle work wa* in
progress, a recess was taken .
Tbe committee returned with tbe
following names whioh were adopted
and elected for tbe ensoing year:
President, F. D. Aiken.
Ist Vios-Presidsnt, M. Kaiser.
2nd Vice-President, E. D, Walter.
Seoretary, C. D. O^g.
Dlreotora.— C. Downing, E. Brob
ston, M, E.lkan, L. Fiebelraan, J. It.
Knibb, A. M. Smith, Constance Miller,
E. F. Coney, Tobias Newman.
On taking the ohair, President
Aiken was warmly applauded, and he
mad* a stirring appeal to tbe Board or
Trade membere to eland by the offioers,
and all pull togsther for Brunswick
and ber people.
A resolution of tbanke to Mr. C.
Downing, tb* retiring president, was
then offered by Mr. Twitty, and adopt
ed by a rising vote.
On bebalf of tbe present city admin
istratlon, Mayor Atkinsoo tendered
the new organization rooma In the oity
ball for meeting places, and thfs, with
otbar suggestions, were referred to tba
board of direotore for consideration.
It la understood, from a resolution
offered by Mr. Twitty, that tbe office
•f secretary will have a salary attached
hereafter, Mr. Ogg will probably bold
tbe aeeretaryabip until January Ist,
after wbiob Capt. W. F. Symons will
probably be tendered tbe position, In
tbe event Seoretary Ogg volontarlly
desires to retire from the office on ac
oonnt of a prea* of hi* other bnsineea.