Newspaper Page Text
KtWu Very Enjoyable and a Great
At the opera houte 1 hu-sday night
the Merchants Trade Carnival, glv n
hjr tte ladles of ihe Presbyterian
ww*s*", **'-"'* -- —,/. >J — „
Church_wae a grea success and qni ea
neat sum was realized. is
Every participant waa the recipient
Ol great applau e, Mias Dollie Ttson
represented the Times Cali., and th.
management wrs delighted with the
sweet manner in which she brought the
paper’s merit before the audience. Mi-
Tiscn repeated a pretty little epigram
which took the boose by corm.
MJs* Leah Johnson as Lite rcprebeuta
tlye of tbo Southern Ball* ay also re
ceived great applause.
All those who took a part In this de
llghUul entertainment played theh
roles well and those who were p-eeent
were delighted.
A slight attack of cramps may bring
on DiarrtKea, which is, In man; ca'es,
followed by inflammation of the ttom
aob and other dangerous complaints.
All such disorders are dangerous, and
•honld in their iofanoy be treated wilh
the best known remedy. The merits
Of Pain-Killer are known, and it is
reoognibed as the standard specific for
orsmps, diarrheas, etc. Avoid substi
tutes. There ie but one Pain-Killer,
Perry Davis’ . Price 26'. and 600.
The cold Weather yesterday caused a
rush in tho dry goods and clothing
•tores and heavier clothing took the
place ot light weight. It L said that
there was ice la some parts of the
The cause exists in the blood, hi
what causes inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It Is therefore Impossible to cur*
the disease by local applications.
It is positively dangerous to neglect
It. because IValways affects the stom
ach and deranges the general health,
and is likely to develop into consump
tion "-"v
Many bare been radically and permanently
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses the
blood and bat a peculiar alterative and tonie
effect. H. Loner. California Junetion. lowa,
writes: “1 had catarrh three years, lost my
appetite and could not sleep. My head pained
me and 1 felt bad all over. 1 took Hood's
Sarsaparilla and now have a good appetite,
sleep well, and have no symptomsof catarrh. 1 '
Hood 9 a Sarsaparilla
Premises to cure and keeps the prom
ise. It is better not to put off treat
ment— buy Hood’s today.
To the voters of the Ji(Hh District G
- |I., county:
I hereby eo’.lc’t tluj support of the
voters of said district at the tied lon to
be held lor Justice of peac ; on the
first Saturday In Dece&bcr next. If
elected will endeavor to perform the
duties of said office faithfully.
Jas, T. Lamukmht.
A bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters k’&t
In tbs house and used occasionally
means good health to the whole house
hold. W.J. Butts,
This is the neaidn when mothers are
ala.lied on account of croup. It is
quickly onred by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like to take, W,
J. Butts.
Till .;im Carter when to send fo
your clothing to be cleaned and
A lovely line ot Rugs and Art
Sundres just received on last steamer
The prettiest line of "Window
Shades at Popular Prices,
Cold Steel or Death
“ There ie but one small chance to save your
Ife and that is through an operation," was the
awful proepeet eet before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of
Lime Bidge, W iS-. by her doctor after vainly
trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow Jaundioe. He didn't count
on the marvelous power of Electric Bitters to
cure Stomach and Liver troubles, hut she
heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly
cured, avoided surgeoa’a knife, now weighs
more and feels better than ever. It’s positive
ly guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kip
noy troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c
at all drug stores.
When you feel t! at life is hardly wonb the
candle take a dose of Cbarnberla n s stomach
and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your
stomach, tone up your liver and regulate, your
bowels, making you feel like anew man. low
sale at Kisbops Dmg Store.
The Times Call job office is now in
full blast again and those who desire
to save money should let it hid on
ilieir work. B st woikmtn and b s
eqtipp and.
J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois,
writes: “My little bey was very low
wiih pofUmonU Unknown to rhe
doctor, w. gave him Foley’s Ho-ey and
Tar. Toe result was magical and puz
aDrt the doctor, as jt Immediately ' of.-
ped the ranking cough, and be quickly
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dvspepsiiw Indigestion, Heartburn,
EjfltuleM* Sour -Stomach, Nausea,
Bfck Uefflache, Gastralgia Ci amps And
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Pricesoc. and SJ, Large si*acontainsSs}4 times
small size. Booknll ahoutdy-.pep'ilahiuiredfiat
Prepared b* E. C. OaWITT * rf„. gbteaj*
—— ■■ , 7 ... .^
Use dirk's Magic Toole for dan
druff ; sure cure.
'When making cash purchases ** ihe following places ask for Silverware Stamps:
A. C. Jeffers, Groceries.
M. Elkan, Dry Goods and Millinery.
I. N. Bishop, Druggist.
Miller & Son, Furniture.
Kennon Mott, jeweler and Optician.
Fleming & Waff, Stationery, etc.
Mrs. M. Isasc, Dry Goods.
J. K. Cornelius, Groceries.
Work of art baa just been issued at an
>utlaj of over $lOO,OOO, for which tbe
publisher* desire s Miusger io this
lounty, also a food eoi ciior; good
pay to tbe right parly. Nearly 100
full-page engraving-, sumpiuoas pa
per, illuminated coven and binding-*;
over 200 golden lilies io lb" Morocco
bindings; nearly 60 golden rosea in
tbe cloth bindings. Sells at sight;
presses running day and nigbt, to
great ia tbe sah. Christian mn and
women malting fortunes taking orders.
Rapid promotions. One Christian wo
•twn made clear $6OO in fuor weeks,
taking orders among her church ac
quaintances and friends. Write us.
It may lead to a permanent position
to menage oqr bufTioes* and look after
oar large derreepondeane, which yoo
oan attend to right at your home. Ad
dress 3. A. Rnigbt, ISenroiary, Corco
Our Cloak Department contains
al the latest novelties
Our Dress Goods Department is
complete in all its detail
Ar Is the ROCK that WRECKS
brings in its train bodily evtisrsl
f that slowltj but surely destroy health,
'strength and cheerfulness.
DDiriflY ASH ■
li is a marvelous system cleanser and repKlor''*
V Permanentkj CURLS a constipated hahlL
\ corrects trouble in. the digestion. Pun
the blood, strengthens the kidneys.
Tut svsiim m Ptßrco
•f Du‘ta Special A cent.
ran building, opposite United .States
Treasury, Washington. |>. C.
Ersgraot as ripe fruit—Fore as a
mountain spring— Bosrv wilh age,
and a blessing to rr-eo, whop vjgh'ly
used. Th**'. whst Hnp-d. Wbi.i ev
is. Sold by T. Nswsa.v, Brun-wiok,
Many of yortr friends, or people
wh< m yoo know of. have cor traoted
consumption, pneumonia, or ntber fa.
tai diseases, by neglect of a simple
o ld or cough. Foley’s limey
Ta-. * **fe, Aprs and p'e*. n - B ongh
medicine. wuoM have sav-. and them. It
i gnv*nte<l