Newspaper Page Text
The Most Important Period in a
Woman’s Existence.—Mrs. John
son Tells How She Was Helped
Over the Trying Time.
m) ® *f\ w(A
m \ / I B
■ l ]■
Owing to modern methods of living, not one woman in a thousand ap*
■proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very
annoying, aud sometimes painful symptoms.
I Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until it
6eems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills,
as if the heart were going to stop for good, are only a few of the symptoms of
a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are crving out for assistance. Th
cry should be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pinkhain’s Vegetable Compound was
prepared to meet the needs of woman’s system at this trying period of her life.
The three following letters are guaranteed to be genuine and true, and
still further prove what a great medicine Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound Is for women.
Mar. 10 1897.
** Hka.ii Mrs. Pinkham I have been sick for a long time. I was taken
sick with flooding. All my trouble seemed to be in the womb. I ache all the
time at the lower part of the womb. TJurfloetor kb.vs the womb is covered
Mm. C.,orS jSr"£.,j&Sta£ “ “ on “
, ... .. ** Jan. 23, 1898.
I have been taking your remedies, and think they have helped me a great
aeal. 1 had been m bed for ten weeks when I began taking your Vegetable
Compound, but after using it for a short time I was able to be up around the
houj. The aching m the lower part of womb has left me. The most that
troubles me now is the flowing. That is not so bad, but still there is a little
every day. lam not discouraged yet, and shall continue with your medicine,
for I believe it will cure me.”—Mas. Chjleixittk Johnson, Monclova,Ohio.
•it . ..... . . April 13, 1900.
~ send you this letter to publish for the benefit of others. I was siok for
nine years so that 1 could not do my work. For three months I could
not Bit up long enough to have my bed made. 1 had fivediilerent doctors, and
ad said there was no help for me. My trouble was change of life. I suffered
A*** h ulceration of the womb, paiu in sides, kidney aud stomach trouble, back
■'cfle> headache, and dizziness. lam well and strong, and feel like anew
i>eron. My recovery is a perfect surprise to everybody that knew me. I owe
all to byuia E. Pinkhara* Vegetable Compound. I would not do without
your medicine for anything. There is no need of women suffering so much if
they would take your remedies, for they are a sure cure.”—Mbs. Chaklottk
Jt/UNBON, MoDclova, Ohio.
j., ( When one stops to think about the good Mrs. Johnson derived from Mrs.
eriTe a. ifc SW!ms beyond belief; yet it is all
j 1" stated In her three letter* published above at her own request,
letter* r positive fact Mrs. Pinkbaui ban on file thousands of
, S ho bceu Wy carried through that danger period
t.mvT.aJ""'' Mra - J ° l ’ nso ’ s ewe >S an unusual one for Mrs. Pink
tato ,s meetsertne to accomplish.
f* P ftftfl the National City Bank of l.yim, * UK)
wTlsrltl dl be paid to any raon wl.ocnn flndtbat tl.ealnivataatlmonial laueu
WjULPj 'n oli m BeD u lM ' or wer published Ik,for. oblai tlir .rrherV per
Biisims.g jg Beginning to Pick Up With
the Fire Department.
A *he cold weather begins so do fires
and yesterday afternoon the depart
meat had two runs, and they were lone
cues, too.
The first wa> a telephone message
abou l 3 o’clock. The deparment made
a good run and located a small blaze in
Blood worth's dry goods store, corner E
and 1. street*.
The other was turned in from box 5!
t 5 o’clock, and was at the railroad
Shops. A sand house was on fire and
had Terv good headway, but
ment arrived in time to keep it from
doing any damage, and tbe blaze was
soon extinguished.
Cannot be done unless you have good
heatib. You cannot have good healtn
without pure blood. You tzar have pure
blnod by tasiug Mood’s Sarsaparilla new.
Yc l cannot realize the good it wi.l do you you try it. Beg.n taking it tod'y
end how quickly it w;ll give you an
appetite, etreiigtn and vigor, ar.d cars
your rheumatism, catarrh or sero^tla
Al’ liver nit are cured by Hood s Pi;:*.
Ssto' -
The profit of a gold mine depends, not on th
ore Hint of rock oru-hrd under tile sumps but
upon the amount of go and winch can is- extracl
e i from the rock. In a strait tr way Hie value
of too I which is eaton dues not depend on tbe
qoantHjr which Is takji. Into the -tn nouh but
upon tbe araojut of nourishment oztrae ed
from it by tbeoriransnf nutr lion and dig stion
When these o asnsaro disc mod Uiey fail to ex
t-act tbe noniishmoittn siifllcieui quaur tie-to
simp y the needs ol ihe several or aus of the
body and these drgso- cannot wort without
nourishment. The result Is heart lroun c, liver
trouble and niaiiy other all mints. Hr. I'ierc ’s
Gulden Medical Oieouvery, acting on every or
al of the digestive and nutritive system, re
orcs It I o health and vig w. It cures dlsea es
remote from Ihe stomach thiough the stomach
tn which they originated. Golden Medical
Discovery contains neither aicoho. nor nar
If you have ever seena child in the agony of
cronp you can realize how grateful mothers
arefoi One Mmute Cough Cure, Which gives
relief as soon aa it is administered. It qnlckly
curfß coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. W. J. Butts.
SSOO Reward
We will pay the above reward for any case
of Liver Complaint. Dy-pepsia, Hick Headache,
Indigestion. Constipation or Costlveneas we
cannot cure with Liverata, tbe ITp-to-Date
Lino- Liver Pill*. when tbe direct lona are ,
st lctly complied with. They are pn rely vere- j
table and never fail to giv~ gatiafaction. i'c
boxes uoniain 100 pills. JOc t*>xoa contain 40
pills, 5c boxes conttiu 16 pills. Beware of sub
titutea and imitations. Se tby mail. Stamps
taken. NIBKVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin
ton and .1 ck on Sts .Chicago, 111. For sale by
11 • own Drug Co- branawtcL* h
yp-nvantiab, Gs., E‘n** Gr%nd Caro.-
tal and S rf* i Fa f Nov. 5-17, 1900.
One fa D fbe round trip, pJu* 25
loiifs ou It/tbe CflfitlVal. F>
militari ned band*
i uu.fom. SI.OO for tl* round trip
pc* capita, 20 or rm.xv oo oti* kkrf.
Ticket# rr *fcie Nov. 5,7 v 9, 12,14, 16,
w th final limit Nov. 13, inclusive.
Mrs, Thomas Fuller has returned
from Asheyille. . V
lie.r many friends will be glad to
hear that Miss Marie DeVoe is improv*
ing from her long nrd dangerous ill
Mrs. A. M. Way has returned from
Savannah, where she went to attend the
funeral of her niece, Miss Bessie Way
Mr. L. A. Russell is spending some
time in Florida.
Miss Lizzie Demins has been quiie
ill for the past week to the regret of
her many friends.
Miss Ella Symons, who haß been vis
iting Mrs. H. R. dußignoo, loft this
morning for Savannah, where she will
spend the winter. Miss Symons is a
social favorite ia Brunswick and her
many friends regret her departure.
In tie work upon the new city di
rectory, Manager Thompson reports
that the business dlstriot of the city
has been nearly finished, and that the
canvass upon' the residence portion
will begin today. Caovaeeers are ex
pected to inquire for the names of all
males of the age of eighteen or over;
also, of all ladies that are engaged in
any business, or are widows, or the
heads of families. Estimates of the
population of Brunswick will be based
of names collected
‘"cjwb t n 11 w * * r f*
**\hOMspson io
nSWtng atbs oily.
Give the oanvaeisrs the desired in
formation cheerfully, and report any
Degleot to inquire fully for names.
A NiKht of Terror.
“Awful anxiety wn fell for the widow of tbe.
brave Gen Burn ham, of Muchirs, Me., when the
doctors said she could cot livi-tiU. morning,
writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended be*
that fearful night. “All thought ahe must
soon die from Puoumon*a, but aho begged for
Dr. King’s New Discovery, saying it bad more
| than once saved her life snd had cured her of
j consumption- After three sir all doses she rested
easily all night, and its further use completely
cured her.” This marvelous medicine is guar
[ unteed to cure ail Tin oat, Chest and Lung pis-
I cases. Only 50c ar.d f 00. T.IfI bottles free at
all drug stores.
G. H. Hvu an, Elms, 0., .bfrin<*(>r
I, E. & W. r-itir'iod, wri’P: “I Lav*
h-er. *v.v.tM<‘oi r gri**f, deal with b'ok
h■. i wee fndunetl <ry V .Ivy’s ,
Kidney Core, end .ms bvttlp Entirely '
irtlihved me. I gldly recommend it!
lo any one, enpyoia ly mv iru, K 1
ninoi g the fraieme i, who are u-ÜBlly
a miiarlf .ffl'C’rd.”
DeWUt'a Little EsHy Kiser- are the ‘>esr
liver pfli. ever made. Easy to to’ e And never
gripe. W.J. Butts.
| Wiien you WRPt promot ting If tie pill*
that never gr'po US' iIB !i.i’ll I.ittie Surly
liiserc. W, .1. Butts.
Rioe, the tnve doctor, repairs nil
Kinds of cook stoves and ranges, s> and
buys and erlls second-hand stovea. . 414
Bay street.
Stops the Cough
an+ works off th Cold.
Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets curs a cold
In one day. No Cure, No Psy. Price 1.5 cents
A hot fight it on among the members
of the Brunswick Rfl men to e>ct a
eec md lieutenant. The two c- ,1-
dates, Surgeants Ado Miller and Harry
Miller are both very popular among
the company and e tber will have to do
some bard work to defeat tbe other.
Toe election oocurs ne* Wednesday
Tbe kidneys are am - li bu important
organs. They nni hnp occasionally
Prickly Ash Bitters is a ~umjee*fui
fc.Jney tonic and *y item regulator.
W. J. But's.
The best protection against fevers, ;ineu
,ti.onia. diphthe- a, oto.. is inbuiidirgop
the ayte.n with Hood’s Barsapariila.
Perfumes and Toilet Articles
We have just received anew supply of a well selected stock of Perfumes and
loilet i oaps, and now have on hand most of the special odors in both imported and do
mestic goods troin the very best manufacturers.
It Will Cost You Nothing.
To examine our stock before making your purchases. We will always give you our
attention and will take great pleasure in showing you anything in our store,
whether you are ready to buy or not.
We Have Just y hat You Want
In Drugs, 1 erf times, Soaps, Patent Medicines and such other Sundries as are usually
round in a modern drug store. If yoii should want anything not to be had in our mar
ket we will be luore than glad to get it for you in our next order. We are here to serve
you at any tithe. ,
Our Prescription Department
-a,., .' V* '■
Is filled with a fine assortment of new and fresh medicines for doctors’ prescriptions.
You need pot hesitate to send us your prescriptions to fill, as we give this department
our persona] attention.’ Uur experience dates back for about one quarter of a century.
Perfect sftfcmction guaranteed to every lady. Why not call and see us.
5 ® ’* mr
.cy 1 * “ —' - —i —.— •
The Cash Druggist,
isi Newcastle, Corner Monk.
Atl kinds of Fancy Cakes
fresh at “The City Bakery,”
corner Monk and Newcastle.
F. J. Doerflinger.
LA. Miller
ii DM ftstker M
Ceiiiiis M fill
Large Hfock .Just Received.
Corner By xtl Mar btJold. ru ae 177
0/ A- vitec in town wtec liiin dried
iU.abcr t*n b : ) bong it.
Jcnrgia—County of Glynn.
UmW a power of Bale contained le that cor
tain deed to m. u t debt ft a f*. V. Cafroll to
M . M. L. F trker. aid deed botug noorded It.
Vol 9of mortgag a. f**.io M3, there ’ll bco vUe
Inf 'io the dour of j. c ir 0 hh'
cr • lsri<nßW*Ok 9 Geo , en ui#> ilrnt i
Tut-*<y in i*< ternbv' i/Di.t o. wcon u |
lowal Uom a of bIo to tue it . a*ii b al bid
U**r, roi c h 'dl f * ;c t, rt-'im tr* ‘t, ot or
pai ct) of Jaitti, Rituac* nt si Ici’iuy must to,
bout .> x mil*, i n ia of id uty i;-a . wick, i
in ‘be fiWh f’’. t .o G M.. f -ai c> int •- |
aeribed iu a icel from K M Tur -or to hul! 1
C scroll,f n25 aci *h oX land, imving hi. follow
lug and iiAocca And icuta io I
;, ; Com Li’ niln rat ;> 1 < f n ihe pun- I
IlicrO’diO dir* fro that in l.iownu tho |
Chapel to bo * u- -i G > *di. t.wi Fl e. and
liirg ihr / cef w"i "< .hi* dm i
4b ilnicH to a mav c; thence rti-jiuug noriU 7
I degree-, wc , 7 ••hAi”* a r 'd fo iluhn lo . pimj
tree; ttaenr. im'iuir j;7 < 4 *uio''ntvu i 34
I ebair and 4 Ink to k g.i/ tree; (bf*nce
, run ring uoutb 70 degro'h e*vt, * uai a 60
llrk.) to v!ib ir*'b* |> n’ u uH bounded on
me nor hi y landa 'fehiatu of If-O. lav, on the
I ear*c bv eeldpnblb rod from Old ' hup 1 t,,
Hftidftomle G' -dbr- Hu I’laco, on tlic aottUi b>
I public road and landa of 8 am K. Mfiler, and
1 on tto west bv lan (In of b *id eatateofsai I' y;
j being tbe. place wbereftt the aa id Carrol! opc
' r’. h armall country furin, known
Farm Ilh ibar c< rta.o etb r traui <, 1. ..d,
in- and counfy and dlairlct, coidain l 8 ,f. k *
of land, adjoinimr the tract , v* and cri
and bong p.i tiedaily de*vlbed t ?\ '
and di ;a eta tn aid de. Jto *■ uro < * Mfrom
NaidCar.oil to Mug. Parker. -
, sad two tracts of laud ♦■a V ftß 'll"
1 froperty of s>aid L. V Ofrrnll toai'i*fy the in
dcbtedrjCßß named 1 iuld uef.’d td secure ueut,
that l# f.'j'JO pi Inci al withs per cent, interest
■ thereon fro •* Alrch lrt, 1900, until paid, t>-
1 aide* allcoMa of this sr.le us provk’ and for in
I nai 1 deed *0 aeciiie debt. Pnrcbaee’ pays for
1 Uilots. This Novouibe: itb 1900
. l V LAH 'OLL, Grantor,
: fiy MRS, M. I. P.VTIKftK,. h u iut and >vt
-1 to ':> ir fact under Uo power of ealo n.ore
' eaid\
fi’lH N S MIES
.'Doctors fed
A Good
I'or manMnd
uLZ tsr- jrsca
N fs* Tlf ..apt., m 4 mmm ifc...—,-^t-
.4lg.e He, MsfrtVl
*anly to thoir ssming s
onmr igyioii, snd slso an oppir'iml'y
io ilia a -i ,ur dist-iboMoj oi $17,500
■n ossh, I t ’, g . ah'onptiiKis tor
ih*' D l . ‘ . N' nu'fit reqmrt-il
(’uatA r>ni| \ f )tttl rd <• • iifthN von
' 1* A.ddr. a ’.i it I* b i/-frl g
Cos , Liepf D, 17 W ' 13tb #t.. f N“W
York Bt*reretiCß; A y hattk or *y
Whi.* * op'e worr -vau o hr ;-t*n.jve |
they bav* be rt Ihot' i)’ The chaoc '.a i te l at,
tht ir ituiird an: all right but tbeir etoinacha j
UJ* m bio to di/CBl 'Mid. J idol i>y - 4 , *
(Juro dlgeatH what you eat ano pr.?vtm.h i.uo
forinatior of gp • wh the atom; * |
! pints ni'aii'itthe hoarf 1 / I c e* i
| found f lndlpstJ a. '.V. J. Butts.
Csuntrv Product
of.—Vegetable* etc.
Alxo Coitectionerv.
Contruetor and Builder,
1!0 Hou*h Stonewall btract.
Brunswick, - Georgia.
U' CI *lt’ Msg ij C ;i c tor dan
fir lit; tiUffl ou fl