The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 11, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 72. HUM IfJ® II MM \i lie Bay of -FaMy- SHE US FROM YiRMQUIH n Was Among the Small Number Who Beoaped— Sixty Drowned. Halifax, Nov. 10.—The news of a terrible marine Oleaster hat just reach, ed here, steamer “Monteoello,’' belonging to To the Yarmouth Steam ship line, found red in the Uiy of Fundy. The loss of life le appalling. Tbe es timated nutn ner of persons reported to have p rUbd is plsced at sixty three, Some of the bodies have already wash ed above from thi 111-fated seam ship's wreck. Captain Hardin, the ship’s commander, was eved. MAKE CONNECTIONS,' Law in Regard to Sewerage Will Be Enforoed. To The Puwh: t Whew*, There an { number of houses in the sewerage dlstriot of the oity not cooneofed with tbe sewer •ytem; And wbereas, Tbe time bas expired in which tbe diggiogof dirt is prohib ited by ordinance, or otherwise; And whereas, Tbe laws of the olty require that til booses in tbe said dis trict shall be conoeoted— This is, therefore, to ootify all peo ple concerned, that unless such bouses are forthwith connected, tbe owners or agents thereof will be subjsoted to tbe penalties prescribed by law. Done at the city hall, this 10th of November, 1900. " Dean D. Atkihson, Mayor. 810 OFFER DECLINED. Bryan Turns Down a Ten Thousand Dollar Job Denver, Nov 10.—Bryan declined an offer of an editorial position on the Denver Post at a salary of ten thous and dollars per annum. BEAUTIEUL WORK. Yesterday s reporter bad tbe pleas ure of viewing; some of tbe work doc* )94t by artist Andreas Jena ,of Srenbarg, Denmark, at tbe borne of Capt- and Mrs. 0. Jobannesen, and nothing so bsaotifol in that line has been seen here before. Althougfanquite a young man, Mr. Jensen is aeoond to none, and be will name in America. ONE (WITHDRAWS. Mr. Ado Miller Out of tbe Race For Second Lieutenant of Riflemen. Sargeant Ado Miller yesterday withdrew from tbe race for seoond lieutenant of tbe Brunswiok Riflemen. This leaves only one candidate for the place, Sergeant Harry Miller. It la not thought that anyone else will offer for tbe place now . Sargeant Miller has been a good and 'faithful m*tuber of tbe Riflemea, and will no donbt make tbe company an excellent officer. It is not known whether or not the nomination will take plsoe on next Wednesday night. THE RUBY BOLD. Brunswick’s Pioneer Tug Leaves Here For Jacksonville. Mesei-. Coney & Parker yesterday sold the little steamer Ruby to Broad street & Coleman of Jacksonville, Fla., and the boat is now on the way to Tt new home. The Ruby was built on St. Simon for Capt. U. Dart, and for many years It was the only steamer in the harbor. .< church notice. First Methodist Cburcli—Preaching by the pastor. Morning service will be especially for the ladies, subject, “Wo man’s Work for Humanity.” Evening service at 7;30 o’clock, Special sermon to young men; subject, “The Choice Young M'qp.” Rev. Qatnes, pastor. BAY VIEW SOLD. Brunswlok’s Fast Running Horse Pur chased in Wsyoross Bay View, the fast running horsa owned by Mr. T. Q. Fleming, of this eT!fl , *frt!!Td in Waycross yesterday. The Timbb-Cali. understands that s33s was tho amount paid for tbo fast ani mal. RALLY DAY EXERCISES AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Tbe eervioes at tbe Presbyterian today will be unusually interesting. Tbe pastor will preaob at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The music will be conducted by a chorus oboir. Tbe Sunday sobool will have a “Rally Day”exercise, wbiob will oon alst of short addresses, recitations, and special mueio. This service will be gin at 3:15 p. m. A special effort is being made to gel all tbe children, and a large number of adults and parents, to attend. Go to any one, or all tbe eervioes, and brlDg your family or friends. TO YOUNG MEN. At tbe Baptist church Sunday nigbt, at 7:30, the pastor will preach a ser mon especially to youDg men on '‘Things Worth Saving,” Usual eer vioes during tbe day at 10:30 a. m,, 11 a. mi, and 3 p, m. Ail are cordially invited. EPWORTU LEAGUE RALLY. The Epworth League will hold a rally service at McKindree Methodist church tonight at 7.30. A special pro gram has been arranged and tbe public is cordially invited. HE WILL rtteflT. New Y.'tk, Nov. 10.—Jeffries posted a forfeit this afternoon offering to fight any mao in tbe world, TheJTiuas-CAU, job office is now la full blast again and those who desire to save money should let It bid on tbeir work. Beet # workmen and best equipped, Use Clark’s Msgio Tonic for dan druff; sure cure. BRUNSWICK, GA. SUNDAY*MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1900. FAM AN ANARCHIST SAID THE PRISONER Fractal Who ittmtoi to Kill the Czar. RE ADMITTED HIS fill. And Boldly Told the Court That He Was an ‘ Anarchist, Paris,-Nov. 10.—The trial of Francois Salson,. a French mechanic who ats tempted to assassinate the Shah of Per sia, last August juet as the latter was leaving in slate, his palace, located on the famous Avenue dea 'Champs to attend ceremonies gotten up* for his benefit at the be gan hero this afternoon. ' The court room was orowded with spectators, tho corridors and exits of the palais do jus tice, were well guarded-by gendcarmes, while outside, a company of the garde republican were held in readiness Id quell any disorder. • Upon of the reading of the indictment the defendant arose and in a defiant and dramatic bravado man ner exclaimed “hun an anarchist And am guilty,” and after a short pause yelled “vive l’anarchie,” THEY GOT UNRULY. Riot In the Hungarian House of Deputies. BndajPest, Nov. 10.—A riot occurred in the Hungarian house ol deputies this afternoon led respectively by Ugram and Polony, who disagreed over a bill under discussion, which, after a hot de bate, ended in personal abuse being hurled at each other, the culmination of tbe whole matter being a dissraccful fight, ten party deputies poundiDg each other In regular bruiser fashion, when the session adjourned, police finally suc ceeding in clearing same. WEDDING TODAY. Miss Mary Anderson and Mr. Tbos. Causey to be Married. A pretty borne wedding will occur tbis evening at tbe residence of tbe bride's mother, Mrs. Wm. Anderson, when Misi Mary Anderson and Mr. Tohmas W. Causey will bo united In tbe holy bonds of matrimony. Rey. J. B. Game will conduct tbe ceremony and only the immediate family will be present. Miss Anderson Is one of Brunswick's fairest daughters, a young lady of many graceß of character. Mr. Oaucey, who, fot several years, baa been connected with the Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., has won for him self quite an enylable reputation in business circles. Both young people hays many friends who wish them every happiness in their new lire. GONE TO CUBA. New York, Nov. 10.— Secretary of War Root sailed tbis afternoon far Cuba on the liner Morro Castle. THIS CUSTOM WAS TOY A CRUEL ONE BmiieWiiowslMiiir Dead Hnstiantls ROME PECULIAR CUSTOMS. - . ; . v . ' • , As Many as Eeight Hundred Thousand Widows Burned 1 . Previous to the occupation of India bv Great Britain and up to 1839 the Brahmsnie custom of satteo or burning alive of widows upon their husbands’ funeral pyres was a common occurrence. Even up to the time of the Sepoy rebels lion afijs of this kind were not iufre vuet>£rid to this day, in fact, an isolat ed Instance of this horr|ble practice is now spd then reported, despite the con stant 'alertness Of government to prevent its occurrence. J In some year* as many as eight hun • s, fhed,thousand widows were thus dis posed of. , This custom was also prevalent in the early day* among our own Natchez Ins and ans and those of Guatemala, but never to the extent practised by tbe Brah man* of India, war White certain religious ideas were un doubtedly the basis of this peculiar cus tom, a number of writers have not hesi tated to say that so far aa the wldowa of India are concerned, a awlft though painful death was preferable to tbe dally lifo.of degradation and even torture which widows in India bave to undergo even to tbis day. Nothing is too low no task too bard, no act too violent to be imposed on a widow there. Other writers have urged that, while certain religious beliefs surely were the fundament of the suttee practice, the ceremony assumed the proportions it did because It afforded an easy means of riddance of a widow who probably would become dependent on her nearest kin, and thus, under the cloak of a re ligious ceremonial, they were only too willing to despatch her. While human civilization has doubt less made progress In many directions, the lot of the widow Is still a hard one. She Is not burned alive at this time, it is erne, but If she is left in circumstances of need, her daily task is often made fearfully hard, tha more so if a family of children must call her father as well mother, breadearner as well as house keeper. No wonder a life insurance policy Is the refuge of bo many men and families. No wondor thousands, yea, hundreds of thousands of homes look lo it a* the one sheet anchor of safe'y in the day of greatest trial, when the wife is trans formed to widow, when the home is without Its natural protector, and when the income which his skill or business capacity has produced is cut off for ever. The new form of policy issued by tbe “Old Phoenix,” the celebrated L. E. A. policy, not only provides for tbe family after the death of the father or hus band. but provider for, the old age of the family is he lives. Ca'l on or write to J. B. Abrams, General Agent, for a e P*Sib2iL copy at your age, before In stmngL AN APPEAL From the Brunswiok Humane So ciety. I am requested, as secretary of the Brunswick Qumaoe Society, to make an earnest appeal to all members of that society who hare Dot responded to the last notification of their Indebted ness, which was served on them duly, regularly through the mail, to send in the amount at the earliest date. . I regret to say that very few have made the full jspyment, while mauy have Ignored the notification absolutely, T.he sum off 1.00 per year, with a quar terly payment of 25 cents is surely and cannot be weighed In the balance with the privilege of helping on such a noble cause. Without active and earnest 00-opera tiOtt any undertaking languishes, and without funds to carry on the work it dies. .v 1 , The slender Balary which Is given to ftie agent, or which, at best, yery poor ly remunerates him for the time and trouble entailed on him by the work, be paid regularly, and it is a self evident propcsitlqju that there will soon remain no funds with which to meet this obligation if the members fail to pay their dues. Surely It would remain ever an In eradicable blot on the history of this . j' y oity, should her citizens allow this ef fort to relieve the suffering of the help less to fall through, surely because they fall to meet their obligation in the matter of paying their duse, and be cause they take oo Interest in the work. It Is impossible to accept the inference that presents Itself, and we decline to believe that Brunswick will proye herself so lacking in humanity. Frahobs do Bigwoh, Secretary and Treasurer B. H. S, A slight attack of cramps may bring on Diarrbcei, which is, lo many oases, followed by inflammation of the stom aoh and other dangerous complaiota. All such disorders are dangerous, and should in their infancy tie treated with the best known rsmedy. Tbe merits of Pain-Killer are known, and it i*. reoognibed as the standard speoifio for oramps, diarrhoea, eto. Avoid substi tutes. There ie but one Pain-Killer Perry Davis’, Price 353. and 50a. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of the 26th Diatrlct G. M., Glynn county! , 1 hereby solicit the support of the voters of said district at tbe election to be held for justice of the peace on the first Saturday la December next. If elected will endeavor to perform the duties of said office faithfully. Respectfully, Jas.'T. Lambrioht. Many of your friends, or people whom you know of, bave eontraoted consumption, pneumonia, or other fa tal diseases, by negleot of a simple cold or cougb. Foley’s Honey And Tar, a safe, sure and pleasant oough medicine, would bave saved;tbem. It Is guaranteed. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 11111 1 MM Allies Will Sejeiitei tie Pnelslieit. 1 PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS They Will All Receive Adequate Compensations for Boxer Atrooitiei. Cologne, Germany, Nov. 10.—The Gazette today, In a seuti-offloially ins spired note, state* that the power* have at last reaohed a final and definite understanding in regard to the Chi nese embroglio. The entente mutually agreed upon is ae follows : “The allies will the pun ishment to be meted out to the Chinese offioers implicated in tbe Boxers out rages. Each government at interest will be fully and amply reimbursed for all expenditures and outlays caused by expeditions sent to China. Mis* sionaries and private individuals will m reoeive adequate compensation for all injuries sustained. Troops drawn from the different foreign contingent* will be kept in Pekin permanently, for the future protection of the legation*. All the forts of Taku will be demol ished and rased to the ground. Pekin will be oooneoted with the sea, tbe waterway* leading to that oity being improved to the extent of allowing iron-olads to steam up to its wharves. COAL AND WOOD. New Company is Now Ready For Business, The Empire Coal & Wood 00., Mr. A, H. Leavy, manager, will he ready for business tomorrow morning. It will be some days yet befors tbe coal arrives, but tbe wood is here now and ready for delivery. This oompany struek a bargain in tbe purchase of a large supply of wood, and oan afford to sell it cheaper than anybody in the oity. The offloe of tbe Empiro Coal & Wood Company is at the Timbr-Call office, Gloucester street. Telephone 31. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art has just been issued at aqi outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for which tbe publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sumptuous pa per, illuminated oovers and bindings; over 200 golden tbe Morooco bindings; nearly 50 golden roses ia tbe cloth bindings. Sells at sight; presses running day and nigbt, so great Is tbe sale, Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Clrlitian wo man made dear S6OO in fonr weeks, taking orders among her church ac quaintances and friends. Write ue. It may lead to a permanent position to manage oor business and look after our large correspondence, wbiob yon loan attend to right at your home. Ad dress J. A. Knight, Secretary, Cor col