The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 11, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. XitablUhed 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 18M. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED IHOO, Published' ■ VICKY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. AJMTHUR H. LEAVY ..... Editor BOLAKS A. MULLINS, Basins.. Manager offics } TO SUBSCRIBERS: Bnbsoribors are requested to notify the office Whan they fail to gct.jany Issue of the Tlmea- OaiL Atteotiop-to this matter will bo apprs ■lMeU by the publishers. The Times-Call ‘will .be Delivered by barrier or mail, per year. 98.00; per week lfl ■ante. Correipondanee on live subjects solicited. Beni name of writer ehonld ae eompany same- Subscription, payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should bo reported to the bniinose office. 'Address all •ommnnication. to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertise ments muat be paid for after the first insertion. The management baa been put to a great deal of trouble and delay in collecting in the past, and In future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subjuct. Ont. 10, 1900, Coffee la one of the two countiea in Uoorgia which gave republican major ltios. The full lug, ae well aa the full din ner pail, cut quite a figure in the recent elections. Bryan, without his free silver fallacy •would be the heat man in America lor president. Carlisle was proniHiom on the Boose* Felt reviewing staidfi some dayi. s.p . and bow he la one of the itadu for reorgnn ialng the democratic party. When the deru icrrtlt; party U reor ganized such men as Dm M Dickerson ad .Tames 0, Carlisle ehonld oe left out. They belong with the republicans. The Sun, Vaitiosta s paw paper, her reached our sanctum, end It iu a near sheet. That hustling oily is ablo to! support a daily and the Times-Call | hopes that the new paper will lie sue- 1 oeaafitl. if Vlll REGAIN. The Times Call i> very .lorry thet the Brunt.*!. t 1 tbnary As oclatlon has vritlidrawu its r quest to the city coon' !1 for the brlok, store, etc., ia the oM market building. Wo uo ’ rstand that this action was decided upon a,ter a lengthy discussion of the matter by the boaid of l>erett that council gave the matt rial to the association at their mcettug Thu-- i%y night, with tbs understanding that, It would hae to be remuVod within 80 days. Since the action of council sonic f onr c.Wrens hays seen fit to criticise tittm, and autholl 'ta'J" association docs hoi' .1 re to be tho cause of this erttl” cl m, tlid’-awn he -erne t ar.l old eye-sure will remain. * • ate Indeed sorry tha' some people liaTii so* tit *o i. 'Ddernn conn'd) for thJs rotion, for *hev did the cost thing p.*. •ibis. This old baif-CutshAd butidiug 'haw been standing on mr orine' pal •ttoet fr a number of ye* 4J> Xu* w ity has not been able to complete it, and If had been, we all know that Bruns wick la too email to support a market, and what would have been the result? Simply the taxpayers would have their money tied up in a structure from which there would be so benefit to come, .Next to our churches and schools the library comes, because it is a little of both, and we think everybody should encourage any movement looking to its iAjgtisA ment. SUNDAY THOUGHTS. Bishop Stephen Elliott. Beloved, I must warn you agaios the very appearance of evil. When a Cbriastjan 1* peroeived to be lukewarm in all that concerns religion, and gets earnest and busy about everything else; inattentive to the publio duties of tbe ohurcb save when it is entirely convenient or agreeable, yet ready to be present at every occasion of civil Interest; finding no time to read bii bible or say his prayerlk yet finding abundant leisure for novels or news papers, or magsxines; to snob a one I must put the question on God's part “Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? a land of darkness ?” Is there nothing to intereet an immortal creature In spiritual things? Nothing to oeoupy the attention of a Christian pilgrim in the wondrous things of God’s law? Must he run to the world for all bia pleasures,and oome to Christ only on Sunday, and then only when he oan find no possible exouse to keep away? s there no Ilfs in Christianity for you? No reality, no joy, no hops of diving) mediation? Beware, my hearer, lest you not only wreok yourself, but be oome tbe oauee by whiob other* shall be kept from Christ end His aalvatlon. The judgment whiob has been record ed against a lukewarm oburob is recor ded also against, a lukewarm Christian. “Because thou art lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will oast thee out of my mouth.” Wlut utter loathing tble'ex pieisusontbe part ol Christ. What danger it insinuates upon yours. To bs cast out of Christ’s moutb, and tbit for no striking or positive sin, but simply for beiog lukewarm, indiffer ent about spiritual tiling* I How many there era who think nu barm of this; who satiety themselves with tbe posi tion that they are doing nothing to d.i>graoQtbeir Christianity, even while they are d< ini' nothing to mauifest! | A more hateful stale of feeling tltsre ■ ts not in tbs whole olrole of Chrlstisn exporienoe, (or it srgues the absence of almost every Christian grace. There can bn no faith where there Is such a spirit no butnlliiy, no bop*. It presents one flat expanse of utter •nd'fferapce. Anything in bst’er than that; hrst or oold, burning xesl or ut* tor deadness—but this indifference Christ abhors and utterly repudiates. TUUGUTB DISEASE CURED. 1 auffsred from kidney trouble, which dually b> oatne so aggravating that I was obliged forgive up my post- I I'm. whloh was paying me SIOO per I laontb, and I ettne to th* city for treat* merit, nut after several thumbs I was worse inrtesd of better. lai advised or Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure and I bought buttle, and lam now so w* 1 thairi shad return to take a better po i' on. My cur* I regard as almost "•> houlous, My wife w* eleo aiiff-r tug, and one na born i skl< g your ms dice f< r a short lime, and ia ao much improved that she already regards a oure for her as certain, J. H. Wright, Clarksdal , Mias. Trice 60 oenta. For a*;s by ad droggtats. Violat and L lac Cream after sbsv "{•' suoth og. Can only be had at Olti u hji her jt„p, TB£ BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER U, 1000. DR PIERCES DOLDEM MEDICAL DISCOVERY ■. , ’■ •• t.-- -■ “ I have been thinking of writing to yon for some time,” writes Mrs. w. D. Benson, of Mart on, Robeson Cos., N. C., “to let yon know what a wonderful thing Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery did for my little boy. He was taken with indigestion when he was a year and a half old, and he was under the doctor’s treatment for five long years. We spent all we made for doctor’s bills, and it dit no good. He could not eat anything only a little milk and cracker, and sometimes eves this would make him sick, and he got very weak; could not sit up all day, and I gave up all hope of his ever getting any better. Looking oyer one of your books I noticed Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery rec ommended for indigestion. We bought some and gave to our boy. Two bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery cured him. He is wall at can be, and can eat anything that he wants ana it does not hurt him. He has not been sick a day sines, and it has been three years since he took your medicine. I pray that God will always bless you and your medicine.” TOR DISEASES OF THE STOMACH BLOOD.NERVES AMD LUNGS. Farmers, provide yourselves with Pain-Killer tt this season of the year, when oolfo, ebolera morbus, dyeeute rj, diarrhoea, etc... may disable jour u * it iaijwery esse of the kind, but be sure that you trust to no other rem.dy but tbe old, lofig tried Pry Dayji Paio-lftler whiob never railed. Avoid substitutes. Huge is but one Paln-Km,,, Parity MyU'. Price 260. and 80c. ht For cord wood, oat orpine, Telephone No. 24-3. Blood worth & Jones. PILES CURED. By using Smith’s Sure Kidney has made a radical oure for me. I suffered severely from bleeding piles seventeen year*, and although I tried every well roeotnmended, failed to receive any relief other tban the most temporary. Finally, I commenced tbe use of your medidioe, and a very abort oourae of treatment with It has cured ms. g. Lehman, Memphis, Tenn. Price 60 cents. For isle by sll druggists. FIRST AND FOHSMOBT In the field of medicine I# Hood's Sarsa parilla It possesses actual and unequalled merit by which it cures all diseases caused or promoted by impure or impoverl-hed blood. If you have rheumatism dyapep* tin, scrofula or catarrh, you may take Hood's Harsaparil!a and be oared If you are >un down and feel weak and tired, you may be sure it will do you good The favorite family oslhartic It Hood’ Pills Perfectly healthy people have pure, rich blood Hood's Kaisaporitla perifie* and enriches the blood and makes peop e healthy. low rates-via. tue plant SYSTEM To Savannah, Ua., for the E'-a’ Grand Carnival and Street Fair, Ni vernba*- 6th to 17(b. One fare for r|i> round trip. Tiok- f* tube a ,id bVem br 6th, 7th. 9th. 18th, 14' ’nrt 16 u, with dual limit to lSib. A pisi.d and program of attractions big hen it. ranged. Plant S>*'em 'ioke agents will give full particulars. B. W. Wuxnn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, o*. An antiseptio after shaving. Clark, the barber. our IvXne: of Gents Furnish mgs IS NOW COMPI^KTG. New Goods Arriving Each WeeK J. H. HELLER & BROS., 314 Newcastle St. V' Between a -McGarvey’s andiThoinas Keanoy, CHAP ADVEBTISIHG. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements la this column wiU be insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent a Word tor each loserilon. No advertisement, bowevei mall, less than £0 cents. Cash in advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoaioe habit; myself cuted. will inform you ol harmless, permanent borne cure. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. FOR RENT,—Two story house, 114 Amherst street. NOTICE.—This to certify that 1 have appointed Coney & Parker agents for tbe sele of my brick in Brunswick. J. S. Morris. Colored man, who reads and writes, to prepara for traveling ssomonthly and expenses, Bend self-addressed envelop*, President Moßrady, 366 Dearborn, Chicago. FOR BALE. —One fine piano—as good as new—oheap for cash. Apply to L. Goldsmith. Wanted.—Two young mn. Ap ply between 9 and 12 o’clock at Iltw Loudon street. STRAYED.- A Mexican parrot, hav ing a green back, yellow bead, red ano purple wing feather*. Finder will re oeive liberal reward by returning same to Mu. Dr. Hatcher, Newcastl. street. WANTED—Services of intelligent, reliable, permanent man. Office and outside work. Enclose stamp and re ferences. A. TANARUS, Morris, P. O. Gen. Delivery. LADIES!—I make big wages at home, and want all to bave tbe same opportunity. The work is very pleas ant, and will easily pay $lB weekly. This is no deoedtion, I want no money and will gladly sand foil particulars to all sending stamps. Mre. H. A. Wiggins, Bentop Harbor, Mleh. MALE HELP WANTiivlftelinble men to sell ohr line of high grade lu bricating eUe, geaaes, paints and var nishes. Salary or commission. Ad dram, Mutual Refining Cos., Cleveland, Ohio. wi* Hustling young man oan make 160 per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write qniok for pertlculars, Clark A Cos., 4th A Locos Streets, Pbiiadel phis,-Pa. HELP WANTED—MALE,— O'd es tablished mercantile bouse, extending business in this section, wants to ar range with capable men, of curreot habits, to manage branch. Salary. 01600 yearly. Extra oommiasiofis. Must furnish SBOO and satisfactory references, “Opportunity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Gunn? 11-M HELP WANTED-MATJC^ M irrager.—Old established mercan tile house want* honest, oapuble man to mar, sgb anch Shiary $136 month, ■x r* o min.'iioi No solttvtirg re quired, hu mu-i. fske general duyo iton aid !>• ambit (Uis. Gaud refer ence'. aufl SBOO e ,*h r-qtlired. Expsri eno* a* ra- ager nit nece*>, if qoahfl a motor re-peo’s.' VOpportu- I't’,” Drawer 74, Nett fiimi, Conn, hOR SALE,—Hillery l*!nd, eit hated on Turtle river, containing 82>j acres of high lend, suitable for truck log or p.hltrv raiVng; about 15 acre * oieared; good fishing and ny-tar r>“da ariiuml the Island. Alao, lelm t Vie v, oontaii g 60 acre*, more or lets, c b afed'.ii Gibson and Per. ises rreek mx *cra of whloh is order cuw wir tci oe; 7* to 100 pear trees, and i*n prov meets on same. Fur further jo* forma'ion, apply to F, Joe. Doerflin g*r,£l6 Union elreet. For cord wood, oak or pine, Thone No. 24-3. Blood worth & Jones. 9 oo Drops' - 3- iso* '% V* Mi* $4 XVegetatile Preparation for As similating fee Food and Reg ula ling (he Stomachs andßowels of Intan is/C hildri.n Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuf nessandßest.Conlains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. not Narc otic . n*v>c oroujutsinvaptram J -favr W r I ISllSgmw ) A perfect Remedy forConslipa- Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of •NEW YOBK. Alb iiumlhs old ) ) l)tSl S- Jy<l MS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. H. in, MILLER & SON, Monday’s steamer will bring us a line ot Oriental Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods of A, A. VANTINE <fc CO Also a lot of muslin and Bobhinet Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, etc- iWINEi'OF CARDbiI How a Woman Suffers. > Hows:j,, liri., Kov. as. T - r~-rf^~~ I will always pralawOTine i ttjfcrdai f / a*s Cone me more aouu tl> ,u „,i tut metl. / Iff I II •does I uao tvii-lekei tr a its rises* / (l{ \ II send * book abort iitMitf to *i,* I \ | | Usgiaa wkosa mu..i 1 eur'Ose t ■ Mrs Ml-nJtg amUAHLLL A • WatlOmWi' R Isn’t necessary for a mma to give parti cutara. When she nvt •b has ' female (roubles'*, oiiin tv< men know what that means It means day* and of ndkss suffering. It meat beada-bes which •o tongue can describe It meaia that Uniblr bM-mg ard dragrlng ln . tn# lom '? r *bdomen It means sgoniring back- che, and Ahoclde ache, and arm ache, and aches In the lower m*-m* n -rv*s m "x* *° < bupe means debilitating *s* “tforrVra R nears nuri rd n, - s*e n prefeiablr And st'H Wine of rardui will u.ttrly p-*. r itti ose dtv ises and yakw to rout utils’ asnsMT (raiTgm. “ bs cured thousands of rises a' T ' 1 “ I‘ ltn noihlns <be on earth would ; To the budding to the aaauauoo, Venn. J bridt, to ‘he wife, tr- the u c-aut o. a,, m. mi. v,b. wEitfi nrugjlsis Sell Larne Sollies lor SI.OO. WINE' OF-■CAPmit cm Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the JLI \ Signature / ApT Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNI eCNTAHH CONFANV, NK* TORN CITY.