The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 11, 1900, Image 6

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LARGEST AND BZST, What Georgia Newspapers Ba v of the Myrkle & Harder Or ra’iMny, Beginning Monday anil continuing all the week the Myrkle and Harder Company b ids th boards at the Grand at popular prices, This attraction i said to be the larg eat and best now playing at the prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Their plays are all new and are all New York tried suc cesses. For each one they ps7 to the owner tor Its exclusive use In this ter ritory a big royalty. Their opening bill Is the -‘Princtss ot Patches, suc- cessfully produced In New York by J. H. Wallick over2oo times; for this production alone Myrkle and Harder carry four complete sets of scenery. The cast includes twenty capable ac’ors with Miss Emma Myrkle in the title role and Will Harder In the comedy part. One of thb special features of the Mjrkle and Harder Company’s per formances are their specialties. Mon day night the following will appear between the acts; Emma Myrkle and Will Harder will be seen In their cele brates sketch. “The Fortune Teller;’’ the musical Macks, manipulators oi every known musical instrument; Wil lis Harrison, Philadelphia’s phenome nal baritone in Illustrated popular bal lads; Joe Doming, In topical topics; and the Edison biograph, with life mo tion pictures, all new subjects. Manager Wolffe guarantees this at traction to be one of the best that will be seen in Brunswick this season. Brunswick Will bo the first place they have ever used what Is known as the ladles’ ticket, but Manager Wolffe has arranged w'th the company to admit all ladies lo the parquet for 15 cents that buy tickets before (5 p. in., on Monday night. Myrkle and Harder will present dur ing their engagement “The Knobs O’ Tennessee,” “Dangers of a Great City;” exquisite CHOCOLATES. If you wonld like to see something real lovely tu the way of Floe Choc- A olute Caudios, oeiure to coll hy and tako a look at onr new display' Th ere i nothing to oompare with it this *ide of New York, and it* Quite a treat to see. We’ve hundred* of new kind* now in stock, and mak ing end resolving more dolly. Fancy gift packages in till sly Ism and price* a specially. j LLOYD’S, 1 ’PHONE *55- M (Next door lo Fleming & Waff) De Wilt’* Utile Early Riser* are the beet liver pills ever made. o*y to take ond never gripe. W. J. Batts. “Princess of P.tcbeh” and the "De faulter,’’ none ol these eyer having b cn seen in Brunswick at 10, 20 and 30 cents The Knoxville Dally Senti nel say a the Myrkle and Harder cirri panyieibs best that has ever visit-d Knoxville, Tenn., at popular prices. Monday’s Angus's Herald says: “It Is the unanimous verdict that the Myrkle aod Harder company is the best ever se> u at tbi prices.” ' A LAND-SLIDE Jim Carter is bsving aland slide in dyeing clothing. He represents the leading dyeing establishment of Sa vannah, and the Brunswick people are catoblng on, for they always grab t good thing when they see it. George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: “I have been using Fo ley’s Honey add Tar for hoarseness, and find it tba best remedy 1 ever tried. I( stopped the oungb immedi medfstely, and relieved all soreness.” After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to oure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if takSn in time . QUEHTrON3.ANWERED. Yes, August,, Flower (till has the largest eale'.of an; medicine lo the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else ifor indigestion or billons ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendicltta, nervous prostration, hean failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the tystem and stop fermehtatlon of until* t-ested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organio system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other laches. You only need a few doses of Green's au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing seatons the matter with you Sample BoSles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be In every household roede oine chest. It affords certain relief “I have slwsye used Foley’s Hone; end Tar Cough medicine and think U the best in the world,” says Chan Bender,* newsdealer of Erls I’a, Take no substitute- W J Butte. The editor of the Fordvllle, K;„ Mlicollaa eous, writes ne a postscript to a business letter: -l was cured of kidney trouble b; taking Foley’s Kidney Core,” Take nothing else. W.J. Units An antiseptic after shaving. Clark, the barber. Jim Garter recognize* no competi tion in cleaning and pressing clothes. LOW RATES—VIA. THE PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, Ga., for the Elks’ Grand Carnival and .Street Fair, No vember sth to 17th. One fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Novem ber sth, 7tb, 9th, 12th, 14tb and 10th, with final limit to 18th. A splendid program of attractions has been ar ranged. Plant Sjstsm ticket agents will give full particulars. B. W. Whknn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BIJCHU: Ki-na Kt-na.—v/utntne in s tasteless form, without sleeting Its medicinal value, combined with nsctanllid and iron. Jum) the thing for children. Pleasant to take. a bottle. For asle by IV. J. Butts, the druggist. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets core biliousness, constipation and headache They are easy to take and pleasant In effect For sale at Bishop’s Drag Store. _____________ .. For Bladder troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Jim Carter will send for your'old clothes and make them new, and •barge you comparatively nothing. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. Shave at Clark’*, the only barber shop in town using Koebester sterilizer charged with Boro Phenol. IHE BRUNSWICK lIMES-CALL NOVEMBER 11. 1900 SHIPPING REPORT. Oomoted Daily by Capt. Otto Jshaaasssa Port of Brnniiviok, Nov. 10,1900. AKEIVBD. Scbr. Charlotte T. Sibley, Norwood, from New York, arrived this morning. Lost both anchors and 45 fathoms chain north of Brunswick bar. Brig C. C. Sweeney, Miller, Savan nah. Schr. Geo. M . Grant, Felter, Bangor. Schr. Nimbus, Stabl, Boston. Schr. Harry Prescott, Gray, New York. Schr, Josephine Elllcott, Rage. Bos ton. Schr. Geo. H. Ames, Mo’.ts, Nas-au. CLBARHD. Schr. Wm. H. Summer, Ycaton, New York. Both makers aod circulators of counterfeits commit fraud* Honest ■ men will not deceive yon Into boying worthless counterfeits of De- Wilt’s Witch Ilksel Salve. The originel is in fallible for earing piles, sores, eczema and all skin diseases. W. J. Butts. Have yon a sense of fullncsaton the region year stomach after eating? If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also core belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price Mo. Sold by Bishop’s Drag Store. Don’t be deceived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of some hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie tor the euro of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor; or druggist with tell you that such claims or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidney Cur* simply contains remedies that are recognized by the meet .nkliful physicians best for tbeso complaints', so don't be credulous or foolish. W. J^htttb. — An aoUseptie after shaving. Clark, the barber. DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the wont burns and scalds and not leave a soar. It can be applied to cuts and raw sur faces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for pilot and akin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. W. J. Bntta, For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and Dr. M. Harris, of Chicago, will test your eyea free of oharge. Be will be at my store for two weeks, A. Kocbild. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought For sprains, swellings and lameness- there nothing so ood as Chamberlain’s Fain Balm Trv It. For sale at Dr, Bishop’s drag store. Violet eud Lilac Cream after shav ing Is soothing. Can only be had at Clark’e barber shop. Half ike World is in Darkoata as to t eause of their Hi health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back ache headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. W. J. Batts. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis eases. EHI CV*O kidney cuhe is* bULL I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physldans as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. O W. J. Botta. the Drngiet. To StOf • Bold. After ex|xure or when you feel e cold com ing on toko a dose of Foley's Honey sad Tar. It neVTYf flUt to atop a cold if taken in time. W J. Butte. Violet nod Liltc Cream after shav ing la aaotfaiog. Can only bp bad at Clark’s fiarbar shop. Every woman in the country ought to know about Mother’s friend Those who do know about it wonder how they ever got along without it. It has robbed child! birth of it3 terrors for maqy a Swife. It has preserved her figure and saved her much suffering. It is an external lini ment ana carries with it therefore, absolutely no daager of upsetting the system as drugs taken intern ally are apt to do. It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen the muscles which are to bear the strain. This means much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness and all of the other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: “ I have sold a large quantity of Mother’s Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to produce the good results claimed for it.” A prominent lady of Lam berton. Ark., writes: “With my first six children 1 was in labor from 24 to 30 horns. After using Mother’s JPriend, oy seventh was bom in 4 hoars.” Get Mather** Friend t the d rag •tore, 91,00 j*er battle. THE BRAWII ID RlGbtATOft CO. AfIAKIA, GA. Wrtt*fr out trm lU(urtnet*4 Hoot* “BKFOftX BJLBT IS fiO&Jf." oa Jtohia. Bean the 1I Kind Yds Have Always BotigM The Plant Syatem will eel! round trip tioketa for tlie .-annual fair, Way cross Fair Association, t one fare from Thomasville, Albany, Savannah, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City, Mompioellu and intermediate points, * A spl'iodid program of at'raatloas has bees arranged and visitors wilt be well entertained, B. W. Wems, Passenger Trvfflo Manager, Swaoaah, Ga. Rainy Day (Hats. The very best of tb- in M' favored shape* are shown in our awcftnv nt. Triamsd and ’JaL'isri Felt Hi In variety ot shapes, styles and colors. Wh have bought and made them np to sell to those who desire something serviceable, yet pretty; good, but low priced. These are right and priced right. MISS KATE SLATER, 504 GLOUCESTER ST., Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT f'O. Wall Paper AT„THE PAINT STORE, 502 MonklSt. W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. SHAKE INTO YOURJSHOK. Allen’s Foot-Esse, a’powder. it cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nailaand instantly Lute* tho sting out of corns and bun ions. It’s the greatest com f vrt discovery of the an. Allen’s Font-Kaae makes light or new shoes feel rasp. It is a certain cure for sweat ing, cations and hot. tired, *cbtng feeu Try it today. Sold hy all dregglst* and shoe store*. By mall tor Me Is stamps. Trial pack age Free. Address Allen 8. Olmstoad, Le Hoy, N. Y. Shave at Clark's, the only barber •bop ia town usieg Rochester steriliser •barged with Bere Phenol. J* 1 w&W** He w §1 mj y 1 > ' Hiißl PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. kaaD down ‘ aazniUp ‘ .r :r . no. 87 ho. 80. Time I&ble *o.B. 0,0. Effective Passenger Mixed Peeeenger Mixed :—t _ ~ Daily. Daily, [ Dally. Daily. J> gCOsm.... 5 45pm... lv Bruntwiek r 000 pm.... ...lit 40 pm... tOOam.. lv Tiftton or 100 am ISSOnro... 1145 pm. ar Valdai::. lv 4 30am VIA WAYCROSB A MONTGOMERY. i. 946 am... 8 00pm... ar Wayoroer lv 4 15am... 7 80am II to pm. 810 am... ar Montgomery lv 745 Tin.. IS JSpm ... LouHvllle lv i55 at. ... f ltpm ... 780 sm... or Bt.Lcui* • lv* 866 pm.. VIA, SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. sod am.. Krunawick Ar 600 pm lu 00 am _ BETWEEN~b"r~UN3WICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JBBtTP. ..... 640 am.. 90S pm lv Brunswiek ar iStypm.. 885 pm.. ' 806 am.. 10 80 pm.. ar Jeeup lv 500 pm., 855 pm. Direct connection made et WavcroM with Pullman Bleeping Carp foi all points. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. 0 GOING RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thar*. Bat. Ar Port Tampa 1 80 am Thur. Sun. and Tu*. Ar Key Weatß 0t pm Tues. FTL Sun Lv K*y West 10 OOp. m. Wed. Sat. and M0n..... Lv Key Wet 9 00 pm Tnes. FTI. Sunday Ar Key Weat 9 00 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon.. Ar Havana 5 01) am VTod. Bat Mon Lv Havana 2 90 pi Wed. Bat. and Mon ' MMH i iNBt When lh , > liquids <SO me from out - * t °°' r " AxC . M'*''* - ' \ that it is impossible to find a brand WLf J vt \ ; a which Is not pleasing in aom? point, X'W \ iJJmWI These goods are fully matured. have a fine rich body and mellow -ft Excellent for family or any use. JBifW R- V- DOUGLAS. & 11% * 20618ay Street. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and ■ Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. . N. BRADT BOWEN & BRADT, . ANDI bunders] Of Stone, Brick and Frame Building Manafaetwers ••CdMent, Wlfnd;Artiflolal Stone A C/iartm'Dglndividm/Ity most welcome to the connoisseur— nch, dainty and sparklingly brilliant SOff^MIAN "EMrTMI Bottled Beers.” Brewed from the $Mk <*jwtarq n and Minnesota barley and the choicest imported Bohemian hppf, this beer is a nourishing drink ol unequaled purity and Order fan Bruns wick. Wholesale Wine and Liquor Cos.