The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 11, 1900, Image 7

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* fnteHl Fetet Eipsrieics Is i*ot desired ia yrxx own par* eon. A Doctor’s Obssrrattoa Is Valuable to AIL Bmd rhst on* nfi nonwt Mnson’s CMP & Fern Tofe 1 "Las t we had a good SwU ot Typho-Malarla, or perhaps Ty phoid Fever. Homs patients died: some recovered after sis or eight week*. After trying regular rem edies two weeks, I gave Johnson's Chill and Fever Toole. In no in stance bad it been given more than S4 hours, when fever eooled down and did not return. Patients regained good health rapidly" J. r. KmcHKook, M. £>., Conway, Ark. Take JOHNSON’S TONIC at the first symptom, and KEE&y/ELL. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Osu Sole Manufacturer. 1# pfljlllll! GRAND OPERA HOUSE, ALL-THIS WEEK lues., Thurs, and Sat. Matineetoices 10 and 20c. Night prices 10, 20, soc. LADIES will be admitted tor 15 cents pro vided they reserve seats BEFORE 6 j>. in. Monday. MONDAY NIGHT, The biggest 10, SO and 39c worth oyer offered to a theatre going public, THE PRINCESS OF PATCHES. Four Cos no pie ie Sel of Special Scenery. ELI ZISSIMATO,. 302* Newcastle St.‘ CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kind* of Oaody Our Specialist For 89 years Dr. J Newton Bsth away has so successfully ’rested chronic diseases that he Is ackn- vledged today to stand at the bead of h t, rolession in this line, His exclusive' irethod of treatment tor ana cHrieture without the aid <t unife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all oases. In the treatment of loev of vital forced nervous disoitiers, kldfuy am ir:. : ,.ry nompiaints, fitful v is, bib 1 poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseitses pccuT iar to wonseu, he is equally successful Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more 'ban double that of any ether spscmli § Cases pronounoed ;jo,cUs by othff physicians, readily yield to bin treat- j ment. Write hm today fully about youi case. Ho makes no charge for consultation or adviee, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON b ATHAWW, M. D. 2(5 Street. Savannah, Or STOVE* REPAIRED. Rice. tfce stove dec or, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, bur and sells second uand stoves, 414 bay stre t tioaa FACE is your roOTmni. Th rogy war('om- tle. Amr an Worn*-* thro " t, -r %y -aveu'v-fl 9 ml ill a ■. .1 */, •’ svaliy for fc p w ieis, lotion*, eve.. ho Which art mao e of p'*js ■ ggpi. < au •iro-T thaßVin. To © J- •• * i . Ros Ess It by Com Sexton, get * VibGlW BOBBBU MAHK. Ksetore* original ••onr/>ir, pormai*e*iy r*~ matm pimp ©a, frecklee. aad aU ftvnplexioaal imperfection*. Absolutely harmless. Result* gar ABtesrf. Writ# for particulars. Prise by aiti (Usve* 9100 aad 12.50 TIRaiB HUBBUB CO„ Bo West 14* Si B. Y Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpels, J. W‘. Watkins. TEACHSHS BEST. Resolutions Adopt'd Complimenting thsjßoard of Education. The tsaohers of the publlo sohools held a meeting yesterday and tbs fol lowing resolutions were adopted: “Whereas, Tbs present Board of Education of Glynn county and tboee who have composed the said board during the past two or three years hav*, in our judgement, manag'd the schools in a most successful manner, and hsve again pltced the finances of the board on a sound basis, eo that the salaries of the teachers and other ob ligations of the board have been promptly paid when due, and “Wbereae, This condition of affairs bad not existed for several years pre vious, and “Whereas, We leaiise that to ac complish this very desirable result it must have required a considerable amount of time and lador, on the psrt of the members of the beard, therefore “Be it resolved, That we, the teach ers of the public schools of the City o’ Brunswick, in norma! class assembled, do hereby express it as our opinion that the good work of the Board of Education, under the adverse cironm atanoes existing during the period above mentioned, deserves the hearty oommendation of every good citizen of Brunswick. “Be it further resolved, That we de sire to express our sicosre apprecia tion of the very courteous and consid erate treatment accorded us as teach ers. “Be it further resolved, That a oopy of these resolutions be published in the Timbs-Caix and a oopy presented tlTflWwWPflfose who were members oi the Board of Eduoation during the period above mentioned. “Unanimously adopted November 10, 1800 Burnett’s Bpsolsl Mixture is un equaled as a milk producer. A Hohi'er Devil Fiji Destroying it* victim, ia a type of Consump tion. The power of thus murderous malady ia •it on organ# and nerves and nmscies and brain. .There}# no health till It’s imrcomc But Dr. King’s New Life t'jl’s are a caff'ami certain cure. Bum iu the world for BWmach Liver* Kidneys and Bowels. Only % cants at all druggist*. -g=- — ’ : 3. J. OLEWINE jl-iio ylos , Belling, Henting, Repairing, Me-.setiger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch. Or* tvford, Bogle. Elk, Dixie Best or’Wheels for thf Least Money. IS. Eli! Millincn [sltteiil JOJ Newcastle Street Wi‘ w ts iaf*m the lad-ei •f Bmn.wiok that thy will find the largest and Itet uoTeltHff in Hats, -Matr-Can,-Bifo*, h ALL KINDS OF HAI'K GOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty.# iris BRUNSWIOK >B£R U, iyo<X] FOB A MILLIONAIRE. Messrs. H. M. Miller A Son to Furnish -a Handsome Jekyi Home. Fir many years members of the Jekyi Island club have had their house furnishings snd furniture generally ehipped from the north, but this practice will now likely discontinue. Messrs. H. M. Miller & Son have just received an oider to furnish one of the handsomest houses on the island, and they will begin at once. This en'erprisiog firm has one of the beet stocks in tbe state and they deserve the great suocess which has been theirs since the opening day. RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hsusan, Lima, 0., engineer L. E. &W. railroad, writes: “I have been troubled a great deal with back ache. I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly rsn'mmeiid it to any one, especially my friends among the trainmen, wb. tre mually similarly affi oted.” When you want prompt anting little pills that never gripe use Dovvlh’b I.lttlokarly Risers. W. J, Butts. hows this? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any oase of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cute. F. We, if under iigueU, have known F, J. y for the las' fifteen years and belle.a him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and finan cially able to oarry out any obligations made by their firm. West & TruiSt,- wholesale;druggists, Toldo.O. Wilding Km nun & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, aoting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free.Q Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Today take Foley’s Honey and Tar It positively prevents pneumonia, or other serious results from colds. It may be too late tomorrow. Mrs. T. Briddleman, of Parsballville M'ch,, was troubled with salt rheum for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. Af te- two or three applications of Ban ner Halve, her bands became batter, and in a short time ahe was entirely cured. BUY THE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAIWAOTUHKD BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUi> CO. nr Mr IK TIDt SAME Gomolete is thk line of ii ill Ms which I now have on exhibition. a CALL AND EXAMINE.' Tli. F. Winter, THE TAiLOS, - .! . - ’ ; 311 Newcastle St. , ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND fPoun-Kittev | There l no kind of pain .or ache. Internal or exter [nal, that Pain-Killer will ’not relieve. (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE j BEARS THE NAME. I PERRY DAVIS & SON. Bright’s Disease. High living, Intemperance, exposure and many other things bring on Bright’s Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent Bright’s dis ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders 1 1 taken in time. Take nothing else. W. J Butts. Bloodworth & Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given alt orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. JE St SF.OBGI* tmCTIVE AGC’T BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecy. L* *J. LEAVY " tVfrtear Southern Railway Cos. OtHte of General Agßnt, Brunswick, Go SCHEDULES. Ffet 1 SttYautiali, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick 6 40 am 05 pm Ar Savannah 10 30 am Id SO am A.r Washington T am Sto pnu Ar New York * os pm 6 its au?! For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick .. SOO am 8 2fipm 905 pm Ar Jacksonville.. 25 am 740 pm 1 ilO am For Maeon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick 6 40 am 9 05 pm Ar Marun. ] 15 pm 5 00 um A "Atlanta 3 50 pm t so am Ar LomsvUle. 7 10 am f So pm ArCincinnati : 7 40 am 7 40 pm From New York, Wa liiagton and Savannah. Lv New York ... 811 pm 1! ir. aw Lv Washington., i's pm I lie am Lv Savannah .3 pin 050 urn 400 pm Ar Brunswick... OZi. m 8 05am BHi pm I’iom Jacksonville. I.r Jacksonville.. iWpm Arßrunswl -k Jy. pm rro’i ' nclu.iati, Louisville, Atlanta and Ha, s. Lv Clucinnalt 6 SO aw JOOpm Lv Louisville 7 46 ..m f 45 | Lv Atlanta 10 4t pm IS I 0 tin. I r Macon. ■ • .. ' lrt:n 230 uni I tk TIC am 8 Mum HHKKIFF'H S.'LK. DEoRGI /\. Glynn County, Will Ihi old before the courUionßn door in Bruimwick, on flivt Tuemlay in Deeumbor, Uimtlrd, the leunehoid onfatu *xiir ii k dant.arv lHtw 107-, fn t Vih.wiug part-eia of land in Town ( Vnitnon# of Brunswick; M t n 1 1 liufAr-n fiordm aid John Hon •tre-ets: n->d t:*o quarter or lot number 11 1 bet vcmd Johi.g and Hw*t w rflreeis. Solil poj *t cf ■* Mof\ i\ Prtmira, n-ider e xecution iru i; bj ho rax eol!(;ct r of said c *• nty A. T. Pi tnarn, f or itau> aiiit conruy iokoh. W. H. HE.; lUE, 81.. riff . OITA ION. Goor^la—Glynn C.iuniy. To whom It m, y concern: Take notice, that (;h.rl(, <>, J nca h npplied for perm, ent admuiiatration .u the o,t' of H. P. Junes, lain.fna-d county, deceaaed, ami if there tie any oh,lection -r> the aratii: of .aid applicailon, :,, M' o* p.Crientoil mi the firrt Mouth yin fln ; wnber next at which time the omt wii' come on or hearing in the court of ordinary of .aid "• -ty at the neu'-l hour and p'auc for holding •aid court. Given uud rmv hnd undcfßcial r gi alnro thU l?th of Soplemher, 19i)0, iiohaor iiart, Ordinary Glynn County. CITATION. Georgia—(Lynn County. Wfcerea John J ftprare, admlntrtretor 6f D, B. Knihry eat .te, re|ir.wenß ti the court In hia petition, duly filed ud onleie-l on and, that ho ha, fnilr adtaim-ter dean D.B Km ory eatate Thir i the efnn t cite ad pereni e concerned, kin :red and c dp r*. to .how canae, Ifanv hey can, why aaid adminii.irtor ahonld not be di.rhaiged from hie admini,tra tlon, and receive l.'lcrK of di.inra.ioa on the flr.t Monday la krbruary. !901 llOHac* I>aRT, Ordinary, J. M. BORHETT, uliiiDjOfJ^MpiiiOS. Oar a penial mixture D the Best Mill Predorer. Ftou' 18, m-il Nowotiitl* S'. J.ut Carter 13 tbe ib to have claaa jo ur clolb. SCOTT’S EMULSION of cod-liver oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. VVjjcn you lose flesh, it BrtSgl'the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can’t di gest it? Scott’s emulsion of cod liver oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. We*H send you a little to try, If you like, £CQn & BOWNE, 409 Pearl street. New York Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. MCLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric add. The bast ; remedy for Rheumatism and ! diseases of the Stomach, Liver l and Kidneys. II a Bolt la. at drwooMa. ! TH® DU. 4. N. MOLCAN MEOtCINE CO., ► •?. loum, no. FOft ALE BY KVWMW Y- J. rtUTTH,.The;Drugtfiar.' NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RAILROAD CHARTER. State of Georgia,) To the Honorable, the See- County of [ rotary of State of the State Glynn. )of Georgia. v The petit ion of C. Downing, F. IV> Aiken. M Kiiißer, E. 11. Mawon, N. Emanuel, T. Nowman, J. J. Ij4tl, L. It. Aiken, E Brobston and W, G. Brantley, respectfully allows: I That each and all of said peHtiofiers, ex cept L. R. Aiken, reside in the City of B> uns wiek, County of Glynn and State of Georgia, and that petitioner L R. Aiken lesidesat Mount Pleanan', County of Wayne and State of Georgia. II That petitioners desire to obtain for; themaolvei*, their successors and arsigus, a charter tor a railroad company t< be known ns l;h* Brunswick So irmincbai ' Railroad Cojii* I pany, and they seek to be, incoruonited under aurb names* a corporate b-dy, for i he purpose of b-.i Id in operating .1 railway line under rahl charter* 111. That,the length of the railroad proposed to b built, by salu romp an > will be about four hiinored and fifty ,160 y tnilet, ns near Hscan be esibnatedat this time, an ' that tlio general di rection ot same will bo amitimast to nortnw^sl. IV. That said promised rai bosd l>egilining in the Oity of Georgia, wl 1 proh aU) run through the counties of lynn,Wayne, Fierce, ppbng, Coffee, Irwm. Wilcox, Do >ly, S'tn'e ,\V bsie and Fie wait, in the State of Georgia, to a point on the boundary iinebe t wet ii,G*mr*jia and Alalmnia withl.* the county of Stewart, in the tale of Georgia, and from aaid point to the cities of Montgomery and Bir ■uingh n m the Stste of Alabama, and toe priticip -i pluces from which an t< which it is pro osed 1. construct said railroad arc Bruns wick, Georgia, and Montgomery amt Bir ?i s; ham, AI-lmm a. V That it is proponed to iraue capital stock in siild railroad inponp to the am mntof fif teo thousand (sls (M ) for each mile of said proposed railroad, irmVingaloudcnpitalizati' 11 of six million seven hundred n .id 11, y ihousand dollurs , $t',750,0 0), nml all of tbo eupithl stock Is to he commoii stock and none ot it prefeiTed stock. Vi. Thai petitioners desire that the charter f tr said railroad company, Obtained under this ptfUiion, shall continue in force for the full pei iod flxml by law, towit: One hundeed and one (101) years# VII, That it is proposed to locate the princi pal office of said railroad company in the City ot Brunswick, Georgia, aad petitioners show that ''h‘F do intend in good faith, immediately upon the g 1 anting of th© charter herein prayed for f to gdtoi ward wiihont delay to secure sub U rtptions to the capital stook, const met, equip ms ml in *nd operate a id railroad: Where lore petitioners pray that they, their successors and assigns, may be ineoiporated as such rsil road company, under the MUd corporate name of tbe Brontwi’* tk. Birvi iugiin.i' Railroad Company, under the laws of the Btiite of Geor gia, with all tbe rights, powers p ivileges Tnccdem. asd psrtin nt to sin ilar railroad cor poratioss aid as arc B red sad <t#flned by the lawsef aaid Skate, aad petitioners will ever pray. C. Downing, F. Aikea* M. Kaiser, B. 11. Masoa, N. Bmnnaal, T Newmai, J. J. Lott, L. K Gk a, B, Brobstoa, W. G. Braatley, J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. / / Service By Publication. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. John Begers,) In Glynn Superior Court, May va. > Term, 1900. Susie Rogers) LIBML FOR DIVORCB. *o the Defendant, Susie Rogers: You are hereby commanded to be and ftppßflr at the De*cemer Terra, next, of Glynn Buperi<®* Court, to bo holden at the court bouse to tf'unswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on b First Monday in December, 1900, and by Tea (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, thou and the “e to answer the complaint of the plaixte* tiff in the above stated case in hia Lioel Ear Divorce. Witness the IliE'orable Joseph W. Bennett* Judge of the Sup' PSor Court of Glvnn County, this the 10th day of July, ItXX). H, F. duBIGNON, Clerk SuperiorjCourt. Glynn 1 ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY2kPOBLIGATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Mrs. Mary C. Repnard vs. Jefferson Lev*. The National Hank or Bmnswidk and the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par •ionof realty iu Glynn Superior court, fcito cemher Term thereof, 1900. To the •>efendi-nt, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notitted that the petitioner tu the above stated ease will apply for a parti tion of that cortalu real property in the state of Georgia, county ot Glynn and city of Bruaa- described as follows: T c Northeastern* portion of what is known as and called the •‘Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells having the following courses and < wtances, to wit: Commencing at-the centre of the South ern lire of Union street and running thence Southwardly 1,610 feet; thence running KaaS* wardly 810 feet; thence running Northwardly 1010 feet; thence running Westwaidly 855f0l except three certain small tracts tieretofo*® s<)ld by the owners; such application for pe tition of said land will bo made at the uex® term of said eouit to bo held on the flrßt Moa> dao in December next. This notice given in pursuance of au ordat granted September 28,1900, by Hon. Paul Jj. Seabrook, judge of said court presiding, ttw Honorable Joseph W, Bonnet being disquallilefl in said case. Witness the Honorable PaiiiE. Soaliroofc, J””Beofsaid court presiding, this October!, * , H. F. DU BIGIfOU, r, w . Ste vk - Su l lerlor Oourt, Glynn County, SPARKS & TWITTY, Petitioner’s Attorneys. John M. Steele I Application for rt- JanieHudler, formerly | moral of Janie Steele. J disabHitiea. Notice is hereby given that on tbo 6th dar of October, 1900, the undersigned filed in the ofllfi of the clerk of the Superior court of GlyiS county his application for removal of the diMo bilities resting upon him under tha veroicl li®. judgment rendered in said court May 21, lf& lu tno| suit of his former wife, Janie SfceejE ugainst himfor divorce, and that said appliaaT tion will be heard at the term of said *ourt to ginning on the first Monday in December aA, This Ofiober 8,1900. lOHST M. ®TBML® CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it mav concern: H. J. Read hattoff in proper form applied to ine for permaaS 1 letters of administration on the estato A George McArthur,late of said county, this ia 6 cite all and singular, the creditors and next 3 kin of George McArthur to be and appear S my office within the time allowed by law au show cause, if any they can, why 1 administration should not be granted to h7l‘ Read on George McArthur’s estaWl. Witod my hand official signature this 12th day of (jK tobor, 19C0. HORACR DART, Ordinaay. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn Connty. Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, adminietretoto T George W. Calvin estate, represents to w court in her petition, daly filed and vnter&d to record, that she has fully adiuinlsfcred GeonjS Tl. Calvin’s estate. This Js, thore/ore, to eito all persons concerned, kindred and sreditoato to show cause, if any they can, why said adT romistratrix should not bo dli-charged froa administration, and receive letters of disasii sion on the first Monday in Decem?>er, 19(k). HORACE DART. Ordinary. Administrators Notice, AH person, having cialniß airainst eal.M tt J Ci. Campliell will present them to the uniler- Blgnoii, and l! owicif said ostatr will < lease pay their accounts to J. J. SI'K ARS, Adm’r. Katato J. G. CauipWl. SKKVICK BY PUBLICATION, j Mr*. Clyde freeman, | Libel for Divorce. Re j tumubl -to December . v *- I Term, J9OO, of Superior 1 , ... Court ol Glynu couu -1 O. J, L reeman, | ty^oork'ia. | To the naid defendant, O. J. Froeman; Yon are hereby required* pe noi ftlly or by attorney, to h** aid appear at the next term of , tho Superb’ iol said counts convuning on th© first Di cpinl.'er, 1900, then ana there to answer t -e piainiiff Clyde Freeman, upof. the merits of her petition for <li vorce filed againffc you; sk in defaok of Hueh appearance the Court will proceed a* to Justice shall apper tain. Witness the Hon Josoj h W. Bonnet, Judge of Hftid Superior Oonrt, thiN 22d day or August, 1900. A, O, TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn Cos., Ga. D. W. KRAUSS,riIfFa. xUty. / • OTI :E TO TAXPAYERS. For the purpose ,f -ol c ing -he state and County Tax t)o’. l ill‘eat toe following tiisirict pieoun-u <.n (Aa*. a r amixl. to-wit: 26 Dn t. Oct. 27. Nov. 19 amt l *er 3. J 7 List. Or:t2tt. Nov 20 and I) - 4. IkSSDist. Oct. 25,N0v.21 and Dee 6. M<9 Dist Oct. 24, Nov, 2? and 1 eo. 7 2b Dist. Oct, 29, SO, Ba, fTov. 28,24, 2, and Deo. 8,10,11. H. J. Read, T. C. Glynn Cos, OhamV>erltin’tt Cougi. Eemedy in Ohi- CBRO. Hisgea {Bros., the popnlar South Side drug gist, corner toth street and Wentworth svenae say: “Wesell a great dial of Ch”. nberiain’a Cough Remedy and find that it g.v the oat satisfactory resells, aepeciaily r.aoEg child re* for severe colds and croup.” For sale at Binh op’s Drg * tors. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County 'lowiwm it may concern: lllrani J. Read haying in proper form applied to me for per •uKsent letter of nd -'inii tratiun on the es tate of Lou Stafford, late of said county, this is to cite ail and singular the creditors and next of kin of Lou i-tnfford, to ha and ap pear at mjr office within tbo time allowed br law and show cause, if any they can,why penman nt sdmiols- ration *hould not he granted to liiram J. Head on Lou Staffoid es tU wane-, my offleial hlgn Htur. thU M* day of November 1000. Holt At: E DaBT, Ordinary . J. Ort; of FrosiUurK, M 1.. writaa: “I übd a. foff bad atiaoK of kidney •omplaiot and tried Kol-y'* Kidney Cor* wbiob gut me immortlaiv relief, and 1 wai perfeeily cure! attar taking wo bottle*. ” Taka ao sobitltata.