Newspaper Page Text
Howarfl of Mi® To Ib
* iroilßco a Bill
tor Qeseral tbatr Oppose
the Measure
William Scbley Howard, of DeKaib,
eajs tbe military of Georgia needeMS,-
000 for tbe year 1901, and contrary lo
the governor's that
eo appropriation made f>r oral
year, will imnduoa a bill o*x' k
that $46,000 b > appropriated fur he u-e
cf the tniiitsrj.
Chairman Brock, of Ibe military
ommi'.le>, it ale ' lu favor of the ap
propriation, and it is believed that tbe
committee ou military ilYitj wid ak
' for that amount.
- Governor Candler fa of the opinion
that there are sufficient fundi on hand
to carry the military through next
year, and hi* desaage he reoommended
that no money be appropriated for tbe
year of 1001, but that *20,{)00 be giver
fa* it ejpar 1038, *'! V • •
The military men have railed a trig*
oron* kick about H e recommendation,
and though the inspector general,
G. O'Betr, state* that no mo
ney t* needed, Representative Howard
will introduoe tbe bill, and according
to a'stateraent made by him yesterday
morning, the majority of tba legisla
tors wilt go with bia.
Vienna, Nov. 13.—Pilsen,inthe pro
wince of Bohemia, fat been tbe loene
of desperate political riots, in which
Socialists, Czechs and Nationalists
participated. The oombatants on ail
sides numbered six thousand. The
noting; lasted twelve hours, during
Which a large part of tbe oity was laid
in ruins. Troops at last succeeded in
suppressing the riots and atopped the
Washington, Nov. 13. Seoretarj
Long will ask for an appropriation of
•37,172,630 for tbe year 1901, an in*
oreaee of $31,183,531 over 1901.
Lonisville, Nov. 13.—Tbe
atate executive committee this after
noon issued a statement in which it
concedes tbe eleotion of Beckham, and
announces that the office of governor
will Dot be contested.
Opelika, Nov. 13. Governor-Elect
W. J. Sanford continues to Improve,
but very slowly and ie still seriously
111. His physicians are more hopeful,
and it is belieyad tbat tha distinguish
ed patient ie on tbe highway to recov
Firat Ltro’enant Wiggin*, of tbe Ri
flemen to Quit.
Mr. Har<-y Hiller will be nominated
as Second Lieutenant of tbe Bruns
wlok Riflemen at tbe company’s meet
leg tonight, and First Lieutenant J.
M. Wiggine will tender hie resignation.
Sergeant Ado IKiller, Corporal
Henley Calhoon and private George
Newman are candidates for the posi
tion. It i* rumored in military cirolei
that Capt. Frank A. Dunn will not re
sign, but prefer* bit present place to
tbe majarehip.
Tb* Myrkle-Harder Company pre
sented its first matinee yesterday to a
pleaied house “For Hi* Sister’s Sake”
a drama in five aote, being tbe bill.
Last nigbt a fair bouse witnessed a
good interpretation of “Knobs o’ Ten
nessee, ’’ e drama in four aote, replete
with thrilling situations, hair breadth
rescues and pathetic climaxes.
* Eugenia Florence’s work ai Ma
Preston was very effectjre at the end
of the second act, when after having
killed her eon, ebe exclaims, “His
mother knows he’ll never bang.’' Tbe
other main characters were welt filled
and the specialties were applauded.
The company ia strong and play*
with good ensemble.
liyifipr.Y IS our.
Cha*. Kozely, colored, who was ar
rested some daya ego, oharged with
abducting a colored girl from Atlanta,
la ont of jail. Hla brother, Wm. L.
r ozeley.of Atlanta, oame down and
arranged the bond yesterday. The
letter states that there is nothing in
theofaarge against bis brother, and
aaya be will prove Lis innocence when
tbs case ia tried in December,
Washington, D. C., Nov, H.-In the
supreme court today argument was
heard in the Chicago drainage canal
case. Proceedings ware instituted on
the part of Missouri to eecure a perma
nent injunction against the us* of the
for tbe protection of St. Louis’
eater supply.
Within the next few dsye, (be Li
brary Aescciation will meet for tbe
purpose of naming committees and
gett’ng things in shape generally for
their fair. At this meeting the date
will be sensed, end much other busi
ness transacted.
A New York newspaper denies tbe
report that Theodore Roosevelt will
visit Jekyi this winter, but it u more
than probable that Cornelias N. Bliss
will bsvs Mr. Henna spend e few days
there. It will be remembered that a
party beaded by President McKinlsy
ware tbe gneats of Mr. Bliss last sea
Philadelphia, Oct. 13.—Captain John
D. Hart, the famous Clibuatorer and
commander of tbe Bermuda, expired
here this afternoon.
Copenhagen, Oct, 13,—The Dowsgst
Empress of Ruiaia, Is very 111.
Various Parties Wish Street
Railway Privileges
All Interested Parties Should Be Given Opportunity To
Submit Propositions
T •
The people of Brunswick have become thoroughly aroused over the sweep
ing provisions of the f ranches for a street railway embraced In the ordinance
wbich wae read In council at the laet meeting, and which will be in order for eec
oed end third reading and adoption tomorrow night,
Bvery citizen would rejoice to eec a flret-olass eioetric railway in operation
n our streets. No improvement would be more welcome or more helpful. That
the city should grant, * fair and liberal franchise to any persons who prrpose in
good faith to oou.tructyuob a line, no one will gainsay. Bgt a franchise Involv
ing the use of Uiepublic styeiSw and squares of a eity should net be panted any
man or set ot. cnep for any purpose unless it |e|t<<dged gbout withey*ry proper
safeguard for the prelection of the public and thwr property. *
Unquestionably the propo#! ordlnanoe'graating for fifty years
abould passed in its praseijt shape. It would be far better for tb* city to
wait a year—gee, five years, before having electric cars, rather than to grant
powers that will give the corporation undue and exceptional rights that ahould be
clearly defined and restricted in advance. The otdlnano* should be emended
. ’• ’V . •
particularly in the** reepects: |
The city should epeelflcelly reset ve the
ttyat they should net exceed five cealst'' V ; -
The right tb compel the giving of transfers siVouM be reserved.
The moUvjjjpwer should be epeelflcelly prescribed. We do not need any
horae cars. ■ ■'* '
Provision should be made as to the construction's! certain mileage over des
ignated streets during th. year 1901,
The ordinance should name each and every strees on which th* line can be
constructed, and should provide that In the event th* line la not laid and operated
on any given street within a certain period, the license would ceaa* as to that
street. Of course it could be renewed upon a subsequent application,jmade in good
faith. The right to designate the portion of tbe street, distance from sidewalks,
etc., onwhich tracks could be laid, should be reserved, Ia fact the ordinance
should requite the grantees of the franchise to submit detailed plans and drawings
of all proposed tracks and lines, showing on what streets to be laid, distance
from Bidewalks, etc., before permitting construction. Specific provision should
be made as to tbe minimum mil-age to be constructed and operated.
Indeed the mayor and aldermen entrusted a* they are with tho high psrroga
tivc oi voting away these valuable franchises for the use of public property
should be controlled and guided eolely by what they believe to be lor tho pub
lic good,
We all hope and believe that Brunswick will within tbe next few years de
velop into a flourishing city. Let us not In our desire for growth end progress
make a fatal and costly error which will be regretted when too late. Fifty
years is a long time. If irrevocable grants are made that should be withheld or
restricted, few of the present generation would live to see them corrected.
Now is the time to wateh ell proper safeguards and thus spare regrets in
the future. We beve no reason to question the good faith of the gentlemen
named In the ordinance. Their financial ability and standing may be beyond
question The mayor end aldermen will of course duly investigate this.
Hpwever, it must be remembered that eo valuable a franchise obtained practi
cally with but little expenditure of money could easily be used for speculative
purposes If Brunswick should haye the looked for growth.
It Is understood that other partios now desire a franchise lo construct an
electric railway here, end that the mayor has recen ly been In correspondence
wiih such persons.
Many neighboring cities are besieged with applications for franchises for
the construction of electric street railways and lighting plants, aud are being
offered in return lor such franchises, large fioaacial advantages, each at a
Cinaln percentage of the gross or net earnings, No doubt In a short time, if
not even now, Brunswick will be offered similar advantages.
Certainly the mayor and aldermen can do do less than give every person
company or corporation deelriDg this valuable franchise a fair aed full op\
portnoily to submit tbeir proposition, and after oarsfu! investigation make
that disposition of tbematter that will be most advantageous to tbe city.
The citizens end taxpayeri belieye that there appears to be undne baste
about this matter. Remember gentlemen of the oeuncil you are their reprssenta.
1 tiyes and servant*. For their sake* and yonr own honor, guard aud use scrupu
lou sly |snd well tbe powers entrusted to you.
Extend* a Cordial lovltationto Fitz
New YorkAN-OV. 13. —The following
telegram wits gent to Robert Fitzsim
mons, at Norfolk, Va„ tonight In re
ply tost statement that be was not out
of the fighting business and wanted to
meet Jeffries for tbe championship, and
if given an opportunity, he would read
ily grasp it:
"Robert Fllzsimmons, Norfolk, Va.—
The papers here tonight state that you
are willing to meet me again. I glad
ly give you a chance to win back lost
title. I hope you will have your repre
sentative meet me on Wednesday at
the Grand opera house and we can
easily arrange a match for the cham
pionship to take place at once, or at the
end of the theatrical season. A speedy
answer will oblige.
“Tames J. Jeffers.”
Lipton Will Be Over on Auguat 21t
Manchester October 13.—Sir Thomas
Lipton advised tbu New York ynoht
club today that, ho would be ready to
eall tbe Shamrock, the second,against
a defender on August 21st, 1001.
Of couise If this date is agreeable
with Sir Thomas tho Amerioaos will
be ready.
Ksntae Clfy, Mo„ Nor. 13,-The
Wheat crop of Missouri, Kansas end
Oklsboma next year will be nearly, if
not quite, 1,000,000 bushels greater
than this yesr’s. This is the estimate
of Kansas City grain buyers who have
been oyer the ground, and have made
tbe estimate of 4,600,000 as tbe mini
mum. Tbe present fall has been ex
ceptionally good for sowing grain, the
best in tbe history of western farming.
Tbe grouod ie in an excellent condi
Brunswick Friends Regret That He Is
to Btep Out.
AdjutantGsneral Byrd’s resignation
ha* oaused general regret among hie
friends here. Mr. Byrd filed with tbe
governor bis resignation, to takeeffeot
Dooember 1, and tbe governor has ap
pointed James W. Robertson, of Cobb
county, adjutant general to suooeed
Mr. Byrd. Col. Robertson was for
many years engaged in tbeootton mill
busineas at Rossiville and at Clarks
ville. He is well known in political
circles. He declined the nomination
for congress in the Seventh distriot
seme years ago, and Judson Clements
wte substituted as the demooratio
nominee to oppose Fellows. Clements
was elected. Robertson w*s s strong
supporter of Candler in his first race
for governor, and wrote an open latter
to Evan I’. Howell suggesting Candler
for governor and placing kirn tn the
Hia nomination to sucoeed Byrd cra
atee no surprise, ae it has been under
stood for some time that Byrd wae to
that Robertson wae to suc
ceed him.
Use Clark’s Magio Tonio for dan
druff ; sure onre.
AsM Qis Olcial Family
To Servo Again
McKinley is Now Putting the Pins
ishing Touohes On Hia
Washington, Nov. 13.—At a cabinet
meeting today President MoKiniey
urged tbe members of his official fam
ily to serve the second term wjth him
and whether or not any of them told
him of an intention to resign is not
The cabinet discussed the president’s
forthcoming message, aud it is said
this document will reoommend a slight
reduction in the war tax, and if tbe
suggestion is followed it will bring
down the total revenue from this tax
to about fifty millions.
Geo.|Lee Will Command the Depart
ment of Coba,
Washington, Nov. 13. —Today by di
rection of the President tho Depart
ment of Cuba and tb* eastern and wes
tern departments of that division are
discontinued, and tbe department of
Cuba Is established.
Gen. Wood takes command of tbe
new department. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee
is to command Department of Missouri
with headuuarterß at Omaha,
The department of the Missouri has
been under command of Gen. Merrlam,
and the department of the lakes under
command of Gen. Wade, both of whom
have had the command
Gen. Elwell S Otis baa been ordered to
Chicago to command the department of
tb* lakes.
The crowd of boot blacks that throng
Nowoastle streef, in the vicinity of the
post-cfllse, on Sundays, are a thorough
nuisanoe. Ladies going to and ooming
from oburch frequently have to walk
in single file and thread their way
through the boys and their customers,
who monopolize the sidewalk. Besides
being a violation of the law to ply
tbeir trade on Sunday, it is a great
inconvenience to the public, end
makes an unsightly scene on our prin
cipal thoroughfare on the Babbath.
In faot, Nowoastle street is far from
attraotivs on this day. Ail tha mer
chants should take s pride in seeing
that their sidewalks are swept before
oleelng on Saturday nigh’s. The
whole street In the busmeee quarter
preientt V; on Sunday of
a trash ys. ■. piokanin-
N. 1C n
nies shining / j e \
l. ii. _
Dr. M. He ; £ H ”'tioiao, will
only,be in them day. Call
on him atAJtoLtkins w_
Dill, sweet, so* P6Psond piokles,
st W. H. DeVoe