The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 22, 1900, Image 2

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Your Uvor Will be roused to its natural Untie* ' and your biliousness, headache atol constipation be cured It you tabs Mood's Pills Sold by all druggists. 25 cento. *‘PAN-ATjT^REBJAURANTS. Beat of Service Will Be Pro vided. ,Tbe needs of the Inner man will be TBell attended to at the Pan-American deposition to be held at Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. I, 1901. At some exposi tions a greet mistake lias been made By not providing for good restaurants, {rbere satisfactory meals could be ob alned at reasonable prices. Either the food obtained has not been of good ouallty or prices charged have been ex orbitant or the facilities In some par ticulars have been inadequate to tbe Ibccaslon. •) v riicre will be good restaurants In dif ferent ports of the grounds of the Pan , 'American Exposition, so that It will pot be necessury for visitors to go out ride of the grounds to secure a good meal, well served, at a moderate price. [All tastes will lie suited In the services rendered, for there will lie places Xvhere meals will be served on an elaborate plan to suit tbe most fas tidious taste and where prices will be In proportfon to those charged ni lilgh class restaurants In large cities. There will be other places where the igpeals will be cheap, but the food appe tizing and healthful and tbe surround ings clean. There will be restaurants In the beautiful building at tbe en trance to the Midway, another in a similar building at the entrance to the Stadium, another in the Electric Tow er. which will be one of theerront cen ters of Interest on the Exposition grounds, and another on the Midway. Refreshments will also be served In the Temple of Music, which may be en joyed by visitors at the same time that they are listening to the concerts In progress In the auditorium. There will also be a New England kitchen, a Ger man restaurant, a Mexican restaurant an Italian restaurant and other places where various kinds of refreshments •will be served. EAGLES AT THE EXPOSITION. Itfiunrkablf* Decoration For ktbttol *r Handing Ml llnltnlo. Thu, building devoted to the Depart ments of Ethnology and Archaeology at the Pan-American Exposition, which Is now approaching completion, wt!! have some remarkable sculptural dec orations. Among them will be gigantic figures of cagleß and lions, which will Be placed upon eight of tbe 10 panels Sl KVlt B HUILMItO. of Oja domes. These sculptures tn staff will lie conspicuous feuturcs of i he architecture of'tlils beautiful build lug. Model' In day ore lirst made ol the figures, ami from them reproduc tions In staff are cast. Tho model of the eagle has just been completed. It is of colossal sire. In the model nearly 10,000 pounds of ela.t have been used, and each bird, when cast in staff, will weigh fully two tons. The sculptured eagle will measure nearly 10 feet iu height. riwy on Pun-Amerl.-nn. A movement to Interest the public School teachers and public scb>*e! pupils in tbe Pan- American Kxposltlun to bn held at HufTnlo next summer has been Started. It originated lu some of tlw fiubllc schools of Pennsylvania and u icing taken up elsewhere ns the wl. tflom of the plan becomes apparent Th.- Idea Is to have tbe teachers In the pub lic schools write essays for various oil castons of an educational character Oo the objects and alms of the Exposition hud tbe bearing that such a dlsplagji Will have ou the commerce of if world. A similar plan regarding 1 Carls Exposition was found <pJ cessful and resulted In of a large corps of tearliorsfißPLeeiMH The plan contemplates also essays by pupils. It la believed that In this way much Information can be spread re garding the benefits to be derived from cultivating closer relations with the ditto rent countries of this hemisphere and that It would result In greater In telligence among the public school teachers and pupils ou this subject, as well ns a larger attendance among this class of tbe population at the Expost- Georgs A. Points, Upp*r Sandusky, *j., wiitts: “1 t'tve been using Fo ley's Honey md Tar for hoarseness, and ftilil It tbe best remedy 1 ever tried. It Stopped the onugb imrnedi roedletely. and relieved all soreness." After exposure or when you feel a cold coming oe, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to pure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken In time. Utla.Amtrleu mad Faa-Amertema. The press of the various countries of La tin-America show a cordial interest In the Pan-Ainerican Exposition. It is recognized that their co-operation is es sential to the end that tie Exposition may adequately represent the progress of all the states and countries of this hemisphere. Asa rule the editors of newspapers and other publications tn the countries to tbe south of'the United States display a very favorable atti tude toward the enterprise. B. B. Lo pez, editor and proprietor cT La Corre spondencln de I’orto Bico, has become so enthusiastic over the Exposition that lie writes to the Dress Department that he Is about to come to !Buffalo to seq for himself the progress made In the development of the Exposition. lie will be accompanied by his family. ■Many other editors of the LattmAmerl can press have also announced their In tention to attend the Exposition, and Inquiries ore pouring In from these -countries regarding steamboat and rail road routes. Many editors and corre spondents from Central and South American countries have already vis ited tho Exposition grounds. Wlacousln’a Building. Commissioners from Wisconsin, who have charge of the exhibits from that state at the Pan-American Exposition, have selected a site for the State build ing. About 20 acres have been set apart on the eastern side of the Exposition grounds for state nnd foreign build ings. Tho site chosen for the Wiscon sin building is nearly opposite tbe large buildings of the National governments Just south of one of the mirror lakes and south of tbe Ohio building. It will overlook the Esplanade, with Its won derful fountains and gardens, and a number of the large buildings wiU be In full view. The Wisconsin commis sion are Willard A. Van Brunt and George B. Burrows of Madison, B. E. Edwards of Lacrosse, Charles Beyn olds of Sturgeon Bay nnd George 11. Yule of Kenosha. Wisconsin will spend $25,000 on her building and exhibits at Buffalo. A *O,OOO A. O. V. W. Bofldins. The Ancient Order of United Work men are plunniug elaborately to wel come the members of the order to Buf falo next year. Tbe Supreme Lodge has appropriated $3,000 and the State Lodgo $3,000 more to be used for the erection and furnishing of ft fine head quarters building at tho Pan-American Exposition. The Supreme Lodge will meet In Buffalo next yenr. Tbe build* lug Is a handsome pavilion, with rooms! for rest, and tho upper floor a great balcony, with easy chairs, for all mem bers of tho order who attend the Ex position. STONE IN THE BLADDER. . My son has suffered with stonn in tbe bladder eight year*. I have taken him to several watering places,'sNo to Cincinnati, New York, Chicago and Nashville, where he was put uudrr eminent physiolaoa, with no improy • menl; on the contrary, it wsa grad ually getting larger, until l lost all hope of getting bjph cured, when I was uld of Smithy Sure Kidney Cure. I had him try it, end to my Surprise he begsn to improve at. once, and he was cured with two bottles. Hie general _healt,h /has improved wonderfully. Jabn/E. Dedmen, Memphis, Tenn. I*>*!o 50 oents. For sale by ail drug /Money loaned on personal Property and real estate. Ap t>ly to J. W. Wat Kins. Fur the serious diseases that attac< the kidoeya. Priokly Ash B.tiers is an unfailing remfdy. Relieves backaohe, swelling of the feet, and persistent headaohe—symptoms whioh indicate kidney trouble. W J. Butts. , "Whil Tea 01-tiook ,t "< unhi.wd, th? clrjrrM momrntous occurrmc*, w wor . ■ kwtory to-iuv This weokly combine* th tunctiuru ih, ■‘iddiscusses politics, religion, education, economics, liurj- TrTUhe OUJLOOK LYMAN ABBOTT ft HAMILTON W. M ABIE, EDITORS during the months of ’November, December, and January will appear a series of ten* autobiographical papers from * T. tO a* hingt on telling the romantic story of his life, from birth in a Virginia slave cabin to the eminent position which he holds as the builder and head of Tuskeg?*. institute and the honored and trusted lead/v of the colored race in this country. of Pamper will surely be Washington's story, and as j special offer in order to intro duce I us' ‘ers we will rend The Outlook lot the three months above 1 mentioned of twenty-fr e cents (regular price, seventy-live cents), u-'Vi line f -jSJHfcC*'' >s mentioned The Ol tlook tells the ,♦ ry of w orld lugpct) '-'i labor-saving paragraphs. Address Outlook, Fourth Avenue. New YorK*^} THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, NOVEMBER 22, 1980. F INDIGESTION 1 f AND ’ CONSTIPATION These are twin evil* which work aerlous mischief in the human body. They tap the strength, destroy energy and impoverish the blood. Asa result of these ailments, the'system gradu ally becomes disordered and the con stitution weakened so that he body loses vitality and Is unfit to stand the strain of hard or continuous labor; thus, the victim offers a shining mark for kidney disease, lung trouble or the life-crushing malarial fever. An easy and certain means of warding off this condition is within the reach of every one. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the System Regulator, Is the remedy. A few doses whenever fhe digestion la disturbed, or when the bowels fall to move regularly, will remove the dlffi* culty and stimulate the vital organa to better end thore complete per formance of their dutiea. vigor and regularity in the stortWßullver, kidneys and bowels, there can be no loss of atrength or energy, the blood will be pure end nourishing, and the capacity of the body for work thereby melmalned tt the highest standard. Send for a Cilia t<hday. Keep It ! always in the house. A half wirtt glassful when the stomach fcela 1 bloated, when the breath Is bad, or the bowels constipated, will quickly restore the feeling of vigor end cheep fulness. ORUCQIBTB SELL IT I L AT *I.OO. PER J lomsr^J 'V. J. Hutte, Special Agent. Sow ■stiusT" We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be oured by Halt’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the 'undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the iaa‘ tifteeu >ars and bfciievo him perfectly honorable in all butiuses trail* cions. mi flti-n --oially able to Outrj out any obligations indf hv fhaair rtrm \Vsr & Tmax, wbolal rlrnggiats Tcllo, O. Wald i • g Km rtf. &■ AI s; via, vh. 1,-sale drngeists, I'nlsdu, O. Hall’s Cat nr ih Cure is taken later ally, anting directly upon tha blood and mucous sunaces of tbe system, Te-timmuals snt fee*. Prior 75t, per bottle. S lid by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best ... To Step a ' ’ ' ■ ■■ It Whole Codfish is the best. Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc, i Can makes soup for the family. - • ' • -v .’ 0 “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. The best jo cents can of corn in the city, A. C. JEFFERS, Rave yon a sense of fnliceselon the region your stomach after eating? If ao you will be benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also care belching and •oar atomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price ISe. Sold by Hi shop's Drag Store, w Half the World ia in Darknsei as to the eauee of their il! health. If they would start to treat their kidoeya with Foley's Kid ney .Care, the. weariness at body and mind, back ache it headache 'and rheumatic . pains would disappear. W.;j,.Batu. DeWitt’s .Witch Hazel halve will quickly hcnl tbe wont bnrna and scalds and not leave a sear. It can be applied to cute and raw sur faces wltb prompt ahd soothing effect, Use It fee piles and alrtn diseases. Hew are of worth less eoentarfef la. W. J. Butts. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art baa Just been Issued at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for whiob tbe publisbert desire • Manager in this county, also a good solieitor; good pay to tbe right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sumptuous pa per, illuminated covers and biodicgs; over 300 golden lili In tbe Moroooo TuidTißKeTfiSarly 50 golden roses in -fhe olotb bindings. Bells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is tbe sale. Christian men end women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian wo man made ’clear SSOO in four weeks, taking orders uniting bercburrbie qualnrancea and friends. Write ns. It may lead to a permanent position to manege our business and look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to right at yonr borne. Ad d ress J. A. Ki>yM. F>. i tsrj,. 1 1 ic CITATIOV. UKOHUIA—GLYNN COUNTY. Loreun Turner, wife of Alfred Turner, has applied (or-aeniiittoß of personality no i sett ing apart ad valuation of homestead out of bis property anil I w 111 p-ss upon the same at It) o clock a. in., , u the nnd davot ifctoherdhOO, at my uflleeo. Thia September *kh,l9oo HO RACK DART, M Ordinary Ofynt) toe, CITATION 'lE|vj OKOltGtx—Glynn County. m# , 4jHraP To whom It may concerns “,VBWng io proper (orm applied to k l auent irttjet-S of dminiiliatlnllgwl rnto of QeGrgt- M, ArthiiaJajHHHHft To rite t: attdaia*",. Jr -S’* :': of kjaiitAMfli-.*V, 1 jr' . ' I • C TANARUS%. . ; L k ' PMSSfara-is" ■< 1f ATION. bkORGIA-Olynn County. Whereas, KU* J. Jennings, admlnlstrtnx ot George W. Calvin estate, represents to the eonrt in her petition. duly filet! and entered on record, that she has fully aduiinistc. ed George W. Calvin’s estate. This is, therefor*, to cite all persons oonrerned, kindred and creditors, to show caaao, ir any they can, why said ad ministratrix should nof lie discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion'eu the first Monday in December, 1900. HORACE DART. Ordinary. CITATION. GKO KOI A—Glynn County. To whom it may concern: Hiram J. Bead having In proper form applied to me for per inauent letters of administration on the es tate of Lou Stafford, late of said county, this is to cite all nod singular the en iltors and next ot kin of Isin Stafford, to be end ap pear at my office within the time allowed tax law and show cause, it any thev can. why permanent administration should not tie granted to Hiram J. Read on Lon Stafford es tate. Wltne-s my' oitlolal signature this sth day of November. 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Towhotp It may concern: Take notice, that Charles O. has applied for permanent, administration ou tbe e-tateol I>. V. Jones,! late of said county, deceased, and It tiers be: any objection to the grant of said application, let ft he presented on tho tlrst Monday in De cember next, at which time the same w :’l dome on tor hearing in the court of ordinary of said county at tlie usual hour and place for holding > said court. Gives under my hand and official 1 signature this 12th of September, 1900. HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn County. 1 SHIP NOTICE. Neither the master nor owners of the Norwegian bark, Hossnius will be responsible for eny debts con tracted by tbeorew of said bark. Biowald. Master. A bottle of Prickly Ash B tiers kept in the h rase and used occasionally means good heal b to the v hole bou— • bold. W.J. Butte, t Mr, Charles J. Hlrsoh is spendtrg some time here, A Frightful Blunder Will ofte<canse a horrible Burn, Scald. Cut or Arnica .Salve, the best In the world, will kill tbe pain anti promptly heal it. CureaOld Sores'Fever;.Vires, Ulcers, Bolls Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pilo cure on (earth. Only 2H ets, a box. Cure guar anted, Sold by all druggist. Fragrant a* ripe fruit—Pure aa a mountain spring—Hoary with age, and a blessing to raeA, when rightly used, Tnat's what Harper’s Whiskey is. Sold by T. Newuaf, dINaMVMff Ga. __ A Card. The manufacturers offßSuner Salve have au tborteed the undersigned to 'guarantee it for burns, cum, sores, ulcers, tatter, eciema ani all akin diseases. Toolhave your money back t fiii’l l> - claims. W-l. Butts. This is the season when mothers are &ta-bred on account of oroujMlt is quickly cured by One MintJSMuugb Cure, which children liketoAK W, J. Butts, gRBVtCK V ■FUf/, >N. Mis. Clyde Freeman, LioA .-jrv-rr.o, Ke tig. to December vs. 'MW'JiWno.of Superior * ■HftnfGlyao coun- 1 O, J. Freeman, To the si id Freeman; You are hereby personally or by attorney, to b- a < : teSStor > ,fc next term of the Supcrfr jgSjU ßud c.-untv. eouvamnx on tho first iHOO. then and there to sutvvtgMßKiaiutifl. Clyde Freeman, upon thepetition for divorce filed sgoio-t of stioh spuearan e the CotoUUUw-.c- ed a- to ju-CUe shall sppei the Hor. Joseph \Y. llcnnet •''‘•'iflHßrhover,or Court, this 2-d day of A, O, TOWKuKND, Sniierior Court. Glynu Cos., Ga, Atty. I j |? [■</ ■ W A t-* ***"■ i kidOVIVI SK^w^WoMEinr J ~.!r^CLßu ' s (o^rsc 1 J *aa I cmmumicA • vsjv * iCCCWSfSa. INSTRUCTIONS J mMteTfaramt/ FOR YOU For honest treatment and a speedy cure write or g° t 0 Dr. J. Newton Hathaway whose Vt great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of - satisfactory’ results. Consultation Free. DljasaJ Da 2* MAM CODtlSCted OT ll' !V!J. DlOOu rOISOH tary Syptilllis Id all its terrible stages, producing tapper-colored spots on face or body, Ulce 4 s on the longue, in the nouth or throni. famine out of the hair or eyebrows, decay of the flesh 01 hones, completely aod forever eradic&red without the use of iujurtous drug-s, leaving tho system lu a •urt, stroag m and health ful statu or onla wd veins, wMch ■ ailvUW a.v lead to a complete loss of toinal povter; also Hydrocele, Gout rrhoa, Gleet, Stricture and all Private and VonowM Diseases u LI > v oaiUieises of inui quickly cured. 7 , KIDNEY DISEASES are € fhe most fatal of all dis eases. FOl FY’Q * iULI Ia Guaranteed Rsr*nly or money refunded. Contains remedies recognised by emi nent physicians as the 'hest <or Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE SCc. and SI.CIO Duffy's Pure Matt Whiskey - Absolutely pure; contains no Fusel OIL CURES Consumption L -,- Ceneral Debility Exhaustion and weakness from whatever causes When all other remedies fail trv it. - . It is the greatest known stimulant and tonic. " Duffy Malt Whiskey Cos., RoJhSJr* Deftr Hlte—lJ txviuk had long trouble and hemorr bagea tor a long Uir-e, four months ago i com joenrttd using yonr Pure Malt Whiskey/and have been much benefited thereby. Please ecru* me your book of mfon&Atiou. Yours truly, A. Preslfletit Albert C. Smith, f th Dispen ssrr* Boston, in u‘; course wL find It ueceesarr in out vrork to uae* which without question ia abaoiutely pure, and we we glad lO Bay that in yonr **DuJnre Pore Malt WhekeY we have enoceded lii obtaining what haa t>een of great aseietance in many cases of pro nounced OBuger. We should b# imwiUing to oa without this Yaliabie stimulant, n Government medicine stamp marks the genuine. All druggist* and grocers or direct in plain. Dockage, express paid, ft.® a bottle; Medical Booklet sent free. Pally Malt Whiskey Co.* ftochmer* N* Y* M AMSbajSs SA life* ~ Will be t*old before the court house door tn the city of Brunswick, on Monday. November he 26ttu HKfLthu f olotv tnc dercrit ed cow towit: Ote yellow eovr with white jaw marked split hi left and crop In right err. cow new in City Pound unclaimed and *o!d for impound tog fee and cost. This V*v. 2b. 100. KOBKKT L.RVIBON. Marshal City of Brunswick SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. GEORGI A—Glynn County. Mr* Mary C. liepratd v**. Jefler*wm I>evy, Tbe National Bank oi fh*nvioJk and the May oa and Counril of Brunhwck.— Petitloi for i-ar tAo of realty In Given Superior court, l>e ceK>er Term theieoLls*oo.‘. ►efenclint. Jeffe.raMi Levy: lmu are hen;by not!tied that the petitioner In themi>o\ state 1 oiue wiU apply for a parti tionmf that certnloTeal property in the of G%rxia. county ottilynn und citv of Bruns wicked ear ri bed a- fofiowa: T e Nortbeafltem portion • f what is known aa and railed the **lhlrty Acre Tract’ or “The Wells Tract?* havingkhfe following and "iatanceKio f.ritig at tfcr centrr of the >outh- A r::i.n -tr-ot and ru’iinv th* \ u;p fret; thence ’ i. it g K ist feet: tberico rnpnlnir Northwardly irr'Whence runuin? Wealwiirdlt feet, ! except three oertair mall tracts heretofore gold by the • wnerff such ' atioD foi i>ar tttlon of Haiti land will be n ade at the next tenr. of said corn tto s>e held on the fcn-t Mon iao in December nexr. This notice *• ven l*> of an order K anted !*rpw mber iObOO, ty Hon. Pa 18. a brook- judjre of waid curt presidiug. the Honorable Joseph W. Hennet being disqualified in (said care. WHneae the Honorable ’mil K. Bcnb>ook v Judge of said ?onrt lt aiding, ihia Ocio or 1, 19CRk H ¥. DV BIG NON. Clerk dnperior Court Glynn County, Ga. SPARKS A Tv' ITTY', Petitioner* \t*ornevg Kidney am 1 Urinary cult, 1 oo Froqtw Qt, Milky Urine; : il functional JlEeusos of th© Heart. Lungs, Liver and Btoini*ch; also Catarrh, Rapture, Kheumai'sm, Pil<*s, Fistula an 1 ail Blood and £kir Diseases and aij Female Diseases treat ’d according to tho latest and best methods known to medical science. Hotiie TreVmenf < alwsya'suc- I't-sful. Write lor frwlook pobljliofi aefi Syiaj.l >m blank if you c-uiut cxlL J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Ualluvsj A to. Dry an Street, Ssvonmh, Gb MENTION TIIIS PAVER WHEN WP-ITINO.