The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 22, 1900, Image 4

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TO Brunswick Times. EstabUslmd 188#. TO Brunswick Call. Btablihed 1892. Tk Brunswick Times-CaD, CONSOI.rDATEI) IMOO, FoUished KVKBY MOBSINO BACKFT MOBDAY. AMTHUH H. LEAVY - - - - - Editor EOLAKD A. MULLINS, Business Manager SZV£ TBtn TO SUBSCRIBERS: Bnbeoriberi are requested to notify the office when they fall to get anjr Issue ot the Times- CIL Attention to this matter will be appro elated by the publishers. The Times-Cail iwiil .bo Delivered by carrier or mail, per year, $5.00; per week 15 cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer should ac company same* Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper ehould be reported to the business office. Address all sommunications to THK TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ua. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertlee ments must be paid for after the first insertion. 'The management has been pnt to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this (subject. , Oot, TO, 1900, Cotton continued to advanoe. Fill) fights are frequent In Bavan tiab these days. The governorship talkfroakes every body tired. It is too soon yet. The Hay otraivsl is on in Albany,' ard Editor Mclntosh is happy. ' ' jsggaagag.. i-Ljgfi There will be no reduotiou in the South's representation in oongrese. i. The Rome Tribune says it is better than any paper of a iB.OOO population City in the world. Egotistlnal 1 We’d lie ashamed to lemarlt. ALL FAVOR IT. Prominent men in all parts of Geor gia favor the bill introduced by Mr. Symons, of this county, which pro vides for a State bourd of health, , The board is to consist of nine mem bers, four of whom to be seleoted by the Georgia .Medical society from Us members; the remaining five, one Of whom must be e sanitary engineer, to be appointed by the governor. One of the phyatolansTs to be health super intendent, at a salary of SI,OOO per an num, the remaining members to serve without pay. t The auxiliary boards aretooonsist of five registered rseident physicians, the mayor of the county town, and the chairman of the board of county com ..mlerioners. One of the physicians is to servo ss county Bupenr.nnd.nt. One <>f tbs i duties of the Ri xl'lary boetd is to •♦to* prevsktJfis of epicU mini mut. > cprsrt to t,h State board. reestablish inland quarantine*. 11 conferred upon tbe boards, s* H s'to esaildttii auoU / ,|ire'.> ton* .aw they :y think necei-* *j to atftinp out ary contagion!* ;U --►eaa*. y ' ' - -. ' . Tjf. ■ '' *r' * WRITE MARiNE INTERERST. The National Marine Coagress, which* will convene heie tn January promises to awaken the American ship builders to the necessity of building deep water vessels. It is a well known fact that at pre>> sent most of the cargoes for across the water are carried iff" foreign vessels aod this is something w should attend to without delay. American cargoes In American ships should be the Cry ot the marine interest of tbls great country, The committee appointed from the board of trade to work for the success of this great convention, have already started and w confidently expect to hayc a successful gathering of promi nent men whose influence will be fel r . to the good of all marine interest. Nil Rem Allention. General Burleigh U. S. A. will be iri Brunswick Friday. Not. 23, and will inspect and review the Ransom Guards on that date. The Grand Opera House hag bien secur ed fot the occasion. You are respectfully invited to at tend and bring a lady. To come in uniform will be en regle. Tickets for the occa sion can be secured at Butt's Drug Store. O. Bennial, Col. Commanding Hansom Guards Try Boroinol Topth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist. SOME NEW OFFICERS. - A Number of Promotions in tbe Riflemen. The following membersof the Bruns wick Riflemen have been promoted: Corporals Pat Golden and Handley Calhoun, to be made sergeants; Pri vate* W H. Davenport and J. P, ffutohenoon, tobe nude corporals. IT IS TOO I.IGHT, Conger Wants Offending Boxer* Se verely Punished. Washington,. Nov. 21.-Toe Stite Department received cablegram from Minister Conget expressing th? opin ion that tbe punishment proposed for the effendlng Il.ixer leaders in Chinese imperial decree is not sufficient, He does not discuss other detail negotia tioffST Dyspepsia ie difficult digestion, due to tbe absence of natural digestive fluids. Hood’s Sareaparilla restores the digestive power*. Fruit | is Life V How can you live without nice ' ■ fruit? AaJ why not cot the j best? We sell at a reasonable j e price, too. [l rine Jt'at Bananas, ****> J P eel ’ Florid.*' On me*. J Grape Btfr.\ ■ j LLOYD’S, M *■ *" ’ ‘PHOX E Zjs Z (Next floor to Flemlag t*t Walt) rilj& BRuNBWw UfOVEMBKK 22, liKX) •ip rm ocrß Is a rarity. For Bp* most nart tbe veraag woman behind th* counter is smiting and obliging, . though o*v back hurts, her side pains, or her head throbs distract ingly, The wonder is, not that a clerk is sometimes irritable, but that she se rarely shows ir- r-v c v ■— ■ ritation, when ev- b, ery nerve is qtriv- xj , \ ering and she I hardly knows how to hold her head A - nervous . ache and weak- J gllpaaaL ness, which are the eased condition of finely cured by the __JfN e ~T ,O ~~WSM use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- | /f'f(itg£p the functTons, IJjj I I stops enfeebling 1/ /I ' i Sss§g drains, strength- I j i ena the nervou9 J j J j | Jg|j| tnotee the general I health of the en- I , Sick women are 111 fjlili invited to consult fjl I Dr. Pierce by let- *2* fmm ter, free of charge. ~v, *~‘ All correspondence private. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. •Having used Dr. Piero's Favorite Preacrip tioo and ‘ Goldm Medical Discovery ’ during the past year,” writes Mr*. Mattie Long:, of Pfouts Valley, Perry Cos,, Pa., "I can truthfully recommend the medicines for all female weak ttcas I have used several bottles of Favorite Prescription,' which I consider a great Mcasing for weak women, I was so nervous and dis couraged that X hardly knew what to do. Your kind advice tor home-treatment helped me wonderfully. Thanks to Dr. Pierce- H Dr. Pierce'* Pleasant Pellet* curt dizziness and sick headache. !*•”'-,, 'SSWaiiyx--~-——— —i,, ... Todsy take Folay’s It positively prevent* pneumonia, or otter serious result* from cold*, ft may be too late tomorrow. Buroeit’e Special Mixture is un equaled ee a milk producer, ANNOUNCEMENT. ' r> To the voters of the 26 h District G. M., Glynn county: I hereby solicit the support of the voters of said district at thPelectlOn to be betd for justice. the peace on tht first Saturday in December next. If elected will endeavor to perform the duties of said office fabbtully. Respectfully, „ -fin. T. L*iIM;KIIIT. ”i have i.lwnyi, iweti Foley’* Honey ami Tar oongli medklne*!!,! think tt (hu lt in the weria,” *&y-, cbn* nea-*(lcaler of Brit Pa. Take m> subutituto. w.' Butts A Mom’er Devil Fuh Destroying tt* victim, 1? a type ot Conjump tiou. Tim power of this mtir lerou* malmty i* elt on organ* amt nerve, and ffitniMps and brain. 1 here)* no health Uli it'* overcome But Dr. King’s New Life PiUs are a safe and certain cure. Best in (he world for Stomach l.tvcr, Kidneys amt Bowels. Only swuti at ■til tlrcmhetii. There is no pie mare in life if jc,n dread going to the tabje fi> .'atand ren t rest #t night on c -r.Qnat ot tnittgesiton. Jinny -Williams, of Boocville, lad., eays ne siuTe.ed that way for yeti)*, ti'l heeomiuimsed thotis* of Koilol Dya-. pt ,<l Cure, at.d ndde: "Sow I can :tt asy*’ thing 1 likenfidStl I wsr,t ji,l *lvcp Soundly every night, ’- Kodoi, Dji'pcpsia Cure wifi¥i goat what yon at. >.tY. and. Butt*. -■ t. For Croup use CHENEYS EXPECTORANT Both rnakorf nd circulators of counterfeit commit fi.iud. Honest men will not deceive you Into Buying worthtess sonuterfeilft of !>©- Witt’K W itch Usscl Salvo. The origincl tg in faimilo for caring piles, aoros, eczema and ail fikin disetiics. W. J. Butts, . ' , CITATION. County. ’ I * <> * in adminiatratar of B, Emory estate, to the court iu hf petition, duly filed end entered on record be JNss fully admin is tered raid or>‘ ertalf T’>iis U tlieM’fore to uit*.' concerned, kindred -tmi ric.ii -**s•, if i|,cr rjii, w i r net Ire <li.H r >r -.^dswMMtW Mt-’ixwy "Awn* l > A RT. Ordinal y. | * our uni: of OeiitsFurnishings evow • kew'Cb odsArriving Each Week ■D. H HELLER & BROS., 314 Newcastle St*. Between 0. MeGarvey’s andfLliomaslKeaney, CHIP ADTEETISIKG. GASH IN ADYANCE , Ad vertiaenaebt* in this column will be Insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent a Worfi for each inaertion: No advertisement, however mall. 1638 than SO cent*. Cash in advance. ** \ Morphine, opium, laudanum, cocosine : habit; myself cuted, will inform you of harmless, permanent home core. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hustling yonng man can make 860 per month and expanses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write qniok for particulars, Clark & bo., 4tb & Locus Streets, Philadel phia, Fa HELP WANTED-MAU Manager.—Old established mercan tile house wants honest, capable man to manage branch. Ha'ary $125 mouth, extra commission*. N-*fil>°>tii!g re quired, but general dtree* tion and be ambitions. Good refer ences and SBOO cash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified in other respects. ‘"Opportu nity,” Drawer 71, New Haven, Conn, FOR SALE-BUTLEH’S ISLAND.— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on tbe Altamaba river, oppos te Darien, containing 1,200 tinder bans; also, summer residence on tbejsalts, with small bouse, five miles from Dt rien, containing 17 acres. Prloe for whole, SII,OOO. For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Mclntosh county, Gs. .FOR RENT.—Ssven-room bouse, near tbe hospitaL Only SIOOO per month. W. W. Brockingtoo. HAT FOR SALE.—-Five car ipda of choice Bermuda bay, at $16.00 par ton, Did down in Brunswick, Ga. Sold only in car lead lots at this price Jas. L. Brown, Jr., Greensboro,Oa.U FOR SALE-LITTLE ST, SIMON’S ISLAND, containing 6,000 acres Good game preserve—deer, ducks,etc. besides best fishing on tbe coast, with hard beacb of several miles in extent. Excellent oyster bed.. Price, $20,000. Also, Canon’s point, on Great St. Simoti’t Island, containing about 580 acres, directly opposite Little Bt. Si mon’s Island. Good tabby fouvtdationa for anew bouse, Trie pr.tpry is sixty luilvs front Hitamah, fourtren miles In,Hi llrun*wick, with both pf plant s there is daily oondect lon by steamer, p tom the lel'aod next to Jekyl, and uiratlla | sverj re-pc‘ far a hunting add /Ming club, i’rrce, SIO,OCO, Far farfher paittcular*, applt Mr. James T. Dent, Ev-iyt, Olynn county, Georgia. Try Boromol Tooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither master nor consignors of tbe British steamship Icemore will be res epnosihie for any dents eontrjcled by the crew of said reamer, Wm, Johnstsn A Cos. Ltd., Act, * CALL ON L. A. Miller T- FOR KiinlDried Weoitier Boorino Ceilii M \ms .'-i i ' lie bought. ( ) oo Drops AVegdable Preparationfor As - IheFoodanriHegula ling ute Slmaactis aMßowels of IM.I VIS/( HILDKEN Promotes Bigestion,Cheerful-! ness and Res! .f oatains neither Opium.Morphice nor>liii£raL . >ot Narcotic. tod* aroujtrsuicmiwuwi Seed' * MAUSeUt sfafer SeeeL ■+ %%ZZLju,. mn^Jrnd- Apetfecl Remedy forConslipa lion, Sour Stomach, Diarriioea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Al inoiilhs u 1 cl J 5 Dusts - ini s EXACT COPY OF WRAPHER. t " H, M, MILLER & SON. Monday’s steamer will bring g>li line ot On Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc direct .from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods of m A. A.VAWINE & CO Also a Mbt ot muslin and BobbineijCjiurtains, Cut Glass, .yfwßSr Silver pFe, Rugs, etc- Ue of cap dui HEALThMfcfirtiW^ Zfkitra, B*ito 00. Akk , Aug. I im it year* old and have bo auiferingwith M s tvi ) JJ" B - Cbng af Life I had flooding (pells *t> baa that ’l iCv' I could lire. My ha (band got me and it saved my die, lam like Hf Tp '!■ another taking it. Mk \ ' E B TOWNSEND. |?l' |\ ••It b the devout wish of nsarlv*B peoplelo live to* ripe old are. None of us wont to die young. This universal & -ire can be realized' if will Add many years to our existence. Death an be kept away a i e tote. Happy, healthy old age will te the lot of the woman who promptly Correas the aihpmts which afflict her se*. in youth, Wine of Card ,i will UKethe female'Onid-safety over the dividing line between girir odand womanhood.- Asa wife she needs'it to help her thr <„ iythe t- ■■ of pregharicy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Cbifigs of l ife it wjul mlp to ow tb dangerous puce that appears in b& pathway between 40 and $a Then tl come many *o mo* truly bS.vSful Existence. She will grow old slow 1y a■ 1£; tctfullv! To th? fast she will preserve that charm and beauty which are alvvavs*characteristic 5 . , of pert: ,h• X y grandmother* < uEf Attistn KMiTtttsr. 1 “ B u *mea to decide } 1 wbeth r they wilb be healthy or ) ■v ■, ir< vhju4 | side, i'? remedy for t. *u aick ) T.. 111; ! ness is Ci sea: hand. us,^^lI LtS OF WINEOFCARDUf BCLO FOR *l.OO BY DRUCGISTC. WINE Off CARDUI iCAsillA I For Infants and Chtldrre ’The Kind You Have Always Bought | Bears the / * | Signature hjr Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC OSNTAUR COMPANY, NCW VONN CITY, g