The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The SmtOl,' of the Book That is where some people feel wreak all the time. They are likely to be despondent *nd It Is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble as If they hadn’t enough already. The fact is their kidneys are weak, either naturally or because of sickness, exposure, worry or other Influences. I am thankful to say,” writes J. L. Camp bell, of Sycamore. 111., “ that Hood's Baraapa- Fllla has cured me. For many years I was troubled wltb backache. At times I was so bad I had to be helped from tbe bed or chair, t am now well and strong and frse from pain." SVh&t this great medicine did for him It has (tone for others. Mood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Begin treatment with Hood's today. ROBINSON'S CIRCUS COMING. "Will Give Two Performances Here January lltn. g Robinson's blgoircu*, wbloh baa tbe reputation of being tbe largest show of tbe kind traveling in this part of the oountry, will give two perform* atnoes in this oity on January lit b. Tbe advance agent was in the oity yesterday and all preliminary arrange* men: s were made, and all tbe bill boards will be posted with their litho graphs in a few days. Robinson's oirous mod to be a reg ular visitor to Brunswick, but baa not given a performance here in several years. He alwa|s oarries a first class show and this time will be no exoep* tion, HOW ABB YOUR NERVKB? If they are weak and you feel nervous mud easily "fiustrated,” oau’t sleep, and rise In the morning uurefreshed, your blood la poor. Btrong nerves depend upon rioh, nourishing blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes tbs nerves stroug by snrlohlng and vitalising the blood. It gives sweet, re -• -■'*'-<* sleep, and completely oures d"**- “Wms trouble.. z.. o .u taxing ft today. Nausea, indigestion are oared by Hood’a Pills. Try Boromol Tooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist . Utla-Amtrlcss nod Pan-American. Tbe prew of tbe various countries of Latin-A liiorlca show a cordial interest In the Pan-Aunaricnn Exposition. It is recognized that tbelr co-opera tttn Is es sential to tho end thnt tho Exposition may adequately represent the progress of all the states and countries of this hemisphere. Asa rule the editors of newspapers and other publications in tbe countries to the south of the United States display a very favorable atti tude toward the enterprise. It. It. J,o l>ez, editor and proprietor of I.n Corre- K lmdetein fir I’orto Rico, lias become so enthusiastic over the Exposition that he writes to the I'ross Department that he is about to come to Buffalo to see for himself the progress made In the development of tile Exposition. lie will lie Ac&jmpauled by his family. Jinny other editors of tho I.ntlu-Amerl can press have also nmiounced tlielr In tention to attorn) the Exposition, nn<) Inquiries nre pouring In from those countries regarding steamboat nud rail road routes. Many editors and corre spondents from Central and South American countries have already vis ited the Exposition grounds. Wisconsin's Ilnllilln*. Commissioners from have charge of the exyjg|flHHHN state at the I'aii-A mefSlKcxpoaltlon, have selected a site for the State build ing. About 20 acres have been set apart on the eastcru side of the Exposition grounds for stnte and foreign build ings. Tho site chosen for the Wiscon sin building Is nearly opposite the large buildings of the National governments Just south of one of the mirror lakes and south of the Ohio building. It will overlook th- Esplanade, with tta won derful fountains and gardens, and a number of the large buildings will be In full view. The Wisconsin commis sion are Willard A. Van Brunt and Oaorge B. Burrows of Madison, B. E. Edwards of Lacrosse. Charles Reyn olds of Sturgeon Bay and tleorge H. ITule of Kenosha. Wisconsin will upend g®. 000 on her building aud exhibits at : uttalo. , CetTHf* Little Kerly Keen are the tote* liver pill! ever wad*. luyfto uko sad never. grtee. W. J. Bette. “ I vaudobta wants it again. Sbs Is Msking a Bid for lbs Nsxt Stats Fstr. , Tbs Maoon Telegraph says: “Tbs meeting bers yesterday be tween Messrs. Moore and Cfaogord of Valdosta, and President J. Pope Brown of the State Agricultural So ciety, put people togueeeing, but none of the three gentlemen woold eay what significance, if any, was to be attached to the meeting. “It U known, however, that Val dosta wants tbe next State Fair, ae at e aucoeaeful witb tbe one juat held. Maoon ia alao ae aotive bidder for that attraction, and it ie now a question as to wbat oi'y will be 10 fortunate as to get it.” liiob, warm, healthy blood ia given by Hood’s Farsapsrilla, and thus coughs, oolda and pneumonia are pre vented. Take it now. Try Boromol Tooth Pow ders'. Butts, The Druggist'. The Government’* Rntldlng. The Government buildings at tbs Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo are being built by Rasmussen & Btreb low of Omahs. The contract calls for a group of three buildings connected by curved arcades. The main structure ia to bo 400 hy ldO feet, with a dome 200 feet high, and tbe smaller buildings each 100 feet square. All departments of tbe government will make up to date exhibits, which tho mem best of the Government board are now busy collecting and getting Into shape. I)rall to lie Repreate4. The Brazilian government early In tho season sent out invitations to all agricultural nud Industrial societies to prepare articles for exhibition at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo tr 1001. A large number of coffee pro ducers have agreed to scud a frtU line of samples of the best Brazilian grades of this commodity. The Times Caw, job [office is now in full'blaßt again and lhoe who desire to save .money should let It bid on thsir 'WUI g, lb 81 ADlluutU (quipped. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative BrowojQulntne Tablets curs a cold tu one day. No Cure, No Pay. priests cents SSOO B-wnd „,'' c "‘ll pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dy-pcp-ui Hick [i,. o£y*Sk wTh'tior foT h£Jl?SolSia^ In hit. wt**•■ Hswarr Of DUh itutH Hn<i iiwliAtiium. >Sc tbv uini! sitmiw token. Nifilt VI IA MKDIQA], CO.,MrW ton aad J tek.-on fits., Chicago (U For .nip h. Brown Unis Co- BrQawi!ti* J ■ y ji. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. VV. VVatKins. Fur the serious dim-see* that attsc* the kidneys, Prickly Ash B Hers ,s an unfailing remedy. Relieves backache rweliirg Of the feet, and pertisien headsehe—ymp r.rns. which iud'ote kianer trouble, \V J. liuif. tt Th* OurieoK doe* Is to giv* the . ‘ momentous whu l .tre shaping th* wc.-rcrption of the matfty of tht newspaper and of an illustrated . 44 w * , iv Combines the functions tore, and An."—Sew York lima. religion, education, economics, liter*- OUTLOOK LYMAN ABBOTT & HAMILTON W. M ABIE, EDITORS during the months of November, December, and January will appear a series of ten autobiographical papers from T. Washington telling the romantic story of his life, from birth in a Virginia slave cabin to the eminent position which he holds as the builder and head of Tuskegee Institute and the honored and trusted leader of the colored race in this country. Every Reader of This Paper mentioned at the special price oi twrnt -fivc untM^S providing the name of this paper is mentioned. The oSWtebi Ihe story Vwor and happenmgs every week in short, clear, Inbor-savirw paragraph™ AdStsV > r i . bubKTiption Department B, Thi Outlook.jG; Fourth Avenue, New York CfW. J IpMOIBWICK TIMKhOALU KOTKMBER 23, ttM. W INDIGESTION 1 f AND [ CONSTIPATION I Those are twin evils which work I serious mischief In the human body. I They sap the strength, destroy energy I and impoverish the blood. Asa result I of these silments, the system gradu- I ally becomes disordered and the con- I atltution weakened so that the body I lows vitality and is unfit to stand the I Strain of hard or continuous labor; I thus, the victim offers a shining mark for kidney disease, lung trouble or the I Hfe-crushlng malarial fever. I An easy and certain means of | warding off this condition Is within tha I teach of every one.' PRICKLY ASH I BITTERS the System Regulator. Is the remedy, A few doses whenever the digestion li disturbed, of when the bowels fail to move regularly, will remove the diffi culty end stimulate the vital organs w a better and more complete per formance of their duties. With vigor sod regularity la the stomach, liver, kidneys and towns, there <iy be no low of strength or energy* the blood will be pure and nourishing, end the apacity of Ae tody for work thereby maintained at the highest standard. Send for t bottle to-day. gun it Always ia th*. A half wife, glassful when the stomach feels bloated, when the breathiThfe. or the towels constipated, will quickly restore the kwling of vigor iMfWt fulneaa. ORUCCIBT9 BCU. IT j i at 91.00. NCR 1 L bottle. A W. J. Pmts, special Agant. HOW’S thTsT" v We offer Otin ilondred Dollar* Re ward for ny q* of Ckltrrti tiiai 00-not -n0t b flur * and r>y Hal •. Catarrh Oara. K. J. CUE NET & CO., Totrdc, o. W-, u - uc j F, and. Ctiauoy (or the Us' ttftee i >£ ••a h...vr ntu, oCrfecTy'bi.nnrwble !U ail ' U.|or, , I ,y, |,. „ . ~ , U^U t 'ally i-bin t, c ,rr, oU soy obligation* •“ !> • n. ,r |-m ]J < * T'lM*. irh- !>*• c-uggHia. Ti l Jo, O. Wl,i U A- M ,? . h , | f Ufjlg.yi*. 1 Dii-dli, O. ..'yaf Hnii‘. i s'srrn Cor*, is .'kou rnrir *l'y, soring ilirolly ui .'H H)“ blood sod uibcmi, ur c-->t ■ f hi- eystem. I<*>i inunAs!- . n-fr„... 75<,pe t i.> ail drug„-. . Hali’n F’aU lly pill, nrs i tin Pen . To S'oy CI. Af.'.-r £ Xl>o.;il | ,u iiar ~ J. Bum, Whole Codfish is the best. Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc, i Can makes soup for the family. “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. The best io cents can of corn in the city, A. O. JEFFERS, Q NEWCASTI t=r- Dave yon a sense of fulineasfcra the region yonr stomach after eating? If o you will be iteoeflted by nsing Chamberlain’# Stomach and Liver Tablets. They alao cure belching and aour atoroacb. They regulate the bowels too. Frlce 36c. Sold by Biahop*a Drug Store. " t Half the World ia ia Darkna** aa toitlie cause of their If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ncy]CureJtbe| weariness of body and mind, back achet*beadachc 'andjrheumatlc Spains would disappear. W.;J. Butts. DeWitt’e JWiteh Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worat burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw sur face* with prompt and soothing effect. Use It for piles and akin disease*. Beware of worth less counterfeits. W. J. Butts. Try Boromol Tooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist. When you feel that life fa hardly aoitb the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet*. They will cleanse your S mvnh, ton* lip your liver and regulate your bowels, tnaklqg ymt fee! like anew man. Fur sale at Mahons Drug Store. STOVES REPAIRED. th* atove doctor, repairs all kind* of cook stoves and ranges, pud [buy* and tMMiecond-haud stove*. 414 •yatreat.- Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. SKKYICK BY (PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman. Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December va, Terra, 1900,0f Superior - 1 Court of Glynn couu- O. J. freeman, tv.Georgia. To the esld defendant, O. J. Freeman: Yon arc hereby required- personally or by attorney, to b-.nd appear at the next terra of the Snjj- rie" r-xwof said county, convening on the first B,.MKMy m December, 11)00, then and there to answer tbe j.lalntill, Clyde Freeman, opon *“e merits of her petition for divorce Med against yon: as In default o? such appearance if PreaSwl a* t* justice shall apper- Witneaa tne Hot. Joaeph W. ISeucrt, ■luage of *aid superior Genrt, th>- id dav of Ji” 0 - A. O, TOW NBSMI. DcpUßfAHerk Superior Court. Glyuu v. 0., Ua Jti-W.KRAUS37FItira.AUy. tiTvrioN. UKOKOI A--(_;!ySn County. lo whom it rear ebucerh: H. ie P'opcr form sppiivd t. n, r aim I.en.-J. Me Anil- ■. is-. J!F •in*,. 11,i —•*.' .1 • .-C • ■ \ 11 MBBSWfr.iea.'iinri citation. Gib ißGTA—(llynn Counlr. 'ViifiMs, Klli J. Jeoning*. administratrix of i Georg* W. Calvin ertatc. nprent b> lhe court in her retttion.dnly Hied nud entered on ! re'-ord. that the ha* fully administered George 1 • n l • estate. Thla i, therefore, to cite i all persona eoncented, kindred and creditor* j 'f ny they cnn. why raid ad i min stratrlx should not tie discharged from I adtrlnlstratioti.nnd receive letters of diamia- • non on the first Monday in ltccrmber, ISOn. 1 HORACE PART,Ordinary, j CITATION. -GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it may concern: Hiram J. Read haying in proper farm applied to me for oer -anent h-tteraof .dofn,..rat,on on the - late of Urn Stafford, late of aald roonty this is to cits ail and singular the creditor, and next of kin of Lem (Stafford, to l and an fat and TiToi?" 0 * th * H “ Allowed in raw and show cause, if any they oau. wh permanent a4inl,tra,io. ahonhl not tm f r .* n,< wri° Hlr * m J - Head on Lon Stafford e* day of Nivem‘be” T ITO® C '“ *‘ a * ,u thl Horace DART, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. rraiiaa <i D JLZ'Z COBMIr ? ! a l * ll * uotiee. that aS '•* ll he pieeented on the first Mondar in I'e. r, and 1 132 sxsmss .ignaiute thi* lsth oi SepiemberTitW “ “ . „ HORACE DART, Ordinary aiynn County. SHIP NOTICE. Neither the master nor owners of the Norwegian bark, R isenius will be responsible for any debts oon trsoted by tbe orew of said bark. 800 wald. Master. George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: “I pave been using Po- Isy’e Honey end Tar for hoarseness, and find it tbe best reniady I t rer trbd. It stopped tbe cough immedr mediately, aud relieved all *orene*s.” After exposure or when you feel a oold oomiog on, take Fulej’a Honey and Tar. It never fail* to cure, and will prevent pceuraooia or consump tion if taken in time. A bottle of Priokly Ash Bitter* kept in the house and used occasionally meant good bsalthto the whole house hold. W.J. Butts, Mr, Charles J. Hlrscb is spendirg some time here, A Frightful Blander Will oftcajeause a horrible Burn," or Brulee.“Bnck!en’a Arnica ;Balve, the beat In the world, will kill tb* pain aud promptly heal ft. CurasOld orca,'Fover;Sores, Ulcere, Bo'la Felons, Corns, all Skin Kruptlons. Best Pile eure on learth. Only Jfl cte. a box. Care guar auteed. Sold by all druggist. Fragrant aa ripe fruit—l’ur* as a mountain spring—Hoary witb age, and a blessing to men, when Y.?ed, That’* what Hsrper’a wfl[ e y is. Sold by'T.-Newman, Ga. Card. Tlie mauufaed rers i.f Lav. au thortzed the uadereigned it for burns, cute, sores, ulcein. eczema ani all skin disease* money back " Butts. rh- 1* mothers are ala .-sued of croup. I t ia quioklfc |nr y One Minute Cough Cure, r like to take. W. t | ae|Mtl Secured > k!. i I "■r L'fJ 1 . ourpraelica! ; wJrgßtßra^isl! l coilem^L INSTRUCTIONS WMPts 7?*2rn//tv’ -/. HELP FOR YOd For honest treatment and a speedy cure write °r go to Dr. J. ISewton Hathaway whose S re . reputation is a sufficient guarantee of satisfactory results. Consultation Free. BlOOd PoifiOll p onh **'d or Hereld- W r ” , * on lAry Syphlliu in all its nn P^ UCID * CoppeMolored •pow on fire or body. Uttle ulcer* on tho a . U ‘ P T UUI ° r fUh*K out Of and forever eradicated without the use of Injurious drugs. lra?i^ fsjsr * “ rou ® “ nj i4ejui ' Vtricoctle Z£rL2£2l KIWIEY DISEASES atv € (he mast fatal of all dis eases. cm P Y’Q K*dney me it i lULL I 0 6uarant63d Rsm^uly or money refunded. Contains remedies recogriijreJ by emi nent physiciarts as the b?xt 'or Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE SCc. and SI.OO. Duffy’s Pure Matt Whiskey , Ahaoiatoly pure; routalns no Fosel"^ CURES Consumption frorr > whivevertSftuaos \vnp an Other rcincdioN fail trr it. It ia the greatest known stimulant and tonle. §HsaSEs®®3as lK)ok of information Yoors truly, A. President Albert C. Bmith. f the Din*n. M Ar /’.P (>iton ’ ln thuoono of a letter natm* HrFsP-aSSssS een 01 great Jtaa’.-tance in many c&hmi of nnw JSZgSfSiM IO > Gorernraent medtclno stamp mark* tho eennfnu f 1 grocont orUlreSin wfly Malt Whiskey Ca.,'Boeheater, N. V. MARSH AL’StSALES Will b sold the court hott.*e door Hcui City of ou Mou’*y. Novembd? h<‘ SCtih.l(Ky, the foil. 'wJ-ijrdowrUcd cow towiia <>i;c ccw with white jaw, iorktd Jf’ft sod cn.p iu right our. Saio on 11.W1P City Pound unclaimed tj<J iofd f<-x impound ing fee and cost. 1 his >*.v. 2a ibOO. ROB LET LKYISON. Mars lml City of Brunov irk SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. GK >RGTA—Olynn Coanty. _Mrs. Mary c. Reppurd v*# Jef'ernor I < \y. The National Rank o| Brntjaurri k and the May* or and Council of lii tmfr ic” .—Petition fr r i hr tton of realty m Glynn Rnparlor court, le -c ‘in -tac Term thereof. To tbiß •< fendrnt, JcfTan on Lcry: You we Uerri.y rotihed thsU te petitioner in the g-ated canc will apply 1. -a parti ttnu of Mat certain rt a! pr<peity in the star© of 'iuty ot Glynn and cio of Rmps. wick, deA-ibed a- follows: T r Noirli atei a Portion ( t. kti.-nn os and <a)icJ tli^ 1 -ti. \ Tract! or 'The '\ci’a Tract U.e)llov ing course* end ist •? <>;•. ir- Wrt: Com®*., e ng t the ceiur- ef the south street and mrmirg ib <e f< or; i her ire ttir.rir •" K.n*t thciaCf g Sorti v urdly ' f-Mt; ronuinxr Wt*r>dl\ s': iett, creept thre aln irset* ■ etrUfiorc hold t-y theoM m ■: -u ; appiomion tot far titu*n of ai I land wf|fse made at U.e neat term o“said c< ut !v. be Ci Id • n ihc iir-i Mou dao in jpeccrmber next Tlu# i oticc in p jir ce of ar order framed September , iy Hon. Ibvil K. seaorook. Judge if s..d court pr-aiding, the lioiiorahie Joseph IV. Fencei Icing dis-iual’fled In -aid a§?. _ V. lines- the Honorable Tai l’K. BcaSioolr. court pnsuimg, thia (.xsto 1 er 1, ... , _ W K DU BIGNCN. bn iwWSi- ,rl ,J,) ,n Cou, '^-‘ i ‘ I ellfi nr' ti< 11 A Kidney and Urinary SSJS T "? Fr v<iuvnt, Bloody or Milky Urine; all fuartlonal ditcaeoe of the Hoart, Lung* uver and Stomach; also Citarrh, Rupture. Uheumatlan, Klee, Fl*tula at and all ntood and Skin Diseases and all Female Diieaiet treated according to the latest aod beet xuethod? known to medical science* Hone Treaf;?fbflt dfioe alwaye’suo- J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. O. ~ _ Dr. Hathaway A Cos, ** b fm Street. s.vannaH. Sw xuamwt THI* paper WHEN WtUIIMO.