The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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TUB BAZAAR TODAY. It 'Will Ben Interesting end At trtotive Event. One of the attractive features at the doll bazaar, to be held In the store occupied by the Bee Hive, to day, will be the guessing of the name of a beautifully dressed, lift-sized, in fant doll. Mrs. E, D. Wolffo has chosen a name, - written it on a piece of paper, sealed it, and delivered it to the- ladiee in charge of the bazaar. Asy one can (ess Us name at tea cents a guess, ■ to be given to the little girl or Orfio guesses the oorreot name. Luncheon will also be served, and the following ta the menu: ‘ Cold ham, chicken salad, ooffee, bread and but ter. Stewed oysters will alto be on sale, and ioe cream and cake. A Monster Devil Fish Destroying it* victim, is * type of Consump tion. The power of this murderous malady i* elt on organ* and nerves *ud muscles *ud brain. Tberojs no health till it's overcome Eat Dr. King'* New Life EUle are * sate and certain core. -Best In the world for Stomach Elver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only is cents at all druggists. While it is warm, yon should have your winter olotbiug put in good or dar. See Jim Carter. TRAFFIC DELAYED. San Francisco, Nov. 22.- Numerous waiboute arc reported on the Southern Pacific as the result of the storm, ea pecially in the southern part of the state, where traffic has been delayed considerably. LADIES SAVE MONEY. The women of today are becoming "new” to the extent that in Bruns wick, clothes oleaniog is no longer confined to men’s garments. Eri dences of this can be seen in the vast number of ladies' dresses that are cleaned each week at Jim Carter’s ‘popular clothes cleaning establish ment. WE MUST HAVE ROOM I In conseqiM|&e of tremendous purchases of Holiday Goods we are competed to >S%CRIFICE OUR PROFIT For the time being, in orderNlkgive room to show this magnificent stock. Worth will not be consider ed during this sale, to move Vds is what we want, and we say candidly now is your chance to secure Bargay win Every Line Don’t wait, now at ofß| The shelves are teeming with new and stylis Dry Goods, Dress Notions, Etc., Etc. And everything in the store will be sold during this sale Saving Prices. TTTmfrffWyTTnmi!! J*— -JL ,1 -JL JL cJLLJLt? /cJL fjii TTTmF fTTTnnmTmfmmn Millinery—We are showing the swellest and most up-to-date Hats in the south. Give us a call. A big line of boys all wool Caps. Solid colors and plaids, worth 39c, a bargain at 25c Ribbons —A fine assortment of Satin and Taffeta, in all colors; special, yard 4c and up Hats —We are showing the largest and most complete stock of “Ready-to-Wear” Hats in the city- Correct styles 15c, up Neckwear-Just received tull line of Ladies’ Stock Collars, fancy Ties and Chiffon Boas, new and pretty styles 15c, up Petticoats—A big assortment Mercerized Petticoats, with wide plaited flounce. All colors and black. Special $1.39 - , TVX 3FJ S. 3VE. I@A.A. O, THE LEASING BRY G9€lBS EME6RIBM. ' 210 NEWCASTLE ST KILLED A GAMBLER. Clead Chittenten Fell Before the Re volver of Percy Seawell. Kansas City, Nov. 22.-Clau<J Chit tenten, aged 30 years, a gambler, was shot and killed early today by Percy Seawell, aged 17, of Mangen, Ola., in a disorderly house kept by the common law wife of Cbittentcn. Seawell came to town yesterday from Oklahoma with a large sum of money. This moraine Chittenten, presumably jeal ous of Sea well’d attentions to the wo man, assaulted him. Seawell drew a pistol and shot Chitteoten twice, kill ing him instantly. Seawell was arrested. In his pook ets were $l,lOO. He formerly attended the high school here, and is well con nected!. STEAMER ASHORE. New York, Nov. 22.—The inbound steamship Kaiser Wilbeim der Groose, ran ashore this afternoon shortly af ter passing Handy Hook. Two tugs pulled her off tonight. One engine ig disabled. POPE IS ILL. Paris, Nov. 22.—Pope Leo fainted twice yesterday, and was so fatigued that he had to be taken to bed. A BIG IRON CONCERN FOR BRUNSWICK. At the Brunswick Cleaning and Pressing Cos., whore Jim Carter oleane and presses clothes, the largest and heaviest pressing irons are used. IT WILL PASS. A special from tbe TiMdfi-C all’s Atlanta correspondent says tbe bill in troduced by Representative Symons, board of health, will pass without any opposition to •peak of. This bill will give Georgia something sbe bas longneeled. THE BRUNSWICK IIMES-CALI* NOVEMBER 28. I*4o SHIPPING REPORT Oarrseted Daily by! Gajt. Otto Johsusttn Port of Brunswick, Nov. 23,1900. ARBIVED. Norw. bark Borghild, Eriksen, Oub lin, CLEARED. S9. Colorado, Avery, New York. SAILED. B'hr. Harold B. Cousins, Cook'on, Lwsburg. bctir. George M. Grant, Piiton, Perth Amboy. Sjhr. Charlotte T Sibley, Norwood, N irwic’’, "I have ulways used Foley’s Honey and Tar cough medicine and think it the best in the world,” says Chan Bender,a newsdealer of Erie I I’a. Take no substitute. 'V J Butts. Burnett’s Spsoial Mixture is un equaled sea milk producer, SHIP NOTICE. Neither tbe master, nor owners of the Norwegian bsrk Borghild, will be responsible for any debts oontraoted by tbe orew of said bark. Eriksen, Master. NO NEW TICKET. Tbe talk of an opposition tioket ia subsiding and it is now safe to say that tbe gentlemen namsd at tbe meet ing of the Good Government olub Fri day night will have no opposition. A dir. Times-Cau, reporter endeavored to aaoertaio positively yesterday whether or not the new tioket will bepntout, eod itoan be safely said that snob will not be tbe case. LAST NIGHT’S GERMAN. Last night the parlors of the Ogle thorpe were a brilliant rc;no, tbe Oc casion being a farewell german tend; ered Mr. George Smith by hie ' many friends, A full account of the coat tumes, names of guests, etc., will .be given la Sunday's issue. * - flru THANK l\/l l —l ST E3 EEZ Gil VE(SI To our Drugs and Medicines for restoring health to many and permitting them to enjoy their XHANKSGIVINC3 Holiday- Those who are suffering should avai' themselves of the advantages that our unlimited Stock of DRUG AND MEDICINES Offer. We can fill the physicians’prescriptions or supply a remedy from the many proprietary articles. J teiipii® |||jg Prescriptions I Spill. jjj§§ i spill. Is some wkera on our shelves. Our Stock of Drugs and Medicines’contains that which is necessary ffi cure your ills, give you strength and restore you to health. Whether prescribe for yourself or get a PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTION We can fill it. Our compounding department is in competent hands and we use the purest drugs obtainable at SMITH’S - PHARMACY, 1 Skirts—Just received a large assortment Rainy-day Waists—A fine assortment Taffeta Silk Waists; new and pretty effects. worth $7.00. Special $3.98 Suits-One lot Tailor-made Suits, new and correct styles. Jacket lined with Taffeta Silk; In castor, gray and brown. A bargain i58.98 Ladies Undershirts 17c Best gingham, per yd 4*c Best Calico, all color, per yd 41c Ladies’ Jackets from $1.2? up Boys Waists from 15c up Boys pants from 20c up Boys Suits from $1.25 up Men’s pants worth $1.50 at 85c A special sale on Men’s Clothing and gents Furnishings 5 p i