The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 23, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 AT THE GRAND. ▲ MILK WHITE TONIGHT Hoyi’s store on 'he citizen soldier; entitled “A Milk White Ping" la a comirg attraction which will afford abundant iiuuirmtlt for 'heatre go era. Th ao 1 ion el iba Rtnsome Guards a crack military company, in elebrirg to membership a man of whose death the numbers have Jut heard, so as to have a military funeral that will make the rival military organization tarn green with euvy. is the amusing Paris of the farce. The supposed oorp'e proves to be very mnob e'ire, and the 1W f A Muji WmrefiAG THE VIVAHDIERES. complications that ensue are worked out with Hoyt’s usual cleverness at characterization, and his skill at com bining effective stage devices, funny linra, mirthful situations, pleasant rauaio and good dancing. The whole forma a delightful entertainment, with just enough purpose to give con tinuity to the pity, but not enough to disturb the enjoyment of eaoh inci dent for itself alone. There ia a plot to swindle a life insurance oompany which is olevsrly introduced and in J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois, 'write*: “My little hoy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the dootor. we gave him Foley’* Honey and Tar. The reiult was magtoal and puz zled the dootor, as it. immediately stop ped the ranking cough, and be quiokly reouvered.” For sprain*, swelling* and lamonou Uioß nothin* so ood as Oiamborlatn’s Pain llalm Tr it* For sale at I'r. Bishop’s drmr store. HTEANS mans find 'Vv.- ,^> ■v rAliy^# 4 Prescription^ . for mankind - •.* i y , : .-- - - which the supposed corpaej&gjhree con spicuously. A large company ia re quired, which include* a number of pretty girls as vivtridlerres, messeo ger~boy, standard bearers, etc, The Ransoms Guards military band in tbeir flashy uniforms, is also a promi nent feature. Unlike most military companies, this ODe contains only one private. This private is the principal comedian of the oompany, and Little Chip is featured in the part. “A Milk White Flag” comes tonight. NOTES. "A Milk White Flag” Company car ries a splendid band and orchestra. Manager Wolffs has arranged for an open air conoert by the b&gd in front of the opera house about 7:46. The local military will attend the e* w performance tonight in large num bers. “A Milk White Flag” will please Brunswiok as muob as Ward & Voltes | did. You cannot afford to mias it. UKCOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Ilzusan, Lime, 0., enginseei L. E. & W. railroad, writes: “1 bave been troubled a great deal with back ache. I was induced to try Filey’s Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved mo. 1 gladlyreoommend .it to any one, especially my friends among tbe trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” . aiAlKMWnui I'flCfcMSKlX. stANlMtt* a. me Forewr&med, Forearmed. The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood ia in good con dition, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate —fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. Asa blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no etiual. It is the safest and best remedy for old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im purities. At the jjr’N K® same time it builds Maa, 'V>w m up the weak and de a. bilitated, and reno- WO. vates the entire sys tem. It cures permanently all mannes of blood and skin troubles. Mr. . E. Kelly, of Urbans, 0.. writes 1 ‘•fhadEoeem* on my hand* end face for five years. It would break out la little S'* jpuetdles, oruete would form end off, leaving the ekln red end iafliua- The doctor* did me no good. I need 15 medloefced soaps and salves without flt. 8. 8. 8. cured me, end my skin dear and aa eay ona%^^ !HiWor T v^& Ues of 8. B. 8. put ble blood In good con dition and the Bolls disappeared. Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. IMS SWIFT specific CO., ATUUfIi, M. - .!,-■. — Out JTORIA. m-- .he /> Hw CM Y# Has Always Bought CORD WOO%. , Large quantity of oak atpfine wood on hand, foewprompt ijellvery. No roueu, storm Wood eotdiity us. ’Phone 24-3. Bioodwooth & Jon Bit. *■ CURES BLOOD AND aKIjJ “ ITKOUB LES 4 * M Trial Treatment Fre, Is your blaoa pure! Are yulr'eat e of H? Do outs or soratohes heal einw ly? Dora your akin if oh or bumf Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Ach ing bones or baokf Eczema? Old Soree?.ff|Boilt? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breatbf Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) wilt purify your blood, heal every tore, and give a elesr, smooth, healthy akin. Deep-seated Mies, like uloers, oanoer, eating aoras, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botaolo Blood Balm. Cures when alt else fails. Thoroughly tasted for thirty years. Drug stores, $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta,.Qa. Describe trouble-free medical advice given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonial* of cures by B. B. B. *" % 4 Slany of your friente, or people whom you know of, have eooiracird consumption, pneumonia, of other fa tal [diseases, by neg'eot of a simple cold or cough. Foley’s Honey and Tar, a safe, sure and pleasant cough medicine, would bave taved'thetn. It is guaranteed. OABTOniA. jffi Bear* tbs 1 he Kind YctUyMfMfl Blgnatnr* /yT o t *~A<r " V||Pf piompt acting little pills -rt Aiever gripe! nee DeWilt’s Little Farly Ktseia. W. J. Butt*. OASTOniA, Bears the j* Kfflll Vw Ha itwyft BocjM P. DEVAEIS, Gocerics, Countnr Product -—Vegetables etc. Also Confoctionerv. MONK BTREKT. BRUNSWICK. GA T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, ✓ ,119 South Stonewall Street. Bbunswiok, - Georgia. BANKERS CONVENTION, A Committee Appointed to Cboote the Place. The Macjn Telegraph of yeoterday a*ya: “The executive council of the Geor gia Bankers’Association met h-re yes terday m irmr g at 9 o’olock in the of fices of the American National bark ard appointed a committee to prepare a program and aeleot a place for 'be bankers’ association to meet next year. Tbis ootnm" tee i#composed as follow-: The presid-nt of the aeeoclstior, the chairman of ' be executive council, arc retary of the association, J. A. G. Carson and E. D. Walter of Bruns- wick, “These gentl-m-o will proceed at ooee to make their seleotion of a plate and to prepare the program, bat up to this time they have not made up tbeir mind*. They will also oonsidertba other matters which are outlined aa work for the state aseocistion, and will provide for them in the program that ia to be arranged. “The following were those in attend anas: “E. T. Hardwick of Dalton, presi dent of the state association; P. B. May of Augusta, obairman of .‘ibv ex ecutive committee; C. E. Beach, Co lombo*; F. 8. Etheridge, Jackson; E. D, Walter, Bruuawick; E. B. Cope land, Greensboro; J. T. Anderson, Marietta. PILES CURED. By using Smith’s Bure Kidney Cure has made a radical cure for me. I suffered severely from bleeding piles seventeeq years, and although I tried every well recommended remedy, fail ed to receive any relief other than tbe most temporary. Finally (commenced the uae of year medicine, and a very abort sourae of treatment with it has oared me. . Lehman, Memphis, Tenn. Price SO cents. For sale by all drug gist#. Many people worry because they believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their heart* are all rtaht bat their etomaeba are unable to digest food. Kodol tryapepaia Care digests whnt you eat and prevents the formation of gas which trikes the stomach press agalnat the heart. It will sure every rm of ladqpMtma. W. J. Batts. Jte* W Hats. ' ' lf> " v ' i ' i | sl *P*** iMKfwn in our Trimmed sad Untriamed Felt Eijk In variety of ahnpes, atyles and color*, Wh have bought and made them np to sell to those who desire something serviceable, yet pretty; good, bat low priced. These ere right and priced right. HISS KATE SLATER, sot WLOUCKSTEK ST., Money lo Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twltty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. nthe shop on Oglethorpe street, etween Mansfield end Howe. A trial will conylnce you thaiTe knews pile basinets. I j With a fine effervescence andricti^B ■ brilliac y with rare ■ 1I ff ha j in s a most excellent hop ■ I I 1 families it has become a household 8 1 1 necessity* HI BrunswicK Wholesale Wine & Liquor PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. .7777 77777 biTd txjwa \ STOTtJp' 77777777“ <>. *o.. Time fable *.. *<..20. Effective oct l, isos. 71111777---* Passenger Mlaed Paa#*oger Hixed nauy. Daily, Dally. Daily. CO am 546 pm... tv Brunavrldk ar SSOpm.... lOOnarn.... ettsm.... SCO pel... ar WayoWaa lv 4iePm.... 7 30am. IXSOnm... 145 am... ar Tittoa lv 150 pm 116 am U 4ft pm... Soo am . lv Tift lon ar 2 00are„ 4 10pm... etsun... ar Charleston lv 12 16pm I V.A WAYCKOSa A MONTGOMERY. SJrTia m... 11 60 am... at Birmingham lv 4 05 pm e seam f M pas... at ftaanville lv 9 00am.. VI A WWWRVaH AND CHARLESTON. f Koo Mm., 6 4 aim.'. Ev Brunwick Ar 800 pm *0 00 am .V 8 >9am.. 7 25pm . Ar Klclimoud l-v 0 05am ,*....**• ............ 828 am. 106 am Ar Baltiaore Uf 956 am .......... ; llfipio. 700 am , Ar New York Lt 296 pm 1 BETWKkF oRUNHWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JEBUP. - jai Savaanah It 896 pp A ._| SOO pm, t l>irect connection made at WaYeroaa with Pnliman Sleeping Cars foi all poiata. Between J# Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. Mm BBTUBNING I,v Port Tampa 11 ou pm JluSiPira. Sat Ar Port Tampa 2 SO am Thnr. Sun. and Toes. Ar Key Witt 3Oi pm TucffflHVnn Lv Key West 10 OOp. m. Wed. Bat. and M0n..... Lv Key \4 r.t v oft pm Sunday Ar Key West 9 00 pro Wed. Sat. and Mon. ... Ar llatut s ft'ini WtffKvpbn Lv Havana 2 SC pm Wed. Sat. and Mon. n'- Whin ih" liquids cone from out •7 r j¥fißr Stock. We ourry such a flue line of Wines and Liqaors —..— W'Ti that It is impovslhla to find a brand / Jwhich it not uieaalug in soma point, iy'-W-T j V *THw|Ei Theta goods are fullv raatured, have a fine rich body and mellow -& \ Excellent for family or any use. i V- DOUGLAS. J. J. LISI^ER, WHOLKSALE —— ■Groceries, Tobacco, [Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W- H. BOWEN AMD BUIL.DERS \ Of Stone. Brick and Frame Bnildino’