The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Absolutely ■■■■■■■■MMiwni i hi in 11 a Free! GRAND PRIZE OFFER.U IsT Prize—A Fine Oxodized Silver Clock, valued at $40.00. 2nd Prize—A pair of Fine Large Vases valued at $16.00. These Expensive presents are given away absolutely Free as a compliment to my customers. Every purchase to the amount of $1 00 entitles you to a ticket free. Drawing from Nov. Ist to Dec. 31st, 1900. A committee of prominent merchants will take charge of drawing. HENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Owtician. 215 Newcastle Street, Inspector ot Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Coney <fe Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18- 525 Bav St. A List of Atractions Noli Found Elsewhere Clapp’s Men’s Shoes, Burt & Packard’s Men’s Shoes, Excelsior Shoe Cos., Boys and Youths Drew, Selby & Cos., LadiesLJ^ Shoes, , for La- Manhattan Shirts, Dunlap, Stetson, Gotham Hats, Perrins’ Men’s Gloves, A strictly up-to-date stock of Clothing and Furnishings. LEVYS. BRUNSWICK TIMIJS-SALL. NOVEMBER 23, 19. §o©ietg. IV A WOMAK- Buys a bargain underwear and an imported Sayea on her luncheon to spend it on c -ndy— Head, book reviews and says ahe’a re*d ihe booss— Trl's n eathnsitsUe circle about he lasi funny family and fference D esn’t mind a hole in her glove— Ora dropped thread in her stock ing— Pm* an inch ot torn braid on her petti*.at Wears colored glove*— Doe.n’t take care of fltwers— Call* oertain thing, “common” ev ery other breath— Ake for a hardwood floor ia the front hall and a price!sin bath tub af terward— She ltn’t the tort to truit vary much about yery many things. Are you like any of these? Mrs J. C. Gibson, accompanied by her bright little children, returned last night from Angara, where aha spent last week very pleasantly vialting friend, and relative*. Little Clifford says the Reunion was simply “out of eight." Prof, aod Wafler and Mr. Harold Von Weller bare relumed to Brunswick after several months spent In the north and west, Tb<jip ; many friends are glad to see them return.” - * Miss May Ashby his returned to Brunswick from Atlanta, where ihe spent evrpl month*. Ml** Mamie Burroughs after a pleas ant vistt to Chattanooga ha* returned to Atlanta, where she will remain *y eral week*. —%sr ‘ ” Master Tom Wood who has bcn at tending school In Atlanta will arrive n-xt week to spend at home. Mrs. W. B. Morue, of Abbeville,!* visiting her daughters, Mrs, WllUam and Mr,. Sude Way. * . Rey, Father Lnckie aoid mass last Sunday on St. Simon, where there ia quite a nneiber of Catholic*, Mr. Warren Howard ia spending some time in the city to the pleasure of hi* many friends. Mrs. J. H. Ashby lert last week for, s visit to New York. j - & -<y' In the building formerly oc cupied by the Bee Hive promises to bn a complete success. The lad les have worked faithfully, and well deserve sm-Jceos. The chief feature with the little people will be the doll show. Lunches and meals will be served at all hours of the day and a generous patronage is solicited. Mrs. C. L. Xlliott entertains at card* this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Kobinaon will spend Thanksgiving on Bt. Simon, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Phil lips. The following Invitation haa been received In tbU dly: Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Dwight Bryan request the honor of your preeenet at the marriage of their daughter Mary Middleton to Mr. Robert Strange French on Tuesday evening, December the Sixth, One Thousand Nine Hun dred at half after eight o’clock, at Saint Michael’s church, Charleston, Son-h Carolina. Mr. French Was a reslnent of Brunss wick a number of years, and hie many frier da extend good wishes and con gratulations. On Tuesday evening at their pretty rural home at Frederica, Mr and Mrs. John Steven, In com pany with friends celebrated the twenty-fifth anniver sary of tbair wedding, The house wa, beautifully decorated and an elegant lunch w Many exquisite offerings appropriate to the oocassion were made by the guests a, testimonials of the friendship and affection in which thl* popular and estimable couple ia held. May they live to celebrate many happy returns of the day. The following la clipped from a Cni oago paper: “The marriage of Anne Estelle Doerr, daughter of Mr. aod Mr*. J. F. Doerr, 142) Champlain avanue, and Charles Arthur Montgomery Is celebrated this afternoon at Si, Charles ohnrch, corn er of Wood lawn avenue and 64th street, Rfey. Father Schlknoski officiates. Miss Stall* Montgom jry is maid of honor and Mist Carolina Djerr, a slater of the bride, .la tiwer girl. The best man a Charles H. Doerr. . “Roees and carnations form the fl ,ral decorations, the color scheme of pink Wd white prevailing throughout. gThe bridal gown is cream elk mull over Jbfeeta. ft tulle veil fastened with orange blossoms completing ths toilet. She will carry a bouquet of bride; roses. The dress of the little flower girl is white organdie over pink taffeta and she came* pink carnations.** The bride,maid wears white taffeta and she carries" white carnations, "A reception for fifty gueetsjwill be held at 6 o’clock, at which an elegaat repast will be served by Smiley. After the reception the newly wedded cons pie will leave for the south ;*nd east, where they wi.J travel a morth or m>re. They will wi I receive Wednes days after December 26th at 2257 South Park avenue,*’ Mr. an ! Mrs. U. A. Montgom :ry ate at pre.ent the mets of Mr. and Mrs! J. A. Montgomery on Halifax wh reiheya-,'|i-.. C ei V iognWjM ant attentions frunt ,C * h6 ‘ e tbC ' y f*‘' retu -lilog to HEW ARRIVALS Piokle Beef (in bulk) Bur Kraut (in bulk) Sweet India Relish (In bulk) Cape Cod Cranberries (in bulk) Also Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc. for yonr frnit cakes. If it’e good , we have It TRY Boromol Tooth Powder. BUTTS, The Druggist. ! BF=?CDN^/rvJ’ ; Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious • PRESCRIPTIONS I Filled accurately. j DRUGS ! Sold cheaper than the cheapest 1 All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot ! above assertion to make a customer of you | Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brown Drug Cos. M RUjGS jJm In tapestry 22x ft tJHULM 36 Vyc and up f/ards, in latest designs and I patterns. Fresh and newi arriving weekly. j our new ilolßind finis. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PERCQUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. Jp* not MADE BY AJTRUSr_— I. Trager &. Cos„ Independent Distillers. feold Exclusively in Brunswick by 200 Bmt Stwst The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Sthe Fur niture business as of state craft, naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but Luite easily proven—the fur- Viture and prices to be the <lridence, you to be both judge aft jury. Come and be con \^ked.