The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 24, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI- KRUGER IS NOW IN THE x GAY CITY OF FRANCE •Citizens Go "Wild Over the Old Man MANY GREAT MEN HONOR THE HERO He Is necorated Vitb Beau- II Flowers It Was the Moat Popular Demon' stration in the History oi France Pa.-.s, Nov. 24 -Mr. Kruger arrived at 10.45 th 8 morning and was elven a r.cepui n. The ra.lruad emplovoß at every print whores glim pse only ot die train ’.ls.-lf could be secured cheered luitily Thu, koyveyer, vras merely a taste of the spectacle which greeted Mr Kruger’s eyes when'the train steamed into the station Itself. Notwithstanding the stringent precautions to admit only ticket holders a large assemblage tilled the station, while through the open doors could be seen a huge concourse *t>l people gathered in the courtyard outside. Mr Kruger was to have passed through the station hall, but for some reason the mayor welcomed him oc tto plat form and Mr Kruger, to the great dis appointment of those waiting iu the sa loen ot honor, cassed oat through di other door lo the front of the station, where a landau was drawn up. Kruger entered toe vehicle and was at once driven off for liis hotel Oyer the entire route from the station to the hotel enthusiastic crowds greeted Mr Kruger, Mr Kruger, with bare head, bowed om all sides, while the air was rent wJt cries of “Vive Kruger, ’’ “Vive As Boers.” If there were any poaed to Great Britain they heard In the great tumult r THREATS TO KILL KRCGKR New Tork, Nov. 24.—A London dis patch to The Journal ]!i there are rumors tbat an attempt will be made to aaeaeeioace Mr. Kroger. Informa tion bat been conveyed to the authori ties of an alleged plan to be exempted at Paria at the banquet tooighr Mr. Kroger’s friends have been notified to be watchful. FEDERAL SPY DEAD Mrs. Hiram Hinsdale, Who Served Un ion During the War, is No More. Chicago, Nov. 24.—A special tc The Record from Detroit, Mich., says: Mrs. Hiram Hinsdaie, who distinf,- uished herself by her heroism during the civil war and who valu able service to the government as a spy, is dead at St, Mary’s hospital, at the age of 94.■§ NUMBER 82. LEFT WITH BATTALION. Officer* of the Third May Nominate Their Major. The follow ng Is taksn from yester day’s Savannah News: Little time wae spent by the line of cere in tbelr meeting that was presided over by Capt. Gleason upon the consldi eration of the vacancy existing among the field officers of the regiment, The resignation of Major Dart left the majority ol the Third Battalion, all of whom are in the three out-of down companies comprising the battalion were present at the meeting, though notices had been sent them, A letter from Ca t. Frank A. Dunn of the Brunswick R.tlemen, however, was read, Capt. Dunn announcing his retirement from the race for the posi tion affWPPaBW-lsion to remain at the head of his company. There Is a well deflood impression that it would be well. for the major to be located in Savannah, and (or that reason the officers of the Third battal v ion may decide to elect some officer of this city. The local officers, - however, bowing to the uawrlftten law that nomination |of a major shwSbl coma from his own ! battalion, decided that they would first | hear from theostffekof the Third Bat- I talion as to their Upon motion i *'t was agreed that should ; write the of the ' out-of-town companies | their choice. | New Georgia Sjrop, Maple i Buckwheat end Flap Jack. f{rpei%, F bKOOND ADVENT CHURCH A Elder John A. Cargile, of Ala., Southern eyangelisUif Advent Christian church, will preach at the Second Advent church at 11 a. m. Subject, Emanuel, Isa., 7,14. The public is cordially invited. For something good, try our Olives staffed with Sweet Spanish Pepper. Bsper’e. JOHN SHERMAN’S WILL. Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. .24—Hearing on tfce application for the admission to probate of tte will of Secretary John Sherman will begin tomorrow before Judge Brmkerboff. The will was written by the honored old states man hioi-elf.and bears date, Washing ton, D. C, Dec. 22, IS9O, It disposes of about $2,600,000, the bulk of it going to six heirs, one of whom—his brother, Gen. W, T. Sherman—is dead. Ken yon and Oberlln colleges each get $5,- 000, * New Sauer Kraut, Dill and Sour Pickire, in balk. Harper’s. BRUNSWICK, GA. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1900. II SB IE ijn Heavy Rains For Fast 24 Hoars GREAT DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Hundreds of People of Hopkins ville Are Now Utterly Homeless. Hopkinsville, Ky„ Nov. 24.—A con tinued downpoar of rain here for tha past twenty-four hoar*, haa caused the biggest flood known here in twenty yrare. Soores of families liviugon the bank* of Little river have abandoned their hornet, and hundreds of people are unable to reaoh tbair places of business. The damage to Property will be great. Up to the present no lives Usve been reported lost, but it is thought that when news is heard from up the river, many casualties will b* reported. Hundreds of people arc now-, homeless. DEATH EXPECTED. ■ ■ St. Paul, Nov. 34.—Senator Davis death Is expected momentarily. no WILL BE THE OUEffl OF THE TIIS CILL Oil® PARTY Circus parties have long been popu lar in the North and East, and t-be Tjmes-Cali, proposes that there shall be, at least, one of these delightful af fairs in this city, when Robinson’s big shows come to town on Deo. 12. At the head of this circus party will be one of the many pretty young ladies V the city of Brunswick. which one of these is XhSMHEBP 44 giSula:-, Sin! which one shall K Wr '♦ leading the Times- Cai.l’b cTR. >j|be Times Call wdi-conduot a vov Below appears/ _, young tbciegjlpr'wlii have the opportunity swft only of knowing tbat her friends are legion, bat the additional privilege of inviting five of her friends, male or female, to accompany her to the big show at the evening performance, and of oooupying a half dozen specially reserved seate, which have already been engaged by the Timks-Call from the Robinson management. The expense of the party will be borne entirely by the Timeu-Cali.. Begin voting at once for your favor- ; Ite, and let ut have a little pleasurable ! competition incident to the coming of i the circus. There are no more popular young ladies anywbete in the world than are m Brunswick, and they all have their j special friends and admirers. The opportuni’y is now offered to all to select the one who is most popular, aid thus be the means of giviDg her, Homeless ani Penniless is Ralvestoi People. THE CLOSE OF IT Prosperous People Actually Reduo ed to Want—Th# Pacts in Full. It ie true that hundreds of women and children are face to face with etarvation In tha unfortunate oity of Galveston. The flood in all lte fnry ewept away their all. and now thsy are left subjects of obarity. Picture a woman with a number of fatherless i children te care for. We cannot tell when the idmily protector will be taken away and for this reason a man Bbould see that hiß family is proiecte<ya the event he is taken away. The befk:f protect lon Is'a policy in the old Phoenix. Call on or write J. district general agent, and he will explain the rib* celebrated L; K., a policy of which, .you "have beard so much,. ' -/■>, j and five of fife'r friends, a delightful I evening’s diversion. • Ballots must be cut from the Times- Cam., and the name o£ the young lady voted for written in the blank spaoe appearing thereon. There will bo no limit to the number of ballots that one person can cgst. But you can vote for only one young lady on one ballot. Voters need not sign their names. Ev erybody is eligible to the suffrage. Ballots must be sent by mail, ad dressed, “Contest Editor Times-Cai.l.” Votes will be received up to 6 p. m., **t*i, T>.AOi.r ie erl in the TtMaa-Ca jf.yWwi) and the result on the morning of Then the lucky young ladv can pro ceed to select her five rriends, and to organize her circus party as she thinks best. Ballots may bs clipped from todsyV paper and sent by mail, aod oo to morrow a ballot box will be placed id front of Brown’s and Butts’ drug stores. Begin voting this morning, and g ve some young lady a gcod start. OFFICIAL BALLOT. For the Most Popular Young Lady in Brunswick, I Vote lor Miss ROBINSON’S SHOW December 12. DEATH BY EDICT IS NOW THE GREATEST OF FORCES Orders of th.© Powers Are Disregarded. MBS. OASTS WEDDING, President and Cabinet Will Attend the. Nuptials. Washington,Nov. 25. President Mc- Kinley and the members of the cabiae except Secretary Root, who was not In thoclty, went to Baltimore today to attend the wadding of Miss Gary,daugh ter of Preeldent McKinley’s first post master general. The cabinet ladies were represented by Mrs. Wilson and Miss Wilson. The president and cabinet will go later from Baltimore to Pahiladelphia, and tonight they attend the Founders' day banquet of the Union League Club. Gardi Comb Honey—in pound seo tione—the prettiest you ever saw Harper’s. BIG LANDSLIDE. Destroyed Coal and (he Homes OfYabOrer. Parkersburg, W, Va., Nov. 2t, —A big landslide occurred at North Clarks burg in which five oi the largest coal mines were completely destroyed and several minors’ homes were shattered. No llveß were lost because it happened just before the time for the minors to wntor for their work. Nuts, .Raisins, Currants, Citron, Spioes, Etc., for Fruit Cakes. Harper’s. THE NEW DIRECTORY. The work upon the new directory is drawing to aclose and will go to press In the near future. The publishers will gladly make any desired change in the business or address of anyone and request that any notices of changes be sent to Arch Thompson, 128 A street and they will be giyen the necessary attention. The usual directory infor mation concerning churches, societies, clube, etc., ia being collected and any society or other organization not in the “ - vw*i|ctory or any society organized years will be in serted if the *4u:aa by>b tained. Such loforwatiocVbi corned from auy source, and may be i sent to the address given above Try Boromoi Tooth Pow ders. Butts, The Druggist Try our nloe Juicy Pickled Beef and Sweet India Re’iib. Harper’s There will be union services at the Presbyterian church on Thanksgiving day. A special program of music is be ,ng prepared by tbe be?t talent and the services throughout w.ll be appropriate tu the occasion. The “Good Goods Store" is wbat we are known by, If It’s good, we have it. Harper's. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ENGLAND IS READY ' TO CRAWL DOWN Tlb Mii Is e Pecul iar One. The Chineß# Muddle Seems to ba Worse Than it Ever Was. Noy. 24.—The pessimism reflected by the Washington specials dealing with China finds a keen eoho iu Great Britain’s oabinet. The gloomy foreboding that the United States will bs compelled to withdraw from the ooncert of the powers is onlr one of the oanses of this feeling, for the Brit ish minieiers.are now inclined to be lieve the preseut lines of negotiations cannot result satisfactorily. “The United States,” said an official of the foreign effioe, “cannot be any more anxious than England to get out of the China muddle. Death by edict 4s a farce and a fairy tale. The pow ers’foroea now iu China are utterly inadequate to overrun tbe country and enforce their demands, It looks very uiuoh an if we nholl have to climb down. Tlie only question is how it can be done with the best dignity and under oiroumstanoes giviug the most satisfactory results,” The request of the United States ambassador, Mr. Joseph 11. Choate for the suppression of the Filipino junta at Hong Kong, has been put in the hands of tbe colonial offiie. It will probably take some weeks to as certain the facts with doubtful rssulte. An official said: “Hong Kong, o£ course, is part of a free oonotry and we cannot take too arbitrary steps, even to please America. Most of tbe international plots are batched right here ia Lon don, but we are quite powerless to YALE WINS. Defeated Harvard By a Great Soore of 2S to 0 New Haven, Nov. 24.—Twenty-ave thousand people saw Yale defeat Har vard in a football game here today by a score of 2S to 0. The Ya e eleven played el! around tbe Harvard “toys, and found Crimson’s rush lice essy, Srverai of Harvard’s beat players, in cluding Captain Daly and E He, bad to leave the ga me on aoci unt of injuries. Yale played line plunging gtme. Her bslf-back kicked a goal trm the flu.