The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 2

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Every Exertion a Task k Every Care a Burden Jf There it f&llure of the strength to do and the power to endure; there Is feakness •• aH over” that is persistent jpd constant. v The vita! functions are impaired, food does not nourish, and the whole system is run down. ► A medicine that strengthens the stomach, perfects digestion, invigor ates and tones is needed. t* What Hood's Sarsaparilla did for Mrs. L. B. Garland. Shady. Tenn., It has don* for others. Bha took It when she was all run down—with cnfappetite. losing flesh, and unable to do bar work. It restored her appetite, increased her weight, and made her well and strong. This Is her own unsolicited statement Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. The earlier treatment Is begun the better—begin It today. aiWflrtWW Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive yon Into Buying worthless counterfeits of De- Witt's Witch llaael hairs. The ortglnel is in f al)lble for caring pi lea, sores, ecxem a and all akin diseases. W. J. Butte. SECOND ANNIVERSARY. The I*ooo4 anniversary of Bs*ie Diets Rebokah Lodge No. 1,1., O. O. ¥. will be celebrated by the fraternity In grand style on Thursday night, the 39tfa. The ladies are fixing up the lodge roomlin fine trim, and also are prepar ing to do the right thing In the way of refreshment*. Those (.invited will be sure of; a treat, for the Odd Fellows never do things by halves. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe' nse DeWitt's isisle Forty Wien. W.J. Butte. We offer a Holland Window Shade, heavy fringe, all colors, size 3X 6 at 45 CENTS Regular price 75 cents. AT KAISER’S. We have brought to this city this season the grandest and most complete Hue of CARPETS ever shown in Brunswick. We offer for the next 10 days, Carpetat prices that will make them a veritable bargain to everyone. W e offer all new goods and styles. Call early and select your Carpets and get the pick of styles- THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. E32M NOVEMBER 2C TO DECEMBtR 5, pP* CARLPESTSM Special No. 1--Velvet Plush Carpet, rich patterns beautiful goods, suitable foi your bedroom, parlor or library, with border to match, at 92c regular price sl-50 yard. Special No- 3—Smith’s Axministers. handsome designs and exclusive styles, suitable for your bedroom, par for or library at .„87ic regular price $1.50 yard Special No. 3 —Velvet Plush Carpet, in red and black mixture, will make you a very swell carpet for your hall with stair carpet to match 92’c reg price $1.50 yd Special No. 4-Fine Velvet Carpet fn rich colorings of red splendid for your hall, a beautiful carpet at Ba*c regu lar price $1.25 yard Window Shd.s.B W ,oo*ric.*bi. wk irill.ityo.; Coa,.'..rly. Not. o.r prio,,. ;good SCHEDULE. Cumberland Route Equal to Any and Ail Occasions On account of the gala week carnival Jacksonville, the Cumberland Route haspat on an excellent schedule. The steamer makes close connections r with the trains at Fernandina and sells tickets good until December Ist. Following Is the schedule: Leave Branswlck 8 a. m.; arrive 1.30 p. m. Arrive FernandinaJll* (noon; leave 1.30 p. m. Leave Fernandina 2.40 p. ra,; arrive 11.30 a. m. Arrive Jacksonville 3.50 p. m ; leave 10.20 a. m, Fare— Brunswickjto Jacksonville and return A3. .Here you a sensei oflfullnceslon ;the region your stomachlafter eetingf If so you will Be benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablata. They “also 'core belching and sour stomach. They regnlato the bowels too. Prloesso. Sold by Bishop’s Drag Store. Half the World is in Darkntss a* to]the cause of their ili;health. It they would stert to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid neyjcurejthe, weariness of body end mind, beek aeheX headache "andgrbenmatic ; pains would disappear. If.‘3, Butts. DeWiU’s Witch Hasel Bely# will quickly heel the worst burns and scalds and not leave a soar, it can be applied to cuta and raw sur face* with prompt and soothing effect. Use It for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. TV. 3. Butts. CORD WOOD, Large quantity of oak and pine wood on band, for prompt delivery. No rotten, storm wood sold by ns. ’Phone 24-S. BbOOIiWORTH & JONBS, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 10 DAYS ONLY A Talk On Lumber Witb any bnilder in Brunswick will prove to yoor entfrs satisfaction that you can buy the best quality of soft or hardwood lumber, fancy hardwood trim ur flooring at prioes that we will cball. nge ootopetition on, quality con sidered, with anyone dealing in lorn t>r io the State of Georgia. Our stock is picked from the choicest, LANG, WOOD & CO. ! |OOOPOSITION9 I j jagOfOltafe / a BUSINESS < £^**3" COLLEGE 1 | INSTRUCTIONS i it wMfiajpotomft s/jL OASTOZIZA. Bears the A KM ’ltii tt3 ANvafS B®W | Special No. s—Five frame Tapestries, very heavy and ele gant for your hall, dining room, will be sold at T2*c regular price SI.OO yard Special No. 6-“ Higgins” Tapestry Brussels, a large vari ety of designs for hall, dining room or bedroom we will offer at 67*c regular price 90c yard Special No. 7--Five Frame Tapestry, very heavy in red and black and other rich patterns, suitable for halls with stair carpet to match at 72*c regular price SI.OO yard Special No, 8--Three Frame Tapestries for hall and stair at 67 a c regular price 90c yard Special No. 9—\ard wide wool Ingrain, choice variety of x patterns at 43*e regular price 75c yard Special No. 10 yard wide all wool Ingrains, 8 ply, hand some designs at €2*c regular price 87c yard >#TICK TIMES-OALL, NOYMiBER 29, IMO. W hole Codfish is the best. ' . * •• -. ■-)' f ■ ' ...' v ■ ' - : ’ ■ ' - ' • . : ..r - - - ' yT-'-r-■ A... £>~§p. Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc, i Can makes soup for | “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. The best io cents ot corn in the city, 1 V A. C. jeffersT RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hsuean, Lims, 0., engineer L. E.& W.railroad,'.writes: “1 have been troubled a great deal with baek ache. I was induced to try Foley’s KWcey Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recommend it f,o any ons, especially* my friends among tbe trainmen, who are usually similarly iffltoted.” When yon (eel that life is harfily worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's stomach and I.tver Tablet*. They will cleanse your stomach, ton* up your liver and regulate your bowels, making you feel like anew man. Tor ■ale at Bishop* Drug Store. J. W. Bryan, of Lowdtr, Illinois, write* : “My little boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor, we gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. The result was magical and poz cled tba doctor, as |t Immediately stop ped the rsoking cough, and be quickly recovered,” j STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs all kinds of cook stove* and ranges, and buys and sell* seoond-hand stoves. 414 HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any oase of Catarrh that can not be cored by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and finan cially able to oerry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. West & Trnax, wholesale.druggists, Toldo, O, Walding Km nan & Marvin, wtolssnle druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, aoting direotly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial* sent free. Price 76c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Piils are the best. Gtorge A. Points, Upper Sandusky, 0., writes: *T have been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for hoarseness, and find it tbe best remedy I ever tried. It stopped tbe oougb itnmedi mediately, and relieved all soreness.” Finest quality Scotch Holland Window Shadesr tringed, all colors, size 3x6, sale price 75 GENTS Regular Price sr.i2 2 ART SQUARES AND RUGS Special No^ll—Axainister’s Rugs, size 9ftxl2ft) special price $26.50 regular price $35.00 Special No. 12-Axminister’s Rugs, size Bft 6in by 10ft 6in special price $22.50 regular price SIO.OO Special No. 15—Smyrna Rugs size 7ft 6in by 10ft 6:n spe cial price SIOSO regular price $2?.00 Special No, 14 Smyrna Hugs size 6ft by 9ft special price ♦12.50 regular price $16.50 T° appreciate these Hugs you must see them, any de scription *ve could make would be incomplete as to their beauty. They are elegant in desigrrand a grand quality, we also offer special prices on every Rug in our house from the smallest size up. A Frightful Blunder Will olten'cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Brulße.“Buekißn's Aruica ;salve, the best In tho world, will kHI the pain and promptly heal It. CursaOla fcore*,*Fever.Boree, Cleera, Bolls ' Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best File eur* on learife Only 56 eta, a bo*. Cure guar* an teed. Sold by all druggist. Fragrant as ripe fruit—Pore as a mountain spring—Hoary with ag\ and a blessing to men, when right!;* used. That’s wbat Harper’* Whukej is. Bold by T. Newham, Brunswick, Gs. A Card. The manufacturers of.Banner Salve have au, thoriaed the undersigned to .guarantee it for burns, outs, sores, ulosrs, tetter, ectema and all akin disease* Youih*T your money .back lmi'f 1> Pi tt otalms. WJ. Butts. This is the season when mothers are on account of croup. It ia quickly oared by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. W, J. Butts.