The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 3

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Syrup-Figs AcZrfleasaitfjy andJbatnptfy: Cleanses the System Gently} and Effectually When.' bilious or costive* fivsetolsm fit* most acceptablefont tne lajratjve principles of plants A/uMrn. to act jnost beadicuUfyr- TO~GET ITS BEMttVgVttCT* BUY THE GENUINE - MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CQ SAN FRANCISCO. , CAL. touisviut, tn. NCwroNK. n.'t tor mU Pr Fnifiie - firic* Sot psr Give Me Your Order " For Uroceries. £1 eaa;flll it to your satisfaction. I will take < much care with it Mit yoa were here to ■watch me. Do", not worry about Jthe] ;qualtty|lof the goods. 1 never keep anything but;the belt. Today's arrivals— Armour's Vlgoral.l BeeSjßitract and Reel Kztract and Vegetable Tablets Thos. Keany, Groceries. Phone XI. 31J Newcastle Street.* EMPTY MmSXFI and. LOADED SHELLS |Ku|M 1 Ammunition W&iMj&m ft Sporting J t j - Hoods. / Rogers -••- •'•' Knives K Bicycle and K JfwmM Gnu repair ing a special HKW'|. ty fSL/;- " kesSllers Cor. MJRc and Grant Stag L. J. Leatfy & Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of JBents ®CURE YOURSELFI Vm Big C for unnatural feS’feSKS r i r. T ~jtr or Ml IK yMe wrewm. Rrentar Ml on mu TAB UNION SERVICES. The onion Thanksgiving eervioe at the Presbyterian ebaroh this morning at 10 o’clock, promises to be unusually attractive. Rev. Thomas H, Thomp son will preach the sermon. A tpeolsl program of mutio has been arranged. The eervioe will not be long, and the general public is cordially invited. An offering win be made for the orphan ages of the several denominations par ticipating. Remember, the servioes will begin at 10 o'olock. SCROFULA THE CAUSE. Eczema, catarrh, hip disease, whits swelling, and even consumption, have their origin in scrofulous conditions. With the slightest taint of scrofula in the blood, there is no safety. The remedy for this disease In all its is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which goes to the root of the trouble and expels ail impurities and disease germs from the blood. The best family cathartic is Hood's Pills BPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIAL. The social and literary departmeat of the Epwortb League ef tbe First "Tyethedist ohuroh will give an enter* tainment at residence oMfr, and Mrs. T. W. Canaey, on Mansfield street, this evening. Ail members cordially invited to be present. Did it ever Odour to you that a little of Perry Davis’ Pam-Killer on the end of the fingers applied once or twice to a mosquito bite would counteract the poieon and speedily reduce the swell ing? Pain-Killer wdl also onre bites and stings of other poisonoas insects ae well as reptiles, directions as to use upon wrapper on sacb bottle. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Price 250. and 500. B. BEVARIS, Gocerics, Country Product —Vogetablos etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, 8A E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. in] the shop on Oglethorpe street, between Mansfield and Howe. A trial will eonyiueo yon that he kn.wa his businass. Kany people worry became they believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all right hot their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Core digests what you eat and prevents tbe formation of gas which makes tbe stomach press against the heart. It will cure '.every rm of Indigestion. W. J. Bolts. GEORGIA DETECTIVE A6C’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrocv. L. tj. LEAVY Manaaep LADIES SAVE MONEY. The women of today are becoming “new” to the extent that In Bruns wick, clothes cleaning is no longer confined to meo’s garments. Evi dences of this can be teen in tbe vast number of ladies’ dresses that are oleaned eaoh week at Jim Carter’s popalar olotbes cleaning establish ment. J. Odgers, of Frostbnrg, Md., writ**: “I had a rery bad attack of kidney complaint aud tried Foley’* Kidney Cor* which gar* me immediate relief, and I wae perfectly enrad after taking wo bottle*.” Take no anbatitnte. EUzisSIMATO, 302i Newcastle St. hi i::.. :.:. lit is CIGAR3 AND TOBACCO ▲ll Kind* of,Candy. THE BRUNSWICK ITMEVCALL, NOTEMBER 29, 1900. To Ihb Pvbbic : Whereas, There are a number of houses In the sewerage district of the city rot connected with the eewer sys tem; and, Whereas, The time bB expired in which the digging of dirt is prohibited by ordinance, or otherwise; and, Whereas, The laws of the city re quire that all houses In the said district shall be connected— This is, therefore, to notify all peo ple concerned, that unless such houses are forthwith connected, the owners or agents thereof will be subjected tojlhe penalties prescribed by law. Done at the city ball, this 10th of November, 1900. Dxan D. Atkinson, Mayor. Cold Steel or Death. “There is bnl one small chance to save yonr ife and that 1. through an operation,'’ was the awfnl prospect cet before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wu. by her doctor after vainly trying to core her of afnghtfnl case of stomach trouble and yellow janndlce. He didn't eonnt on the marvelous power of Electric Bittejs to cure Stomach fed Liver troubles, but she heard of it, look seven bottles, wae wholly eared, avoided aurgeon’e knife, now weighs more and feels batter than ever. It’s positive ly gnersateed toenre Stomach, Liver and Kip ney troablee and never disappoints. FtlnHc at.all drag .tores, “I have always used Foley’s Honey and Tar cough medicine and tblnk It tbe beet in the world,” eays Ohas Bender,a newsdealer of Erie Fa. Take no anbstitnte. W J Butts. ANOTHER COLD WAVfTcOMING Lay in a supply of wood at onoe. For good, dry cord wood, oak or pine, telephone No. 21-3. Bi.oodwobvh & Jonhs. . Ki-na Ki-na.—quinine m a tasteless form, without affecting Us medicinal value, combined with aeetanilid and iron. Just tho thing for ohlldreu. Pleasant to take. 250 a bottle. . For eale by W. J. Butte, the druggist. j r AND 1 CONSTIPATION These ire twin evils which work •erlous mischief in the humin body.' They up the strength, destroy energy •nd impoverish the blood. Asa result of these lilments, the system gradu ally becomes disordered ind the con stitution weakened so that the body loses vitality and Is unfit to stand the strain of hard or continuous labor; thus, the victim offers shining mark for kidney disease, lung trouble or the life-crushing malarial..fever. An'easy and“certain means of wtrdmg off this condition is within tha teach of every one, PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the System Regulator, Is the remedy. A few doses whenever the digestion Is disturbed, or when the bowels fstl to move regularly, will remove the dlffi- stimulate the vital organs to a bctteifend mors complete per formance of their duties. With vigor end regularity In the stomach, liver,' kidneys and bowels, there can bo no less of strength or energy, the blood will be pure and nourishing, and the cspacky of the txxJY for work thereby maintained a> the highest standard. Sod for a bottle to-day.-’' Keep a bfway. in the house, j, A half win*, glassful t when the stomach; feels bleated, when the breath is bad, ot •e bowels constipated, win quickly restore the feeling of vigor end chew fulness. ORUQCIBTB •■LtTIT , i ATi.oa tn i BOTTLIa A TRUNK FULL FINE GOODS Oicer Scarlett Capture! a , Proressional Barglar Some days ago officer G. 8. Ssarlett arrested a rather sporty negro wbo gave his name ae Eugene Aogus, He wae charged with attempting to kill a woman with a razor, and Mr. Soar lett thought there was something wrong when the prisoner refused to tell him where he lived. The man said be bad a trunk, and this caused a search, resulting in it* location. The trunk in question was found open, and it contained not leva than three hun dred do lars worth of shoes, clothing, dresses, bolts of fine doth, eto. Mr, Boarlett located the owners of tbe goods, wbo proved to be B. A. Row land Cos„ Bparta, G., and tbe firm was notified. They replied by saying their store had been robbed, and they would send a man down to identify tbe goods. Angus is said to be a professional burglar, and Officer Boarlett is to be congratulated on bis good catoh. IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 60 CENTS? We defy the world to produoe a me dicine for the cure of all forma of Kid ney and Blacker troubles, Piles and all diseases peouliar to women, that will equal Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Nighty-eight per cent, of the cases treated with Smith’s Sura Kidney Cure that have come under our observation have heeo cured. We sell our medicine on a positive guarantee, it directions are followed, aad money will be re funded if oure is not effected. Price 60 cents. For eale by all druggists. KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis eases, CM CY’C kidney cure is 8 8 ULLI O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE Soc. and SI.OO. *"5 lYuritM n '< viuin >* 11 \ m. nothing ho ood a g ChunaboMalnM J*ain Balm Trv it. For palo at Dr. Bishop’s onig store. d!£ WHY , DR. HATHAWAY CURES. ItthAOizß for His Marvelous Sncccsa— His New, Free Book. 11 r>r - Hathaway's method of treatment Is no experl —"J ment. It Is the result of , 9 twenty years of experl- Mt -af* 0 enco In the mght exton §g~j it slva Pfactlee of any WkSjtf J specialist In his line In the world. Howasgrad ■BW*/*- uated from onu of the best medical colleges In tlie country and perfoet ed his medical and surgl- Tjjß3Bßr*W cal education by exten _y W- 2 slve hospital praettee, Karly In his professional career ho made discov eries which placed him at the head of bis profes sion as a specialist In treating what are generally known as private diseases of men and women. This system of treatmentgie has more and more perfected each year until today his cures are so Invariable as to be the marvel of the medical profession. £nJoying the largest practice of any specialist In the world he still maintains a system of nomi nal fees whlcb makes It poeslblo for all to obtain lllfl MiFFtCM, Dr. Hathaway treats and cures T/Jis of Vitality, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning In Its dif ferent stage*, Rheumatism, Weak Back, Nerv ousness, all manner of Urinary Complaints, Ulcers, Bores and Skin Diseases, Brights Disease end all forms of Kidney Troubles. Hla treatment lor andertooed men restores lost vitality am* make* the patient a strong, well, vigorous man. Dr. Hathaway's suocees tn the treatment of Tarteoeele and Stricture without the aid of knife or eaufcery is phenomenal, The patient Is treated by title method at his own home without patn or loss of time from bakfneat. Thle It positively the only treatment which cure* without an opersdoo. Dr. Hathaway calls the partteuiar attention of anfferereffom Variooeele and Btrtsture to pages 1f,,, m and M *f hi* near hook, saMHert, “Manltisme, Vigor. Health -a copy of whtah wIH he seat fra* on sppßeetlon. Wrim today for true book aad symptom bMtk, <mortrin*sg /oar amhlat , *▲ NEWTON HATHAWAY, A Or. Hathaway hOa. WHsruMMai. Hwuasn, Oa. mmtmm mu papb* wane warmm. There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars^ . . ... ,Tmi hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 1 Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS Regular ETURNS EPORTED By Advertisers Who Bse These Columns. Quantity and Quality of,Circulation -gives Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both WE ALSO——. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND3AWAYI FOR <•> ■.,w."'-'><VyW"Vwv'''WV'A'vwvA(Wvvw\AfWlWlM*Pft • ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, , BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., canget them at home for the same price andjiesides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, v and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times-Call, 206 and 208 tHoucester Street. CHINESE RESTAURANT? 4 ESTBLISHED 1889. ____ CHUE HALL, Propriety You can getlthe best the market affords by eating hare 215 ST, There is no pleasure la life If you drfadi*'ung to the table to eat sod eau’l reet *'. u .. qn **- sonul of ladlgesUea. Henry Williams, ot Boouvflte, lieu, says he suffered that way fer yearn, till he eommenoed the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Care, and adds: -How lean eat any thing I Uko and all l want aad sleep soundly every night.*- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Will di gest what you eat. W. i. Butt*. For Croup use CHENEYS EXPECTORANT IMITCHXLL ft THOMAS. Xdrery, boarding and nd* stable*. Finest turnont* in the *ll. Tel. 91. Newcastle Bt T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, Pl 9 Sooth Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Gvorou.