The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 7

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Rico It is a high grade laundry soap. it is a good soap. It is a hardwater soap. It is kept, by all the leading grocers. Ask for ib Florida Soap Works, Jacksonville. Wall Paper 8 ATfiTHK 3 PAINT STORE, 502 MonklSt. W:H. LYTLE PBOPBIETOB. SHAKE INTO YOURISHQBS. Allen’s Foot-Ease, a'powder. It cares painful, smarting, nervous feet and lagrowing nails,and instantly tax** the sting out. of corns and bun ions. It’s the greatest comfy rt discovery of the e. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel eaap. It is a certain care for sweat ing, callons and hot, tired, aching feet. Try i today. Sold hy all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 26c in stamps, Trial package Free. Address Alien S. Olmstead, Le Boy, H. T. STOVES REPAIRED, Bice, thy stove doctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay street tYOUR FACE IS TOUR FORTUNE, Throw awsvCoßinctlcs. American women throw aw ay seventy-five million doll ars annually for rue potv tors, lotions, etc., mo which are m ade of jois'nous snlstancs an stray the ski n. Is treat e a hmiti.Ros Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples, freckles, blackheads, ana all oemplnxlonal imperfections. Absolutely harmless. Results guaranteed. Write for particulars Trice ts.oo by inai Gloves ¥2.00 and 12.50. VIRGIN RUBBER CO„ Ho West 14th 6t N. 1 Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. B, J. ULEWINE, ""W" 1> JLJio tries Selling, Keating, Repairing,’ Messenger Service? We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawlord, Eagle, Elk, Dixie.’ Best Wheels for the Least Money. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, 'trunks, inirrors.’carpets, etc. J. W, Walking. Opera House Three NightsJ Iff Matinee COMMENCING MONDAY, DEeT 3rd. Robson Theater Go, IN REPERTOIRE. NEW PLAYS: NEW SPECIALTIES pro loe. i l. Bright’* Die,s*. High living, intemperance, exposure and many othar things bring on Bright’s disease.. Foley’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright's dis ease end all other kidney or bladder disorders 1 f taken In time- Take; no thin goalee. W. J Butts. ________ Bloodworth & Jones New Liverv Stables New; Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St Mr*. T. Briddleman, of Parshallville Mich,, was troubled with gait rheum for thirteen year* and had tried a number ot dootore without relief. Af ter two or three application* of Ban ner Salve, her hands became better, and m a short time she was entirely cured. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W: Watkins: Ton can’t afford to ciak your life by'allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cougb Cure will oure throat and lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. M any dootor ttse Has a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and moth ers endorse it. W. J. Butts. is. tt Jiff! ESillll jos Newcastle Street Wishes to Inform the ladies of|Brunswlck that they will Sad the largest and latest novelties in Eats, * masts - Caps. - Ribbons, AND ALL KINDS OF HAIRIGOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty. BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAITOTAOTTJBED 8Y... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tr YOTK TH B XAM E. Complete □ ts IthkJ line’Ucf T’ m, m Mil 111 H whichji now have on IJexhibition. '- cS =v>* GALL AMAMINE. Th, F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St; ifUqBRUNSWICK TIMES-OALL NOVBMBER 29 I9OOJ PITY AND BEAUTY The most beautiful thing, in the world, is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. The dimples and joy have gone, and left hdllows and fear. It is fat that is gone; gone with it, comfort and color and curve; all but pity and love. Ihe little one gets no fat from her food: has had none for weeks: she is living on what she had stored in' that plump little body of hers. She is starving for fat; it is death; be quick! Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil is the fat she can take. It will save her. We'll send ywi a little to try if you like. SCOTT & BoWNE, 409 Pearl street, New York While it is wrm, you should havs your winter olotliiug put in good or der. See Jim Carter. ."A Monster . Devil Fiskl ( Destroying its victim, is a type of Coiummp tion. l’be power of this murderous malady is elt 'on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. Thore]a no health till it’s overcomo But Dr. King's New Life TlUa are a safe and certain cure. Beet in the world for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents at all druggists. BK£-?raSS “parTcerPs ~j WiSMjm S hair BALSAM I '.VkigaSai’K. Jgg.mntnrti ,and bwu.liUi-8 the Urtll. i A luxuriant growth. \ k&SRSKF .JHHNkvct Fails to Hontora Gray > M&TCfTrf -aggpl Hairto ita Youthful Color, j aJeVeufM' r ... S| VraVMUa Rsmlruff Hair felUnC For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT [IJSI HELP FOR XQll For honest treatment and a speedy cure write or gp to Dr. J. Newton Hathaway whose great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of , satisfactory results. Consultation O ?Vy m™n Free. Bi j Contracted or BereM UIOQU rQISOn tary SypliUlls Iu all Its terriWo stages, producing copper-colored spots on face or body, little ulcers on the tongue, In tho mouth or throat, falling out of tho hair or eyebrows, decay of tho Hesh or hones, completely and forever eradicated without the uso of lnjurlowfflrugs, leaving tho system In a pure, strong aud heallh ' lulstato. V.>!a.kla or enlarged veins, which VailtoOGßlG lead to a complete loss of casual power; also Hydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture and all Private and Venereal Diseases and Weaknesses of men quickly cured. fi-IPAN S Boctc rs find A Good Prescription for mankind sraw M *“!•, r*i. iurtuM ,uw, mbs Mh, J §>4\ N. Mts> . (.ju'i th. mtttm. mm ri* fe.r *• ■' '&,§• Tm ■** “ Ohm* M. ; f r m ms* ,4 W M.I n|S*raM It ,Sw Tl.lg PERSONAL The Riflemen held a m ting in their armory last nigh'. The city council mes.a in regular session tonight. Many hunting and fishing parties will be out today. The advance agent of the Robson Theater Company was ia the city yes terday, billing his company. The profit of a gold mine depends, not on the amount of rook crushed under the stamps but upon the amount of gold which can bo extract ed from the rook. lu a similar way the value of food which is eaten docs not depend on .the quantity which is taken Into the stomach but upon the amount of nourishment extracted from;it by the organs of nutrition and digestion Whon these organs are diseased they fail to ex tract the nourishment in sufficient quantities to supply the needs of the several organs of the body and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The result is heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, acting on every or an of the digestive and nutritive system, re ores it to health and vigor. It curoß diseases remote from the stomach through the stomach In which they originated. Golden Modloal Discovery contains neither alcohol nor nar cotics. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, aoustipatlon and headache They are easy to take and pleasant in effect For sale a£ Bishop’s Drug Stor* Our Greatest Specialist For 20years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has bo successfully treated chronic diseaß'os that ho is acknowledged today to stand at the head of h 1 profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele auu Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery oures in 80 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, faraljais, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul - iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway'* practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cascß pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advioe, either at bis of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 9K Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga Kidney and Urinary SufuifiMm ciilt, Too Frequent, Bloody or Milky Urlho; all functional dlsimses of the Heart, Lungs, I.iverand Stomach; also Catarrh, Kupturo, Rheumatism, PHog, Fistula and all Blood and Skin Diseases aud all Female Diseases treated according to the latost aud host methods known to medical science. Uam Tisslmshl By corrospon nome EraainHsni dnco always sue. cessful. Write for free book just publbbud and Symptom blank if you cannot call. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. I>r. Hathaway & Cos., Hryan Street, Savannah, Gsu mkntion this vkvkh when whitinu. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION, State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Long Libel for divorce; In the Superior court of Glynn vs. county. May term. 1900. _ Order to perfect service, Thomas A. Long, granted at said terra. To theDefenuaut,Thomas A. Long. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be and appear, at the December term, 1900, of the Glynn Superior court, to Ira holden in aud for said county, at the court house lu Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and you will be there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie Loner, in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Rennet, .fudge of the Superior court or Glyun county, this the 24th day of August, 1900. _ _ A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff, SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs, Edna Wylie Libel for divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn vs. county, May term, 1900, order to perfect service, Jamea Wylie. granted at said term. To the Defendant, Jamea Wylie. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be aud appear at fcho December term, 1900, of Glynu Superior court, to bo hold en iu and for said county, at the court house, in Bruuswiok, Glynn county, Georgia, on the Brat Monday in December, 1900, and you will be there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet, Judge of the Superior colirt of Glynn county, this thegZlth day of August, 1000. A. 6. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—Comity of Glynn. Mrs, Kdn Markhaai Libel for divorce: in the Superior court oi Glynn MU county, May term, 1900, _ r Order to perfect service Martin P, &I >vkhnm granted at said term. To th DoP >ndant, Martin B. Markham. You art hero >y required, iu person or by at torney, to lie uid appear, at the December Term, 1900. fQ[ nn Superior court, to bo hold en ia and To sat i county, at the com t house, in Brunswick, t Jyu > count , Georgia, on the Brat Monday in there by ten (10) o’clock, of the forenoon of said day, I hen and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff Mrs. Ella Markham, in the above staled case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Rennet, Judge or the Superior court of Glyun county, this the 24th day of August, 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia. \ ernest Dart, Attorney for Plaintiff. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George VV. Calvin estate, represents to the court in her petition, duly Bled and entered on record, that she has fully administered George W. Calvin’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said ad ministratrix should not be discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the iirat Monday in December, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it may concern: Hiram J. Read having in proper form applied to mo for per manent letters of administration on the es tate of Lou Stafford, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular tlie creditors and next of kin of Lou Staff ord, to be and ap fear at my office within tho time allowed by aw and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Hiram J. Read on Lou Stafford es tate. Witness uiy official signature this 6th day of November, 1900. HORACE I)AKT, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. To whom it may concern: Take notice, that; Charles O Jones hue applied for permanent administration on the estate of D.P. Jones, late of said county, deceased, and if there be any objection to the grunt of said application, let it Do presented on the first Monday in De cern oer next, at which time the same will come on for heal ing in the court of ordinary of said county at the usual hour and place for holding said court. Given under my hand and official signature this 12th of September, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynu County. SERVICE BY [PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turn aide to Dee ember vs. Term. 1900, of Superior f Pr Conrtuf Glynn coun- O. J. Freeman, ly, <*eorgifi. To the Hiiid defeinlant, O. J. Frermnn : You are hereby required 4 peigooftlly or by attorney, to b *ud appear at th* next term of tboSu|><3rir - ■ rlol said couuty, convening on tlie first j.*rß,uuy in December, 1900,then and there to answer the plaintiff, Clyde Freeman, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed against you: us in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Hon. Joseph VV. Rennet, Judge of said Superior Court, this 22d day of August, 1900. A. O.TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. I>. W. K RAUSS, PI iff . A tty. W ERVJCE b Y P U BLICATION. GEORGI A—Glynn County. Mrs. Mary Keppard vs. Jefferson Levy, The National Rank of Brrnawidk and the May or and Council of Rrunswifk.-Petition for par tion of realty in Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 1900. To the Defend rut, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified that tie petitioner in the above stated case will apply for a parti tion of that certain real properly in the state of Georgia, county ct Glynn and city of Bruns wick, described as follows? T o Northeastern portion of what is known as and l al'ed the •Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells Tract’,” having the following courses and distances, lo wit: Commencing at the centra of the Foutli ©rn line of Union street, and running thence Southwardly 1,610 feet; thence running East waidly 810 reet; thence running Northwardly jfiiofeet; thence running Westwards 856 feet, exeopt three cqrtaLn.unaMr-WMfi*r-%HWtotore I ,Jr aijpiitatloa for fiKr-' ii™ wi,i I*o raadq at tke uuxt •/l™, 1 1 to Ira )ield on tlie first Moo next. TliislSotlre given iu pumianoo of an order rranied geptemirar as. moo, l>y Hon. I’aui N. neaiirook,Judge of said court tlie Honorable Joseph W, Bonnet being disqualified in Haul case. Witness tho Honorablo Paul Vi. Beatirook, judge ol said court presiding, this October 1, 1900. H. K. DU BIGNOfif, Clerk Superior Court, Glyun Ckiunty, <Ja, SPARKS Si f WITTY, Petitioner’* Attorneys. Mr, Ileorjr Liontberjf, representing Ludden & Bkte*, will be in the city for * few days J/,>*>r fc pio need* ton ing or repairing, jou will do well to < leav* order* at Brown’* drag *tor*. WHEN LAGRIPPE ’ BEGINS, CURE IT! If rwn reit you will i >rry. People take quinine for it, and when they ar. welt, the effect, ol 1a Grlpp* and quinine together, often cause more sickness. JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC Cures In a Day or Night. No bad effects are felt ami von don't have to put yourself on a steady die* of it, as you do with quinine. Mr. W. W. Caldwell, of Chicago, writes that eight doses taken In one day eared him completely. It will cure yon. 600. per bottle If It cure*. Not on. cent if it does not cure. A. B. GIRARDEAU. ) Savannah. Cla. Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs. This Medicine positively contains not opium or other drug? injurious to the stomach. 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle, at druafibU. THE DR. J, H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., T. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY W J. BUTTS, The Druggist. . ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND pPam’Kftler l There Is no kind of pain [or ache, Internal or exter- i [rial. that Pain-Kliler _ will < ►not relieve. ( (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- 2 , STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE J , BEARS THE NAME, f PERRY DAVIS So SON. j Southern Railway Cos. Ottice of General Agent, Brunswick, SCHEDULES. For Savannah* Wastilngton and New York. Lv Brunswick ... 040 am 05 pai Ar Savannah .10 80 am 19 50 am Ar W uahlngton , 7 35 am 850 pm Ar New York 2 03 pm 6 28 am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick— 500 am 325 pm 805 pm Ar Jacksonville.. 925 am 740 pm 130 am For Macon, Atlanta, liOttifivilie and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick......, .. OJo am 905 pm Ar Macon 1 35 pm 3 00 am Ar Atlanta H6O pm 820 am Ar Lottiavllle 7 80 am 7 30 pm Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 40 pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv New York.... 30 pm 1215 am Lv Washington.. I's pm 31 15 am iu\ Savannah.... H pm 520 am 500 urn Ar Brunswick... (> 2t> '*i 805 am 35 pm From Jacksonville. Lv Jacksonville 1 Hfijpm Ar Brunswick 0 25 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Cincinnati.. 8 30 urn 8 00 pra LV Louisville. 7 45 am 7 45 pm Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm 12 05 pm Lv Macon 1 00 am 2 80 pm Ar Bruns* ck 7 10 am 836 pm CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have AlwavsJtosfe itldtlltil I BO YEARS’ AnHbV P E RIE NC E W 1* mjf n tW J feJS BP J A V ■ T| . P §^^B 4r¥ jM ■■ fa Baw j mgpi ffFm m ftp. MARKS Wg&mgß&r' > Designs r rmi’ obpvrights Ac. Anyone (ending n .Up"'*' end description ran, ijnlckly icwt*ln our oplutoi free whether mi Invent ion Im prohnbl’ I l *' l tnlnhlo. fomuutnloit- Mon..irictlyrt.iititlty’lln). llAndbookon (’.tent, eent frna. Oldest eeney for .emiring patents. I‘utents ttik". through Muun A Cos. receive fpicMnoMeo without clmrge, In the Scientific American. I A hwidiomelr llltietr.ted weekly. Ingest cle. dilution of .ny eeteiitlfle loum.l. Terms, 13 . ' month., ,U Sold by all newsdealers. tafitassttlfet