The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 29, 1900, Image 8

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XMAS • #y*'% . '. is but a short month off and as it is time to begin looking around for presents, we wish to call your attention to tEe fact that our new goods are beginning to arrive and we are going to have an exceptionally large and handsome line of Jewely and Novelties. Don’t Send Away for anything in mylinefor 1 will guarantee to sell you at the same price and some times less than you can get the same goods away for, and besides saving you all ex’ pense, we are here at home where you can reach us should the goods prove unsatis factory. Watch for our special ad nexj^Sunday .-_v - \ • KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; Sit HewcMtle Street, Impeetor of Wetobei for Soethern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Jime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles'and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks An immense assortment of blue, red’ and pink Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, new effects SI.OO to $3.50 Don’t Forget the *• AMERICAN GIRL, A shoe as good as the name m OXFORDS S2DD LEVYS. BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. NOVEMBER 29, 1900, *y ,■ .. .•*_. .r; , Beg'anteg with thl* issue the Tuus- Call will publish au il'ustration er ery day. * 8104—Ladio* Tailor Made Waiit. BM4, 3C, 33, 40 aud 42 inch buafc Metal gray Venetian is here effect' iyely trimmed with lvoiy taffeta and black ribbon velvet, % The waist is mounted on a glors fl ted lining which closes in the center front, the seam* and darts bekjg fcatberboned The backs are smooth across the ehouK ders and display no falloess at the walat line. The perfect adjustment un der the erms is obtained by using an ■nder-arm gore. The fronts are fitted with single bust darli, and fastened with small velvet buttons. Thevars deeply I 'underfaced with white taffeta aid turned back to form broad reyers, whioh are trimmed with rows of black velvet ribbon lat' ticed at the corners. The plastron is permanently attached to the right lining front and fasten iavisibly on the left side. The oollar la trimmed with ribbon, also the Har ing cuffs which complete the close fitt' ing two-piece sleeves. The slight fullness on ths shoulders is distributed in smell gathers. The narrow velvet belt fastens in front with a silver buckle. Broad oi 1 stiles'cloth, covert, cheviot Henrietta, camel’s hair, diagonal and asrgaare appropriate for this mode. Bilk, satin, poplin, vslTet, panne, lace and ribbon forming stylish trimmings. To make the waist In the medium ■ize will require one and three fourths yards of forty four inch ma’cr'a! with flve-eighrbs yard for plastron, fevers, collar and cuffs. The pattern, No. 8104, Is cut in sires tor a 32, r 4, 3fi, 38, 40 and 42-inch bust measure. Mrs, Nettie Smith, the agent for the Sunny South and the Confederate Vet -Brah spent several days here this week, Mr, J . B. Abrams is somewhat im- There’s a Fine T&anfotmi in Prospect JBWL jjrho*e tock ie fed apoo feed and graio atJprtied by J. M. Bar nett. It goe witbouUdjylng that your osttle. borsea nnd po*al;ry > 'vw; I ’i be in j prime condition if tbir daily focdj come* from our erarebouee. You dua’C •tint youraelf-on Tback.giriug—b equa’ly geoeroue to the dumb folk un der your care. J. B. BURKETT, FEED STORE. proved from his recent illness to tbs pleasure of his many friends. Professor von Weller continues quite ill to the regret of his friends. There will be holiday in the schools today and half holiday in mast of the business places. Mrs. C, L. Candler will return this week from Alabama, where she spent several weeks, v ‘ j .'s ' y%*s- ' £*'- ■ Mrt. 51. 5. Colson has returned from a visit to Arkansas. V Mrs. A Cxoyatt has been quite ill for two weeks and her many friends hope for hsr ear;y recovery, Mr. R, L. Byrd, of the naval store firm of R. L, Byrd & Cos., of Pickren, is id the city. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Levy returned last night from a yisit to Sayannah. Mr, J. J, Hlckox, of Lulaton, spent several days shis week in the city. Mrs. J. J. Conoley and Mies Ethel Conoley have returned from a yisit to Washington. Mr. and ( Mrs. C. A. Montgomery leava on the Mallory line Friday fer New Tork, after a'pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. A,(Montgomery. Mlse Mary LUla Blanton returned last night from Charleston, where she attended the Lawrenee-Falne wedding, Mies Janie Symons entertained with a dance last evening. Mr. W. F. Parker has returned from a,trip to Melbourne. Miss Leah Johnson will entertain on Friday evening. There will be e'rylc# ot the (Catho llo chawh tomorrow at 8 o'clock. Mrs. E. F. Coney will entertain shortly at cards and the affair promisee I to be one of the most elegant social event* of the Season. Today being a holiday the library will be closed re opening eUbe usual hour tomoraow by order of G. J. Orr, president. The burglars are in onr midst. A willow recking chair was stolen from the porch of a Union street"' residence before nine o’clock on Tuesday even ing- To Stop a Oold. After exposure or wkea you Tool s oold eom -1b( oa-ake a done of rolov’e Hosey an* Tar It aevor taili to atop a oold if taka* iu time. W Rmtta. NEW ARRIVALS Pickle Beef (in bulk) Saur Kraut (In bulk) Sweet India RelUii (m bulk) Cape Cod Cranberries (iu bulk) AleoNuia, Raisin*, Currants, Caron, etc. for your fruit cake*. If it’s good , <• baVeii IglgjjKgj w Wfiipl/. t 1 * a h§_ Jt J* \ ■ TRY^ Boromol Tooth Powder. - BUTTS, The Druggist, BROWN' Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth of the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Bro\wi Drug Cos. I RUGS wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly- See our new 111 Ifli (I*ls. <ZS. is/pcsafrv' v" LOoiT THE W(|LD OVER * AND YOT CANT CREAM OF 'KENTUCKY' Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY AiTRUST* I. Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillers.- • Sold Exclusively in Braunswick by FR. V. aCDLJCSiL—AS, 206 Bay Street. The World Listens When . Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jthe Fur niture business as of state craft, naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come znd be con vinced.