The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 02, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 91. EMPEROR WILLIAM WILL NOT SEE PAUL KRUGER MmgL Be _ When He r. Arrives. MAKES CONVENIENT /"TO BE AWAV THEN France ires flu a Last Harral. The Grand Old Man Left the Gay French City at One P. m. Yesterday. Bertie, Dec. I —An official of tho for oign office informed a correspondent, of the Associated Press today that the foreign office had been no.ifled Sate yci terday evening that President Kruger srould arrive here Tuesday. The official admitted that Emperor William’s traveling plans may prevent him from seeing Mr. Kruger. KRUG EH 18 OFF Paris, Deo, L—Panl Kruger left lire Hotel Scribe at 1 “o'clock this afternoon 4o a closed carriage surrounded by a ‘ squadron of mounted muoioipa! guards. The crowds which gathered about the hotel was decidedly small compared with the size of those which greeted President Kruger a week ago to our patrons. We always ksep in stock all of the stacdard brands of goods. Headquarters for the finest line of wine and liquors in the city. Speoial qualities for medicinal purposes. Our phone it 144-3, and if you need anything in onr line, call us up, and we will deliver, free of charge, all goods bought of ns. Nice pool tables for the use of onr customers, free of ohsrge. Best lice of 50. cigars in the oily, in* eluding “Little Nobles,” "Saratoga,” gnd many other*. “Tom and Jerry,” prepared in bot tles, Try it. Prat lunob every day. “Tux Pa*lob,” 204jA>ak etreet, J. Mlitpoa, Manager. M Then kagirin/f celery and bananas bast at Lloyds. ’Phone 2)5-2 I HI II Hid nil mm Paris, Dsc. L—When President K ranger started for Cologne today an axeited admirer threw X boqnet at bias with snob fores as to ;draw blood whoa tt struck him on tbs nose. UPRIGHT IS EASYWINMER. DffliM Mr. Corker ft a Vote of 303 to 50. The eleotion for Jaeiioe of the Peaos pasted of quietly yesterday, and save for the presence of a score of workers who stood around the polls, the passer- by would not have known that an elec tion was really being held. Mr. L. J. Leavy was not opposed, aod the con test was between Judge J&moi T. Lambrlght and Mr. A. W. Corker, for Justice of the Ptaoe, for a term of four a count of the votes, the managers announced the reeult as fol lows: J. T. Lambrlght.,,... ...... - 308 A. W. Corker v 6 Majority tor Lambrigbt... . .247 Judge Lambrigbt, the winner by suoh a large majority, is a gentleman who bolds the respect and confidence of the entire community, aod his ex oellent vote shows that the people ap preciate the fact that bets just the man for the position. BRUNSWICK IS ADVANCINTT'" A Pftoe of Nows That Will Interest Everyone. Ye*, Brunswick is growing. New enterprises are homing in, the Mari time congress will soon be held here, and there ia new life and new hope in everything. Likewise, at my store yon will find new jewelry, silverware, novelties, eto.; and in everyway, you will tee that we are keeping step in the onward anaroh of our city. The year of 1900 is fast going out, and another holiday season <• right at our doors, bringiog it* Cfanatmas du ties aa well at its Christmas obeer. You have praaenta to buy, undoubted ly, and you ftel that the selection of nio* and appropriate artioles. at prloe* wltbin tbn limit* of your parte, will prove no small task. It ia the great duty Christmas imposes on man, that bn shall go forth and bay gift* for hit fellow man, and we mty add that he atually pate it off until the eleventh hour, and then goes about hia dety to crowded for time, sad so uncertain about what to get and where to flod it, that Christmas gifts art net the oarefolly ehosen and appropriate se lection* they abonld be, but a hastily eolleeted lot of “thinfa that will do,” tadloaMv* of more good will than good taste on the part of tb giver. To ev ery reader who wiebee to make a sec- BRUNSWICK. GA. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1900. mm hr VI [III Tirts-M Is Nov At tracting Attention. 10 ' Will SUCCEED? This is the Question Now Before the Boys and Girls of Brunswick, A contest of any kind from an elec tion to plain business is indeed interest ing and often very exciting. In a presidential centest everybody is interested from the preacher to the politician and in any local contest all citizens take a gteat di il of interest. Eyery life insurance company is a candidate for business, but the average bead of the bouse does not give it the proper thought. Life insurance is a serious step. Examine all other,pol Iciee and then call on or write J. B. Abrams, District Gonerul Ag-*ut of the Phoenix of Hartford, and he write the insurance. mi 7™ New York, D.c. 1.-Lieutenant Hob ton was taken to the hospital here to day, suffering from Typhoid fetter, Ue is regarded as a very sick man. oese of Cbris'mae shopping, we Biy commence in time! , Later, we eball have a very crowded store, and less time at our disposal for exhibiting different attractions thor oughly to each visitor. Nuw, a few words about the advantage? our pres eot Men* of Christum goods may of fer you poraoually, as possible gifts for your relativss and friends; that is really the thing of importance for yon to oooeider, and what you most wish to know abont, we soppoae: In variaty, novelty, and wide range for selection, to auit all individual needs, onr very eomplete stock will surely please yon. We bav* service able and moat appropriate gifte for everybody, large or krnall, lady or gentleman, ehild, baby or grandparent. In prioee, we ere determloed to make thie a merry Christman, indeed, for nil onr customers, and inenra to every bnyer nt our atom, bonnet vaiuee in goode tint are unquestioned bargains at the prices we aek. From now on until Christmas, we will keep a half page in this paper Ailed with enggeatione. Retd our page “ad" In.this iatoe. nvitieg you to oill and aee our vary baaatifni and intereating lino of holi day novel!!**, end expressing the best wiebee of the season, we remain, Your* respectfully, Kikft ox Mott, Jewel# r and Graduate Optician, 3 Newcastle etrvet. Exports Are Two ni a Half Hillion. FIFTY Ell_ ARRIVALS December Will Pass Last Month by a Very Large Nnmber The shlppieg report for November it indeed a good one considering the fact that on account of the storms along the coast many shlpe find it convenient to lay ap on dry dooke during the first part ol October and the lattor part of November, Notwithstanding this the exports and imparts amounted to $2,- 114 87; arrivals 68, tonnage 48;410, V The Bt. Andrews Brotherhood will v hold another of its interesting debates next Wednesday evening ia the Sun day school room of the Episcopal church. The subject will be gold ver sus iron and au interesting discussion will be heard a*Jo the'relative msrlte of thesetajb val liable tnlfals. DIE# DUCK 1 HAVE ARRIVED New York, Deo. I.—The Duke and Duchess ef Manchester arrived here this afternoon on the steamer St. Louis. Eugene Zimmerman, father of the Duchess extended them a cordial wel come. Tb* Duke explained the rea sons of his romanic wedding satisfaot or; to Mr. Zimmerman. SUIT FOR BIG AMOUNT. E. A. Putnam add O li*rs Hue Mrs. Viol-. Johnson. One of tbe mo*t interesting oases filed in the superior c urt for some years is that of E. A. Putnam and others v*. Mrs. Viola Johnsor, pe tition for tquitahle relief. The plain iff) are represented by JudgeCourtland Symtnes, of this city, and Attorney I). P. Waiters of Atlanta, and it is said that the case will be one of the moat spirited law suits in the history of this county. The case eomes out of the Putnam estate. Mr. E. A. Putnam is the son of Mr. A. T. Putnam, deceased, and Miss Florrie Putnam, another party to the suit ia bis adopted daughter. The case will not be trill* until the Mey term of the Superior court Wood Wood Wood. King up phone 31 dr call at yard cor ner GloooeSter and Grant street*' FURTHER ACCOUNTS OF AWFUL KENTUCKY CRIME The Entire County Is Up In Arms, THE THOUSAND MARK PASSED. Ml CaMMs Male a Good Slowing Yesterday. Yesterday was another lively day for the candidates in the Tixm-Call’s eircus party contest. Altogether 369 votes were oast, of wbieh Miss Addle Tankersley received 137, Mia* Claudia Luoaa 124, Misa Dollie Tison 65, and Miss Madge Young 44. All votes in today's ’paper oan be voted tomorrow. Many stores and of fices will not be opened today, and ef course, they oan be cast tomorrow. They boxea will, however, be at their usual places today,. HOW THEY STAND. Mies Claudia Luoaa v 416 Miss Addle Tankersly 972 Miss Madge Young _ 210 Miss Dollie Tison „106 Scattering 161 Tptal cast .1213 OFFICIAL BALLOT. For the Most Popular Young Lady in Brunswick, I Vote tor Miss... ROBINSON’S SHOW December 2. SHIPPING REPORT Oorreoted Daily by Gapt. Otto Jsbanntisn Pert of Brunasisk, Dee 1,1900. ARBI VXD. Kate B, Ogden, Wilbert Providence. Schr. Harold C • Beecher, Law, New York. Scbr. Frederick Roeasener, Kastman, Bath. Scbr. Thelma, Coombs, Boston. Sohr. Wm. Neely, Thompson, Port land. T* Messrs. M. Emanuel ok Cos , char* tered: Scbr. George W. Wells, 2,743 tone, saw, Capt. Crowley, for a cargo eroaa tie) from Brunswick to New York will Rarry 46.000 ties. Mr, Henry Lontberg, representing Ludden A Betee, will bs in the city for a few day*. If year piano needs tan -Ilg or repairing, yon will do well tw leave erders at Brawn’* drag store. P RICE FIVE CENTS. THE FIEND WILL BE CAUGHT SOON AM Tlei Goins a Barn in at tie Stake. There Will Absolutely Be No Chance for Gibßon if Caught. Catletteburg, Ky., Deo. I—No traee has been found of Wm. Gibson, who Is charged with having tortued bis 3- year-old stepdaughter to death with a red hot polker. Posses are searohing for him, and if he is caoght it is very likely that he will be summarily dealt with. It if thought that the man has escaped into Ohio. Tho orime is one of the foulest ever • immitted in the oeunty, and the impulse* is thoroughly aroused. It it fuggneted that hanging would be too good for Gibson, and many have ad vocated burning him at tho etake if caught. An investigation has revealed the fact that the girl Lillian Roller bad been tortured tor months with a red hot polka. The end oame Tuesday night*when Gibson, it Is alledged, forced a red-hot polker down the lit tle one’s throat, killing her. He then fl-d, after tiring the home of Widow Curtis, two doors away. JSince then he has not bceu seen. Iu tue bouse in wbioh the murder occurred, Gibson’s wife lay on a sick bed, with her two week’s old child, powerless to raise an alarm. Gibson’s 13-yesr old brother witnessed the kill ing, but was afraid to raise an alarm, for fear be would suffer tba same fate. The instrument of torture was an iron poker nbont IS inobes in length. When found it wna lying an tha heartb and was still bot. As soon ns tbs erims bsotme known.'Cbisf of Po lice Yost deputized 30 men, and a search for Gibson was at once began, Tba wife of CLbson, who is undtr guard, does not teem to showwiMM least distress over the obiid't death- . Gibson’s young brother is under arrest. BUTTLE IS RAGING IXI HU London, Deo. I.—A big battle ie ra ging tolajr between General Knox* command and General Dewet’e foreee at Ronxrllle. DeWet’i eaptnrn ie re ported to be imminent.