The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 02, 1900, Image 3
Hi' ill lAy WsSemfi-i f jf ; '/fl|o®H WmHWin ilKi .." •A. ! M3EK3mtV3PPw S&'gSvv WffflMs a-%> isHpfig - •’ \\.{ ~ .iTJjjfTOi, I. . '||' | I Tj Syrup-Bos Actsfleasantfy andfivmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually "when bilious or costive. ./resents in the most acceptable/aim the laxative principles of plants Jcnown to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BEWrUmCTS BUY THE GENUINE - MANFiD. &Y CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAM ruAMCISCO, CAL. tOUISVIUI . KY. NEW YORK. M.Y. _ r ° r by </rven'*f* - p-k. sot en-kotrtt. Give Me Your Order For Groceries. ~1 can ill I It to your satief action. I will taka a*’ ranch cara witn it aa If yon ware hero to watch me. Do'not worry about Ithe;'ijiutlitrrof the goods. l never keep anything hut;the beat. Today’s arrivals— Arraonr’e Vtgoral, l Beef Extract and Beat Extract and Vegetable Tablets Thos. Keany, Groceries. Phone 11. 81! Newcastle Street.* *t KESSIJtRS Cor. Monk md Grant Sta£ L. J. 6c Cos AuotioWrs, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents CoiAignmente Solicited and ProcA Return* Rendered, g J|bial Attention Paid to Collection of Bents COTE YOURSELF 1 ts#s Big® for onoatnral j & di*oh ar gyi In fl*T6 a Horn, ilVlflwuMii B or m •rrtrta'r. ©f in u eou • msmhmties. P--T O—fgjm. ’ami m, f*d nr/% astrtn ” vccLw otui on ABOUT HR. SMITH Tampa Paper Speaks in Higbeat-Terms f o( Him. The following is from the Tampa Tribane. Th* re will be anew face at the tel ler’s window of the First National bank this morning. Mr. George H. Smith, of Brunswick, Ga., has accepted thig import rut position with the bank, and will begin the discharge of his duties today. Mr.’ Smith succeeds Major Douglas Conaley, who has recently been pro moted to assistant cashier. The death •f Petar Suave made a vacancy in the staff of the institution, aud it has been partially reorganiz-d to fill this va cancy. Toe bank *s tobe more ttan 'con gratulated In securing the services of Mr. Smith. For the past three years he has been teller of the National Bank of Brunswick, and such a valu able official did bo prove there that the Tampa concern bad to offer consider* oble inducements to bring Mr; .o Tampa. j Besides.being an acquisition to the business circles of Tampa, Mr. Smith will prove a desirable addition to the (octal circles of tbe city. He Is stop plag at Mrs. Hanford’s. In casea of oatarrb, Hood’s Sarsaparilla heals the tissues, builds up the system, expels impurities from the blood, and oures. P. DEV APIS, (apcerics, Countrt Produce* —Vegetables etc. Also Confesiionerv. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, QA E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseslioer. NOW OPEN. inj the shop on Oglethorpe street, between Mansfield anu Howe A trial wi!lcony!neo you that he knews bis business. Many people worry because they believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their heart, are all right but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dvapepala Cure digests whut you eat and prevents tbe formation of gaa which makes tbe stomach press against the heart. It will cure tcvery rm of tailtgsition. W. J. Butts. 6 EORSIf DETECTIVE A6C’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecy. L. a. LEAVY IVleneaep LADIES SAVE MONEY. The women of today are becoming “nsw” to tbe extent that in JBruna wiok, clothe. cleaning is no longer oonlioed to men’s garments. Evi* denoes of tbis can be seen in tbe vast number of ladies’ dresses that are cleaned each week at Jim Carter's popular clothes cleaning establish ment. J. Odgeri, of Froatbar., Md., writ**: “I bad a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley’a Kidney Care wbiob cave me immediate relief, •nd I was perfectly cored after (eking wobottlea.” Take uo aobatitnte. ELIZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. Mini:... :.;.DHtsitt CIGARS AND TOBACCO ▲II Kind. cfiCandy. THE BRUNSWICK fIMEb-CALL, DECEMBER 2, 1900. To Thk Pcauc: Whereas, There are a number of houses in the sewerage district of the eity not connected with the sewer sys tem; and, Whereas, The time has expired in which the digging of dirt is prohibited by ordinance, or otherwise; aud, • Whereas, The laws oi the city re quire that all houses in the said district shall be connected— This is, therefore, to notify all peo ple concerned, that unless such liou-ej are forthwith connected, tbe owners or agents thereof will be subjected tojthe penalties prescribed by law. Done at the ciiy ball, this l(hh of November, 1900. Dxan D. Atkinson, Mayor. Csld Steel or Death. “There Is but one small chance to save your ife and that is through an operation,” was the awful prospect set before Mrs. 1. B. Bunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis. by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a f rigbtfnl case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Bit teas to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weigbe more and feela better than ever. It’s positive ly guaranteed to onre Stomach, Liver and Kip ncy troubles and never disappoints. Prise 50c at all ding stores. “I have always used Foley’s Honey and Tar cough medicine and think It the best in the world,” says Chas Bender,, newsdealer of Erie Pa. Take no substitute. W J Butts. ANOTHER COLD WAVE COMING Ly in ■ supply of wood at once. For good, dry cord wood, oak or pine, telephone No. 24-3. Bi.eowoxTH & Jones. Ki-na in a tasteless form, without affecting Its medicinal value, combined with aectanilid and iron. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to take. 360 a bottle. For sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist. is. lie Ilirf Esillshienl sos Newcastle fStreet Wishes to inform the ladles of Brunswick that they will find the largest and latest novelties in Hats, - Waits - Caps. - Ribbons, AND ALL KIND* OF; HAIRiGOODS, FANCY GOODS A Specialty. Bloodworth*&iones New Liverv Stables New! [Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given aii orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St B. J. ULEWINE W" % JCJio ’•rles Beilins, Renting, Repairing,; Meaenger Servlet I We aell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of’Wheels for the Least Money. Second hand household furniture bought and sojd, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. D*witr Little *artjr Kitor* an tIM bt>* VlTer pllu arar need*. Xtutj to take aad a*Ter r *pe. W.J.BotW. THE BOER WAR Coat England One Hnodred and Fifty Million Dollars. London, Dec. I. —Parliament, which assembles on December 3rd, most vote £80,000,000 to continue the South Af rican wsr until January Ist, and then £30,000,000 to end the war. This makes 'be cost of c inquiring each Boer £2,- 000, In proportion to tbe number of the enemy, the Boer war has been tl e most expensive in history, DANGER SIGNAL. Remember that your kidneys aot as tbe cesspool of the human body, into which all tbe impurities of ibe system are continually dumped for purifica tion, and when ibe kidneys fail to properly perform tbeir functions, it is a signal of further complications. The liver becomes ologged, tbe blood is Ailed with uric Boid poison, the heart beoumrs in-volved, and unless the proper remedy is applied, your oase will soon be beyond the reach of hu man skill. Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will oure in lees time, and at less ex pense, than any other medioine in tbe world, and it is guaranteed. Price BA cents per bottle. It you oannot obtain if from your druggist, write direct to the company. For sale by all drng glste. PILES CURED.J By using Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure has made a radical cure for me. I suf fered severely from bleeding piles sev enteen years, and although 1 tried ev ery well recommended remedy, failed to reoeive any relief other than tbe most temporary. Finally I commenced tbe use of your medicine, and a very short ouurae of treatment with it bas cured me. 8, Memphis, Tenn, Prloe 50 cents. For sale by all drug gists. A bottle oi Prickly Ash Bitters kept in tbe house and used occasionally means good beal bto ’he whole house hold. W.J. Butts. J.. 1 . x_ 1 i I . —j i_l: -•.!-gel ’*■ ■■ .xiw • Ber the /} ll* e.'ii] Von Have Always Bought KIDNEY DISUSES most fatal of ail dis eases; m EY’C ™ EY CUHE Is R rUIX I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. aud SI.OO. O ’’ >P4O I v • nothing so ooi an (Jhamberlftin’K J’ain Baliu Tt? it* For**le at t*r. Bishop's dmK ' WHY‘ r=Zr=^ DR. HATHAWAY CURES, ■moon for His Marvelous Success— His New, Free Book. Sty .1 Dr. Hathaway's method of treatmentlsnoexperl ment. Itlsthe result of M twenty years of experi ■ ence in the most exten- Jj sivo practleo of any > J specialist In his line In Key; the world. Howasgrad vijf 1 - uated front one of the wjrL best medical colleges in the country and perfect- KwfeiVL ed bis medical and snrgl cal education by exton - sivo hospital practice. Early In his professional career he made discov eries which placed him at the liead of his profes sion an a specialist In treating what are generally known bo private diseases of men and women. This system of treatment he has more and more perfected each year until today bis cures are so Invariable as to be the marvel oi the medical profusion. Enjoying tbe largest practice of any specialist in the world he still maintains a system of nomi nal fees which makes It possible for all to obtain his services. Dr. Hathaway treats and cures Loss of Vitality, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning In Its dif ferent stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, If err mien ess. ail manner of Urinary Complaints, Ulcers, Sores and Hktn Diseases, Brights Disease and all forms of Kidney Troubles. His treatment lor undertpoed mCn restores lest vitality and makes ttwHpattent a strong wsli, vigorous man. or cautery Is phenomenal. The patient Is treated by tbiymethod at his own borne without pain or toss of time from business. This Is positively the only treatment which cures without an operation. Dt. Hathaway can* tbe particular attention of suOacerafrom Varieoeeleand IMxMoTe to pages 27.28,30, and 31 of tie new book, entitled. ’‘Hsnnnam.tflgor. HeaKu,” a copy of which will ho tent free on application. Write today for free book and symptom Wank, reanttemng your anmpkdat. ' J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. ML D. Dr. Hathaway SCo, II Dvyaa Streel, Ssnuwik, Os. matrues taut rarau wane warnons There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Tlirce hundred million Old Virgini* Cheroots smoked this ycu. Ask your own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cents. 4 Advertisers lways PPRECIATE T REAPiNG ICH ETURNS 1 in* m ANDITHAT IS Regular ETURNS EPORTED By Advertisers Iho Use These Columns. Quantity and Quality oi2 Circulation Quantity and[[Quality' to Advertisers And We Give Both WR ALSO——l GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB iWORK. DON’TiSEN DJAWAYI FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL BEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you canget them at home for th© same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours- ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, 206 and 208 Gloucester Street. CHINESE RESTAURANT CHUE HA L, Proprietor You can getltho best the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT ST. There i no pleasure in life if yea dread going to tbe table to eat and ean’t reel at night on ac want of lndigaaeton. Henry William*, of lioouvllla, tar* he tuffarnd that i*r for roars, till he oonuueaoed the uee of Kodol Uyt lepHe Cure, end xddai -Vow lomneatanr thing I like and all I want and deep eonn.Hr l every night.” Kodol Drepepela Cure wMI di- I reet what yoa eat. W.J. Butt*. For Croup use CHBNEYS EXPECTORANT PUTCHMOL, * THOMAS. Lit ary, tOerding and tale table*. Blewt turro ito In the clvy. 1 TVi 97. Blew:** tie St T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stonewall Street. BRUNSWICK, - 6 BORGIA.