The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 02, 1900, Image 4

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Ibe Brunswick Times. EitaMuhed HI9- The Brunswick Call. Eitabliahed 18M. The lirunswjck Times-Call CONSOUOATER, WOO, PobUithed KYKKY MOHNINtt EXCEPT MONDAY. AXTHTJK H. LEAVY - - - - - Editor BOT.AFD A. HULUN I, Bo.ine.. Manager I in OgleUiorpe 810ck,211 TStrael orm * | , iciTjtfHON* mo 31. 70 SUBSOKIBEE3: anbeoribcr# are requested to notify the office When they fall to get any laaue of the Timea- OalL Attention to thie matter will be nppre elated by the publinbera. The Timee-Call (will be' Delivered by aarrier or mail, per year. AS.OO; per week 16 eenta. Correspondence on live enbleeta eolieited. Beal name of writer ehonld ae eompany same. Snbicriptione payable in advance, Failure to receive paper ahonld be reported to the bnsineia Office. ■Addreeiall eommnnicationt to * THE TIMBS-OALL, iSruuawlck.Ga. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertise ments mult be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay tn collecting in the pant, and In future must take advantsge of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10, 1900, WANTED, AT ONCE.—Two print ers— mak-up and straight type-setter. Only one more eleotion this year. We should be thankful, Tbo Boers are the liveliest defeated people we ever saw. | Kruger’s welcome In Franoe caused tbs line to roar but It wes a low rumb ling roar. titnoe (be Times Cam. oirous oon tect started, the management has re ceived many complaint# from sub scribers. Sometimes tbeir paper is taken from Ibelr premise* and vry often the coupon ol'i pedind the piper returned. The 'Junta Call offers a of SB,OO reward for anyone osughtmutiih'lrgor ft-linga paper, and we want to say right here that the pereoh or persons caught will be pros ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. SUNDAY THOUGHTS (ltev. C. J. Vaughan ) Hav* jqiU nought seriously the etrsgbl cate of whioh Christ said, *‘l aru the Doo.?’ 1 , that narrow path of which Chrlat said, “Ia a the Wsj?" Have you knocked at the door which la Christ T Do it now, while there is yet time; do it now, humbly, earnest ly, patiently, trustingly, and yoursoul shall live. Of course, yofl must not trifle. You are not to say that you are and mock Ilim all the in sin. If you would find Him; if you would haTe Hiui open the door to you, wbioh Is Himself, and lat you in; you must fling away resolutely every known ain, and oome to Him with nothing io your hands whioh He would regard ae in sulting and hateful; you muet oat off eaeb indulgence, fight againet each beeetting fault whioh errs against Hia laws. This must you do for your life; and lie whom you seriously seek will hcip >uu ,u do it. Teruape yen Will •ay, what is meant by* coming to Cbriat? What is meant by the oharge to knock at that gate which is Christ Himself! £ know there is a mystery in it. So there is In everything wbiob is spiritual— may X not sj in almost everything which iis natural 7 Christ said to the poor sufferer when He wsa oo earth, ‘ Stretch forth thine hand. He oonid not. Tost was bis malady— the band was withered. But not od that account did be ask. “How can I? And not on that account did Christ stay to srgus with him as to the power Even so it is now. Wben we say,-‘Bs liere on Christ, come to Christ, give yourself to Christ—we speak things mysterious, but not imaginary, and not inapprehensible. Your son), how ever dead, aan articulate its own lan guage; can speak to tbs spiritual; oan draw nigh to tbs Invisible; oso commune in prayer with a God who orested, who redeemed, who oan aave. Koeel down before Him a# a person, ask Him to ba forever your Saviour, your master, your guide, your friend. STOP THAT 4 COUGH I a You oao quickly do so by us £ ing some of our freshly made Triple Streep Hoarhoand Drops They are unexcelled for Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Tickling in the tbroat. etc. Try 5c or 10c worth LLOYD’S, THONK 355 "T (Next door to Fleming & Waff) After exposure or when you fet-1 a oold coming on, take Foley's Honey Bnd Tar. It never fails to cure, and will preveot pneumonia or consump tion if tstrnn in time . I >n’t wi it until the cool pave ooi- \ toy ?e having your overcost>b piv ted or repaired by Jim Cmr r> n i it in now, / For Asthma use CHA NEY’S EX PKCTORA NT. Bears the Kind MaW AiWUVS Botigill * V T There’s a Fine TMsro in Prospect' for ths man whoe .took is fed upon feed aud grain supplied by J. M. Bur nett. It goes without raying that your oattle, horses and poul rj will be in prime condition if their daily food comes from our warehouse. You don’t stint youretlt on Tbauk'giving—be equal'y generous to 'ho dumb folk un der your csre. J. M, BDRHETT, FEED STORE. THfc liKUNSWrCK TIMES-CALL. DECEMBER 2.1900 COURT MEETS TOMORROW. Will Bea Very Iniesestina seal The Deoember term of Glynn super ior oourt will oonvenetomorrowmorn mg at 9 o’clock, Judge J. W. Ben net presiding. This will be an unusually interest ing session, s there are tbree mur derers to be tried, betides a large orimlnal aud civil dooket. Following is tbe list.of drawn Jurors ; GRIND JURY E. D. Waltar C. F. Doerfllnger E, J. Allen Moses Daniel. It. E. Brieteniok C. Downing J. L. Foster L. Fiebelmaa Thomas Fuller P.. M, Ulsch M. Kaiser W. F. Doerfllnger A. J- LUes J >7.0*608 R.;L. Atkinson J. M, Hoodenpyle A. A. Knight J. R. Morton T. Nawman A. K. WsnsJ H, S MoCrarj K. L. MoGougan Howard Waff A. C. Blain R. E. I.amanoe J. J. Spears C. M. Gowen M. Elkan Wm Nigbtiogale 8. A. Barney I’ETIT JUKY, Alex Peters Morton, Jr. J. E. Moore J C Laugbingbouse E. Brobeton J. M, Burnett E, A. I’ennimen J.J- Lott J. 11. Morgan W. D. Forrester J. A. Sapp J. A- Montgomery W. F. Symons R. J. Odum E. H. Mason W. H. Bo wan W. J. Butt# H. H. Raymond H. H. Brady 0. F. Jones A, M. Boss A. W. Couper r ' W. C. Auderson L, E. Robsrts E.R. T. Muudy K. B. Dudley, jr , J. J. Vickera J. D. Pylea Alex Livingston Guts Hoffman R. Q. Jones 8. B. Henderson A. 8. Deaver O, M. Flanders A. W, Floyd John Summerlin Burnett’s Special Mixture is un eq'inled sa a milk produ'-T, >1 ; an -v :ti i : V ‘s, AugustJiFlO've- *'i\: has the 1,, •. u saiejof anv usodloic.- b the civ il <4 world. Your ucothor.'Mid,-rrand n.wO.ji'l never thought of u..... any thing else i.for indigestion or bilious ness . Doctors wore soarce and they seldom hoard of apendlottls, nervous prostration, heart failure, eto. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of und! gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of tbe ner vous and organic system, and* that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with h ladaohe and other aches. You inly need a few doses of Oreen's au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied them Is. nothing serious tbe muter with yoi Ssmnle bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown; Drug Cos Should ba In every household mode oino chest. It affords certain relief OUR UINK OF Gents Furnishings IS NOW COMPIvKTG. New Goods Arriving Each Week J H HELLER & BROS., 314 NeWcastle St. Between C. McGarvey’s and Thomas Keaney. CHEAP ADYEBTISIHG. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements is this column will be insert ed at tbe on,form rate of One Cent a Word for each insertion. No advertisement, however mall, less than 60 eenta. Cash in advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoalno habit; myself cuted, will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hustling young man oan make tft) per month snd expenses, Permanent position, Experience unnecessary. Write quiok for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4tb A Loons Streets, Philadel phia,Pa. HELP WAN'i ED-MALE. Manager.—Old establfshed mercan tile bouse wants honest, capable man to manage branch. Salary $125 month, extra commissions. No soliciting re quired, but must take general direc tion aud be ambitions, Good refer ences and SBOO cash required. Experi ence at manager not neoeesary, if qualified in other reaped*. “Opportu nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn, FOB SALE—BUTLEH’B ISLAND.— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on the Altamaba river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 under bank; also, summer residence on tbe'salts, with small Jfaouse, five miles from Da rien, containing 17 acres. Price for whole, SII,OOO. For further partioniars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinolair, Darien, Mclntosh county, Ga. FOR RENT.—Seven-room house, near the hospital. Only SIO.OO per month. W-W. Brockington. HAY FOR SAL.E,—Five ear loads of choioe Bermuda hsj, at $16.00 per too, laid down in Brunswick, Gt. Sold only in oar load lots at this price .fas. L. Brown, Jr., Greensboro, Oa.fJ for Sale-little ST. simon’s ISLAND, containing 6,000 acres Good game preserve—deer, ducks, etc. besides best fishing on tbe ooast, with bard beaeb of several miles in extent. Excellent oyster bed. Price, $20,000. Also, Capon’# point, on Great St. Simon’s Island, containing about 580 sores, directly opposite Little St. Si mon’s Island. Good Übby foundations for * new bouse. This proptry is sixty miles frpin Savannah, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which places there Is daily connection by steamer. U tv en ibe Island next to Jekyl, and suitable m every respect for a hunting and Ashing club. Price, SIO,OOO. For further p|rtioulre, apply Mr. J a me# T. Dent, Evelya, Glynn county, Georgia. FOR RENTi—Furnished or unfur nished room#.' 603 Mvn#flld street. Mrs. W. H. Antferton . For HAi B-Gaih register and iron safe. Cheap. Apply at this office, ***- W ANTED—Th. ee of tout b 'ardrtb by p vue family. Ta’o’e Sirict y flnt clas: , Apply ai offio*. CALL ON L. A. Miller SV FOR i m weoiiiet Bin Cins il Flooring Large Stock Just Received. Corner By sn.l Mansfield. Shoe* IS? Only place In town whore kiln; dried lumber can be bought. Ts ( )oo Drops - ... , A AV'cgetable Preparationfor As similating lUeFood andßeguta ting the Stomachs andßowels of IN FAN ISA HI LI) Kl-N Promotes DigeslionCheerfut ness and Rest Contains neither Opium,Morphiiie nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. fleece QfOUfrSAMCELHTUWI Semi' Mx-9mna * JULMe&Ot /kdee Seed - isSSiu , Apetfecl Remedy forConslipa- Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish, ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK AI b dioiiih % *1 tl } j DilS) s- I INIS EXALT COPY OF WRAPPER. During _ DecemDer Our Hors will be open until 9 o’clock p m. Spsjy Cots’nt permit us to go in'©-details as to i ... our msguiflcent stock of goods, it would take I pace*. All we ask is to pay ue v*. it and it will I fully pay you to go to that much trouble, tar ! will be astounded at the revelation . When in fcarek,of a wedding present you w It find what you w#nt a' njtr -tore ii, M. iel lR 4 m, WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OLD AGE. Lutes, Bbkto* 00. Ass., Anf. 4. W V|| * (Lp® I am 49 wears old and have been suffering with ■ >. jA\ ; I Ob stiff* of Life. J had floating spell* eo baa that 1 none thought I could Uv. My huaband sot me Witte of Oardal and it my Ufa* lam like H aaether partou ainoa taking it. ■A. \ n MRS. B B. TOWNSEND. !> j\ WselOrSSi B Is the devout wish of nearly aO people to live old sg- None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized UA care be taken of the health In early and middle Ufa. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long ttma Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the tllments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardul will take the female child safely over tbe dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears la her pathway between 40 and 5& Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly tnd gracefully. To tbe last she win preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteiistle _ ... _ of perfectly healthy grandmothers. , unis l Almost •(satTatsT, - tt A ,or ’ romen * l ® ne J Fora4vice in mm rqairing whether they wiQ be hethby or _ The remedy for their sick ■uucus to. ciitui>oo*, Iran. ness is close at band. LARC ON WINE O N CARDUA SOLD FOR SI.OO SY DRUOOIBTS. x WINE OF CARDUI GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / t Signature fjk v* hf Use jvjf For Over Thirty Years 6ASTOIIA was. THC i*ru amun. *w *o# orr*. ,