The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 02, 1900, Image 8
XMAS is but a short month oft and as it is time to begin looking sround for presents, we wish to call your attention to the fact that our new goods are beginning to arrive and we are going to have an exceptionally large and handsome line of Jewely and Novelties. .'V >-■ •* * „• p*p r Don’t Send Away for anything in my line for 1 will guarantee to sell you at the same price and some times less than you can get the same goods away for, and besides saving you all ex' pense, we are here at home where you can reach us should the goods prove unsatis factory. Watch for our special ad next Sunday KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. * IIS Newcastle Street, Inepeeter ot Witches for Southern Kilwy. Time by Wire deily from Washington Coney <fc Parker i DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles'and Paths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks An immense assortment of blue, red] and pink Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, new effects SI.OO to $3.50 / Don’t Forget the AMERICAN GIRL, A shoe as good as the name S CD, OXFORDS $2.00 LEVYS. BRUNSWICK TiMik-CALL. DECEMBER 2, 1900. SOCIETY NEWS. Ml**‘Katie Herts! has returned to her home after a pleasant vuit to Mr*. W. . F ' l F. Doe flmger, couch to the regret of her many friends. Mrs, A. J. Crovatt left last night for Baltimore. Mrs. J, A, Montgomery hts recuvar td front a spell ot malarial fever, Mr. H, B. du Blgnou enterta'nad at tea on Saturday evening. compliment tary to Mis. W. F, Parker. Master Easel Wright gave a candy pulling to some of his little friends last night, which was very much en joyed. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Montgomery left on the Mallory line Fr.dsy for a short visit to New York. They will return to Brunswick next week and will be the guess of honor at an entertainment to be given by Mrs. J, A. Montgomery, Miss Crutch held who is visiting Miss Raeney leaves shortly for her home in Savannah, to the regret of her many friend*. : V: , Mr. H. H Raymond entertained at dinner at the Oglethorpe last evening a parly of thirty gentlemen friends. The entertainment was one ol the most ele gant affairs recently given itj^Bruns wick and the host's gOod health and good fortune In hts rifcw home were the subjects for many toasts. Mr. Ray mond Is a very popular man and bis many friends regret hit departure. On Wednesday evening Miss Janie Symons entertained a few friends with a german. The Invited guests were: Misses Tallulah Flaming, Kellie Greenlee, Anita Courier, Claudia i-ucas, Leonide Courier, Leah John son, Messrs. Frank Stacy. Willie Bail ey, Frank Mallard, LaVergnn Whit field, Leighton Burroughs, Jim Bailey, John Pace, Carrington Cosby, Miss Leah Johnson was the hostess at a delightful party on Thanksgiving evening. Many friends were present and the entertainment was s most en- J lyablc one. The Excelsior Literary Society hts received a number new books pur chased whh the money from their en tertainment last summer. The school library it a source of groat enterttfn rnent and lutell actual beuefit to the pupils and they work very hard to help keep fit up to a good standard. At Christmas|ihs aoc!ety| will glye an en tertainment at which a small fee will be charged for admission. Tho pro esede from this entertainment will go towards buying a sal table book -case for the new hooks. _____________ V*. Mrs. E. F, Coney entertained at whist on Friday eysniag in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Parker of Brunswick. The rooms were beauti fully decoratsd and brilliant with lights. Tae ladies first priso a hand soma china mantel ornament was won by Mrs. B, Whitfield the gentle men's pearl-handled knife by Mr. J. S. Raymond. The consolation, a bot tle of perfume wee wan by Mr. W. H. DeVou. Four tables were played those being: Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. X. r. Coney, Mr. and Mm. B. Whitfield, Mr and Mrs. Was. Tapper, Mr, and Mrs. J, C, Utiles. Miss Nellie Oolesberry, Mr. H. U. Raymond, Mr, W, H. DV%e Delicious refreshments daintily served crewnoj the evening's enjoyment. '- Ol rote no pi in f* here '}UeMy combined with velvet and oar row sllk.^pphquc- The warn is mounted on a glove-fitt ed lining, ahichcloee* in the black. The front is fee .-d with Velvet to a joke depth and the, pogl’n arranged in backward turning tacks on the should ers. The fuller as in the center Is gathered at .he lower edge of the dfi yose and slightly bloused over the nar row velvet girdle A smooth adjustment is maintained under the arm and across the shoulders • boss— M inti’ Fancy Wait*. 80$k~Mis*’ svn Gored Skirt. Waist, 12, 14 and 18 year*. 1 fklrt, 12, Hand 18 years. ** Tbs fabric f lull at tho neck an 4 drawn down straight to th# waist line in the back. The high collar and yoke arc trimmed with ai piique. The upper part ot tho cttwmntting sleeves is tucked and 'be wrists are fin ished vfth flaring eaffi Tbesktn is made with seven com paratively narrow geres which fit per tectiy smooth aroard the waist and over the hi us. The Htams are trimmed with bands of applique. Extension* added on each side of the eore from tbs point where tba ai pl'q e **<J* are ar ranged iu hollow box ulatu had flatly Plowed.‘The fullness thu* added g vea s graceful B*re around tbe lower edge of the skirt. Velvet is applied on the maliee: tbe box plaits, which open aad show tho trimming, * Tbe kidneys are small but important organs. They need help occasionally. Prickly Ash Bitters is a successful kidney tonlo and eysfem regulator. W.J. Butts. a SWEET | HONEY Jutt from th country, in one pouod Motion*. Try one pound, oxly 1340, If its good we have it. TRY^. Boromol Tooth Powder. BUTTS, The Bruges}, BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brown Drug Cos. RUGS' wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new Hill mi ins. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND TOT CAN’T BEATW— CREAM OF EEiIICKY Whisky. V $l.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GfLLON. ~ NOT MADE BY A2TRUST I. Trager & Cos,, Independent Distllers. Sold Exclusively ia Brunswick by K : FR. V. DOUGL. AST, 206 Bay Street. The World Listens When \ . Leaders Talk, This is as true of 2the Fur niture business as of state craft. naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERSvIN OUR BUSINESS, Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.