The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 04, 1900, Image 1
THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 91. ■ IS 1 "I Hi B gkni Yesterday Jraim Wra m ibi Judge Bennet Hakes a Strong Charge to the Brand Jury, The Cases Filed. The December term of Glynn Super ior Court was convened yesterday - moraine at 10 o’clock by Judge J. W. Bennet. The court a - , e C3 got down to work, 'and after its forma'ion began to try cases. The grand jury held a session and' elected Mr. Mose Daniels foreman and Mr. Howaid Wall c'erk Judge Bennet’s oh trge to the g<aud jury, while brief in verbiage, we from a leg tl standpoint, a masterful portrayal of the penal statues, and each of the important, criminal laws so gen , erally ylolated by the public was fully and logically defined. The court grew particularly elpqueot when referring to tbe whiskey and cigarette traffic aud thoroughly- CUi lined to the grand jury its duty in cases qjrhere theta laws were not kept invio late. Gaming also received Judge Bennet’s attention and ha charged spe cifically on this question, giving to the jury the recent enacttens of the legis lature whereby smaller gaming devices are brought under the general law. The court In turn touched upon dls Curbing holy worship, carrying conoeal • and weapons, railway duty as to Ice water, duties of public officers, etc., and in each case the law wss made thor oughly manifest to the jury. During tbe day tbs following cases were d'sposed of: .!" Sarah Carter vs. J. M. Carter, di vorce, second verdict for ptaiiiff. Joe I’rayer vs. Bertha May Prayer, divorce, second verdict for plaintiff, Thos. Campbell vs.'Patsy Campbell, Divorce final verdict for plaintiff. John Lamar vs. Lottie Lamar, di vorce, first verdict for plaintiff. T. J. Cody ys. Leila Cody, divorce, Bscond verdict for plaintiff. Thos. D. Bows ys, W. fl. Harrison Suit on note, judgement for plaintiff. EJ. L. Courron iff, j^d^-ction, Glynn county e court ruling ad a judgement Lary Johnson, ;tlsd and die 30 this morn ,he two jurlos ia^l: T. , Forney PRESIDENT ITONLEY SAYS THE WAR TAXES MUST BE REDUCED AT ONCE Annual Message to Congress Was Read and Most Enthusiastically Received. .: ; ' ‘. L -; ,\V' , ,’•fy . ... >'. '’ .• \ . _ •" . ,r..\ . v, •. .v t HI iS 1 SOGGEBT ANY RICH OF If SOUTH’S REPRESENTATION i ■ * ■■ 1 ■■ ■■Ui—■ V'. jf‘. ;• i\ Filipiflos Are "ffarfls of Hatioii;’’ Says War m P&iliplnes is ADbbl 07er~Snrplns ii Treasury is Now Terr Larp-Siall New Beds Have Issued Many Bills. Washington, Dec. 3.—The opoining of congress drew a greet crowd to the capitol intent on witnessing "*tbose in teresting scenes marking the inaugura tion of the legislative work of the gov ernment. On June 7 last the first ses sion of the Fifty-sixth congress ad journed and the second session began i'* ‘ 4 > ' today With many momentous questions awaiting the attention of the national lawmakers. The president’s message was then read in both houses, as fol lows: PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. and House of Repre- At.the outgoing of the old and Incoming of tbe new century you begin the last session ol the Fifty-six congre-s with evidences on every hand of incV'yldual and national prosperity &Ld with proof of the growing strength ■J ’•T : ~ and Increasing power for good of re-, publican institutions. Your country men will join with you la felicitation that American liberty is more firmly established than ever before aud that lo'-e for it and the determination lo preserve it are more univeisaLtUan at' any former period of our history. The republic wss ileyer so strong,be cause never so strongiy Ipiwncbed In the hearts of the people as now. The Constitution, with few amendments, exists as it left the hands of the auth Moses Daniel. M. Elkan R. E. Brieieniox C. Downing L. Fiebeimsn * C. M. Gowen Thomas Fuller P. M. Ulsoh M. Kaiser W. F. Daerflioger A. J- Liles J W. Owens R. L. Atkinson J. M, Hoodenpjle J. R. Morton J. J. Spears A. E. WeczJ R. E.Lsmance H, 8 MoCrary E. L. McUougen Howard Waff PETIT JURY. Lewis Morton, jr. JC Laiighingbonse E, A.Psnnimen J. J* Lott J. H. Morgan W. D. Forrester J. A. Montgomery R. J. Odum W. H. Bowen A. W. Conpsr H. H. Brady 6. F. Jones W. C. Anderson L. E. Roberts E.R. T. Mundy John Summerlin J. J. Vickers J. D. Pyles Alex Llviagstan C. W. Floyd R. C. Jones 8. B. Henderson A. 8. Dsaver C. M. Flanders C. H. Leavy M.*T. Scarlett J. W. Mock J. M. Phillips Clinton Brown T. W.Lemb BRUNSWICK, GA. TUEUSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1900. ora. The addhione which have been made to it proclaim larger freedom and mere extended citizenship. Popu lar government has demonstrated in Its 124 yer-s of trial here its stability and seourity and Its efficiency as the best In strument of national development aud tbe best safeguard to human rights. When the Sixth congress assembled In November, 18 10, the population of the United States was 6,808,438.; Lt is now 76,304.799. Then we had 36 sta Now we have 46. Then Our territory "?. V‘ consisted of 909,05|0 eq u&rc miles. ,Jt ! now mHsffijgj*^ Education, religion) ' morality ’b ; y.;* • ", .*• ' have kept pace with our advancement In other directions and,/Whileextend ing its power, the government has ad hered to its foundation principles and abated none of them in dealing wNh our new peoples and posaeajrttfitt, A uatton so preserved anj blessed gives rover ent God and Invokes His guidance and 1 the cont.inuanae of His oare and favor. ' AS TO CHINA.' The recent troubles in China spring from the anti-foreign agitation, which for tbe past three years has gained strength in the northern provinces. The telegraph and the railway spreading over their land, the steam ers plying on their way, the merchant and the missionary penetrating year by year farther to the Interior became lo the Chinese minds types of an alien in vasion changing the coarse of their na tional life and fraught with vague fore bodings of disaster to their b -liefs and their self control. The matter of indemnity for our wronged citizens is a question or grave concern. Measured In money alone a sufficient reoaration may prove to be beyond >he ability of China to meat, All the powers concur in emphatic die clalmers of aay purpose of aggrandize ment through the dismemberment ot tbe empire. 1 am disposed to think that due compensation may be made In part by Increased guarantees of security fer foreign rights and Immunities, and, most important ef all. by the opening of China to the equal commerce of all the world. PARIS EXPOSITION. At the Paris exposition the c:ntrl bution ot the United States wae not only the largest foreign display, bat wan among the earliest In place and most orderly In arrangement. LYNCHING. Lynching must not be tolerated iffia great and civilized country like the United States. Courts, not mobs, mast execute the penalties of the law, The iffeervatlon of order, the right of dis cussion, the integrity of the courts, and tide orderly administration of justice 0 must continue forever the rock of safety .upon wl 'oh ear government securely rests r, THE TREASURY. It is gratifying to be able to state tlm the sepias revenues for tbe fisoal .year ended June 30, 1900, were $79,- 527,060.18, Jsnr .(he six preceding years we bad *)niy deficits, tbe aggre gate of wbichifrom 1894 to 1899, inclu sive, amounted to *283,022,991.14. The reoeipts for tbe year from all sources, exclusive of postal revenues, aggre gated $567,240,851,89, and expenditures for all purposes except for tbe admin istration of the postal department, ag gregated *487,713,791.71. SHIP SUBSIDY. I am satisfied tbe judgment of the oountry favors the policy of aid to our merchant marine, whioh will broaden our commerce and markets and up build our sea-carrying capacity for the produots of agriculture ar.d manufac ture, which, with th increase of our navy, means more work and wages to our countrymen, as well as a safeguard to American interests in ei?ry part of the world. THE TRUSTS. “It is apparent that uniformity of action legislation upon this subject in the several Stares is much to be de sired.” THE PHILIPPINES. In my last annual message 1 dwel* at soma length open tbe oondition of affairs in tbe Philippines. While seek ing lo impress npon you that the grave responsibility of the future govern ment of those islands rests with tbe oongress of tbe United Etates. I ab stained from reoommending at that time a specific ati) final form of gov ernment for tbe territory notnally held by the'United States foroas, and as long as iosnrreotion continues, that the military must neoetearily be sn preme. REDUCE THE WAR TAX. r— * 1 recommend that congress at its present naaioa reduce tbe internal revenue taxes imposed to meet tbe ex pense* of tbs war with Spain in tbe rum of *30,000,006. This reduction should be seoured by tbe ramiasion of those taxes whioh experience bre shown to be tbe most burdensome to the Industries of the people. PORTO RICO. The civil government of Porto Rico, provided for by the act of congress.! approved April 12,1900, is in success ful operation. The courts have been established. The governor and bis associates, working intelligently u. harmoniously, are meeting with com mendable auooess. FUTURE OF CUBA. On July 25, 1900, 1 dlreoted that a call for and election In Cubs for members of a constitutional con vention to frame a constitution on a basis for a_ stable and independent government on the Island. When the convention oonoludee its labor, I will transmit to the oongreas the constitu tion as framed by the convention for Us consideration, aud for auoh action as it may deem advisable. AGAINST A DECREASE. I recommend that the oongrore, at its present session, apportion repre sentation among the several Slates as provided by the Constitution. MISSIONARIES MASSACRED. Berlin, Dec. 3. —Nearly one hundred missionaries were masiaored in San Si province. The governor of that pro vince poigniardud nearly a’l the vio time himself. iHLectkd and eputy Mayor, Londoo, Deo, 3.—Capt, Sycamore, commander of Sbamrook 11., was to day elected Deputy Mayor of Bright ling Sea. PLEAD GUILTY TO THE CHARGE. Lansing, Miob.. Deo. 3.—W. L. White, formerly Quartermaster Gen eral of the Miohigan National Guard, plead gmlty to tbe charge of oompliei tv in tbe State military clothing frauds. Judge Wirst sentenced blm to ton yenrs’ Imprisonment. A REMOVAL, The Elk ealoon has remoyed Into the Warnke building In the rear of the court house and will be ready for bjslnesa tomorrow. Mr. K E. Owens will move into tbe building formerly occupied by the Elk. FOR RENT.— Unfnraiskod rooms, itb use of bath, at 700 G street. ?RICE FIVE CENTS. it m i n ■ ■ Ttiree Quarrelled eg Tlree Arc .Dead. GAME STATION AGENT Brothers Begin the Shooting But the Agent Soon Ended It Parkdale, Ark., Dec. 3.—A fatal shooting affray occurred here this af ternoon and as a result three promi nent men are dead. Two Killian brother went over to tbo station and got into a dispute with Agent Philips about some goods which had been shipped by them, The quart rel got warmer and warmer until pis tols were drawn and shooting Btar All three were killed: BAR FORCE BACK, Too Rough to Work on the Fernan d’na Bar at Piesont. Col. U. P. Goodyear's force whioh left hsre some time ago to work on the Fernandina bar under a contract from the government, bave returned to the city. A member of tbe force told a repo;tv er yesterday that they found It too rough to work at this time of the year, but would return in the spring. It is understood that Colonel Goodyear baa secured the consent of the government to this arrangement, SHIPPING REPORT Oorreoted Daily by . Oapt. Otto Johanacstn Port of Bruiuuiek, Dec. 3, 1900. ARRIVED. Scbr. Willie L, Newton, Coatnbs, New T'ork, Sohr, R. Bower, Yeung, Providence. Sohr. Cassie F. Bronson, Bennett,. New York. Scbr. Wesley M. Oler, Harrimao, Perth Amboy. SS. Colorado, Avery. New York. Hues, bark Fber Brahe, Westsrlund, Cork, Scbr. J. Manchester, Haynes Mat thews, Boston, via. Fernandina. AT THE GRAND. The Kobeon Theater Company open ed its return engagement last sight to a fair houae. The bill last night was entitled ‘‘Romance of the South." This drama waa seen here laet season, being one of the plays of the Chapman-War ren Company’s repertoire. W. Robson was cast as Jack Diamond and did well. Richard Marsdeo as Denver Dan amus ed the audience. The company as a whole is fair. Tbe Wayoross lodge of Elks will in stall tbe officers in tbe Elk ledge jest formed et Tbomaavill*. Breoswiok ie probably tbe only large town la the South witbeut an Elk lodge. Wonder why?