The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 04, 1900, Image 2
Eruptions Dry. moist, scaly tetter, all forms of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions proceed from humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective digestion and as similation. To treat these eruptions with drying medicines Is dangerous. The thing to do is to help the sys tem discharge the humors, and to strengthen it-against their return. ' Hood’* B*rap*rii|* permanently cored 3. G.-Hlnea, Frank*. 11L, of eczema, from which be had auffered for eotae time; and Mia* Alrlna Welter. Bo*2tt, Algona, Wi*.. of pim ple* on her face and hack and ebaf*d iktn on her body, by which *b had been greatly troubled. There are more testlmanlal* In favor of thl* rreat medicine than eon be published. Hood’* Saraaparl/ta Promises to cure and keeps the prom ts*. No longer put off treatment Buy a bottle of Hood’s today. both maker* and circulator* of counterfeit* commit fraud, Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthleee counterfeits of De witt’* W Itch llaxel Halve. The original la In fallible for curing pile*, core*, eczema and all aklu disease*. W. J. Butte. CALENDARS FOR 1001. The Plant System passenger depart ment has recently issued a beautiful calendar for the year 1902, which also contains a sheet for Decembo-, 1900, You can obtain one by calling at the Plant System passenger office toot of Gloucester street or telephone 52 and you will haye one sent to your office, For LaGriDDe and enzause CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT*. PERSONAL Ml., Capt, Charles Turner Is spending some time In the city, Mr. A.C- Shannon came oyer from Savannah yesterday to attend ordi nary’s oourt, Mr. Thomas W. Lamb is a visitor In [ the city. The Mallory steamer arrived yester day morning. Mr. Raiford Odham wae a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. James T. Colson has returned from a two weeks’ visit to New York. Mr. J, A. Ward, of Bladen, spent yesterday in the oity. Mr, Alex. Livingston, of Fancy Bluff, was in the oity yesterday, Mr. Marion T. Scarlett, of Fancy Bluff, is in the oity. Mr. J. L, Eddinge was among the oounty visitors to the oity yesterday. • Solicitor-General Bennett is attend ing Glynn Superior oourt. Mr, Edwin Brobaton <• in Atlanta, Mr. Brewster Philips, of St. Simon, was in tbe oity yesterday. Prof, von Weller was reported dan gerously ill yesterday. Half the World is in Darkness u tol the cause of their ill;heaUh. If they would •tart to treat their Iddney* with Foley’* Kid neyj Cure, 'the; wcarlnea* of body and mind, back tchei;headache 'aud’Trheumatic "pains would disappear. W.'J.Butt*. Dewitt’*” Wltch Hazel Halve will quickly heal tbe wont burn* and acald* and not leave a *car. It can be applied to cut* and raw aur facea with prompt and looming Affect, Ueelt for pile* and skin disease*. Beware of w orth lesa counterfeit*. W, J. Unit*. TIE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, DECEMBER 4, l®§. A Talk On Lumber With any builder in Bruoswick will prove to your entire satisfaction that vou can buy the best quality of soft or hardwood lumber, faney hardwood trim or flooring at price* tbat we will challenge companion on, quality con sidered,'with anyone dealing in lorn ber io the Kate of Georgia. Our stock is picked front tbe obaieeat, LANG, WOOD & CO. BoodPositions Ij iL.-^rJ^EcußEa’ a^^^WOMENI (otJrse ‘ pjOHMUrfjjw j j BUSINESS-, j CO LIE BE f ' , , $ Instructions l i wM%Zbatomr/fi ?/.& OASTOni/L. Bar* tU _/f Rs Kind You Haw Always Bought Watch This Space For Grand Holiday Announcement A. ROTHCHILD, THE JEWELER. Next Door to the Court House, "Whole Codfish is the best. Campbell’s Condensed Soup ioc, i Can makes soup for'thejaniily. “Clover Hill” Butter has no equal. The best io cents can or corn the city, A. O. JEFFERS, i RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hausen, Lima, 0., engineer L. E. &W. railroad,' writes; “I have been troubled a great deal with back ache. I was induced to try Foley’s Kidney Care, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly reoommend it to any one, especially; my friends among tbe trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” Wher. you feci tbat life 1* hardly worth tbe caudle take a doce of Chamberlain'* Stomach and Urer Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowel*, making yon feet like anew man. Tot tale at BUbop* Drug Store. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois, writes: “My llttl* boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor, we gave him Fotey’a Honey and Tar. The result was magioal and puz zled tbe doctor, at it Immediately stop ped the ranking cough, and he quickly recovered,’’ STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stoveldoctor, repairs all kinds of book btoves and ranges, and bays and sella asoond -band stoves. 114 HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catirrh tbat oan not be oared by Hall’s Catarrh Care. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable in alt business transactions, and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Weal A Trnax, wholesale’drnggists, Toldo, O. Walding, Kin nan A Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O, Hall’a Catarrh Care it taken inter ally, aoting directly upon the blood and mnoou* surfaoes of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75e, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hail’s Family Pills are tbe best. George A. Point*, Upper Sandusky, 0., write*: “I have been using Fo- Isy’s Honey end Ter for hoarseness, end find tt the beet remedy I ever tried. It stopped the ooagb immedi mediately, and relieved all aorenese.” A Frightful BlundVbj J rJHWjjfe Will eften'esuie a horrible b/£ or Brut*.-Buckles’* tbe world, wIH kill the pain and promfi liM It. CnretOld BoresjFeveriSorea, Ulcer*, Boil* Felon*, Corn*, all Skin Eruptioss. Beet Pile Sure on learth, Only V *t, a box. Cure gur anteed, Sold by all druggist. Fragrant as ripe fruit—Pare as a mountain spring—Hoary’*'with age and a blessing to men, when rightly need. That’* what Harper’s Whiskey is. Sold by T. Newmah, Brunswiok, Ga. A Card. The manufacturer* offlßsnner Salve have an tborlaed tke undersigned to it for buna, cut*, sore*, nlosrs, tetter,’ sciema an! all ski* diseases Touiiave your money back .l >Mt’< I>*U it claim*. WJ. Butt*. This is the season when mothers are aia.-med on accounFof croup. It ie quickly cured by One Minnte Cough Core, which children like to take. W, J. Batts.