Newspaper Page Text
Tie Brunswick Times.
SstnbUshed 18*8.
Tie Brunswick Call.
• Established UNO.
The Brunswick Times-Call,
Fublisktd i
AKTSDB H. HEAVY ----- Editor
NOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager
Bubeoribers are requested to notify the office
trkn they rail to get any Issue of the Times-
CalL. Attention to this matter will be sppre
etated by tbe publishers.
The Times-Call' [will be' 'Delivered by
sorrier or maU, per year. *5.00; per week 16
•nta. Correspondence on live subjects
allotted. Beal name of writer should ac
company tame. Subscriptions payable In
dvsnos. Failure to receive paper ehould be
reported to the business office. 'Addreseall
eornmnnitations to _
Brunswick, Go.
Hereafter all legal advertise
ments must be paid for after the
lrst Insertion. Tbe management
has been pat to a great deal of
trouble and delay In collecting in
the past, and in future must take
advantage of the Georgia law on
thie subject Got. 10,1900,
WANTED, AT ONCE.—Two print
er*— mak-up end straight type-setter.
Mr. Clark, of Montana, has bean
vindicated at an expenee ot $500,000
Savannah ia winoing under the eta
tietioa! poeition of being the eeoond
wickedest oity in tbe country.
Admiral MoNair, wbo died on
Thanksgiving, was a lieutenant in
Fsrrsgut’s fleet. One by one tbey are
paeeing away.
Nebraska populists threaten to pre
vent the republican governor from
taking bis seat loon use he has tre%id
voters to drinks sod cigars.
One of tbe first ibiug* to be done in
New Turk in oleariug that oity oi
vioe will ba to settle tho difference be
tween ex-Mayor Hewitt and ex-Sa
perinteedent of Police Murray.
Judge Bonner, in bia charge to the
grand jury, w- very Vmplmtlo when
lie reached Ibe subject of olgarettee,
whiskey and gaming.
It is a well known fact that an; boy,
be be ever eo young, can buy all tbe
cigarettes be desires, although tbere
is a law against it, A youth, between
tbe ages of 16 and 30, oan purchase a
barrel of whiskey every day if he oares
to Gaining Is getting so common now
tltftottmwds of young negroas oan be
vHßpEootlng the oelebrated “crap”
on the.sldewalks. These three evils
esixt right under the eye of tha law
nod it has reached auoh a point now
that something must be done.
The anti-cigarette law is violated
snore than any other ;the whiskey law
is an easy saoond, and the gaming
well that seems to be general, esped*
dally among tbe younger set. /
' The Timks-Call la not ao organ of
feigned raform, but it it a pnblio
newspaper, with law and order as its
We are asrere of the fact that it is
not policy to jump tbe .whiskey men,
bat we are jumping them anyaw - those
wbo disobey the law.
We know the tperehante who sells
oigsrettes gives us business, but we
are Jumping them too.
We want tbe law enforced and no
honest man can objeot to thie
Some time ago a wave of reform
etrnok ‘oertain quarters" in Bruns
wick. Tbe bakery, the drug store t tbe
cigar stand ail came for their share,
Oaa sold bread on tbe sabbath, mind
you, bread, another told sodawater,
yea aodawster, and another sold ci
gars, actually sold oigsre. Now we
say to the gentlemen wbo backed this
movement to go for those who are vio
lating onr laws in the three above re
cited instances.
I’oblio sentiment is against a law
wfalob forbids the selling of tbe staff
of life on Sunday, but it is not against
the laws which forbids tbe sale of li
quor and oigsrettes to minore.
You can quickly do sob
{ ing some of our freshly made
Triple Strength
Hum Drops
They are unexcelled for
Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness,
Tickling in the throat, etc. Try
6c or 10c worth
THONE 256-9
(Next door to.Flemlng A Waff)
After expoeure or when you fesl a
oold coming 00, take Foley’s Honey
and Tar. It never falls to cure, and
will prevent pneumonia or consump
tion if taken in time .
Don’t vvsit until tbe cool wave du'isb
before having your overcoat oi-n ed,
pressed or repaired by Jim Carter
S nd it in now.
For Asthma use ORK
OA .J TO It. IA.
Beam the Tin Kind Von Have Always Bought
S Al t -^ L - m 'J
From man or beast al to quality or
quantity of the grain and feed we sup
ply. The beast ae well ae its maiter
will be satisfied—tbe beast beoauie it’
well nourished, it’s master became hie
stoak present* a good appearanoe and
doe* good woYk.
fi mt wm
9oem* easy to a man, bat there is e
groat deal of lifting and reaching to do;
a great many tup* np end down stairs to
tnske in the course (A day’s hons work.
It’S hard where a woman ia weL. For
a woman suffering with some form of
"female trouble” it • ■ ■
is daily torment.
There are thousands f } J
of aucta
struggling along, day Kwfeif y"
by day, in increasing j
misery. There are jjrrstaffi‘tU, XSS
other thousands who y\ { *4
have found a com- —, li F
plete cure of tbeir A*d7f eg,
disease in the use of '%T|| \ E5-\r' J
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite A/Jlj I Y
Prescription. It JpU ASHMi
stops debilitating *OjL LJeSEeb
drains, cures irregu- TSgJjjf
iaritv, heals mtlam- Wjj'J r]Hn
matiem and ulcera- "wwT f V
tion, nourishes the I 'JE|§*§
nerves, And gives
Vitality and vigor. - XjHHBQE'v
It make# weak /// ■]
women. atroug and- if- ■ I
tick women welt It / II
contains no opium, / K|
cocaine nor other I Hi
Is you for Oslo. I mstvod a vsry mweursgio#
rtjfly, sad ccmussoetd treanecat St onoe. 1
htd not assd ¥tr ‘ Vsrofftr Prescription • |
week betels I mid (o feel better, aid. u I
continued, ta J beaUi) mduolly improved. Ula
improving erefy day *
Dr. Pierce’s Common Senas Medical
Adviser is sent frat ua receipt of stamp*
to pay cost of mailing only. Send it
one-cent stamp* lot a book jta
covers, or ji stamps in cloth, to Ur,
R. V. I’verce, Budkin, N. Y.
t.Burnett’s Bpecitl Mixture is un
equaled ss * milk producer,
iriHiif, ANWERED.
Yes, August;.Fiower gtUl has the
largest salejof any medicine In the civ
ilized world. Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing else for lndlgerfkon or bilious
ness. Doctor* wore scarce and tbey
seldom heard of apendlcitU, nervous
prostration, heart failure, etc. They
used August Flower to clean out the
system and stop fermentation of undi
gested food, regulate tbe action of the
liver, stimulate the action of the ner
vous and organic system, andj thatls
all they took when feeling dull and bad
with headache and other laches. You
only need a few doses of Green's Au
gust Flower, in liquid form, to meke
you eetlsfled there is. nothing serious
the matter with you Semple bottles
at Butts drugetore or Brown'. Drug Cos
Should be lu every household mode
cl no chest. It affords certain relief
’ Monster IDevii Fi*hl
gDestroyii)* Its vietlm, is a type of Consume-
Hon. Ths power of this murderous malady is
elt'on organs; and nerves sad muscles sod
brain. Therejg no health till it"* overcome
Rut Dr. King’s New Lite I’iUa are s sate end
certain cure. Best in the world for Stomsch
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only *8 cants at
Ml druggists.
For Whooping Cough use
Georgia—Glynn County.
Wherea*, John J. Spoarts adminiatrator of
L>. B. Kraory eatate, repreatnts to the court in
hi* potitlou, dnly filet! and on to red on record,
that be has fully administered said I>. B. Em
ory estate. TWa ia therefore to cite a\! persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said administrator
Bhould not be discharged from hi* ArtminUtrA
tioD, and receive letters of diamissiou on the
first Monday in February, 1901.
HORACE DART, Ordinary.
To Our Patrons:
We always keep in stock all of the standard brands of
goods. Headquarters for the finest line of wine and
liquors in the city. Special qualities for medicinal purposes.
Our phone is 144-3, a>d if you Need anything in our
line, call us up and we will deliver, fiee of charge, all goods
bought of us. , r '
Nice pool tables for use of our customers free of
Best line of cigars in the city, including “Little
Nobles," “Saratoga" and many others.
“Tom and Jerry” prepared in bottles. Try it,
200 Monk Street
Advertisements in this column will be insert
ed st tbe uniform rate of One Cent s Word for
each Insertion. No advertisement, however
mall, less than SO cents. Cash in advance.
Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoalne
habit; myself cuted, will inform you ol
harmless, permanent borne cure. Mary
G. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago.
Hustling young man ca make *6O
per month and ‘kxpepaes, Permanent
position. Experience unnecessary.
Write quick fbr particulars, Clark A
Cos., 4th & Locus Streets, Philadel
phia, Pa. ' -
Manager.—OSS rstobiished mercan
tile bouse went* honest, capable man
to manege branch, Salary $125 month,
extra commissions. No soliciting re
quired, but most take general direc
tion and be ambitions. Good refer
ences end SBOO cash required. Experi
ence as manager not neoessary, if
qualified mother respects. “Opportu
nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn,
This well-known rice plantation, sit
uated on the Altamaba river, opposite
Darien, containing 1,200 nnder bank;
also, summer residence on thelsslts,
with emtll .boose, five miles from Da
rien, containing 17 acres. Price for
whole, $11,003, For further particulars,
apply to Mr. T. Sinclair, Darien,
Mclntosh county, Ga.
ISLAND, containing! 0,000 acres
Good game preserve—deer, ducks,etc.
besides best Ashing on tbe coast, with
bard beach of several miles In extent.
Excellent oyster bed. Price, $20,000.
Also, Canon’s point, on Great St.
Simon’s Island, containing about 680
acres, directly opposite Little St. Si
mon’s Island. Good tabby foundations
for anew house. This property is
sixty mites from Savannah,fourteen
mile* from Brunswick, with both of
which places there is daily connection
by steamer. It is on the Island next
to Jekyl, and suitable m every respect
for a buntinggnd Ashing club. Price,
SIO,OOO. For fttrtbaFjiertiouUrs, apply
Mr. Evelyn, Glynn
county, Georgia
J. W, Watkins will loan
you money on personal prop
erty and real estate.
. -
A bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters kept
in tbe heave and used occasionally
meant good health to tbe whole house
hold. W.Jf. Betts,
L. A. Miller
FOB ’.':'
mm niter eng
deni Firing
Large Stock Just Received.
Corker Bay and MausAeld. I’lione 177
Only town where kiln dried
lumber can be bought.
[f t ji oo Drops)
’ jfIRH g*
lfc.Jp Sff ** ' - ™ ■'
f ~~T T - ‘ ~ 1
AVtgefable PreparalioufohAs- I
similating lliclt'Odandßegida- |
ling the StDinachs iindßowels cS
lIN FAN I S/'i H 11.1) HI. N
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
ness and Rest,Contains neither
’’ pmyAX Semi' ,
Mx.Souul - j
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
-Ilon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions ,Fc verisKv
ness and Loss of Sleejp.
Fac Simile Signature of
Alb tinmh% <ild
) j Dost S-Jj(.IMS
Our store will be open until 8 o'clock p. m,
Spec* docs’nt permit us to go into details as to
our magnificent stock of goods, it would take
pages. All we aek is to pay us visit and it will
fully pay you to go to that much trouble, lor
will be astounded at the revelation.
When In s< arch of a wedding present you
w-T1 find what you want afonr etoro
—JBnm Go. Am., Ao*. *. ■ jl 1 ’|f,m
I eo 4* mo old and bar* ban anflarinv with g . a. A I JJ* gg
Chance of Life. I had flooding epelle ao bad tha*
aooa ihou*h I could live. My bnaband got ma
Win# of Cards! and It ,T.d my Ufa. lam Uka \ >vl
•aether poraon alnoa taking It. N a
ÜBS. a. B. TOWWSEXD. * |\
B b the devout wish of netrly all people to live to a rip* old qe.l
Bone of us want to dit young. This universal desire can be realized if
can be taken of the health la early and middle Ufa A little precaution then
will add many yean to our aaistenca Death can be kept away a long
tta*. Happy, healthy eld agt will b* the lot of tb* woman who promptly
corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. la youth, Win* of Cardul will
take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and
womanhood. Asa wife she needs It to help her through tha trials of
pregnancy and childbirth with as Bttla discomfort as possible At thf
Change of Life It will help her over tha dangerous place that appears la
her pathway between 40 and sa Then wHJ coma many years of truly
blissful existence. Vat will grow old alowbr and gracefully. To the tan
aba will preserve that charm and beauty which art always chuacttrlstti
of perfectly healthy grandmother*
. uittr Atviatii iiraiTßUT. - 8 .". f0r womeni atone to deddi
whether they wffl be batby or
sick. The remedy for their etetw
habicuaco. ciwnny, Ta. ness Is close at hand.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
p Always Bought
Bears the /. i
j Signature
For Over,
thirty YeiC