The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 04, 1900, Image 6
THE ONLY BIG SHOW To visit Brunswick this season m THE NAME 76 Years Catering toAmerican People OXO JOHN ROBINSON’S 10 Big* Shows In One In conjunction with the grand sublime spectanle of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The newest, Greatest and Richest Circus in America coming to Brunswick, December 12th Great World’s Exposition, 4 circuses in one. 2 menage riesinone. 2hippodromes. 1 gigantic museum. 1 grand Biblical spectrcle. 10 truly good shows merged into one. 1000 men, women and children. 200 horses. 60 ponie 30 camels, 2 herds of elephants, 50 cages, $ brass bands, 20 chariots. The circus features this season, obtained from America and Europe, will startle the world; nothing like them ever before presented in this country. A recent acquisition, a baby sea iion'born in Captivity, the only event of that kind that ever oCurred in America An Algerian cow. the only one'ever in America, 2o inches high. A herd of Philippine water buffalos from the island of Luzon, the only ones ever exhibited in America f ' A family of 20 black maned lions, o mammoth snow white polar bears, 6 royal Bengal tigers, Herd of sacred cattle from India. A feature of the'street parade: 30 camels driven to a 120,000 cnariot’ 40 Shetland ponies harnessed and driven at one time'. 10 handsome and costly traps’. The cages and chariots alone in this glittering procession, the only ones of the kind in the , United States, cost more .rVfjix \ money than the entire ■ outfit of any thfee or- Bp is 4|pp| dinary circuses. -c Don’t fail to see this * new and grand pro- cession .•’ Two pcrfoniuncos ’ daily, Main show opens at 1 and 7 p’. m'. amK BRUNSWICK. HMESkCAXL, DECEMBER 4, iwo ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining in tbe postoffice at Bruns wick, Ga., unclaimed, for the week ending Deo. 1,1900. B - Mrs. KVe Bitten, Odeltoßayley, Grace Brown. C—Mrs. C. M. Clark. U— B. M, Dixon. P— 4, B. Frazier, Mre. Hattie E. Fa* bria. G—Rosa Garvin. H—Mias Annie Hali. I— I,E. Irwin, J—Mias Sidney Jon°s, J. F. Jones. L-Lee Lawson, Miss Katie Lee, Mrs. Etn Lavine, M:ss Bertha Leon ard. t ; ; - ; uA M—Joe McCall, Johnnie N, Mack. N-M. C. Nrlson, P-Mre. Florida L. Petty, Henry Plreee. R—Misa July Kouae, ,S—Mise Carrie Stubbs, Louis Shelby, J. W. Steele. W-Mre. O. Willis (2), J. White, Preaton Woodcock' A. Wright, C. El mer Willie, Robbie Welter*, Mire Ee tella Wallao*. Partiee calling for letter* must tty advertised and pay one eeat. XXGISTXT SYS IBM, - f Patrous will pleass'take notice of the following: To insure dispstab upon the dsj pro looted, they shoald not be offered liter tbsn 4:80 p. tn.;Uter than this, they will not be dispatched from tbia office again for 34 boms. Registers travel peculiarly—they do not enjoy the privilege of traveling on all traine, as ordinary mail does ; they travel for safety, and not for speed. Another peculiarity about register'd 1\ that oft times goes far out of i di reot course in order to reach its desti* nation eafely. For inttanoe, all regis tered matter for Florida and Sooth* west Georgia south of Wnyoross, dis patched from this office, vrtfts’Savin nah first, before starting direotly for destination—thus consuming a long time in retching destination, but fi nally gets there. Remember, never register a letter for speed, but for safety. Dj so always. F. MoC. Brown, * Postmaster At oo time la man secure from at tacks of euob disorders of *be stomach as cholera morbus, cramps and diar rhoea; hut these complaints are com mon curing the heated term, when it Is dangeroue to neglect them, l’ain- Killer is a remedy that ha* never fail ed, and the severest attacks have been oured by it. Avoid substitutes. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davie’, 25o.and 500. The Quakers Are Honest People. *■•* The Quaker Herb Ton- Jc is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale. Weak fens and Debilitated peopln who have not strenifth nor blood. It act# as a tonic, it regulates di- W* '* gestion, caret dyspepsia % a Vx* and lenda strength and ' > h tone to the nervous eye tem. It is • medicine for weak woman. I* is n purely vegetable medicine, and on be taken bv the moet delicate. Kidney <JiMaa*-RbeuaaatDro and all diseases of .the Blood, Stomach and Xerve# *Wn succmmb to Its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people jo Georgia recommend QUAKrH PAINBALM is the med loine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothaohe, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprain*, Pain lb Bowel*; la fact, an pain can be relieved km it. Prioe 83c and 500. QUAKER WHITE wbXDER SOAP, a medicated soap lor th* akin, tcalp and complexion. Price 10c a oake. ■ QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a Vegetable ointtnent for the enre of tetter, edema and eruption* of th* akin. Prioe 100 a box. FOE SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. * PalkUTs Drug Store A Memorable and Snmptnons Exposition GRAND BIBLICAL SPECTACLE So’omoo, His Temple and the Queen of Sheba. ( The Eaquirer. The CommffVcial Ga zet'eand otber leading papers, both German mdEuglLb, of Cincinnati, are prolific In their praisea of this new and most taipreesive of all apeolaole^,which at an t-jtjmSße that won'd seem fabu lous, tlse rising macageri of John Robinson'a Great World’s Exposition produce ihts year in connection with their myriad other attractions. There is no sense so viyid, so lasting and so conclusive as the sense of see ing, and however studiously we may search the Scriptures or other sacred Malory, the ideas that we may form and the impression** we may receive con* coming the patriarch* and sages, and the scenes, incidents and events conse quent to their time, oau be but fraction ary aau imperfect. To have reproduc ed those personages and events and have placed tceneographic effect before you; to hear Solomon re-utter bis wise and prophetic words; to see In person Sheba's Illustrious Queco; and the pomp and clrcumitana* of her surs roundings; to view the great Temple of Solomon, not by description, but by actual inspection; to witness personal ly the sumptuous and resplendent fes tivals of tbe great Solomon's court— these are the inestimable privileges which the John Robinson Great World’s Ex position accords its patrons inajjbuoection with the great circus, the aaffithe royal Roman hip podrome, Tue spee’acln of Solomon, Ms 'Pimple, and the Quepo of Sheba, will be displayed here December 12, -- WEAKNESS CURED. I was troubled with severe female sy**! ness *nt a vet six months. 1 was tended by six vrry promioent physi- M, without any marked benefit. My last doctor was a skilled epeetal* Ist, and he told me tbe only hope lay in an operation. I heard of Smith’s Sure K dney Cure, and after using it for one month I fiad myself cured, and even tbe doctor who last treated me, cow pronounces me well. Mrs, J. R, Faver, Atlanta, Ga. Price 60 oents. For sale by all druggist*. While it is warm, you ebuu and have your wincr clothing put id good or der. Bee Jioq Curler. tirigkt’a Unease. . High living. Intemperance, (ipeanre-and many other thing* bring on Bright’s disease, •Foley'e Kidney Cure wilt prevent Bright's dis ease and alt other kidney or bladder dltorder* 1 f taken in time. Tate nothing else. W. J Chambeiialn's Sisauich and Liver Tal leti cure biiioutcees, oonsUpedou"tml headache They are easy to take end pkasant tn effect For sale at Bishop'* Ki ng Stor ..i. .1 .'-I MIII'IM . ~ 1IV,! i' .._ii (Mil I BfflliU SIM from tke many beautiful model! in our display of TRIMMED HATS then ascertain tba price. It will be leas than you think the hat is worth. Oar milliner* got the inspiration from ex pensive French models, but the mate rial and workmanship are American therefor* saueh cheaper, bat aona tka *•* good and artistic MISS UTS SLATER, mgdieVCBSTIB ST. ***** %JPF] has been sounded lo all iVian/ s . L, | kind—success unparalleled in /[(5 <wa<£U( || history of light has every-* \ ” where marked the - introduction of | &QHBMIAN rm™ ■ -King cl all Bottled Beer*.- | llt stands pre-eminent as the finest I'i I fjjSir ■ bottled beer brewed in America, If S / X Wi B and leads all others in annual L j H exportations to foreign countries, KfL I 1 il 9 Brrns-wick Wns’eea.e Wine and Liquor Cos. ■ BxXlSi;- PLANT SYSTEM PABBENGKR DEPARTMENT. k*a l> ii.jvCS r aKAO op . *o.. Time Table *o. K Wo>s# . „ *!> ocu,i*. Peger Mixed Faweagsr Mixed ... .... _pmi l; __o*n i . •**-■*** EEE' - i**A*m—• SS pI *”-' ~T Bruaewick u 00pm.... loenam.... —-r liiS 1 "”** ,2 ?? b®* - •* Waycroee I, lispm.... r.soxm... i a .....IS *... 10 15 pm... It Waycroee ar 4 00pm... S4Ssm.... • rge- l&rs,- s * p — Su£S:::::::::::::::: ,! IiS **—i IS •"*••• “ Albany It 1130 pm ........... 1% 10 pm... W kw... ar Iv aoem ,® S®” 1 -" “■ Ctorieeton It llutto... ............ llfiosm... 10 30pm... ar Jaeksonvltls Iv iooom s lOOOpm ar Tampa Iv s oopir ! VIA WAYCROSB A MONTGOMERY. SOOam... spm Iv Brunswick ar 600 pm 10 00 a m ' ............ ~. s|fi.m... ar Waycrodv lv llli" Jila *£>“•• ajS**--- M Montgomery !v .! “lylsS® :::::::::::: JWS MS fc iSSr E :::::::::: ' " ll): ' ■ '*■ _ “ _r " rT ' jr ' ( W -■ 1 •*' " VIA FAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. " ilmJS’ .* tJ k** •■ Lv lliuniwiok AT oO pm 10 03 am TANARUS"”".. ..!' A? * '? S* m At Savannah Lv ........ 520 am JiS’ 1 ™" Ar Cbarlettoi Lv ....... 11 Ism * SP®-- Ar Richmond I.V S6aa fOlarri., ii iiOpm . Ar Waatuniiaca Lv 4 ,S2“ m - i o **" Ar BaUtwS?^ 0 tj i’wra •• •;lr.;agal^.'jf:v:l BETWEEN BRPNBWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JEHUP. ..... <0 a.u, B D.i pm. lv Bfrmnvick S? —-' i'Yae'Wm 10IX am lai Savannah tv t”gS: iOOnS:’ Direct connection mad* at Wavcros* with Pullman Slespiug Cara roTall polnta Betwbm' Port Tampa. Key West ami Havana. GOING. | RETCaNIKG Lv Port 11 00 pm Mon. Thun. Sat. I Ar Port Tampa * SO am Thtir. Sun. ni Tues Ar Key OVprn Tnee. PeLSua i Lv Key Wwt lOOOp. m* Wed. Bat. and Mon. Lv Key \%e*t 800 pmTuea. Prl Sunday jAr Bey Went Odpra Wed. Sat. and Mon Ar Havana 5 00 am Vfed. Sat Mon | Lv Havana 5 SO pm Wed. dot. and Mor, W UMK9H All All% \ A?; Whin the liquids cone from'v.'i _ •*>- dock. We carry duck a tine line of Wines and Liquors ■—.w H ~~ lhst lt is t 0 find a brand ‘Ny which ia not pleasing i- some point, ~ '-.A g Thee* goods are !.j'.l_v matured. JPfpttr . have a fine r'ch boly aui mellow and Eveelieot for family or any us?. R- V- DOUGLAS. BgJ ”- 1 JU-.-'J! 1 . 1 * 1 , 1 !!! 1 11 1 ... ll ,” llll ™Lf. . ■■■. Ll. 1,.!" 1 , !E_!— "SSI" ■jW' l J'JgJ4 J. J. LISSNER, WHOLES \LE Groceries, Tobacco, (Flour, Bacon and Provisions,* GRAIN, HAY AND BRANXsPECIALTO 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Geobria.' mJ W. H. BOWER 1 OOTViTRACTORdI 9 AINJCD Of Stone* Brick and Frame flaildiav waUTUtlMd^KEadlatlM