The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 04, 1900, Image 7
Only Few More Weeks And ThenTC H RISTMAS! Can you afford to wait, until the last day and then have to take something you don’t exactly want ? Our advice to you, is to come now, look around and if you don’t see exactly what you want let us order it for you, that we haven’t the goods, or that we have goods too fine, and then send away Hull I for what you want, BUT CALJ4 AND LOOK anc * P™ ce anc * to us a^out what you want and we will guarantee that we will please you and give you exactly what you want and at the right prices. Besides we are right here at home and if the goods don’t suit you we can exchange them for you, uhtil you do get exactly whatyou want. Here is a Partial List of What We Carry in Stock, Read it. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry ot all kinds, Sterling and Plated, Flat, Hollow and Novelties in Sil verware, clocks, Cut Glass, leather Purses, Rich Fans, Gold Pens, French China, Statuary, Potte ry, Opera Glasses, Spetacles, and Eye Glasses, Gold andSilver Headed canes, and Umbrellas, Fine Lamps, curios Souvenirs, Etc. Our stock is finer, larger and better than for years you can be suited. Grand Prize Giit / ls * Prize —Fine Oxidized Silver Clock valued at flODrawing from November Ist, to December 31st, 1900 2nd Prize—A pair of fine large Vases valued at $lO. FREE—AJiandsome calendar to all who purchase $lO ((ffe These expensive presents are given away absolutely worth FREE, as a compliment to my customers, Every pur- \\e give Silverware Stamps, Ask for them, and also v /Jj) chase to the amount of $1 ,00 entitles you to a ticket FREE, your tickets, YOU'ARWNVITED TO CALL AND LOOK. WE WILL GLADLY SHOWYOU AROUND 213 NEWCASTLE ST. KENNON MOTT AND BRUNSWICK, GA. rYl— IN \J IN IVI\J 1* ? GRADUATE OPTICIAN Time Daily From Washington by wire, Inspector of watches For Southern Railway HrEPAN-S rboies find A Good Prescription ~ for mankind e*—* *. D, (Si jsnds r ImM pali, bduai dMi, ni msteuzj&JLxiHm jFfeUY MiE GENUINE Tyb# of figs aVFAOTUIUB> BT ... CALIFOHA FIQ SYRUP CO. CWOTI IH* **Ml ca4toria Fori Mants and CMldran. Die Kind fteu Have Always Bought ftigaALwe Pn^V 2T , Wall Paper AT|THX — PAINT STORE, 502 Monk!St. WiH. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. ifingBRUNBWIO* DECEMBER 4 1900 Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat tnd Lungs. Thlf Medicine positively contains ns opium or other drugs injurious to tha stomach. 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle, at druggist* THf DR. J. H. MOLEAN MEDICINE 00., TANARUS, LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY W J.’BUTTS, The Druggist. WHEN LAGRIPPE ’ BEGINS, CURE IT! i %n w.u, th. tiKii oi uertpy* n4qaldn*Jeth>. ofum —a— < joisors CHILL l FE7EH TOIIC ! Cure* la a Day or Night. Ho had (ITHU nr. felt ana TOO dont . havwtwsmtjoarMlfooa.tenUyai.t a* Us a. you do with quintan. Mr. V. V., ml Ob wax a, wrlto* (hot night d0... token to on. i day oarwd him aompl.Mly. t. *ui 1 cur. you. tCka.p.r batuo If ttourea. Mo* w, cant If n daw aoo own. A. B. OIftARDEAti. Sovoonob. da. The'TiMES-CAiiL job [office is now In full'blait again and those |who desire to tare money let It bid on tbair work. Best workmen |and| beat equipped, 3 NEAR BEING A BIG FIRE. Cotton in Kaiser's Store Caagit Yesterday. About 4:30 yesterday afternoon a large pile of cotton, a boy and a match, caused a great deal of exoltement in the dry goods department of Messrs. A, kaiser & Bro. The boy had been sent for some ar tiole near the pile of ootton, and it being almost dark, he struck a match . A part of the match’s bead flew off just as it Ignited, and this pieoe struok the ootton, Io less time than it takes to tell it the ootton waa in a blaze, and all bands set to work to extin guish the flames. In the meantime, the Are department was aeot for, and It oame down Nejeoaatia at a 2.20 gait, bat the worker* at th* store had *OO - io getting! Sburning ootton ou* before it arrilfcd: ft la oertalnly luoky that tßMllra waa oenfloed to tb* •Mall pil* of ootton, baeanaeif the flame* had ever got a good start, the whole store, and probably the blook, would hate been consumed. Tb* dam age !■ let* thaQ.tSO.QQ. Don’t be drtalvod or humbugged by (people who claim the discovery of eome hitherto uo known herb or root In inrunpe, or on tout mountain or prairie for the care of kidney end bladder troubles, Any doctor; or druggist with tell you that each claims or fraudulent. Foley’. Kidney Core simply oonlalns remedies that are recognized by the most skilful pbyelclone ae beet for tbeeo complaints, so don’t be eredulotu or foolish, W.J.Uutu, SSOO Reward. ||We will pay the above reward for any cbbc of hirer Complaint, Dyupcpma, Bfck Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Coativeness we cannot cure with Llvornta, the Up-to-Date I.ittfe I.iver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to glvo satisfaction. 23c bores contain 100 pills, )0o boxes contain 40 pills. So lioxei,contain 13 pills, itowarcof sal,- stitutca and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NIC R VITA MKDICAI, C)., cor. Clin ton and J tekoon Sts., Chicago, 111. For saloby Urown Drug Cos.. Brunswick, us Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aide Nature lu strengtbeping and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gana. It lathe latestdlscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Plcesoc and 21. Large site contains 1% timet small site Book all aboutdyspopsiaimtlledfret Prepar'd fev E C. OeWITT & CO.. Chicago. W. J. BUTTS. to-' tl Mgfi <f U t ti A nothing ho ood“ as Chamberlain’ll Psin Balm Trv It. For sale at Dr. Bishop’s drug store.■§ Mrs. T. Briddlemao, of Partballvllle Mioh., waa troubled with salt rheum for thirteen years and bad tried a number of dootors without relief. Af ter two er three applieatlone of Ban-, ner Balya, her bands beoame better, and in a short time she wit entirely eii red. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, et. J. W; Watkins*. Ton can’t afford to ciak your life b>.allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troublee quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctor nse it as a specific rowHtq,e. It Is an infallible remedy H fr croup. Children Uke It and ers tiudortu it, W 4, tYOUR FACE IS YOUR FORTUNE. Throw avrav Cosmetics. American Women throw away seventy-five million , doll arß annually for fac pow lers, lotions, etc., mo which are m ado of fiiUtnnce ft stroy the eki n. To union f rural,Ro Ltealthy Complexion,get s' VrRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples, Treckleß, blackheads, and all oemplexloual imperfections. Absolutely harmless. RoruHs guaranteed. Write for particulars. Price SB.OO by mai Gloves $2.00 and $2.50. VIRGIN RUBBER CO„ No West 14th St N. Y Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. Opera House Three Rights One Maiine COMMENCING MONDAY, DEC. 3rd. Robson Theater Cos, IN REPERTOIRE. HEW PLAYS: HEW SPECIALTIES PRICES IOC. 1 1. Money loaned‘on property 'l