The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 05, 1900, Image 1

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■ • . •- THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI . NUMBER 91. NICARAGUAN ROUTE IS THE MOST FEASABLE ■ v;W~ l ' ~ 'RIS?PSrt of the Canal Com mission Yesterday. ADVANCES OVER the Iwiial It TO Tails AW Ten fears. Nicaraguan Officers fceim to Be Very Much Interested in the Project. >•, Dec 4.—The report of the isihmLn usual a lnmfcselnp and submit.t-il by the president to enatrees toil ay. I', give* as .the mian'tnoue em clußtoa ot That body that the ' most practicable and feaaible route tor the isthmian canal under tb control and management and*hip of the Un ited States ie known as the Nicaraguan route ” The estimated coat of the route Is placed at •200,640,000. The commis sion also estimates the coat of the canal by the Panama route at %142,343,5?9 ac cording to one route, or $160,078,4*3 ac cording to the another. As between the Nicaragua and Pana ma routes the commission sums up a number of advantages favorable to the former. Thorough investigation has been made, not only of the Nicaragua and Panama routes, but of other, puss iblt routes, ths ommleeioo keeping jn mind the industrial, commercial, and military value of an inter-oceanic ca nal, and also tbe rights, privileges, and necessary to be secured for the construction of a canal under the control, management, and ownership of the United States. Along tbe Nicaragua route it is found that the abort section of a partially constructed can il is perhaps in as good shape today as when the work wa3 stopped. The buildings, however, are ail rotten and dredges, boats, etc., are worthies?, . ■*. A NGLOPH OB 8 Jk. MONSTR AXIOM. Cologne, Deji.— The smoldering feeling? of Tuitone Which had held in check tbrough : inspire and ajpclo of the official pres, Often empire, regarding nuani- ' of sympathy f r the 80-r eaus®urst forth this evening, when an dcmon&traTon cccurrtd to- j front tflea British consulate! bf. Mounted police dispersed tbe 1 and arrested the leaders. Sere us and ovations to Kruger which iSmbeea planned by various societies ■A be in prohibited m tbe alleged In* teF 1 ot P ufclic Ra,et r> gßiatinee today at B. WILL BEGIN WORK TODAY Oyster Factory is Sow snt for Business ■L‘' v v_v >V22!S(L. \ SvljK-‘-.i Thei Alkcu Canning Qohipanv wiiP b -*g?B work today, Ail the aasthfo; tf >’ l oiil* it* position, ami every thing Ur in readineih Several cargoes of oys ters are espeese<l to arrive at ths fac tofj this morning and ihe hands will be put t > work, Mr, Abrsms said to a Time*.Can. re .. -•' '-s. .*. * that tun company would either purchase or lease a steam bust Shortly tube used at the factory Vary often it occurs that the's'mall sailing craft Is delayed, and the seam er will ha used to tow them to the factory, THE OAY ELECTION. It Will Occur on Tuesday, December Tweltth. The last election of 'vhe present year will occur next Tuesday and tfie av erage ctt'zea yvl Ibe g'ad that ad ara over. The ticael re cently nominated by the Good Government Club composed of tbe following, will hare no opposition. For Mayor, N. Emantte'; for aider men, J. E du Bignon, A. E. Wecjs O. McGarvey, J. C. Calhoun, Matinee today at 3. PEE TTY CHRISTMAS EDITION, i Tikks-Cali. Will Issue One on Sunday, December 10 th Sol.citors for the pretty Christmas edition of the Times-Call are on their rounds now and from present indica tions all tbe leading merchants and business men will have advertisements in tbe same. Tills paper will be one of tbe prettiest ever issued from a Brunswick print ng press and will go to tbe homes of every citizen in the city. Those who have not alnady done c-o stnuld bur soace at once. MUST PAY DEBTS L, D?o,4.—The Duke of Man chester will have to pay bis debts be fore he can enter ehe house of lords. Large assortment of Capes and Jack ets—latest styles. At yonr J. H. Heller A Bro. BRUNSWICK, GA. TUEISDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1900. ■ ill ■ IIP IHf Spscial flrler tf Senate Cali. ' ... •’ * -y . ;;x. V’ in, i hi For Several Bills to Gome Be fore His Pot • Measure. \yusiiiiigtOn, Dee 4 —fife actuate ■committee on Intcr-ooeanic canals held a meeting today to consider the status, -ttf the Nicaragua cans!bril- r' ■ *"■ * • ’ • • 'i A The bill la the special , order' oi the senate-for next Monday,'Abut’ thera^a#: the part' of tfie repbhds miis^geri - to have it postponed -ToHlrei a time at lagst pan-ling the hoi}rt|er4- tlou of tbe subsidy Shipping , bill and tbe, : Hay-Paua6e-'fcte4|itty. V Mraqmr mlltee did not Vacb any defifttlu con dition, but Scnatoi- M.>i‘gaS ;n*pressed a wiTiugeors. that the tr. aty aTi>l h U b- Mdv besets , - ,-f ... CHUslliilt. ‘ ' ■ ■>' -We-.- i AT THE OR AST). > v. 'J’he R*bon Tbestre Cos. presentrd last night “Roanoke,” t story of old virgini*, to a fair and well pleased bouse. Mollie Nelson’s “Doublure,” in tbs title role, earned the plaudit* hf the audiehce by her good portrayal 'of the jfSor blind girl's character, < W. T. Hibaon, as “Joe Peyton,” cleverly presented an imbecile’s pose* anil sayings. Katherine Glenn, as “Aunt Dinah,” gave a very ampsing delineation of the good old black mammy’* character, whose love for her white old maesa's children, was ever uppermost in her mind. „ Tbe balance of the cast did well. Today this company closes its'en gagtriasnl here, giving tbe “Inventor" at matinee, and Dumas’ masterpiece, “Camille,” at night. APPROPRIATION BILL Report Received on Legislative, Exec utive and Jodielary Budget. Washington, Dee. 4.—The commit tee on appropriation* #f the house to day completed the legislative, execu tive, and judiciary appropriation bill. Tbe bill curries $24 496,508, being $903,001 lees tbsr. the estimates, and $229,498 more than carried by thnjhrc*- ?ot law. TURdULENT TIBER. Rome, Dec. 4. —The river Tiber fcrs floods! the oonotry. Its bank* have g'ven way between tbe bridg-s of Cas tor and Garibaldi. The damages canted are estimated at seven and a hair mil lion lirei. You have often paid $l,O for a shirt. Look at our SI.OO kind, and aee if we do not equal it, J. H. Haller & Bro. IMS v- ... ••' "*• - • >* 1 '-i. ' - jjV-v. ttw I® It ffas Tsb Long. . %. - J ‘ -. 13 1 CHINESE CHAPTER ° *,T* vfe V- • • ‘ Th.ey Do Not Seem to; Like the Nicaraguan Paragraph Very Well. %■ "• " ■- m> Upadon, Dec. 4.—“ Mercifully” -ays thePatl Mali Gazette, “not even tho (tSOuscioutioua Renter has cabled the itfljl lb columns ot I’resUleut Mcßm tej's mesaago. t-' This was wire, since uo English pap: •Sr'ijpWd possibly have printed it to ißeffiectssiry exclusion from lie pages of afeeuloal beer other things that realiy do stfr the great heart of the people. The most interesting scone, Uoweyer, China, is given fully, but it cabhot be said that Us length Is equiva lent to it* strength.” : '>- airs it# gltra jlngoiatie liimtdns. or wßioh'-T* wiT al'tMl>r "i>.i monopoly. Taking for Its tert the reference to the isthmian canal, It de clares that Washington is net “entitl ed to override our treatv secured rights in any part of Central America, ex cept with the consent of our govern ment. “Tho Hay-Paunccfote compromise goes farthest in extreme conciliation and represent* this country’s very last word, and tbe United State* muit eith er accept the propoeal a* it stand* or abide by the ruling of the Claytons Bulwertreaty, however embarra<eing ts provisions way ba to American im perialism.’’ EARLY MORNING FIRE. Two House? I)-stroyp‘1 on B Street— Flrem?'t Did Qcd Work, An hlirm of tire was telephoned the department at 12 :30tt is morning. The bl*z> w(* iooated in ths ons-etory frame hrine occup ed by M-g; N. B. Wbe. ler, corner B and I, streets. Tbe flstnes had gained good headway, and the adjoining house, oo ouibtd by Brnu Taylor, colored, was alio ablaze. Both bouses were de stroyed, bu' meet of the furniture Was sav*d. Oot of tbe hou-es was owned by Mr . Georgia Ulsch, and wae partly ic.ured Tue other wa? owned by Mr, L. R. A'lten. It is not known whether r r not it Ws insured. NEWSPAPER TRUAI. Dublin, aiyst • ll^iiee new.paper t ru ,, | fortu rg In London wh <:b v 11 1 cm r,l 'arge weekly sheets an welt rb sa*o- of tbe leading mornil g si <j e <•- nir.g dallie* in the metropolt-. The consolidated interests of tie virion? pap?r. it ia es'imated, will aggregate not lees than five million pounds ($25.- 000,000). Operations will begin with the new year. _ _ ' \ ■ ■ I' “ ' L I *'l 1 * '' * ' ' ■ ~ jl I*. ,II,L |J i THE BOXER MOVEMENT IS NOT ENDED AS YET '•; = Twenty Germans Were Kill ed Yesterday DOINGS OF THE COURT. lost of Morflay Gon snii liy Moyer-Loew m oiistoiii Gasp. The Superior court was In session ltio yesterday, bgt %nly a few oases were tried. The case of Frederick Meyer vs. V. Loewoastein took up moat of the day. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, The grand jury held a sessionduring the morning'; ; an,d -returned several arns bii!e v are the-cases that were disposed of: B'. J.-DiiMn vs. D. If. Ling, and Hilton & Dodge Lumber Cos., girni ■hee—garnishment; alHdavit of ille gality. Verdict in favor of affidavit ot illegality, Frederiok W. Meyer vs. V. Lcewen stein —laborer’s hen. Verdiot for plaintiff. Southern Historical Association vs. T. \V. Lambs—oamplaint. Verdiot for plaintiff. H. 11. Coßan & Cos. vs. J. H. Saar lett—doing business as Brunswick Transferee. Appeal. On trial. MAY REDUCE PENSION LIST, A Dill to Limit State Allowances Re ported Favorably. The bill introduced in tho senate by Senator Smith to confine the enjoy ment of soldiers’ and widows’ pensions to persons who have not so much as SI,OOO in property nor so much as $250 a year income has been reported fav orably. Tho bill by Mr, Chappell to author ize the sale or lease ot the public com mons at Columbus uassed. Mr. Al len’s bill to empower the clerk of tho supreme court and his deput es to ad minister oath? anil attest legal instru ments a f-c went through. MILLt’AKF EVACUATION. Sin Juan, Dec. 4.--By December 14, all of the United States troops will have left f|i island of Puerto Ricj. This v/tll be the ilrs time in many cantori s that the island will be free of troops RtlODEd RETAINED. New York, Dec 4.—Uriah Rhode# was choten as skipper of the new de fender of the America’* cup. Capt, Rhode* is well known in yachting cir c\e. URICE FIVE CENTS. ATTACKED BY ARMY OF THE HEATHENS It Was a. Case or Many Apiast Few. A Boxer Paraded and Then Turned Over to the Government for Beoapitatian, Shanghai, Dec. 4.—lt is reported that tho Germans lost 20 killed and many wounded west of Fao Tiog Fu, where they were attacked by 2.500 Buxers. A quantity of loose powder exploded in the a senal occupied by the Rus sians. ft. is f-apn“*crt the cxplosiou was caused by two Chinese emoa,„ a . Both Chinamen were killed. Ting Wang Huan, tho author of tha outrages upon the Pao Ting Fu mis sionaries, arrived today and Wa3 parad ed through the Victoria road in a cart under a strong Gorman previous to being handed over to tho provisional government for decapitation. CRASHING COLLISION. Sunset, Col., Deo. 4.—A terrible col lision occurred today at this point be tween construction and freight trains of the Southern Paeifio. Five persons were killed outright and twenty-two badly Injured. COMMISSIONERS MEET. The county commissioners ot Glynn county held tbelr regular monthly meeting in their roams at the court house yestorday morning. Nothing of importance was done, only routine bu-iness being tran>acted. SHIPPING REPORT; OorreoteJ Daily by Capt. Otto Johannessn Port of Brtmswiek, Dtc. 4,1909. Spoken schooner Edith and May Kelly, New York for Jacksonville off Brunswick bar, all well.Jt It HI v lif>. S. S, Car'b, Ingram, Ports, Burk 15 an.c, Cutsaaovs, St. Dclle— p*ine, Sjpalo. Bohr. Mabel Hooper, Porto Plata. Schr. John 11. Buttrick. Sprague* Sagua. CI.KafIKD. Bark Viueta Nor, Pedorsjn, Glas gow, Schr., Frederick Hoeasecer, East man, Bridgeport via Satilla. FOR RENT,-Unfurnished room*. J with u*e of bath, at 700 G street.